Editor�s Note:
I often observe a type of reasoning, identified by logicians under
the general name of argumentum ad hominem, used by a
number of Ethiopians writing essays posted in Websites or writing
synaptic remarks in Internet Chat groups on political issues, such
as Getachew Reda and others. I find the piece by Getachew Reda,
which is posted herein below, most illustrative of such logical
malady. Despite the fact of misleading quotations offered out of
context by Getachew Reda, we posted the article as an
illustrative example that will help us focus on issues and not
personalities. However, I am not undermining the force of this form
of fallacy because on first blush, at least on the surface, appears
to be an effective tool in exposing the error of an opponent, but is
disappointingly hollow on closer scrutiny. It only momentarily
divert our attention from the basic issue at hand because it does
not address the point of contention on that particular issue-on-hand
and diverts our attention on to the opponent�s individual
character or alleged past errors. It is a particular type of argumentum
ad hominem sometimes also identified as a Red Herring
or a Straw Man argument. The technical name for such
type of fallacious argument is Argumentum ad Tu Quoque
or "two wrongs make right" fallacy.
"Tu Quoque is a
very common fallacy in which one attempts to defend oneself or
another from criticism by turning the critique back against the
accuser. This is a classic Red Herring since whether the accuser is
guilty of the same, or a similar, wrong is irrelevant to the truth
of the original charge. However, as a diversionary tactic, Tu Quoque
can be very effective, since the accuser is put on the defensive,
and frequently feels compelled to defend against the
accusation." S. Morris Engel, With Good Reason: An
Introduction to Informal Fallacies, 5th
edition, St. Martine�s, 1994, pages 204-206.
I am going to some
length pointing out the danger of using this form of writing because
similar format is used also to justify the brutal and murderous
activities or actions of a group by indicating that there are also
similar activities or actions by other groups. In other words, �two
wrongs make a right� form of reasoning�a tu quoque
fallacy. In our Ethiopian setting, I find some Ethiopians justifying
or defending the actions of the government of November 1, 2005 and
after by pointing out alleged violence by the Opposition
supporters and leadership against the security forces of the
Government of Meles Zenawi. In case of Getachew Reda�s attempted
refutation of a portion of my article on disobedience, truth, and
human rights, dealing with recent essays by Professor Getatchew
Haile, Getachew Reda used the classic example of tu quoque
argument by quoting from a couple of books I wrote in 1995 and 1999
where allegedly I was slurring Tygreans as a group, thus justifying
Professor Getatchew�s writing that I have identified in my article
as an attack on an ethnic (Tygreans) group. Do two wrongs turn into
right? On just such ground we can simply ask Getachew Reda to go
back to the drawing board and write his criticism of my essay
without such fallacious rhetorical devices.
Even if we accept the
allegation of Getachew Reda of my anti-Tygrean writings as quoted by
him as true, we must also accept the larger fact that looms that
after all I am an "equal opportunity" critique, not a
Tygrean or Amhara, or Oromo narrow nationalist or ethnic chauvinist.
There is no substitute for correct and logical reasoning. Any form
of slanter/rhetoric device used by cleaver writers or by writers
unknowingly falling into the use of such device because it is
appealing to the emotion, looks convincing on the surface,
seems an unassailable et cetera, are not doing anyone a favor,
but dirtying the water and mangling the discourse, and diverting the
attention of readers away from the real issues. Tecola Hagos
Have not Changed Far Enough. Change is Difficult
(This is my response to Prof.Tecola)
Getachew Reda
(San Jose, California)
(November 28, 2005)
As readers and you remember, last time on
EthioMedia. com,
I have written a response to your critique of the opposition and in
general the current political atmosphere in Ethiopia and the
Diaspora opposition groups. (This time I SENT YOU THIS ARTICLE TO BE
well remember also, it looks you didn�t bother too much to
response to my questions knowing there were some issues needed a
response. You simply bit it with the common habit of the
Ethiopian educated elites response �go back and read the whole
article carefully� type of attitude as if I do not understand your
writings or as if I pick one phrase out of the entire content. This
is not unusual for educated sectors with such. Gelawdewos Araya is
the other individual who like to do the same when he feels uncertain
to response to his own writings (interviews) caught with his own
of the OLFities too like to tone themselves in such attitude when
they failed to understand their own position.
Therefore, please do answer my critiques properly instead of
simplify it as if I lack understanding your writings or as if I took
a single line out of the entire content of the view. I am also
positive; none of you needs optical magnification to read my
writings. All my critiques were based on your comments. Your
comments against Hailu Shaul- an opposition leader suffering inside
the �Weyane-Gulags� worried me so much than ever before, when
you accused opposition leader something that didn�t came across
his head (he is just not a violence, he is not the way you or the
TPLFities portrait him unfairly).
There was many ways TPLF government tried to portrait Hailu Shaul to
let the public know as if he was brutal Mengistu�s partner. Such
was an absurd failed propaganda that went flat before it floats to
the air. There was nothing about him that the public didn�t
already know about him or his past. There is uncertainty. The
very fact the term uncertainty I am using here is significant. What
was worrying this writer so much as tried to understand many of the
x-TPLF supporters, the analysis of politics many TPLFIties use, even
after they left the old TPL universe behind them is a concern to me.
Not all, but some of them are engaged and took a position
controversy to what the public expected from them (look what Abraham
Yayeh�s and Hailu Mengesha�s position of arguments look like!).
Many of them- one of them is �you�, produce a doubtful political
analysis. Their theoretical prediction (political theory) is bizarre
or utopian. At times their writings conflict each other. At time,
they reflect racist satiric. Beyond this points, other concepts
apply: - some of it is the following; - many of the x-TPLF
supporters seem to react or has difficulty going along with the new
change. They react to the new wave as �Amahara plot�, �Mehar
Sefari, Shewa plot, Ankorobit�s plot, Nefetenga Revolution�.�
Their position of argument in such analysis is short of current
reality when establish such. They seem to fall easily to the TPLF
propaganda trap. I am expecting a brilliant explanatory debates from
educated fellows better than the irrational at times absurd
accusations pouring against the �Ethiopian�-opposition leaders
currently their live in danger.
In many cases, I found many of the x-TPLF supporters conflicting
with the present struggle. The current legitimate oppositions are
too precious for many of us to sit and watch degraded their
contribution by people who are not better fighters than them. We
simply cannot offered to lose them or let them be battered or abused
by Internet lecturers. We got those leaders finally aligned to one
focus through many difficulties and sacrifices. We can�t offer to
dehumanized them or accuse them of any, to expose them to be easy
prey to the Pistol Packing Gangs of the wild-eyed
terrorists of TPLF security spy and cadres or any anti Ethiopian
secessionist petty feudal gangs. Let us not forget, that the
struggle we are talking about is as fresh as we speak. Therefore,
when you look at one opposition individual as Haile Shaul � you
are looking at Millions behind him, and it is not positive to hammer
him or others while their life is at the mouth of the TPLF hyenas.
We have to learn from the previous lessons not to give an inch of
any open space for Meles to murder them. Let us post pond our sward
if any for later.
The stand of the x-TPLF elements and other so called educated
elements need to stop tantrum like a child to accuse the CUDP
opposition as anti TPLF or anti Tigrayians. TPLF /EPRDF needs to be
knockout from the gripping power. Professor Tecola needs to stop
confusing readers playing with words. Your writings are true
indication that you have not changed far enough. Let us now see why
I do not support your views.
When professor Getachew Haile used the word TPLFities (which I
always use it. Though mine is TPLFitis � the �itis� in
the medical term means infection- TPLF infected by Eritrean fighters
and anti Ethiopian mercenary spy cadres commanding inside in it. )
which professor Tecola defines it as a meaning reference to
�Tigreans�. It is absurd for Tecola to go with such definition (TPLFities
as to meant or reference to Tigreans). For professor Tecola or other
x-TPLF officials or members seem increasingly, become uncertain
about what to make a definition of TPLF on their theory of TPLF.
They are caught in the middle of love and hate about this mercenary
organization called �TPLF�. I understand it is a tough love.
They needed to fully alienate themselves from such mercenary
organization. It is now clear (if such definition could have been
given years back I could see the confusion), but TPLF is not a
Tigrayian organization work for Tigrayans at this moment of time any
more, or even from the origin of the time of Dedebit if you like!
So, needed to be �looked�. To �Look at it� means to �Knock
it out� (Werner Heisenberg- the uncertain principle- a German
nuclear scientist). In other words to dismantled and explode it into
pieces. That is what you and others must in practice do as you wrote
it in your book � TPLF must be dismantled�.
For Getachew Haile to use the term �TPLFities� in reference to
TPLF sympathizers/supporters/ or collaborators is a perfect acronym.
It is what I call it �TPLF Community� (not Tigrayian community).
In your definitions, �TPLFitiets� as to meant �Tigrayan people�
has no bases at all. We believe TPLFities (TPLF organization) must
be dismantled as you said it in your book �Demystifying political
thoughts..� and replaced by enlightened one. Because TPLF is
as you said it � Almost all of the Ethiopia�s current problems
were magnified, and some new ones were created by the leadership of
TPLF� which �TPLF� was also founded by the same leaders.
Therefore, we call those �Chifras�
(followers- sycophantic subordinates) the source energy of the TPLF
leadership as �TPLFities.
Are Tigrayan people TPLF Chifras?
If they follow TPLF as their organization then so be it. They
deserve to be called TPLFietes if truly are TPLF followers. I don�t
think Tigrayans are TPLF Chifras. How so? How can they worship
young feudal elites who forced TPLF guerrilla fighters to go and die
for Eritreans in order to gave away their ports and lands to their
enemy on the process to land lack Ehiopia their country? As you
stated it in your book, � It is truly mind boggling
for such semi-urbanized peasant boys from little towns in Tigraei or
elsewhere, to be jet-setting all over the World as adults oblivion
of the suffering of millions of Ethiopians!� Only TPLFieties
follow such organization, which is whole heart an Eritrean advocacy
commanded and supervised, by former EPLF fighters and enemy spy
agents. TPLF is not a Tigrayan by nature. It is a Tigrayan curse, an
Eritrean organization masquerading Tigrayan organization. If it fits
well- will you like it if I use your term �Mehal Sefaris� to
replace TPLFieties?
How can Tecola gets agitated by Getachew Haile�s usage of the term
TPLFitiies or Hailu shawul�s (the current legitimate Ethiopian
opposition leader suffering inside the TPLF Gulag) speech as �
being belligerent�, when Tecola himself didn�t get agitated in
his own writings what he had to say about the people of Tigray? What
if Tecola is challenged by Hailu Shaul or Getachew Haile to explain
what he meant when Tecola wrote in his book of Demystifying
Political Thought on page 62 � There is no doubt to the fact
that Tygreans in general have a much more pronounced narrow ethnic
chauvinistic attitude than most Ethiopians; as individuals, they are
the most materialistic and narcissistic.� What could be
the reaction of Tecola or any other Tigraway if
such was suppose to be written by Hailu Shaul? Can anyone of you
guess and tell me what the reaction and the anger of scream could
have been reflected from the TPLFitis community or from any Tigrayan
community, if Hailu Shaul could have said this in the public
gathering or on any media interview?
You have also expressed your disappointment by professor Getchew
Haile and other similarly disposed (your word) �intellectuals �.�
Regarding the economic growth in Tigray
stating your reasons as the following ��. should
have contained an explicit expression of approval for the
development taking place in Mekele and vicinity and a demand that
the same degree of development effort should be exerted to develop
other urban magnet centers in Wollo, Begemider, Gojjam, Bale,
illubabur, Harar� rather than engage in brow-beating, lamenting
and accusing the government of Meles of taking property away from
the rest of the of Ethiopia.�
professor Tecola:- First of all, it is helpful to both sides to come
to a term the amount of finance and material allocated to Tigray and
when (period) such development in Tigray took place and under which
leadership? Are we talking �now� or when Gebru, Seye and others
were leaders in Tigray from 1901-2001?
To my understanding all those years my self communicating ideas with
him in EEDN community, at times arguments in Ethiopian Register when
needed to consolidate our position of the struggle on different
views, his many articles in different times on magazines indicates,
he is not against any positive development took place in Tigray.
Even if you claim, he didn�t say �fair allocation to the rest
all areas as well as done to Tigray�; - arguing his case supported
by a statistic and economist�s research to show the discriminatory
budget allocation by TPLF/EPRDF leaders sitting in government power
to build Tigray as exceptional area, in itself is a reasonable
argument, which should not be treated as a jealousy/bias or anti
Tigray or brow biting. We agree to disagree without accusing each of
us out of the argument when we debate such discriminatory budget
allocation seen in Tigray for solid ten years.
To most Ethiopians who are skeptical about any of the programs
of the EPRDF lead government of Ethiopia, the type of autonomy
Tygreai is accorded amounts to political and economic independence
and other political concerns (Tecola Hagos -Demystifying
Political Thoughts) With this in mind, that is exactly the
impression of Getcahew Haile and others on such particular
period/atmosphere Therefore, no question, they have explicit
expression of approval for the development of Tigray at the same
time demand repeatedly to do the same to other by arguing their case
in a form of statistic and economic researches issued from many
Ethiopian economists and other related sources and other foreign aid
and development agencies.
you well know and asserted it in your book (Demystifying Political
Thoughts) page 62 �Meles
is left behind as head of the Ethiopian government in Addis Ababa,
supposedly, in order to facilitate the smooth flow of capital and
equipment for investment and development purposes in Tigreai�.
Your book on page 62.
was done; because-the purpose of the struggle was to develop Tigray
and to establish Republic of Tigray. To facilitate the establishment
of Tigray republic and to strengthen the economy of the suppose
Republic they have to neglect the rest of the country.
Regardless Getachew Haile on Ethiopian Register or Dr.Assefa Negash
in his book or Getachew Reda appealed in Hawarya Amharic monthly
published in Canada or other publications argued under the slogan
� economy in a fair and equal base for all Ethiopians�; no mater
how we tried it, no mater how we present our reasonable appeal, it
never had an impact except it was seen as the ghetto records of the
70 of the �Rhythm and Blues� which �later� become the idiom
of the many Ethiopians (though such appeal was seen at that time as
The Neftenga Cry) .
Getachew or any concerned Ethiopian citizen argued such economic
appeal in Tigray to be distributed fairly in other places at the
time, the principal concern was not only discriminative economic but
isolating Tigrayan population in variety ways from the majority of
us. Such divisive ethnic policy was the talk of the day that took
the soul out of all of us. The economic policy might be the
secondary major concern, but even if such policy, one wants to
appeal as a concern at the time to the Government in Addis Ababa �
the �Ethiopian Government� had no control on the economic
or political life of Tigray. This was the strongest concern
we were having/confronting. Such was the primary concern at the
time. Let me support the concern of the time using your excellent
analysis of the time in Tigray. �
The Government of Ethiopian, in the real world, has no control on
the economic and political life of Tigreai. The EPRDF controlled
government of Ethiopia is a government in name only when it comes to
Tigreai. It acts as a cover to the independently run �State� of
Tygreai. The TPLF leadership in Tigray has its own military; its own
government structure, its own development plan and can also conduct
its own international relations with foreign governments and
international financial organizations. To most Ethiopians, who are
skeptical about any of the programs of the EPRDF lead government of
Ethiopia, the type of autonomy Tygreai is accorded amounts to
political and economic independence- a sort of free and sovereign
sate within a state. In the eye of the rest of the rest of
Ethiopians, what remained suspended or untouched as yet is a formal
recognition of Tigreai by the United Nations and/or the Organization
of African Unity (OAU) as independent state.�(Demystifying
Political thoughts �Tecola Hagos 199
you eloquently assessed it, at that time of such Hoopla
and the all nightlong dance (Wogah Tibel Leytee) by
TPLFities and EPLFitie concerts waving TPLF/EPLF flags all over the
word, it was really a challenging time for all of us who were
outside TPLF universe seeing the heavy defection of many Tigrayans
to TPLF comp from being associate with the rest - Such nefarious
policy has no where to go but downward, into the underworld of
constant conflict and violence as we see it currently and for the
last 14 years or so. Our concern (yours and mine) or professor
Getachew�s or any of the rest of the Ethiopians was not only
dismayed by the negative works of those whom your book called them
�semi-urbanized peasant boys from little towns in
Tigray jet-setting all over the world as adults oblivion of the
suffering of millions of Ethiopians�
but also by the silence of the �many�
Tigrayans at that time when they were energized by ethnic fuel. I am
not going to hesitate to tell the population of Tigray in many ways
who has a hand to the abuse against them selves too.
Regardless I was the first person to admit Tigrayans suffer the most
regarding human rights issue at the hands of the brutal criminal
gangs of TPLF for tolerating un believable years of suffering by
this nefarious policy, the rest of the nation as well was not doing
what it should have done to shorten the term of the economic or
political abuse by TPLF CRIMINAL CYNDICATS
Before I go to the next argument, -may I ask, what happened to the
movement in Tigray when large population of the country is engaging
empty hand wrestled with the bayonet of the Agazi commando gangs �
(as seen and reported in Addis Ababa by reporter). Don�t we have
enough reasons to why Tigrayans are more subdued and buttered and
abused, murdered by TPLF gangs than the rest? If we agree Tigray
population doesn�t support TPLF, then- is it a valid reason for
the Tigray population or any Tigrayan youth to hide behind unfounded
reason that �the opposition or Kinijjit is anti Tigray people�?
If that is the reason behind it- to the why the population of Tigray
kept silent when the rest are engaged confronting with murderers
hand-to-hand with empty hand, then it frustrates me. The rage
of the Ethiopian population inside and outside the country ranging
from graffiti and poster filled walls to public meetings, protests
and demonstrations is not meant to liberate the rest of the country
from TPLF/EPRDF gangs, but also to liberate Tigray population from
their oppressors too. I am equally frustrated to why the mass
population of Tigray for not responding exactly the way the good
Tigrayan community in Diaspora reject Mele�s treasonous & and
inhuman acts (those are the good Ethiopian Tigrayaians such
as, �the marvelous, the beloved son of Tigray Abraha Belay of
Ethiomedia.com�, International Tigray Solidarity, Ethiopian
commentator �Dejen radio�, TAND, an organizations lead by Dr
Geedey � and other good Tigrayan communities and individuals).
All Tigrayians can�t offer to
keep silent or be on the side as neutral at this time when Meles
ordered his Agazi gangs to murder unarmed men, stabbing boys and
girls, torturing thousands of people young and old women and
In your part 2-(Walking Through the Ethiopian �Intellectual�
Gauntlet). You said �it is irresponsible for anyone to attack
Meles Zenawi or members of the ruling coalition by identifying them
as �Tygraans� and more so if possible by �Showaean/Addis
Ababeans�. Dear professor, - If they don�t get
identified by their ethnicity then by what do we have to identify
them when they themselves told the population written in
governmental constitution to identify them by their Goassa, Zer,
blood�? Have you heard the interview what Professor Mesfin had to
go through with the Visa/Kebele people when he tried to get a
clearance paper from these authorities when he needed to go get visa
exit for abroad a longtime a go if my recall is correct on the
EPRDF piece mouth Aend Ethiopia radio interview?
They asked him to identify himself his Zer/blood. He said I don�t
know my Zer, all I know is I am an Ethiopian. The authority keeps
insisted unless he tells/knows his zer/ethnic, they will not
authorized his clearance. After so many arguments and the authorized
individual using, his common sense (not that the constitution say
so, but using his personal common sense) allowed him to identify
himself as Ethiopian, and then gave him the clearance. Imagine, at
this moment, what can someone called these people if we do not
identify them on their ethnicity, which they love to be called by
their ethnicity? How can you explain your expression of �Tygrean
government� as you wrote it in your book when you said,
� Since the current government is run as a virtual Tygrean
government�-? - (Demystifying Political Thoughts �page
154). Why would you need to identify the government as Tygrean if
you don�t wont others to identify the rulers as Tygreans?
What also amazed me is you criticized professor Getachew Haile; for
complaining that the present government in Ethiopia is virtual
Tygrean government. For this he argued the discriminatory economy
policy (favored Tigrayans which already had
negative impact on others) and political power
(controlled by Tigreans-) any Tigrayan who are
benefited by it, must feel Ethiopians instead of falling into the
fractures created by TPLF ethnic policy. That was his assertion �if
I understood him well. If you and I, agree the present
government in Addis Ababa is exclusively lead /controlled by
Tigreans (of course mercenaries!) and it is in name only when it
comes to Tigray, which acts as a cover up to the independently run
�State� of Tigray which Tigray has its own military, security,
flag, conduct its own ministers, parliament and conduct
international relations with foreign governments and international
financial relations, -
what else is different/left to the Tigrayan citizens living under
this circumstances willing or unwilling alienated by ethnic politics
and institutions from the rest of Ethiopians in a strange way living
under the TPLF authorities different than the rest in a lot of
variety way of administration?
This is exactly what happened to Eritreans living under Italian
colonialism. (Though some may disagree, TPLF policy is not Italian
administration- I invite anyone to challenge me on this-) Eritreans,
did not accept the propaganda agitation and administration of Italy
while living under it for years, but the propaganda radicalized them
gradually to feel different citizens, senses, feelings
and communal associations of Eritreaness other than their
originality of Ethiopianwinet. Therefore, we saw what has been done
and happened to the Eritrean psych when time goes by. Such should
not be minimized or dismissed as delusion. Cause and effect are
always there to affect some ones� psych no mater who.
We have to keep encourage those who felt isolated for many reasons
by TPLF propaganda works to feel Ethiopians (even though we tried to
defend such scenario as nothing is happening) it is there, we might
not see it, but it is there. It is clear example what we saw in
Washington-DC- (against VOA Amharic) protestors of TPLFities felt
isolated than the rest of Millions of Ethiopians who condemned
<Meles Zenawi�s massacre of children. Women, young, elderly by
his Agazi troops while this tiny group is going after VOA for airing
the massacre to the Ethiopians who have are block out of any news
and information. Check the color of the �flag� that many million
Ethiopians wave and hold during protest compared with their
Ethiopian flag blue stripe in the middle. This is a bad phenomenon.
To dismiss it, by saying �who the hell are you to tell Tigrayans
or Eritreans to feel Ethiopian when Tigrayns are the pillar of the
soul of Ethiopia � is nothing but pouring
situation in reality is indeed, far from what we read and see
currently. Since, the vast business interests is controlled by TPLF
criminal syndicates in Tigray and elsewhere in Ethiopia, it is
possible the TPLF syndicate is a mafia like criminal syndicate,
which has the ability to destabilize the psych of the Tigray people
in different ways as the Italian fascist syndicates did to the
Eritrean population. (I might come back with this in other article
some other time). So all of us have the obligation to encourage
those who are under the TPLF psych in Tigray and elsewhere to feel
Ethiopian. To feel Ethiopian is not to stand for Meles Zenawis
mercenary policies and human right abuse. To feel Ethiopian means to
feel what the dehumanize people�s pain and the oppressed people�s
pain feels like in your soul and in every seconds of your life. To
cry when your country cry for its ports and territories. You stand
up against dictators when the population stands up against dictators
and mercenaries. That is Ethiopiwinet mean.
Defensive alone without looking at the reality is not going to help
Tigray or anyone else at a time when Ethiopiawinet is at a time of
constantly battered, abused and attacked in different direction.
Before I conclude my view, on the same section (2) you felt dismayed
with professor Getachew Haile�s way of using words. To explain
your disagreement you sated your view- saying �writing
in such hate filled and derogatory manner is not to be expected from
a scholar or an octogarian of any worth.� This is because he sees
the flow of huge economy to Tigray by TPLF syndicates referred it as
�Greed� (correct me if I understood it wrongly). For him
to characterize it as �Greed� it angered you and
you responded saying, �this type of characterization GOES
BEYONE the economic policy of government and becomes a slur of a
group�. If I may, - please bear with me, I am not
siding on behalf of professor Getachew Haile when I argued with you
based on your arguments, but I feel obliged to come to the bottom of
the issue as a reader.
Now, if the above was your expression, please explain to me what you
also yourself said on page 154-155 (Demystifying Political
Thoughts) � What is the economic contribution of Tigreai to
the rest of Ethiopia? �As a consequence of such parochialism,
Tigraie seems to have a parasitic and exploitative relationship with
the rest of Ethiopia. There is not much that the rest of Ethiopia is
benefiting from Tygreai except vicariously relive the �glorious�
days of the ancient Axumite Empire!� (P, 154-155) if I
correctly read this part as your own view written on your book (my
apology if it is not your view),
If so, don�t you think this characterization goes beyond
criticizing the economic policy of government and become a slur of a
group? I am just worried what would the rest of the Tigrayians be
and what would be your clarification for it? This is beside what you
said on page �62�. - I am just forwarding it not
on my side of argument but as a reader what if someone asks you to
clarify your views on such, if it Professor Getachew Haile�s word
�Greed� angers you?
One thing strikes my mind why you want to attack Hailu Shawul as a
violent on your last conclusion on your paper. Could it because he
did not follow your Lottocracy political system?
Professor, I believe, no mater what, no mater how you accuse him,
call him violent, belligerent, armature� his contribution to the
struggle is way much better than your philosophy of �Lottocrcy�
page 94 (same book I mentioned above). What did you said in
1998? Regarding how Ethiopians should be free from this beasts and
vicious Pistol Packing Gangs of TPLF? A man of yourself, a scholar
and professional politician, and a professor came to advice
Ethiopians to follow a Lottery System Democracy to bring
democracy to Ethiopia. And that was by Lottory�. You named
it �Lottocracy�. You said �Since
democratic government through elections has simply become a ritual
with no political significance. So why feed a myth?�
This system is ��the method on the organization of
governments and transfer of power by involving a lottery for the
highest executive offices - you call such method Lottocracy.
Rather than electing the head of state and/or government, a lottery
is drawn from the population eligible to hold public office.
Dear Professor Tecola, this article is not to disrespect you sir. I
have full respect to your profession as a scholar and as my brother
and I as your youngest and your student, This exchange of ideas must
be treated between two brothers to bring solution to the quagmire
our country is in///- May
God of Ethiopia bring a better future for its people//- END