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the time, Germany surrendered to the Allied Forces (on May 7 for the West,
and May 9, 1945 for the Soviet Union), over fifty million people had died
and twice as many wounded, or in some way hurt due to the direct
consequence of military actions. The destruction of property,
irreplaceable works of art, and historically significant structures was
beyond quantification. All such destruction whether it was in pursuit of
the sickening primitive ideologies as that of the Nazis and Fascists, or
in defense of �civilization� by the Allied Forces (Britain, United
States, Soviet Union, et cetera) the means used by each group was
remarkably similar; in fact, one could say identical. It all boils down to
one fact; both groups were Europeans and their descendants. Europeans and
their descendants elsewhere seem to be the scourge of the human race. The
World is in constant turmoil and is going down a destructive path;
wherever we look, we find the Europeans and their descendants at the very
center of all strives and conflicts in the world. They have now in their
arsenal the most destructive weapons that could wipe out life on Earth
several times over. It would probably happen in their hands, for the
decision is not going to be made by peoples of the world, but by a tiny
segment of the population of the world.
We, Ethiopians, have
suffered the destruction of our nation and the death of millions of our
Ethiopian brothers and sisters in the hands of the Italy�s Fascist
regime for five horrible years. With our courage, and despite the sanction
against us by Europeans, we single handedly won over the Italians a second
time. [The revisionist history written by Westerners about Britain coming
to Ethiopia�s rescue is a very bogus claim. The British were there as
mercenary soldiers to help restore Emperor Haile Selassie to his Throne,
which he had abandoned, not for the purpose of Ethiopia�s liberation or
Through the great patriotic fight of five years launched by Ethiopians
against the occupation forces of Italy and its Askaris, we already have
won and liberated over ninety percent of Italian occupied areas in
Ethiopia by the time the British showed up with Haile Selassie in 1941.]
It took another twenty five years after the end of the Second World War
for freedom to come to millions of our African brothers and sisters who
were under the yoke of European colonialism under the British, the French,
the Belgians, the Italians, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, et cetera.
Nevertheless, all the hypocrisy aside, we genuinely celebrate the death of
Nazism and Fascism sixty years ago today. TH