G-20 summit- Promises that cannot be translated easily!
Fekadu Bekele (PhD)
6, 2009
I. In General
the 2nd April, major leaders from the industrialized west and
other newly industrialized countries from Asia, now called the G-20 met in
to discuss about the current financial and economic crisis which has now
encompassed the entire globe, and cope with the crisis before it is too
late. The conference which is seen as a mile stone not only in tackling
the crisis but also to take drastic measures to control the financial
market so that global players
do not twist the market as they wish is a measure step forward. As the
meeting was nearing, there are controversies whether the Americans and the
English are this time willing to take drastic measures against hedge funds
and other speculators, or continue with their old policies of leaving
everything to global players in the belief that the market could adjust
itself at the end, and everything comes to an equilibrium position. If the
situation remains business as usual this time, both Mrs. Merkel of Germany
and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France are not ready
to go ahead with the Anglo-American plan, and especially Mr.
Sarkozy protested from the
outset that he will leave the conference if there is no substantial result
which is not considering strong financial control mechanisms.
two leaders who represent two strong EU member countries, feel this time
that they have full confidence that history is no more on the side of the
Anglo-Americans, and especially the new American administration which is
lead by President Barack Obama will not frustrate the European vision of
bringing a workable solution to cope with the present financial and
economic crisis. It is no secret that President Barack Obama is attracted
by the welfare state model of the European type which is until now proved
to be a workable model which could keep social harmony within the western
capitalist model. It is believed that the laissez fair model of the
Anglo-American type, which is especially accentuated in the 1980s, and
propagated world wide as the only viable solution which could bring
economic growth to all countries which apply it, become disastrous. The
Popes of the free-market ideology are now on the defensive; and they are
crying that the state must intervene to curve the economic down turn
before it resulted into major depression.
type of meeting was first organized in 1975 when at that time the
industrialized west was hit by economic crisis, which was manifested in
high unemployment rate, inflation and high oil prices. Almost after three
decades of more or less continues economic growth, with mini recessions in
the 1960s, there come visible economic down turns, beginning the 1970s.
The unilateral action of the Nixon administration not to abide any more by
the Bretton Woods agreements and the introduction of a flexible exchange
rate system in 1973 had deepened the economic crisis, which needed
concerted actions to slow down the recession. Hence, President Valery
Giscard d�Estaing of
initiated an informal meeting of the G-6 countries, which has slowly grown
to G-7 and G-8. The inclusion of
and now other 12 countries shows that the world economy cannot be
dominated by few groups. The rise of
as a major economic and political power with high growth rate over the
last 30 years, and strong currency reserves of 2 trillion dollars, and
favourable trade balances, proves that there is a growing shift of
political and economic power in favour of
that cannot be undermined any more.
order to assert her power,
has this time spoken out what other nations have never challenged before.
The dollar must be replaced by other forms of reserves which cannot
reflect any more the economy of a single nation. The Chinese as the main
lender to
are not pleased with the way how the American government is pouring money
into the economy. The Chinese fear is justifiable for two reasons. The
permanent printing of dollars will devalue their reserves, and the debts
they have borrowed to
. Secondly, the Chinese
believe that
cannot easily come out of this deep financial and economic crisis and
restore her trade balances deficits, and build again a strong economy from
within. That means the dollar has only a military and political backbone
and is not any more supported by any physical economic activities which
strengthen the entire economy.
too have shown over the last 5 years in other major economic meetings,
like the WTO meeting, that they are major forces to be reckoned with, and
can hinder any suggestions which cannot favour their interests and the
interests of other developing nations that are members of the WTO.
Especially, Third World Countries should be delighted that the world
economy cannot be dictated any more by few countries as the last five
decades, which has completely marginalized them and blocked their
economies from within.
G-20 meeting of this time which took place in
, hosted by Prime Minister Gordon Brown, is confronted with economic and
financial crisis which was never seen like this after the major depression
of the 1929. As such, finding
real solution to the crisis and control the entire global financial and
economic order could not be easy. It seems that many governments are
confused by the ideological blasts of experts who still believe in pure
market philosophy, and who are beating around to block any fundamental
solution. The economic and political elite seems that it is still in a
position to regain its power of manipulating governments, and as such the
G-20 meeting will be simply a photo-shoot gathering without substantial
effects on the economic setup which is messing the entire globe. As is
seen from the conference, the leaders are still swearing that free trade
is the only solution to tackle the problem, and any action which blocks
free trade will be confronted with punitive action. Especially Prime
Minister Gordon Brown has warned nations not to take protectionist
measures which hinder the free movements of capital and goods. That means
the real problem of the present crisis is not yet recognized, and the
belief that one can go ahead �business-as-usual� by giving lip
services still rotates in the heads of many leaders. It is not well
recognized that free market needs to be regulated not only at home but
also on global scale. Each nation wants to be sovereign in all aspects,
and wants to see a harmonious society. Free trade cannot guarantee this.
The real problem is not detected - many theories that confuse
is now widely believed that the financial bubble and with that the
subprime crisis in
is the major immediate cause for the present financial crisis which has
encompassed the entire globe. The different financial instruments which
are developed in
, and the debt mechanism which is the main engine of the American economic
growth, especially during the
era, and which was continued during the Bush administration, brought
imbalances between the real economic sector and the financial market. As
more and more Americans are not any more relying on their own incomes to
buy houses and other durable goods, they are compelled to take credit, and
consume more and more to keep high standard of living.
financial alchemists began to realize that such kinds of credit mechanism
will bring high provisions and ensure them high standard of living. The
development of sophisticated financial instruments and the high gain out
of such kinds of artificial mathematical models, which have nothing in
common with the real sector blinded those players that they can
indefinitely enrich themselves by fooling innocent people who do not have
reliable income. Hence, with no or few income, millions become house
owners, with credits, mounting debts and compound interest. This kinds of
subprime credit which are given to innocent people, again packed and
divided in many parts., and thrown on the world financial markets in order
to spread the risks of the few banks. Many state owned and private
European banks believed that this kind of game brings higher returns, and
shifted their major activities to the global market which is created in
. The American investment banks which could not generate enough money from
the borrowers as usual to forward enough returns as is promised to
investors from
, created a situation so that the entire financial system could collapse
easily as a house which is built out of cartons. The break up of Lehman
brothers one of the major American investment banks has shaken the entire
global financial system, and many new economies of the 90s began to lose
their entire assets which they have developed in few decades.
are the few which become bankrupt from such kinds of financial melt down,
which has its beginning in
. In major European banking systems, the inter banking lending mechanism
was halted, and this in turn blocks the flow of credits to consumers and
critical economists see in such kinds of financial bubble and uncontrolled
credit mechanism one of the main causes of the entire present financial
crisis which has slowly but surely encompassed the real sector. Some go a
little bit further and attach the problem with the breaking up of the
Bretton Woods system, which paved the way for the emergence of a new
financial market system, and enabled many to participate in currency and
stock speculation. The delinking of the dollar from gold, and the
introduction of a flexible exchange rate system has shifted the economic
setup of the four decades from the real sector to the financial sector. It
is believed that participating in currency speculation and in secondary
market activities brings higher returns than investing in long term
economic activities, whose returns can be realized after a long time. This
kind of money making mentality and the loosening of financial and banking
control mechanisms have developed a new financial class which it believes
that it could outsmart governments across the globe. The globalization of
the 90s has strengthened this process of money making; and the shifting of
wealth from the real sector to the financial
market in order to gain higher returns become a normal process which is
widely believed that without producing real wealth one could enrich easily
himself if he shifts his money here and there. In this kind of money
making process and development of new and ever sophisticated instruments,
the petro dollar and non-investible dollar reserves from
have swollen the financial market and opened the door for those
speculators to continue with their gambling.
this is the immediate cause for the present financial and economic crisis,
other critical economists see the present crisis within the construction
of the capitalist system itself. In their beliefs that the capitalist
economy is characterized by ups and downs; as the system is based on
commodity production, the billions of products must be sold permanently in
order to close the cycle. As there are many actors which participate on
the market, all could not be competitive, and others are compelled to
introduce new technologies in the belief that they could reduce costs. The
reduction of costs and production of goods with the aid of few workers and
ever intensive technologies could solve the problem for a while, but in
the long run the market will be saturated. Millions of goods are produced
above what the market needs. That effective demand which is available on
the market could no absorb the products that are supplied to the market.
There is an over production, which is a huge burden to the producers. The
solution for this is to sell the products on foreign market.
emerging of new actors in the 1970s which could build their economies by
borrowing money from the capital market, and have problems for decades to
pay back their debts, have learned in the mean time to reorganize their
economies and become competitive in certain areas. Other emerging
economies like that of
become importers and exporters at the same time which have helped to a
certain extent to revitalize the world Economy. On the other side the
export from
begins threatening many countries, and as a result of open door policies
of the West it is no more possible to compete with the low quality of
Chinese products. Especially, those textile and shoo producing companies
are hit by Chinese products. Such kinds of imbalances on a global scale,
and the eroding of the industrial bases of certain countries, like that of
United States
, which still propagates the free trade doctrine, have undoubtedly brought
new economic frictions. As few countries still dictates the world economy
and control the production potential of the world economy, they could not
sell their products as they have planned. That means, though it seems that
many countries are integrated into the global economy, still billions of
people in many countries are peripheral to the system. They cannot buy and
consume what other countries produce due to their very low buying powers.
uneven development of capitalism on a world wide scale, the growing
pauperization of billions of people, and the blind exploitation of their
resources, inevitably narrows the home market in those undeveloped
economies. One observes that in the last 30 years, millions of people in
Africa and
could only consume second hand products of all types. The Markets of many
African countries are filled with second hand cars, refrigerators and
other house hold materials and clothes. Very few people, who could profit
from the free market of the IMF and the World Bank type, could afford to
buy new cars and other luxury goods. This new class become simply consumer
of new products which are produced elsewhere rather than engaging itself
in investment activities, which could create jobs and real income that
develop and expand the home market. I am not saying that this will
entirely solve the inherent contradiction of the system, however, still
broadens its markets across the globe. As we see today, the Chinese export
market is collapsing, and they are not importing machines and cars like in
the 90s. The Chinese are shifting their activities to develop their
neglected home market. It is believed that 2/3 of the population is still
poor and not fully integrated into the market activities. Cities, market
centres, and production activities are concentrated in few selected major
cities and areas.
this analyses one come to the conclusion that decreasing interest rate in
order to widen the money supply, or any stimulus plan could not help the
economy to regain its old strength. It could only postpone the crisis. On
the other hand, the gap between those who are rich and poor is widening,
as the richer class absorbs the wealth of the society, millions of people
in the industrial west lose their buying power. With this, the growing
power of the banking sector and other financial intermediaries is
absorbing wealth and canalising somewhere to accumulate more fictive
wealth. This and other complicated mechanism of tax payments which ruins
especially the hard working middle class and those small producers is
eroding the economic power of the system. Thousands of middle and small
class people, even though they work 12 and 14 hours a day, they could not
afford decent lives. After 40 years of work many are compelled to live
with minimum rents which cannot guarantee them the old way of living
is not as such as many believe that it is simply a financial crisis which
is widespread to the real sector; it is a systemic crisis which is
inherent in the system itself. The G-20 meeting could not discuss all the
hundreds issues that erode the entire system. It simply believes that by
regulating the financial sector, which is doubtable, because those who
have created the problem are assigned to solve the problem, will solve the
complex problem that the entire political and economic setup has created.
Especially, the mechanisms that are created over the last 30 years which
is eroding the system from within cannot be tackled easily. In addition to
this, unless the wealth gap which is widening at alarming rate is not
curved, and the political power of those economically dominating class is
not diminished, the system will have difficulties to get out of the
complex contradiction that are produced and overlapped.
Different solutions and many contradictions
is amazing to observe and hear that those who were opposing government
intervention in the economy are now crying that
governments should pour money into the economy in order to
stimulate production and create income. These economists who are now
shouting have never expected that such a deep crisis will occur and
encompasses the entire system. Over the last 30 years they have been
preaching that a market economy has its own inner mechanism, and moves
always to an equilibrium position. What is generated as income finds its
ways to buy goods. As such the
market works without any major disturbances. If crisis occurs, this
happens due to the irrational nature of trade unions who want to have the
greater share of the profit, which ultimately reduces the investing
capacity of the individual capitalists.
In all no-liberal economic books there is no room for a crisis
theory, because it is believed that everything functions harmoniously. Due
to this belief they have only solutions, which are econometrically
sophisticated but never solve the real economic problems.
the real world the economy works not as is imagined by the neo-liberals.
The income which is generated during the production process could not be
consumed entirely. Workers as well as capitalists either withhold or save
a part of their incomes. At
the same time workers and capitalists, could not always rely on what it is
directly generated during the production process, either for consumption
or investment, but on banking
systems to fill the gap what the income from direct employment cannot
create. That means in the capitalist economy the banking system plays a
major role to serve as an engine for the production and reproduction of
the economy. Keynes and
the Keynesians who have realised this in case of insufficient demand and
lower production activities have suggested that governments should
intervene via deficit spending to create jobs by investing on
infrastructures, schools and other public sectors. In this way governments
not only create new income but through that generate taxes which enable
them to pay back the money they have borrowed. In fact all major
industrialized countries have followed this path and created also new
credit mechanism to develop the broken economy. That means there is no a
pure market economy as such which operates on the free play of demand and
have been always government interventions of different types to support
the economy. What is missed over the last 30 years is that the shift from
this principle and follow dominantly a supply side economy has brought
imbalances in the system. Governments and the neo-liberal advisers
believed that via tax systems and monetary policies they could strengthen
the role of the capitalists. Only when capitalist are strengthened and
have sufficient money they will invest and create jobs. This has been
proved as a failure if one observes the policy of President Reagan in the
1980s, and the policy of Mrs.
Thatcher in
, and later on the policy of the Schroeder government at the beginning of
2000. The policy agenda of the Green and the social democrats, which was
called Agenda 2010, has expropriated the masses, especially those old
people, and has shifted over 45 billions of Euros in few years to the
wealthy people. With such kinds of neo-liberal policy the Schroeder
government could not create real jobs for those who seek employment.
policy has been criticized much by those well-known economists who were in
the same cabinet during the first term of the Schroeder government in
1998. These highly qualified economists propose now that the massive
intervention of the state is inevitable and crucial if one wants to avoid
mass unemployment which could threaten the entire system if it is left
alone for the market. These economists propose further that a low interest
rate is crucial for the system, since capitalists could only borrow and
invest when the return is higher than the total cost of production. To
curve speculation and hinder capital movements, these economists propose a
fixed exchange rate system and strict control of the financial markets,
and especially those casinos like financial operations which absorb money
from the real sector. Though
this is a workable solution, many governments are not willing to go back
to the old system of exchange mechanisms.
On the other side there is a limit to such kind of proposal,
because it does not take into account the inner contradictions of the
system, and the problem of wealth accumulation in the hands of the
minority, which create great imbalances in the system. When in all major
industrialized societies 2-5% of population controls over 80% of the
wealth, there is always a social and economic crisis. Above all, most of
the people are being indebted to buy cars and other durable goods to keep
the system. Unless such kinds of imbalances and the debt burden are
reduced, a pure Keynesian policy alone cannot save the system.
policies of the European and the American government to curve the crisis
could not until now bear fruits. The pure pouring of money into the
banking systems and other financial intermediaries remain without any
positive effects. In
alone, the government has poured over 100 billions of Euros to save the
major real estate, without bringing any substantial results. Now the
government is moving towards nationalization, which is against the market
economic principles. In
too, the biggest insurance company, AIG has become over 170 billions of
dollars from the government. This has not effected in positive results,
and it is assumed that this has become a major failure, and AIG cannot be
saved. That is why prominent economists like Professor Stieglitz and
Professor Krugman oppose such kinds of money pouring into the failed
banking system, which is resulted in nothing. Irrespective of the many
suggestions and contradictions, governments are now in great confusion,
and are jumping from one policy to the other. In
the government supports the car industry by giving a premium of 2500 �
for consumers who are ready to crush their cars which are older than 9
years. In
, the government of President Sarkozy is pouring billions of Euros into
the car industry to stop the economic down turn. Whether all these
suggestions and supports could help regenerate the economy depends on many
factors. The growth of the world market plays a decisive role, since the
German economy relies heavily on the world market. That means the American
and the Chinese economy must grow to a certain level so that demands for
German cars and machines will rise. But the realities on the ground show
that the economic situation in these and other countries is so bleak that
there is no major turn up in the near future.
The Fate of
G-20 countries have promised to give over 700 billion of dollars to
developing countries which are in a dire conditions. Because of the low
demand of raw materials and price falls on the international markets, many
African countries, which are relying on one or few export products, are
hit hard and could not finance their existing projects let alone finance
new ones. The world economy has been always operating against
, and many governments seem not to learn from the past mistakes.
During the 1950s and 1960s, when export prices were high many
governments believed that the situation will continue like that. When the
oil crisis and the economic recession in 1973/74 hit them heavily, they
must rely on aid and on IMF interventionist policies which have aggravated
their economic systems, and narrowed the home market. Though beginning the
end of the 1990s raw material prices rose up again, many governments still
thought that the economic growth in
could go indefinitely. As such, the money that the African governments
have earned could not be allocated in sectors which could expand their
economic activities and create strong home market. Due to the weak
policies which African governments have been pursuing over the last three
or more decades, the systems become more fragile and could not build
strong tax base.
the G-20 summit, the IMF, which was once discarded, is now accorded with
the same mission of helping the African economy. As seen over the last six
or more months, the IMF intervention in
and other east European countries could not improve the situation there.
While major Western countries are following active roles and lowering
interest rates, the IMF prescribes its old policies for these countries.
That means those countries which get the IMF financial aid must reduce
state budgets; they must not invest in job creating economic sectors. They
do not have to expand their home market by investing in multiple economic
activities which have chained and multiplier effects. Most East European
countries which have dreamt that the market economy will bring miracles
and followed a strict neo-liberal economic policy are now confronted with
situations which they cannot master. Neither the pure integration in the
European market economic activities nor following simple open-door
economic policies could bring them real wealth. What happened is that as a
result of neo-liberal economic policies few become richer and the majority
of the people are thrown into abject poverty. The political corruption in
many countries has worsened the situation, and many countries are now on
the brink of collapse.
these and other experiences prove that the IMF policies and the
reorientation of many African economies to rely heavily on market
mechanism by no means solve the deepening social and economic crisis in
these countries. As in the past, the political elite benefits from such
kinds of economic package, while the majority of the masses will remain
poor. The past six decades prove that the political elite in Africa has no
any concept of nation building, and is not willing to be engaged in wide
range economic activities by mobilizing the masses and the resources which
are available in abundance. The pure business making mentality which is
spread in many African countries, prevent many governments not to see
beyond short term gains. The logic of capitalistic production and
reproduction system seems, is not well realized in many African countries.
Innovation, developing newer technologies and helping small and medium
size industries to build a strong home market is not in the interest of
the African elite. In light of this indifference the neo-liberal
prescription and the open-door policy which major European countries and
want to be followed strictly could not help
. Open door policies will destroy the existing industries and ruin the
peasants. The result will be mass unemployment and continuous
trade and pure market economic policy could not bring
out of the present economic and social crisis.
The one trillion dollar aid over the last sixty years did not help
. This time too this supposed aid will never help the African masses, and
the African governments will enrich themselves rather than developing a
coherent economy. If the major industrial countries want that
must develop, a new kind of institution which is free from the ideological
ballasts� of neo-liberalism must be set up. What
needs is not only the creation of material wealth, but also the continent
must spiritually be renewed so that the creative capacities of the people
will be improved and decide over their fates. Only major institutional and
educational reforms and political as well cultural renaissance set free
new energy and bring new dynamism. The
African problem is not a monetary problem. It is a cultural and mental
problem which could be dealt only through a holistic approach. The main
aim of this approach must not be as such to eradicate poverty, but to
build a nation-state on the basis of big and small projects which are
interconnected with each other. Only by thinking big one can eradicate
Bekele, Ph D