Sabataa Dubbii
assume most of what you have said are true but what are your solutions to
the current problems that have been there for centuries? Do you have any
strategic goals that will bring in the people of Tigray to stand against
the current government of The EPDRF? What are your tactical moves or short
term solutions to bring in a systematic down fall of the well organized
group of Ethiopians who control all aspects of politics, economic and
means of communication and all apparatus of the government including the
military? I say he may help us a distance to travel to our goals if not
all the way; that is what historical figures did. Siye had done that and I
believe him; he has more mileages to press forward again to the gates of
true democracy.
I would like to be very
pragmatic and down-to-earth and want to construct opposition from within
the organizations other than coming from other entities to dismantle the
current government. On the other hand, the opposition groups do not have
the capacities and organizational strength to go by their own . A person
like Siye who had been an insider would achieve much better than any body
in any of the groups that have been challenging the ruling party since
1991. If he draws closer to these groups with all his experiences and
bundle information sacks he would provide the current rickety oppositions
a great service . May be he would afford them political potency and
unbreakable arms and legs to run for power and punch to defeat.
I do presume that the Siye�s
group has a very strong chance to challenge the current government at its
current stage. Because these people do have a very piercing connections to
the sources of the current national problems. Previously as well as
personally Siye Abreha has been the architect of the current government
And the founding member of the EPDRF. He knew so many followers and
soldiers personally. He shared the menace of traveling to wars and battles
with them. He knew them when they were contented and when they were
crushed. He led them to death and wars with their empty stomachs and great
mental dedications and won several battles all over the Empire; he knows
each village and river and rivulet even a better shade and a tree in each
village. He talked and walked with elderly men in all villages of Tigray.
He hugged and encouraged mothers, aunts, sisters and grand mothers when
his beloved comrades died while fighting Isayas or Mengistu. I am telling
you this man is connected with all his mind and physique to the people of
the country. I feel he has a tremendous potential to become a bridge
amongst diversified people from Humara to Matahara and from Makele to
Moyale. Of course from Sabata to Sululta across the Great City of ours.
Lets us see what he could do for the people he knew very well more than
anybody amongst us.
After all he went to prison
with political prisoners as well as with prisoner nations within the
Empire. What a great lesson would be to a general who led his armies to
several victories and found himself imprisoned by his own foot soldiers. I
for sure know Siye Abraha has been a good student from Dedabit to Arat
Killo and would in fact might had gathered wisdom from prisoners who lived
in Kalitii for over a decade and from people of southern Ethiopia who
endured the onslaughts of invading people for centuries. He would be a
wiser man than just being a general in EPDRF army at this moment of his
life. One thing that I want you to share with you is that not only Siye
most of his comrades do have open minds and tremendous intelligence to
accept and receive acknowledgments as followers and leaders. Who had ever
courageously said other than Gebru Asrat the former governor of Tigray by
admitting his historical mistakes for letting Isayas run away with Eritrea
and her innocent people. I believe Siye Abraha would make a great
statesman for he tutored his groups to be loyal to their own senses of
right and wrong and history at the cost of their dear lives be it �rain
or shine.� He had read about democracy and its true meanings from within
the prison walls and with prisoner�s eyes and mind. He would not distort
the meaning of true democracy anymore.
I could see when he came
out of that prison cell he had put more decorative stars in his chest than
when he came in as dislodged former general. His psychosomatic experiences
had chilling effects when he reflected in confinements for several years
about his actions in the past. For good people like the general
imprisonment brings in purgatorial deliverance as a human being before
reaching Heaven. He is a better general and a better person today.
I would start with militia
and armed peasants of Tigray who staunchly defended the MLLT and helped
them surmount unbelievable trammels during their fights against Mengistu Government.
Because they have been muffled by the security forces; they would not say
anything at this moment but if they get a very strong support from the
rest of the country they may come and become a very vital force in
democratizing the country. By learning for the last 34 years what it means
to be undemocratic; I think the people of Tigray and the south could force
and teach the current leaders a true democratic economy, military and
politics and society. A true negation of undemocratic groups at this
moment seems to me the people of Tigray. They have seen it all and Saye
could be real existing bridge for all of this to snow ball; once the snow
balling starts we may start to go a best course for the people of the
I also understand that even
though several hundreds and thousands of civilians and cadres do most
probably agree with what the Siye Groups were suggesting be it military or
economic measures against Isayas Afewerki and they want to enrage him.
They had conquered him; they shall make him kneel down.
I for sure know that the
people of Tigray and the rest of the nation do not want to give away any
land to Eritrea. They stood in unison and fought and defeated Isayas by
crippling his teensy weensy economy. They have a very strong proclivity to
go ahead and dismantle the unstable, weak government of Isayas that could
not even supply his defense force. The Siye group were saying this from
the beginning; why do you not give him another opportunity to accomplish
what he had began in 1998? Even the camels in Danakl desert want Assab
back. The people of Afar had been ahead of us long time ago; they decided
to fight how long it may take them to bring back the rest of their people.
Sahos of Erob are mad like hell at occupying army of Eritrea. The down
trodden brothers and sisters in Eritrea have been waiting impatiently.
Also don't you think that
people in central parts of the country who might have some kind of support
for Siye even though it might not be as strong as in Tigray? There are
people such as Negaso Gidada who might grasp a chance to work with him
from within the parliament. His academic and political associates within
the government who kept quiet for survival may jump to his support soon he
comes on the stage.
Are you ready to think
unthinkable? What if the current army as a whole may be supporting what
had been argued by Siye group prior to 1998 war between Ethiopia and
Eritriea? I believe the situation in all its forms and continents in
Eritrea could have angered the armed forces for the last decades; what is
your reason that Siye could not play a central role in bringing in such a
boiling energy into action if he becomes a formidable force against Meles
Zenawi? Melese Zenawi and his government does not wish any confrontations
with Eritrea as it has been demonstrated in Tunis at a round table. Meles
might have been negotiating with Eritrea to remain in power by burying the
central issues of democracy with war cries from Jubilee Palace.
Most people do not agree on
the settled courses of the border demarcation issues locally as well as
international; is not it possible that the Siye group who had been saying
they had sinned in giving away the land to Isayas do very well in changing
the courses of the matter nationally as well as internationally? Don�t
you think this group could systematically negotiate or forcefully bring in
a lasting solutions to this issue at hand? Are you lending the card of the
game of wars to Melese so that he comes out and becomes a national hero if
he wages a war against Asmara and wins it? If there is a possibility and
Melese claims victory again ; his party may live longer; I predict that
may happen.
We must always learn from
history that was written by human blood. There were two most important
wars that had been fought in the north within last five decades. Tow of
them ended in 1991. The Ethiopian government started the war in 1960 when
the Eritrea Nationalists began the offensive against an occupying force.
It went on for very lengthy time. Then came the formation of TPLF and its
army and they fought with Ethiopian army for over two decades. Again there
was another war between Ethiopia in Eritrea after a very short break of
mere seven years. During all those wars the people of Tigray played a very
great role on both sides. Weather they were supporting the government or
going with national movements. In fact if we are very critical there was a
war that was conducted between EPLFand TPLF on one side and ELF on the
other side in 1982. Most of those were run by Tigrayan people on one side
. This clearly tells us that the people of Tigray had big roles in shaping
what had happened during the last half a century in the northern parts of
the Ethiopian Empire. I do not mean the people of the south did not
contribute anything; I am highlighting the importance of strategic
location in military contexts.
One of the reasons could be
the strategic location of the nation of Tigray between the Red Sea Country
of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Since they are related to the Eritrean people by
all forms of social relations; I believe the Tigrayan people will play a
great role in reconnecting back the Eritrea people to Ethiopia. They are
the ones who had let them go and they would be the ones who could bring
them back. I could see those signs very much clearly and vividly. If they
let Asmara to come to celebrate in Axum Tesion or Debre Damo even shoe
shine boys will be pilgrims to come back to the Holy Land just for one
weekend. May be ask for forgiveness. The preacher and the leader of the
sermon would be who except a son from the village.
The Ethiopian government
does not have the abilities to shut down the border in order to choke Isayas
and his government unless the Tigrayan people were fully cooperating in
accomplishing what had been planned by Addis Ababa government.
Historically the economy of Eritrea was tied to the rest of the south for
a very long time even during the Italian colonization of the state for
over more than half a century. Asmara was competing with the central
market of the county for commodities for a very long time. Some northern
provinces were butter and bread sources of the Eritrea people. From Gojaam
to Gonder and from Desse To Makele the Italian traders and agents were
luring products to Asmara for a very long time. And Asmara was thriving
during those days. And it was even called the Rome of Africa. The same
economic relationship existed until 1998 when the angry people of Tigray
demanded to shut out the state and stopped feeding the thriving market its
raw materials and human labor. That is where crucial matter lies. If it
comes to military the same is truer than the economy. Meddling of the
Italians were cut and products were not heading to Rome as the banana
products from Wabbi Shabale Valley in Somalia today.
When Haile Sellassie and
Mengistu unwittingly were amassing southern peasants to fight the fronts
in the north they were most of the time very unsuccessful because the army
from the south did not know the territories and did not have any ways of
communicating with the local people of Eritria or Tigray. Any army that
does not know its war terrain and does not know the language of the people
is at a great loss. That was true during those wars for the Ethiopian army
who came from other parts of the country and spoke Amharic. The Ethiopian
armies were at a great disadvantaged always for they were considered the
alien armies or enemies. Underline enemies for me. Whoever makes the
Tigrayan people enemies would lose a war in Eritrea. To make the Tigrayan
people a very close and swift friends; we must start from the adored sons
and daughters who bled and died for them for the last forty years. One of
such a much-loved sons and great generals is Siye Abraha..
Siye Abraha the general and
the Tigrayan people were teamed up with Eritrea twice and assisted him to
be prizewinning. Once against ELF and the second time against Mengistu in
1991. When they stirred their arms and swards against Isayas , he was
beleaguered within three months. This confirms to me that the Tigrayan
people could play a big role in bringing in Eritrea towards its country in
either ways peacefully or forcefully. They had done that several times;
they did it during the reign of Minilik and also they had fought very
successful anti colonial wars against the colonizing army of Italy under
the leadership of Alula Abanega. History had it generals from the Tigrayan
Highlands were government representative across the Red Sea way before the
time I could imagine to express if I wanted to tell my grand sons and
daughters in the future.
If you have cases against
him prepare them, the people of Tigray and Ethiopia will give him their
judgments after they had their brothers and sisters come home. They will
see to it that justice delivered to every one when they have their own
democratic popular government and institutions that comes with it. I
believe if people team up with other progressive people; we may solve core
problems that had harrowingly perturbed and savagely plunged our people to
death, hunger, diseases and starvation. The chronic civil wars in the Horn
of Africa must end for that Melese and Isayas must go as prerequisites. We
must stop fighting a proxy war for the benefits of foreign powers. We must
stop buying bullets to kill each other and get sacks of corns to our poor
families across our nation. We must buy beds for our patients than buying
A 47 to get them killed. We must stop the killing of promising national
leaders and our intellectuals. Let us do that by bonding up every body. We
must not let the bloodshed going on in The Horn. We must discharge our
generational duties now. I hope one day our leaders will run for the
primaries without fear in their minds and cuffs on their hands as other
democratic nations in the world. Siye would save us much trouble and time.
Sabataa Dubbii
February 15, 2008