Saving lives through concerts
Jul 16 2005
survey of 10,000 Africans to gauge opinions hinted at some
answers. The majority blamed their own politicians (49 per cent)
for the continent�s woes, compared to 16 per cent who blamed
former colonial powers, and 11 per cent rich countries.
Europe Urge Peaceful Resolution of Ethiopian Election Disputes
Jul 14 2005
unusual joint U.S.-EU statement followed the release last Friday
of partial results showing the ruling Ethiopian People's
Democratic Front holding a narrow edge over the opposition
coalition in the battle for control of the 547-seat parliament.
14 2005
Though he did not elaborate, a number
of Ethiopians living in the Washington area -- there are about
300,000 in the region and more than a half-million in the United
States -- said the Ethiopian government is under many pressures,
including that of families in Badme that balk at being turned over
to Eritrea.
14 2005
What is needed at this juncture
is a coherent policy on Africa and a subtle approach -- both of
which seem to be lacking at the moment
partial election results promise close race Jul
11 2005
ruling party and opposition groups were virtually neck and neck
after the first partial official election results were released on
over Ethiopia poll probe
main opposition party has withdrawn from panels investigating
complaints, the European Union representative in Ethiopia, Tim
Clarke, told the BBC.
CUD was angry when some officials were blocked from taking part, he
Who Saved Birhan Woldu's life? Jul 7 2005
What Birhan Woldu's story really symbolises, distorted as it has been by the 'media cyclone' that Brian Stewart describes, is that this Live 8 circus has nothing to do with starving children, and is really All About Us. We are shown old footage that makes us cry so that we can feel better about ourselves today; we are presented with a beacon of hope from Africa and told that all the credit should go to us. This is a grotesque insult to those like Birhan Woldu, who should have lived to tell their own story - not to have it fictionalised into a poster child for Western self-congratulation.
Has Live 8 helped to make poverty history?
Jul 7 2005
the true measure of whether Live 8 has helped to make poverty
history is whether the millions who watched and listened to the
concert on Saturday have subsequently been inspired to take action
by sending Tony Blair an email, text message or letter to urge him
to make poverty history.
moral, political and financial corruption in NGOs � an early reply
to Mr. S. Hattotuwa. H. L. D.
Mahindapala Jul 7 2005
NGOlogists talk glibly of pluralism, multiculturalism, democracy,
liberalism but the main thrust of their political programmes have
gone along with mono-ethnic, mono-cultural, anti-democratic,
anti-liberal fascism of one�man rule in the Vanni.
fatigue, cynicism could lead to millions of deaths in Ethiopia, UN
children�s agency warns
July 6 2005
diseases and malnutrition on average kill up to half a million
Ethiopian children a year � more than the entire population of
Edinburgh, close to the site of the G8 Summit of the world�s most
industrialized nations, which kicked off today.
UNICEF calls for end to compassion fatigue over Ethiopia�s dying
Despite the enthusiasm surrounding the Live 8 concerts in the run up to the G8 summit meeting, donors are showing increasingly worrying signs of compassion fatigue over the plight of Ethiopia�s severely malnourished and dying children, UNICEF warned today.
Western Aid facilitated death and destruction
July 6 2005
laudable notion of making poverty a thing of the past is something
that many Westerners have found attractive in recent times. There
has indeed been a strong philanthropic tradition amongst the common
people in the West for many decades.
is becoming increasingly difficult to persuade people that this is a
global scandal," said Bjorn Ljungqvist, UNICEF Representative
in Ethiopia, stressing that major donors are not stepping up fast
enough to provide vital funding for a package of life-saving
treatments, screenings and other interventions.
Eritrea source of instability in region - Ethiopian, Sudanese FM
July 2, 2005
Ethiopian minister told reporters "the challenges we face from
our neighbors Eritrea have still Eritrea and the government of
Eritrea remains to be a factor of instability in our region. And we
are calling on the international community and particularly the
Eritrean people to see, to reason to tame their government and to
join us in rather building peace and stability and development in
the region rather than to remain as a factor of instability in the
region". |