Tecola W. Hagos Printer
Introduction and background
article is a criticism and open accusation of wrongdoing and of
criminal activities by the Yara Foundation and its Board in
declaring Meles Zenawi
as the Foundations first �African Green Revolution Yara
Prize" winner with a purse of $200,000.00 and an
art work of undisclosed value. I believe that American corporations,
such as Dupont, Lucent, Motorola et cetera, often acclaimed for
their business practices, are directly affected by such corrupt
practice by their European competitors in the chemical, fertilizer,
and telecom businesses worth trillion of dollars in Africa or
elsewhere in the world.
is of great importance that the American Government as well as those
of the governments of
European countries to look into corrupt business practices by
executives of leading corporations in their respective countries, in
order to ensure a healthy business atmosphere and fair competition
that will benefit everyone. We are dealing now with a system of
global economy and with a more transparent role of multi-state
corporations in that economy, which is drastically different from
the Nineteenth Century and most of the Twentieth Century �anything-goes�
form of business practices. All governments need be vigilant and
courageous enough to move against corporations and executives who
corrupt and spoil the business atmosphere in the present global
corruption of African leaders is the most serious problem in Africa�s
struggle for survival and economic development. President Olusegun
Obasanjo of Nigeria informed his peers in a conference over a year
ago that African leaders embezzled over 140 billion dollar in the
period after independence i.e. since 1963. [Ayittey, AFRICA
UNCHAINED: The Blueprint for Africa�s Future, Palegrave, 2005,
406] Without the participation of Western corporate executives
(bankers, manufacturers, builders et cetera), no African leader
would have been able to steal a single dollar or equivalent. The ill
effect of corrupt business practices has dramatically retarded
development in Africa and had lead to the present dire situation in
most of the nations of Africa. Corruption added to natural disasters
of several major famines, and man-made civil wars, ethnic conflicts,
et cetera had led us to the present state of Africa.
Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and close associates have been accused
of major corruption schemes of monopolizing the Ethiopian economy
with their sham corporations, supposedly established for the
interest of their local ethnic region of Tygraei, where they have
invested in their own names in several international as well as
domestic Ethiopian businesses. The investment amount is mind
boggling even by the standard of developing nations. It is estimated
that the investment controlled by Meles Zenawi and close associates
is in the billions of dollars or equivalent. With this background in
mind, it is not hard for me to understand why so many Ethiopians
were very much incensed with the recognition by Yara Foundation of
Meles Zenawi as its first �African Green Revolution Yara
Prize" winner with a purse of $200,000.00 and an art work of
undisclosed value.
official citation for the award posted in Yara's own Website states
shamelessly the following about Meles Zenawi: "The Yara
Foundation Board recognizes Prime Minister Meles' decisive steps
towards increasing food production and reducing poverty in one of
the poorest countries of the developing world. He has brought about
political change in Ethiopia, and placing the rural poor first in
the country's development strategies." It is public knowledge
that Ethiopia is worse off now than ever. A nation of seventy
million people is now languishing without access to its historic
coastal territory of the Red Sea. Due to the political program
implemented by force by Meles Zenawi and associates since 1991, the
people of Ethiopia are on the brink of breaking apart on ethnic
based federal structure that was aimed at destroying Ethiopia as a
nation and to allow ethnic enclaves to become nations on their own.
The economy is in shambles due to corrupt monopoly by the
corporations controlled by Meles and associates. Prostitution and
epidemic of AIDS has devastated Ethiopia�s urban centers as well
as the rural Ethiopian population. In the fourteen years period
Meles Zenawi and his political party were in power, Ethiopians have
been devastated by war, famine, and oppression worse even than the
time of the brutal dictator Mengistu Hailemariam.
deciding on any award for Meles Zenawi, the Yara Foundation Board
should have taken into account the gross violations of human and
political rights of millions of Ethiopians by Meles Zenawi and his
government for the last fourteen years. The violations of human and
democratic rights of Ethiopians for the last fourteen years have
been meticulously reported by respectable organizations and
agencies. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, United States
Department of State (Country Report), the Ethiopian Human Rights
Council, and numerous journalists and academicians in articles and
books have all informed the world community the atrocities and human
rights and democratic rights violations perpetrated by Meles Zenawi
and his government on tens of thousands innocent Ethiopians.
fraud and manipulation of ballot counting by Meles Zenawi�s
government of the recent May 15,
2005 general election has demonstrated to us all that Meles Zenawi
and associates are not fit to run any government. Because of such
corruption, we are heading into a political bottleneck and showdown.
No one knows what would happen next. Already in an effort to silence
the struggle of Ethiopians for democracy and economic development,
Meles Zenawi had promulgated a state of emergency without
constitutional observance. In the subsequent demonstrations by
University students and later by citizens, his police and security
forces murdered over forty Ethiopians and detained under horrible
conditions tens of thousands of people and some of whom are still in
detention or have completely disappeared. European government
leaders and executive officers of major European corporations must
be aware of the situation in Ethiopia. There is no justification to
reward Meles Zenawi, who has the worst record of atrocities and
gross human rights violations of any current African leader, any
reward. Because of Meles Zenawi�s horrible record as a corrupt and
violent individual, I question the motive of Yara Foundation in
deciding to award its first prize to such an individual.
contend that there is nothing hopeful or encouraging about the
situation in Ethiopian at this point that warrants awarding Meles
Zenawi the first �African Green Revolution Yara Prize" with a
purse of $200,000.00 and an art work of undisclosed value. I contend
further that the whole shenanigan is a well-camouflaged �bribe�
by companies and their officers buying favorable treatment either
for their ongoing businesses with the Ethiopian government or
possible future favorable business relationships. I believe that
Yara International, Inc. and its Executive Officers, Yara Foundation
and its Board
Members, Telenor SAS and its Executive Officers, as well as Jeffery
Sachs as co-conspirator, have committed crimes under the following
laws and ought to be tried for their crimes either in the United
States or in Norway:
The United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977, 15
U.S.C �� 78dd-1, 78d-2, and 78m, as amended; and
The Norwegian Penal Code, 22 May 1902, No. 10, Section 128, amended
October 27, 1998; Council of Europe Criminal law Convention on
Corruption in 1999, further amendment of the Penal Code, by Act No.
79 of 4 July 2003.
the above national laws may be added several international and
regional instruments, such as:
Declaration against Corruption and Bribery in International
Commercial Transactions, United Nations General Assembly, December
Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in
International Business Transaction, OECD, December 1997.
Untangling the Gordian Knot: Yara and its Spawn
Yara International Inc., (Yara) a chemical (Fertilizer)
company, Thorleif Enger, President and CEO. Yara
International, Inc. is traded on the Oslo Stock Market. Its
beginning was at the turn of the last Century 1900-1905 [it just
celebrated its anniversary] as the world first nitrogen fertilizer
facility. According to its President, Thorleif Enger, Yara is an
internationally managed company with global operations in fifty
countries and selling its product to over 120 countries. Yara North
America, was established in 1946, and was opened to business in
Tampa, Florida. Specifically, it is responsible for Hydros
fertilizer activities in the USA and Canada. Enger stated, �We
serve the U.S. agricultural community through a network of nearly 50
terminals with a capacity of over 600,000 tons, located mainly on
the East and the West Coasts.�
to Yara�s official publication, it is one of the largest
fertilizer producing or manufacturing company in the world with
billions of dollars investment asset. �Yara manufactures a wide
range of fertilizers to help farmers grow crops such as grain,
fruits, vegetables plus other products in a cost effective and
environmentally friendly way. Through scientific product
development, advice to farmers on nutrient applications, and
resource-conscious production with efficient distribution channels,
Yara plays an important role in food production for the world�s
growing population. Developing more environmentally friendly
applications in the use of fertilizers is one of the main tasks for
our researchers and agronomists. The Ammonia Department is
responsible for marketing 1.3 million tons of ammonia from the
Trinidad operation into the United States and Caribbean. This
accounts for 24% of the total amount of ammonia traded worldwide.
Logistics are handled through Yara�s own fleet consisting of 15
Yara Foundation Thorleif Enger, Chairman of the Board
Foundation was established only recently. Yara International ASA
announced that in March of 2005 it has launched a Foundation for the
Green Revolution in Africa and an international prize, which focused
on food production and the fight against poverty in Africa. The Yara
Foundation, established by Yara International ASA, is the first
enterprise to make a financial commitment linked to the United
Nations' Millennium Villages Project and Kofi Annan's call to
support a green revolution in Africa. However, when I look closely
at the composition of the Board of the Yara Foundation and the
corporations behind that scheme, it is clear to me that the
Foundation is not a benign structure but another organization with
an inner agenda. Who are the Board Members of Yara Foundation?
Thorleif Enger, Chairman of the Board of Yara Foundation (financed
by Yara Corporation),
and CEO of Yara International Inc. (a fertilizer chemical company),
he is also Chairman of Telenor ASA another huge Norwegian telecom
Pedro Sanchez, the Earth Institute, Columbia University (USA),
colleague of Jeffery Sachs;
Marco Quinones, Regional Director for Africa, Sasakawa Global 2000,
Joan Holmes, President of the Hunger Project, USA, a small nonprofit
organization, and
P. Hartmann, Director General of IITA, Nigeria.
members of the Board of Yara Foundation, except for Mr. Quinones,
Regional Director for Africa, Sasakawa Global 2000, Ethiopia, seem
to be tied to Yara International ASA or to Jeffery Sachs in some
form of dependency on Yara and related corporations for their
financing. The individuals all seem to be either heads of private
non-profit organizations or mid-level mangers of international
non-profit organizations. I believe the Chairman of the Foundation
is the key to the elaborate corruption scheme that is unfolding
right in front of our eyes in the award of the "First African
Green Revolution Yara Prize" to Meles Zenawi. The award is a
well-camouflaged bribe, the working of at least two for-profit
Norwegian and one Finish Corporation (Nokia) as I shall explain
Corporation is in the fertilizer business. Yara stands to gain
tremendously with its Foundation awarding a Prize and a $200,000.00
dollar purse to Meles Zenawi. It stands to gain from close
association with Meles Zenawi as the leader of a country that is
earmarked to benefit greatly from the billion of dollars being
pledged by developed nations. Moreover, the President of Yara
Corporation is also the Chairman of Yara Foundation. Yara has
nothing by way of Fertilizer business in Ethiopia, however, it is
the leading company in the African Market as a whole. The fertilizer
business is quite volatile since it depends to a great extent with
the price of oil and gas. Nevertheless, the European corporations
involved in the fertilizer business are weary of the stiff
competition coming from the United States, China, and other things.
aims to play an active role in enabling a green revolution in
Africa. Based on the UN's recommendations, we want to demonstrate
hat it is fully possible to combine a commitment to sustainable
development and the fight against poverty, with commercial
objectives." says Yara's President and CEO, Thorleif Enger. For
a change, the President of a corporation openly admitted that it is
business that motivated the establishment of the Foundation.
"Fighting poverty and hunger in Africa is one of the most
important issues of our time. If we want to succeed, it is crucial
that all parts of society are involved and share the responsibility.
Yara is showing the way with its commitment to a green revolution in
Africa. We hope that many other companies will follow its
example," says Pedro Sanchez, a Board Member of Yara
Foundation. It is quite ironic that the first individual the
Foundation�s Board chose, as a matter of fact, happens to be the
most vehemently hated individual by his own people.
Telenor, ASA
ASA was incorporated in 1994 as a result of Norway�s restructuring
of its public telecommunications carrier. Norway at that time
converted its public telecommunications carrier into a company
limited by shares owned 100 percent by the Kingdom of Norway. On
June 15, 2001, the Norwegian parliament authorized a further
offering of shares held by Norway�s government in Telenor ASA
which in effect will permit the dilution of the Kingdom of Norway�s
majority ownership in Telenor ASA to a minority stake of as little
as 34 percent. As we shall see later, Telenor did divest about 21%
to private investors decreasing the Kingdom of Norway�s interest
to 79%.
more importantly, the same individual who is President of Yara
International ASA and Chairman of Yara Foundation is also the
Chairman of Telenor ASA, a leading mobile telecom company. However
Telenor as yet no direct business with the Ethiopian government or
in Ethiopia�s huge wireless mobile phone market. Telenor has had
extensive business relationship with another leading Finish telecom
company called Nokia. Nokia had won about four months back a 23
million euro (about 30 million US dollars) network expansion deal
from Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation. [See Expert Views,] Nokia and Telenor, as I stated
earlier, have had an ongoing business relationships, for years, for
example, they signed an agreement (through the subsidiary) in
January of 2005 for equipment dealing with Hungary telecom, and in
May, they extended the agreement for telecom equipment et cetera.
What we have here is the overlapping of business interests between
several Nordic companies from Norway and Finland with the government
of Ethiopia, and interlocutory executives of different companies and
a foundation created by one of such companies that serves all of the
companies involved with each other and third parties.
is no doubt in my mind that Yara Foundation promotes the business
interests of all the companies involved in such preexisting longtime
business relationships. Even though on paper Yara Foundation is
created by Yara International ASA, with possible funding from the
other companies, the awarding of a Prize that caries a $200,000.00
US dollars purse benefits all of them. Telenor ASA has so far no
direct business in Ethiopia�s large and fast growing telecom
market. By associating itself on one hand with Nokia, which is
already well established in Ethiopia, and Yara, it will stand to
gain in acquiring new business in Ethiopia. The award will
definitely influence Meles Zenawi to favor those companies connected
with Yara than those who are not. If this is not a case of influence
peddling and corrupting the leader of a poor nation, show me what
larger picture of the situation in Africa shows the fight between
these European corporations trying to monopolize the possible huge
wireless market by themselves edging out such corporations such as
Motorola and Lucent is very real and must be a concern of the United
States Government. Ultimately, the African nations and people are
the ones who will suffer the most due to such collusions and
corruptions. The undesirable effect of allowing few corporations to
be providers of both technical and structural services will simply
result in poor service, price hiking, and dependency on few
corporations for such vital flow of goods and services in African
nations. As we can see from the data provided below, the telecom
business is a cutthroat business, where companies in constant and
long-standing relationship with Telenor ASA and Yara International
ASA are in serious competition with companies from the United
States. [See: Statistical data included herewith for market shares
of such companies in the wireless mobile phone business.]
Wide Market Share of Mobile Wireless
Brand |
Sold(in million) |
Share |
share(4th Quarter, 2004) |
change |
Nokia |
53.8 |
31.32% |
34.07% |
-8.08% |
Motorola |
28.7 |
16.71% |
16.39% |
1.92% |
Samsung |
24.5 |
14.26% |
10.88% |
31.07% |
LG |
11.1 |
6.46% |
7.16% |
-9.76%% |
Ericsson |
9.4 |
5.47% |
6.49% |
-15.69% |
Siemens |
9.3 |
5.41% |
6.96% |
-22.22% |
Others |
33.2 |
19.53% |
18.04% |
8.26% |
Total |
170 |
100% |
100% |
-12% |
Worldwide Mobile phone
market share 4th quarter, 2004
Brand |
Sold(in million) |
Share |
Sold(in million)(3rd Quarter, 2004) |
Share(3rd quarter, 2004) |
Nokia |
66.1 |
34.07% |
51.4 |
31.99% |
Motorola |
31.8 |
16.39% |
23.3 |
14.5% |
Samsung |
21.1 |
10.88% |
22.7 |
14.13% |
LG |
13.9 |
7.16% |
11.8 |
7.34% |
Siemens |
13.5 |
6.96% |
12.7 |
7.9% |
Ericsson |
12.6 |
6.14% |
10.1 |
6.29% |
Others |
35 |
18.04% |
28.7 |
17.86% |
Total |
194 |
100% |
160.7 |
100% |
Legal Issues and Criminality
United States enacted the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in
1977 (as amended), presumably the first anti-corruption law in the
world, to stop at least discourage bribing foreign officials by
executives of United States corporations. At that time of the debate
in Congress on FCPA, there was an outcry from several members of the
community believing that U S corporations would be at a disadvantage
competing with their counterparts (free to bribe foreign leaders)
elsewhere in the world. The world has finally found its way and has
come around to the farsighted position of the legislators and the
Government of the United States on such issues of corrupt business
practices. What effect such statute and other national laws may have
in a situation where an award of a well-publicized Prize with
substantial purse is given to a national leader by a private
foundation established by a corporation with other corporations in
support behind in the shadow?
need to take into account the principles developed by regional as
well as international organizations in combating corrupt business
practices. We must consider the principles contained in the
Declaration against Corruption and Bribery in International
Commercial Transactions, United Nations General Assembly, of
December 1996, and that of the Convention on Combating Bribery of
Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transaction, OECD,
of December 1997.
principal architect of the scheme of the creation of the Yara
Foundation and to use it to influence the decision of leaders around
the world to benefit Yara and its business partners seems to be
Thorleif Enger, the Chairman of the Board of Yara Foundation;
President and CEO of Yara Corporation, and also Chairman of Telenor
ASA another huge Norwegian telecom corporation. He should be held as
a primary defendant under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
The other Board Members of Yara Foundation: Pedro Sanchez, of the
Earth Institute, Columbia University (USA), colleague of Jeffery
Sachs; Marco Quinones, Regional Director for Africa, Sasakawa Global
2000, Ethiopia; Joan Holmes, President of the Hunger Project, USA, a
small nonprofit organization and P. Hartmann, Director General of
IITA, Nigeria. may be held accountable to varying degrees under the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
his intentions may be for the benefit of the poor and dispossessed
people of the Planet, Jeffery Sachs has an uncanny ability to turn
something promising into something disastrous. Our memory of the
collapse of an aspect of the economic program in Russia in the 1990s
that he headed as officer of HIID is still fresh in our mind.
Nevertheless, it is sad to realize that the first notable act in
connection with the United Nations Millennium Project that Sachs is
involved with is to promote the awarding of the first Yara Prize to
a brutal dictator, who has just massacred over forty Ethiopians,
peaceful demonstrators in Addis Ababa, and imprisoned thousands
others under the most deplorable condition on June 7, 2005 and
after. How does such award serve the interest of the poor brutally
oppressed people of Ethiopia? Jeffery Sachs has lost his mind; he is
acting as a headless turkey spinning aimlessly in the void. Now he
is involved in a more serious criminal conspiracy possibly violating
the laws of the United States and that of Norway. Already the
corruption of the United Nations Millennium Project is here. This is
truly a sad day for all.
to the issue of jurisdiction and applicable law, FCPA is fully
applicable to hold accountable the Chief Executives of Telenor ASA,
Yara International ASA, and Yara Foundation. The nexus is already
established by the United States Agencies in previously entered
submission of the executives of Telenor ASA to United States
sovereign jurisdiction through its governmental agencies and courts
as was evidenced in the case of Telenor Satellite
Services Holdings, Inc. (TSSH) at the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC). Telenor was wholly owned by
the Kingdom of Norway until it divested 21% (of that shading of
interest, 14% was bought by non-Norwegian entities and individuals)
in order to satisfy the requirement of the United States laws in
order to qualify as a successor to licenses assigned to a US company
that Telenor was buying. For example, in the order given by the
Federal Communications Commission, in FCC 01-369, of
14 December 2001, that allowed the assignment of US license to
Telenor ASA [Telenor Satellite Services Holdings, Inc. (TSSH)] we
find unequivocal authority of the applicability of FCPA to cases
involving bribery and conspiracy to commit such crime by executives
of Yara International, Yara Foundation, and Telenor. Thus, it is
absolutely clear that Telenor ASA, and its CEO are subject to
the FCPA.
FCPA, a crime is committed if a United States person, which would
include also anyone deemed to do business in the United States, pays
of anything of value to influence the discretion of a foreign
official any where in the world to obtain or retain some business
advantage. The issue here, as indicated above, is whether a payment
designated as a �Prize� to the leader of a country by a
foundation affiliated or created by a company that does business in
such country could be deemed as a corrupt payment. In other words,
the Prize purse of $200,000.00 dollars awarded by Yara Foundation to
Meles Zenawi could be seen as a camouflaged bribe, a prohibited
payments or promise of payment. The packaging of the illicit payment
should not hide the true nature of something of great value given to
a leader or to any person with power who can affect the future or
current business relationship of a company or an individual. The
FCPA statue is not specific enough to make it absolutely clear that
�prizes� in all instances are included in such prohibited
payments. However, it is within the reach of a court or a commission
to interpret a term in a statue consistent with its purpose and
intentions (spirit) to include related activities. There are
numerous cases to support such interpretations.
fact, by using simple thought experiments or hypothetical questions,
we can be able to reach a reasonable conclusion whether payments
packaged as �prize awards� are covered by FCPA or other similar
laws in different parts of the world. Let us suppose the Yara
Foundation Prize has a purse of one million dollars instead of its
two hundred thousand dollars purse. Do we still think it is not
bribery? Let us raise the purse again to ten million dollars. As we
increase the amount of the purse connected with an award, it becomes
quite easy to see as we increase the amount of the �prize� purse
that at some point we have crossed the line and any such �prize�
payment is an outright bribe. If the principles on which such prize
was based were right, no amount of money would have affected our
thinking about legality of such prize award. What the example is
teaching us here is the fact that the main element for a �prize�
to be seen as a bribe is the effect it may have on the individual
receiving such payment. It is my considered opinion that a crime is
being committed in the guise of benevolence by individuals who
should know better.
if there was no monetary reward attached to the Yara Foundation
Prize, the first choice of winner by the Board of the Yara
Foundation is a shameful act and disrespectful of all Ethiopians.
Meles Zenawi is immersed up to his ears in corruption, political
murder, detentions and disappearances of thousands of Ethiopians. He
is engaged, as we speak, in the corruption and dismantling of the
result of the May 15, 2005 election results; whatever little
democratic gain Ethiopians had achieved through their relentless
struggle of the last fourteen years is being destroyed by new waves
of arrests and harassment. It is beyond the scope of this article to
reiterate the thousand cuts inflicted by Meles Zenawi and his
associates on Ethiopia. It suffices to point out in general terms
that no award to Meles Zenawi of any kind is proper at this time of
great suffering of Ethiopians. I demand Yara Foundation to withdraw
its Prize award immediately, and I demand also an official apology
from the Chairman of the Foundation and his Board of Directors for
insulting us with their impunity.
W. Hagos
28, 2005