was ruled by a series of Monarchs, hereditary and constituonal. Great were
the virtues of the monarchs who ruled the ancient petty kingdoms of which
was comprised. Hence, the Ras Tafarian Icon, Bob Marley, devoted some
great songs to Emperor Haile Selassie, a Constitutional Monarch, on whom
he bestowed a divinity and a transcendental status, fit only for Kings,
who mesmerize us by their spiritual presences. Emperor Haile Selassie I
crowned himself as �King of Kings, Lion of Judah,� and the Ethiopian
masses believed in him for over forty years. To some Ethiopians, this was
the golden age of Ethiopian history; to the Marxist- Leninist dictator,
who overthrew him, the Emperor was a devil incarnate, who kept the masses
in abject poverty.
Classical West African civilizations share
with Ethiopian civilization a belief in divinities who carved out African
states founded and ruled by Monarchs. Whereas classical
was the domain of Monarchs; modern
becomes a self �conscious, ground of a totalitarian version of the
single Marxist Party, which in time was overthrown and replaced by a
Marxist political party, which professed to be governed by the organizing
principle of revolutionary democracy. This is the governing party of
Both classical
and modern Ethiopian have yet to drink from the sea of genuine democracy,
governed by the principle of participation. I call this ideal democracy,
�Participatory Democracy.�
Ethiopian history is essentially a history
of petty Kingdoms and reigning monarchs, and each monarch in his own way
sought to unite the petty kingdoms under a single rule. Emperor Tewodros
and Emperor Yohannes were both motivated by the vision of a united
under a single monarch. These emperors were at once, Executives,
Legislators and Judges. They combined all three functions into one. In
addition, they assumed an active leadership of the Ethiopian Orthodox
, since the radical overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie, assumed a
Marxist-Leninist Ideology and professed to be governed by revolutionary
I would like to argue that the professed
revolutionary democracy was not only foreign to
, as Professor Messay Kebede has recently shown, but is also not
revolutionary enough, I contend. That
what contemporary
needs is a genuinely participatory institution, in which the Ethiopian
people can play a leading role, without a monarch, unless the people
demand the need for a symbolic monarch, who is wise, learned and
judicious. In principle, the
installment of a symbolic monarch is harmless. The ultimate power,
however, should reside on the shoulders of enlightened people who could
govern themselves on rotational bases. I should now defend this thesis.
The key to the unfolding of participatory
democracy is the willingness of the people to actively participate in
political spaces at the work place, schools and universities,
neighborhoods, and civic associations consistently and intelligently. Such
participants must be fully informed about the details of the economy, the
political structure, the Rule of Law, and much else; matters which are
beyond their competence must be delegated to the relevant experts, who
would perform their tasks for reasonable fees.
The participants must also be passionate
about their participatory lives, since much will depend on them and much
will be expected from them, as they will be extremely busy, at work and
outside work. The people themselves assume political participation, which
is typically the vocation of professional politicians, in representative
democracies, not as professionals but as political beings, a feature of
their personalities, which hitherto was relegated to experts.
In participatory democracy, experts play a
minimal role, whereas average citizens are both encouraged and expected to
actively fashion the everyday feature of living democracy.
Fundamental political virtues, such as responsibility, obligation,
duty, accountability and transparency are directly learned by doing. A
repeated practice of the virtues produces a people with participatory
political features, which become living dimensions of their political
Participation is transformative. It
transforms by practice. The result is slow, as the beginning is sluggish,
and the reward is not immediate. That is why people shy away from
participation and leave this important matter to representatives to stand
for them, to speak for them.
The participatory model does not depend on
parliamentarians to do the job of participation, as is now done in the
sham spaces of the ruling regime in
. That model is remote, as it does not directly touch the people�s
pulses, in the intimate way of participatory democracy.
On first blush, participatory democracy
looks alien, abstract and unrealizable, and suitable only for small
communities of a few hundred people. That is not the case. If we bring the
participatory model to where the people work, live and socialize, via
institutors, millions of people can participate either directly or through
the media of the Internet, the radio, serious television programs, in
which issues could be discussed and voted on.
The model of participatory democracy that I
am outlining here can be filled by
�s scholars and informed citizens, and I invite you all to discuss the
burning issue of �Which Way Ethiopia: Constitutional Monarchy or
Participatory Democracy?�
What I have attempted here is to spark a
debate and a dialogue as we map out our rendezvous with victory in 2010,
or so I dream.
Teodros Kiros (Ph.D)
January 29, 2009