Structural Adjustment to WTO membership! Squaring poverty!!
Ethiopia should not become member of the WTO?
have a rested mind is a state of ignorance. One must always find something
what he can do, to think and bring ideas which could be realized for what
one is interested, either for the entire society or for individuals.�
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
normative authority of the United
lies in ruins�
Prof. J�rgen Habermass
the application of the EPRDF government to become Ethiopia member of the
WTO, I have published a long thesis in Amharic, and tried to prove that
this application and the possibility of becoming member of the
organization is not in the interest of our country. The fact that
enlightened minded Ethiopians and those who will be directly affected
vehemently oppose if Ethiopia becomes member of the WTO, Meles Zenawi who
is now a strong ally of the Bush administration in fighting the fabricated
international terrorism, is advised to take more liberalization measures,
if Ethiopia have the chance of joining the WTO. Though there are thousands
of scientific evidences which prove that such kinds of membership by no
means helps a country like that of Ethiopia to build an economy based on
science and technology which is the prerequisite of a coherent
nation-state, Meles is hasty to totally sell-out our country to
multinational companies so that our people won't see the true light of
the last ten or more years, poor people and enlightened forces across the
globe have fiercely protested against the attempts of not only the WTO
which promotes free trade doctrine for the industrialized West, but also
against all monetarist policies of the IMF and the World Bank, which have
brought incalculable damages against the billions of poor people in this
world. The sixty years of
economic policies which have been practiced in most of the Third World
Countries in the name of free market have proved that these policies have
the sole purpose of pushing these people into more poverty and resource
plundering which were organized by the respective governments of those
countries. In spite of the many damages that the people of the Third World
Countries are experiencing, new policies are being formulated again and
again so that these countries become more dependent, and open their doors
for more resource plundering. The fact that no intellectual debate takes
place, especially in many African countries, which economic policy is the
best in bringing the necessary economic development that guarantees the
people a decent life so that they live in peace and harmony, it is
convenient for organizations like the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank to
propagate their monster like policies which ultimately destroy the
livelihood of those innocent people. It is therefore our urgent task to
oppose any attempt made by these organizations to incorporate Ethiopia
into the global order so that her resources will not be more plundered,
and her people will not live under permanent poverty.
order to prove why free trade as is propagated by the IMF, the World Bank
and the WTO couldn't bring the desired results, I will show first of all
the effects of the structural adjustment program, henceforth SAP, on the
livelihood of the Ethiopian people as has been practiced over the last 15
years. As I have subsequently proved in the many publications I made why
SAP couldn't bring the promised results, it will be evident here too that
Ethiopia's application to enter the WTO will deepen the poverty of our
people, and break-up the existing social structures, make our country more
dependent on outside forces, and make her vulnerable to any economic shock
which comes from outside. From this bleak perspective, the insistence of the US
administration that Ethiopia must liberalize its service sector if she
will become member of the WTO is nothing but a calculated intrigue to
destroy the remaining social ties and create a new social matrix like that
of Mexico and other Latin American countries, which can�t be easily
controlled by any government which seizes power.
this respect, it is of a paramount importance to understand also the
theoretical foundations of these organizations which promote free trade
across the globe. Without understanding their false assumptions, and the
basis of their theoretical foundation, it is very difficult to fight for a
civilized Ethiopia, where her people live in prosperity and peace. I will
try to prove also that not free trade as formulated and propagated by Adam
Smith and Ricardo, but mercantilist policies of the 17th and 18th
centuries, which had opened the road to more coherent economic development
in those countries that applied this state regulated economic policy. Here
too, I will prove that not free trade which brings economic prosperity for
those impoverished countries like Ethiopia, but a systematic state
regulated economic policy, which also favours all those active forces that
are ready to take part in nation building.
failed promise!! Why SAP has
introduction of the free market policy and especially the program of the
structural adjustment in Ethiopia in 1993 is a historical turning point in
the socio-economic conditions of our country. With the introduction of the
SAP, it was from the outset clear that such kind of a wide range policy
will create new social conditions and social relationships that our
country has never experienced before. By creating new conditions, and
formulating new laws, and practicing new policy that are totally different
from the policy of the previous government, the policy makers were
convinced that Ethiopia and its people will march on the road of market
economy that brings prosperity and eradicate poverty once-for-all.
the experts of the IMF have "studied" the socio-economic
condition of Ethiopia, that is very meagre and unscientific in its
formulations, they came to the conclusion that, the EPRDF government has
no option other than implementing a market economic policy program as
prescribed by these neo-liberal organizations. In their beliefs, the
previous military regime had adopted a socialist economic policy, that is
not compatible with the neo-liberal market economic policy, and
responsible for the bad performance of the economy and wide spread
poverty. On the other side, one could see easily the theoretical fallacies
and empirical contradictions made by these organisations, that while the
majority of the Ethiopian peasants live under subsistence condition, and
when this with the widespread of the informal sector is the reproduction
basis of the Ethiopian masses, how is it possible that one can plan a
socialist economic policy. Under these scattered economic conditions and
formations with practically underdeveloped economic, financial and social
infrastructures it is very difficult to practice a socialist economic
planning. What the military government had tried to do was to organize the
people in cooperative farming, and had taken wide range measures that it
believed, could pave the way for a kind of state regulated economic
policy. Because of the
political turmoil that the country had to experience, and the
contradictory measures that the government had taken, and its incapacity
to execute the policy in a professional manner, and its false
understanding of the socio-economic conditions of the country, it couldn't
bring the desired results.
the EPRDF government and its mentors, the IMF and the World Bank,
knowingly or unknowingly, couldn't understand the nature of the Ethiopian
socio-economic formation. As a result of this misconception and wrong
analysis, they came to their supposed market economic policy, that by no
means solves deep-rooted social and economic crisis like that of Ethiopia.
It is just like this: wrong doctors, wrong diagnosis and wrong medicine
that multiply the crisis and deepen it so that no one could solve. The
experiences in many countries, where SAP
and other market economic policies have been practiced prove that these
kinds' of market economic policies never solve social and economic
problems, and never lead those countries to a more integrated capitalist
macroeconomic structure. We see today in Ghana, Nigeria and other
Sub-Saharan African countries where SAP was being practiced that these
countries are far away from an integrated and self-reproductive market
economic structures. On the contrary: informal sector and black market activities are the
rule of the system rather than the exception. From this we learn that
the identification of the macroeconomic
imbalances by the World Bank and the IMF concerning the African
economic condition is not a correct identification as our Prime Minister,
Mr. Meles Zenawi makes us believe. When there are no macroeconomic
conditions like that of homogeneous labour
market, capital market, money market, general
inflations rate, etc, according to the theory of macroeconomic policy,
how can one come to the conclusion that there are imbalances in the
economic construction of the Ethiopian society. On the other side, our
Prime Minister can�t specify what he means by macroeconomic
and under what circumstances there are imbalances? What does it mean in
such underdeveloped economy the existence of macroeconomic imbalances? As
a matter of fact, imbalances in a given situation do exist when one aspect
of that given situation is more developed than the other; and due to such disequilibria
situation when there are economic distortions which block economic
development in general. The problem in Ethiopia and in other African
countries is not as such the existence of macro-economic imbalances, but
the system is organized on false principles and guidelines; and therefore
that these societies do not know why they exist. In other words, when a
given economy is chaotically organized it disorients the people; their
lifestyles will not have some philosophical backgrounds. The inherent
contradictions of such a system which has its own socio-cultural
manifestations, like disorganized activities, disorientation of the
society, loosely connected production activities with very low value-added
effect block economic development. In other words, the interactions of so
many factors, internal and external, and the interwoven of these factors
and their non-dynamism is the real cause of the economic crisis of the
African economy. Mr. Meles
talks about economic theory that he has never understood and will never
understand, because the problem lies some where, not of imbalances of the
macroeconomic parameters that do not exist in the African conditions.
Because of this wrong identification of the African economic realities,
the neo-liberal ideologists, the IMF and the World Bank came to wrong
policies that they prescribed to all Sub-Saharan African countries and
adopted, and led these countries to more deep-rooted crisis. After these
attempted and failed experiments, likewise our country must also swallow
this bitter medicine, that after 15 years of practices our Prime Minister
Meles Zenawi realized that he had chosen the wrong path of economic
policy. After he has destroyed our country and changed the social matrix
of our society, the "wise leader" came to such amazing
conclusion, that neo-liberalism is a wrong medicine in curing the African
economic crisis.
usual, the IMF and the World Bank had prescribed in their policies the
known formulas: The EPRDF must take the following measures if it wants to
adopt market economic policy: devaluation
of the Birr in terms of the US-Dollar, price
liberalization, state budget
reduction, privatization,
liberalization of the foreign trade,
etc. From the perspective of the IMF and the World Bank, if the government
practices these monetarist policies, that are erroneous and unscientific
by nature, economic growth and increase of real income become the rule of
the system, and as a matter of fact it encompasses all the areas of the
socio-economic activities, and as a result of this the Ethiopian people
will see the true light of civilization, and become the member of this
beautiful global village where billion of peoples dance hand in hands and
enjoy life.
the eyes of the IMF and the World Bank that propagate neo-liberal policies
on a global scale, devaluation of a given currency will automatically
increase demand. In their beliefs, currencies like that of Ethiopia are
overvalued, and hence export prices are expensive and as a result of this
overvalued currency, Ethiopia couldn�t get sufficient demand. If
currency devaluation occurs, the so-called elasticity of demand will be
the rule, and that means the product Ethiopia exports get more buyers. If
this elasticity demand applies for those highly competitive economies,
that use scale economies i.e. that operate with high intensive
technologies and decrease production costs, for countries like Ethiopia
the formula of elasticity of demand couldn't be applied. Because of the
oversupply of products, like coffee and other agricultural products, and
because of intense competition among agricultural and raw material
producing countries, and because of price dictation and future contracts,
that the coffee and other raw material cartels have at their disposals,
devaluation of currencies will not have automatic positive results as is
supposed by the IMF, the World Bank and other neo-liberal economists that
are ideologically blinded and confuse the world. If the Ethiopian Birr and
the currencies of other Third World Countries are overvalued, because
of historical reasons, i.e. in order to protect their markets. From the
point of view of importers, it is advantageous to have overvalued
currencies, since the exchange rate in terms of a foreign currency favours
the importers, i.e. with less amounts of their currencies they could
exchange a certain amount of foreign currency, say the American dollar
with which they import the necessary capital goods, durable or other
marketable goods.
being the case, the devaluation of the Ethiopian Birr (Ethiopian
Currency), from the previous 2.05 Birr in terms of US-Dollar, to 5 Birr
and later to 8, and to 10 Ethiopian Birr could not bring the desired
results. The devaluation of the Ethiopian Birr has two negative effects;
i.e. as a result of devaluation Ethiopian exporters couldn't find more
buyers for their products. The exporters must export too much of the same
products to get the same amounts of turnover as the previous years or
less. On the other side, importers must bring more of the Ethiopian Birr
to buy one US-Dollar, which is not possible. As a result of such kinds of
exchange rate that is not market induced, but taken by the government
because of the pressure from the so-called international community,
Ethiopia has to experience negative trade balances over the last 15 years.
As a result of the introduction and implementation of such kinds of
devaluation measures, and liberalization of the foreign trade, the trade
balance deficit had increased from $ -720.6 US in 1991/92 to $-1,101.7 US.
The increase of imports in terms of GDP had increased successively from
23.0 per cent in 1995/96 to 30.3 per cent in 2000/01; where as the amounts
of exports in terms of the GDP had fluctuated between 13 and 14 per cent
for the same years. Export volumes and earnings from coffee couldn't bring
the desired results as the IMF and the World Bank would make the
government believe. Due to low coffee prices at historic level, and
increasing oil prices and the heavy fluctuation of the volume of coffee
that Ethiopia exports, the earnings from coffee has decreased from $ 420
million US in 1997/98 to $ 203 million US in the year 2003/4. The terms of
trade of coffee to other imported goods has decreased by 33.9 per cent in
FY 2000/01, by another 6.3 per cent in FY 01/02, and by yet another 8.9
per cent in FY 2002/03. That means Ethiopia must pay more for one imported
good, because of the fall of the prices of coffee. Or she must sell more
of the volume of coffee for one imported good. This
clearly demonstrates that, as the result of the well celebrated
devaluation, Ethiopia could neither export more nor earns more dollars
that could be used for the importation of capital goods.
seen, devaluation must restrict imports. The practice demonstrates,
however, that Ethiopia must import goods that are not compatible with her
internal production capacity, and with the export income she earns. As a
result of liberalisation and emerging of new
consumer class including government authorities, the country was
compelled to import unnecessary consumption goods that shared the meagre
hard currencies that she other wise allocates for other productive
purposes. This in turn had spread a unique black market activity and a
kind of Ethiopian speculation, which had benefited the new consumer class.
At the same time, such kinds of market reforms and increasing of imported
goods had expanded the share of the service sector to unknown historical
level. Because of the low industrial base of the country, and because of
the internal migration from the rural areas to the cities, especially to
the capital city, and that are also deliberately induced by the
government, those who couldn't find jobs and couldn't be easily absorbed
by the new investments and the existing industries, were compelled to
engage themselves in black market activities, to ayer be ayer (speculation)
and other very minor activities. This has swollen the share of the service
sector in terms of GDP, which is 40 per cent now, compared to the
industrial sector which had remained to only 12 per cent over the last 15
years. At the same time, the massive importation of Handy and the
involvement of the EPRDF cadres in such kinds of activities, and the
massive corruption of the Ethiopian telecommunication officials by foreign
forces have radically reduced the use of fixed telephone lines.
Telecommunication officials, who could be easily corrupted, make the
existing telephone lines out of operation; and people are compelled to buy
Handy. This kind of insane activity by the Ethiopian telecommunication
officials had expanded the Handy market.
liberalization of the foreign trade had also other devastating impacts on
the Ethiopian economy. Textile products, shoes and other products that are
competing with the existing industries were imported; and are still being
imported, and as a result of this many companies are compelled to reduce
the workforce, and produce with very low capacities. The EPRDF government
was not willing to take measures against these kinds of massive
importations of goods that are destroying the very existing industries.
All in all, and as experiences from other countries show, the celebrated
liberalization of the foreign trade did not bring for the country any
tangible result that could boost the internal market. The internal market is today more distorted than ever, and doesn't have
any system of internal dynamism that could give hope for the masses that
are desperately looking for jobs.
shrinking of the home market as a result of weak industrial base, and the
reliance of the government more on indirect taxes for its budget, and the
uncertainty of such taxes had compelled the government to rely more on
outside sources to fill its ever-growing budget deficits. If we look at
the development of Ethiopia's accumulated debt over the last 15 years, the
country comes to a point which it cannot cope any more with such kinds of
staggering amounts of debt that shares the huge amount of export earnings.
The accumulated debt over the last fifteen years has increased to $ 10.4
billion US. This means that this huge debt is 173 per cent of the GDP of
the country. This is also equivalent to 504 per cent of its foreign trade.
As a result of debt negotiations with Russia and with the international
community, the amount of debt has been reduced to $ 5.3 billion US. Still
the country must pay debt service that is equivalent to 23 per cent from
her external earnings.
liberalization of the foreign trade like the devaluation of the Birr is
based on a false theoretical assumption that doesn't have any scientific
basis. When the IMF and the World Bank make their "analysis" to
detect the weak points of the Ethiopian economy, they did not have the gut
and the theoretical instruments with which they could thoroughly analyse
the socio-economic formation of the Ethiopian society, but they simply try
to see the situation from a simple construction of monetarist view, that
had blinded their minds. It must be from the outset clear that monetarism
that was developed in the early 20th century is not constructed to develop
a capitalistic economy, but to manipulate it by means of diverse devices,
and was not suitable to serve as a theoretical instrument to analyse such
backward economic formations like that of Ethiopia. As a result of this
misconception of social realities, and biased against other scientifically
proved economic and civilization oriented theories, the IMF and the World
Bank have no other option than following this radical ideology that
destroys the basis of human relationships. They are by nature against
other alternatives, since they are ideologically fixed, and don't have any
knowledge of human civilization. The fixing of their attitudes to such
ideologically and politically motivated economic theory shows also that,
they have some hidden agendas to misguide those poorly educated guys, and
are serving at the same time to execute the interests of those evil minded
oligarchic forces in this world. The ideological motivation of these
institutions prove also that they don't posses any democratic values in
their minds, though they pretend to do so, and are born and grown in the
industrialized societies where democratic values are the norms of their
societies. In actual fact, they behave like dictators, but they differ in
one thing; they don't seize guns and don't posses prisons. Their guns and prisons are their neo-liberal ideology that is not less
dangerous than dictatorship.
problem of the foreign trade in Ethiopia like that of the internal economy
is more of a structural nature than simple liberalization and monetary
problem, that can't be solved by such kinds of superficial instruments
that aggravate the situation rather than solving it. For generations,
Ethiopia is dependent on only very few agricultural export products to
earn foreign currency. As other developing countries, Ethiopia was also
compelled to be dependent on such kinds of few exportable products rather
than following an inward development strategy. Though Ethiopia has been
exporting coffee over the last 100 years, its importance became clear as a
new aristocratic and bureaucratic class had seized power after the end of
the Ethio-Italian war. This new aristocratic and bureaucratic class that
was led by the Emperor didn't have any scientific knowledge how it could
build a nation-state like that of Ethiopia on the basis of science and
technology, but it had blindly followed the advices of foreign forces, and
concentrated its efforts to expand coffee production, and install the
wrong industrialisation policy, that has very weak internal linkages, and
very weak accumulation effects. This import-substitution-
industrialisation and the concentration on coffee production are the main
characteristic features of the Ethiopian economy that have distorted
genuine economic development based on science and technology.
this vantage point of view, as an economist one should study the
structural weakness of the Ethiopian economy before one come to a wrong
conclusion and suggest the wrong policy
that doesn't have any scientific coherency in dealing with those
economies like that of Ethiopia. In a country like that of Ethiopia, where
theoretical and scientific debates are not the rule of the society, and
where the intellectual basis of the society is very weak, and where such
kinds of destructive forces like that of the EPRDF seize power, it is very
simple to manipulate and execute once own evil agenda; i.e. to destroy the
very foundation of the nation-state so that the masses live like animals.
That is what the IMF and the World Bank have been trying over the last 60
years, and they have successfully achieved their evil atrocities against
the billions of innocent people across the globe. The mass poverty in
Ethiopia that is growing every passing day prove this fact; the evil
nature of the IMF and the World Bank and their monster like policies. It is our humanistic agenda to fight against this monster
like policy if we want to save Ethiopia as a nation-state, and build it on
a strong foundation; that is science and technology. For how long can
humanity be deceived by this satanic theory that is against natural laws
and true Christian Values, i.e. Brotherhood and genuine civilization based
on science and technology.
case of privatization that is a part and parcel of the total misconceived
package of the IMF is also another intriguing attempt to distort the
Ethiopian economy. According to the IMF and the World Bank philosophy, one
of the main characteristic features of those economies like that of
Ethiopia are, there is too much state intervention in the economy that
hinders market economic operation. As usual, such kinds of "massive
state intervention" which can't be proved scientifically, the role of
private initiative will be restricted, scarce resources couldn't be
efficiently allocated, and as a result there is price distortion that
leads to disequilibrium situation among the different economic sectors.
Therefore, the IMF experts say, that the only remedy for such kinds of
market disequilibrium, and inefficient allocation of scarce resources, is
privatization of the state owned industries. The IMF and World Bank
experts that don't think and analyse in terms of historical process, and
that don't believe in such kinds of comparative analysis, they never pose
questions, why there is, according to their view " too much"
state intervention in those economies like that of Ethiopia. On the other
side, this exaggerated state intervention if we compare it to that of the
purely capitalistic economy of the West, doesn't exist. If we look at the
economic structure of Ethiopia, either during the Emperor time or during
the era of the Military dictatorship, the role of the state in
manipulating the economy was practically negligible. First of all, the
majority of the industries and other so-called modern sectors are not the
basis of the material reproduction of the masses. Since over 85% of the
Ethiopian people rely on the basis of subsistence farming and informal
sector activities for their reproduction, to believe that the state has
the greatest role in conducting the movement of the entire economy is to
put things on their head.
is no any scientific justification on this basis to make us believe that
the Ethiopian economy is slowly growing because of the massive
intervention of the state. When we look at the economic policies of either
the Emperor or the Military dictatorship, both have wrong conception of
economic development, and had never thought from a scientific perspective
to develop a coherent and self-reproductive economy. As a result of the
built-in mechanism of the import-substitution industrialization, and due
to the historical nature of the Ethiopian society, the dynamism of the
system is very limited. Secondly, the import-substitution
industrialization is a false accumulation model; since it is not backed by
machine-tool industries that has the greatest accumulation effect, and
could easily encompass the entire economy if it is again backed by
development and research. The lack of such kinds of industry is one of the
main causes of underdevelopment of the Ethiopian economy, and as such not
the massive intervention of the state in the economy that hampered
economic development. This
false accumulation model is not only the problem of Ethiopia; it is the
problem of so many African countries that were compelled to follow such a
policy during the 50s and the 60s. When the state had �greater roles�
in those economic sectors, not because it wanted to act like this, but the
historical necessity of the country has compelled it to play major roles
in those areas where private capitalists couldn't afford.
fact that Ethiopia was pushed to follow such a distorted economic policy
had compelled money holders not to invest on productive sectors. Due to
the limited historical knowledge of the state and the ruling class, it was
not possible to rare a bourgeoisie class that could play a historical role
by investing on technologies that have greater accumulation effects. The
state by opening its door and foolishly advised by foreign manipulators,
had derived those money holders not to play active role in the economy. As
a result of this cooperation between the ruling class and the foreign
forces, the only option for the indigenous class that has remained is to
concentrate on those areas where the turn-over of capital is quick, and
becomes rich easily within a short time. Then the service and the trade
sectors were seen as the only alternative economic sectors, and as times
goes the class which is engaged in this sector become culturally bounded
and remained there tightened for generations. When the military government
came to power, whether knowingly or unknowingly, it wanted to correct
these kinds of resource distortion that hampered economic development. But
the problem of the military government was that it had not grasped the
nature of the socio-economic backwardness of the Ethiopian society.
Without knowing what socialism is, as any body does, it had started to
fight on all fronts, and by that it produced so many enemies. As a result
of blind nationalization and false understanding of the laws of political
economy, its measures were destructive, and did not have any scientific
basis that could alter the Ethiopian society on solid foundation. Such
kinds of hasty measures by the military government, and the all-out
propaganda against the supposed socialism, the west had begun its fierce
attack against Ethiopia in order to destabilize the entire social matrix
of the Ethiopian society.
the EPRDF government came to power, there is no alternative other than
advising it to privatize the state owned sector. The hasty measure of the
IMF and the World Bank to control the situation, and the incompetent
nature of the EPRDF government, has created a situation so that not only
the government, but also other forces that were not in favour of the
government saw the policy as a correct strategy that could bring economic
growth and eradicate poverty. The question, when privatization is
introduced, how it is sold, and who competes to buy the industries and
other economic activities were not resolved from the very beginning. All
have seen as if there were forces that could afford to buy and ran the
industries according to the principles of market economic efficiency. As
times goes it became clear that only those forces that have direct access
to the government or are related to the party, and get easily bank credits
could partake in the privatization process. In Ethiopia too, we observe a
Russian type situation when private persons without prior knowledge of
market economic principles, and without having money, easily get access to
bank credit and could buy the industries. As a result of such kinds of
direct and indirect intervention of the EPRDF government few individuals
became rich over night by stealing the country�s wealth. This
has created a new social situation; and new class relationship has been
created that is not dynamic by nature, but arrogant and illiterate that
has taken the country to unknown destination as we see it today. This new
class relationship that is created by the holly alliance of the
international community and the ruling class is not in a position to
create new wealth by engaging itself on those areas whose accumulation
base is wide; i.e. science and technology based investments.
kind of privatization measure that is ideologically motivated rather than
economically and scientifically justified couldn't create a market
economic dynamism that brings prosperity to the country by creating new
jobs and raises real income of the worker. When we look at the entire
economic reform that was introduced in the name of a free market, its
agenda was clear. By making the economy more open to global players, that
come and make their agreements with the ruling class and squeeze the
maximum profit through such kinds of unequal arrangements, they want to
drive the country to uncontrolled situation. At the same time, this kind
of market reform proves the incapacity and ahistorical nature of the
ruling class that has prostituted itself to the international financial
oligarchic class that ruins nation-states across the globe. In this manner
the new ruling class and those who have profited from this distorted
market economic reforms have reduced themselves to a status of slave that
obey and do what their master say. This is unique in human history, and it
is against the interests of our nation that must be combated by any means.
in all, if we look at the neo-liberal policies of the IMF and the World
Bank, the policies are based on wrong assumptions and identifications that
are not existing in those economies like that of Ethiopia. The problem is
not macroeconomic imbalances, but unique structural, economic, social,
cultural and political crisis that arrest technological and scientific
development. The problem lies that
Ethiopia has a unique history of social formation of interwoven mechanisms
that arrest the human mind not to go beyond the existing imaginations and
social realities, that could be dealt only by metaphysical instruments of
the highest order, and can't be
solved by simple monetarist ideologies that are perverse by nature and
multiply the crisis to a higher degree so that no one could solve them.
That is what the IMF and the World Bank are trying to achieve and confuse
the world more and more as if there are no other instruments other than
these misconceived policies that are based on false paradigm. It
is a fundamentalist ideology that is responsible for the death of hundreds
of thousands of people across the globe, and many are still dying every
day because certain foolish governments like that of Ethiopia are
practicing it on our people.
Growth without Development!! Market Economy without Capitalism!!
are told that, since the introduction of the Structural Adjustment Program
or the market economic reforms in 1993 the Ethiopian economy has grown by
more than 7 per cent or on average by 5.7 per cent year after year. The
statistics of the EPRDF led government, the World Bank's statistics and
other neo-liberal researchers that have made wide range analysis about the
Ethiopian economy came to the conclusion that the economy has shown
remarkable growth rate of 7 to 8 per cent over the last 15 years. If we
study all these analysis made by all neo-liberal affiliated institutes
that don't derive their researches from the physical economic science
point of view or from qualitative analysis, but take simple quantitative
growth model as their point of departure, the supposed growth rate is not
backed by science and technology, but is simply the extension of the old
model of industrialization. The EPRDF government and its advisors didn't
have time to study the nature and the structural weakness of the old
industrialization model that is known as the import-substitution
industrialization, but convinced by their neo-liberal model and continued
with the same accumulation model as in the past as the only viable road of
achieving economic growth. Hence, after the government has taken all the
necessary monetarist reforms as it is advised by the World Bank and the
IMF, it perused the same industrialization policy as in the 50s and the
wide range analysis and researches show that the import-substitution
industrialization strategy that was introduced as a model of "capital
accumulation" and modernizing the entire society in the 1950s as was
imposed by foreign forces in most of the African countries and including
that of Ethiopia, was one of the main factors that had distorted economic
development and responsible for massive waste of resources.
of all, such kinds of industrialization model was conceived for
consumption purposes without being backed by a machine-tool sector that is
the backbone of a true capitalistic model or an extended capitalistic
as a matter of fact such a model was detached from development and
researches, without which a coherent economy with its own
self-reproduction base can�t develop and undermine the old modes of
production relationships that hamper economic development. Third, such a
model of industrialization was not again backed by any science led
education system that could give it internal dynamism. As is known, the
education system of the 1950s and 60s had produced a white-colour social
class that by itself became the victim of this kind of distorted
industrialization model.
as the total package of the industrialization model came from abroad, it
was heavily dependent for all the input factors on outside sources. That
means, it did not have backward linkages. In other words, this model
couldn't serve as a market for the raw material producing sector,
including that of the agricultural sector. Fifth, its capacity of creating
jobs for the million of the job seekers was very weak, and had only
demonstration effects. Sixth, most of the industries were located in the
capital cities, and in other selected cities that were not connected by
multiple mechanisms with the rural areas. On the other hand, such a model
had the capacity of absorbing resources from the rural areas, human and
material resources. Job seekers and those young people after they have
accomplished their secondary education came to the capital city to look
for jobs, and this has created perverse conditions in those selected
cities. The mass exodus from the rural areas and villages has created
marginalization in the cities. The
widespread prostitutions and with its all kinds of aftermath that is by
itself became a kind of industry is the by-product of such kinds of
industrialization model. The spread of informal sector that becomes the
only viable reproduction base of the city dwellers, and that we see it
especially in the Mercato( a dense and chaotically organized market place in Addis)
area is a vivid example of this false industrialization model of the 1950s
and 1960s. Seventh, as is propagated in the universities, such a
modernized sector couldn't trickle-down, and encompasses the other
backward sectors due to the limited technological base. Eighth, the
workers who are working in this so-called modern sector earn wages that do
not enable them to buy the products they produce themselves. Hence the
money can�t come back to its original place so that capital accumulation
takes place on a higher scale. Only through such kinds of interconnected
relationships and continuous growth of the real income the industry finds
its financing sources that enable it to expand and become innovative.
These are some of the handicaps of such import-substitution
industrialization model that threw our society to more deep-rooted crisis.
the introduction of their nasty neo-liberal model, and after wide spread
privatization, the EPRDF government that does not know other economic
policies, continued on a higher scale with the old industrialization model
that has thrown our country to deep- rooted crisis as we see it today, and
which was one of the main causes for the down-fall of the government of
the Emperor Haile Selassie. If we compare the nature and mode of the
industrialization between the pre-reform period, that is before 1990 and
after the post-reform period, that is after 1992/1993, we see similarities
in the nature and structure of the industries. All analysis made by the
neo-liberal economists including those of Ethiopian economists came to the
same results, without deep analysis about the nature and structure of this
kinds of industrialization, without investigating the restricted
accumulation base of such a model. From all the industries that are
categorized under manufacture, still the food and beverage sub-sector is
heading on the forefront, and has a share of 26 per cent from all
activities, where as strategic parts, like machinery, metal and basic iron
industries, have a share of only 2 per cent. All other activities are
spread in those sub-sectors whose accumulation base are not wide, and that
are weakened in the last 15 years by the same kinds of products that are
imported from outside. In general, there is no shift in industrial
activity from import-substitution industrialization to a more generalized
industrial activity that is based on machine-tool industry that is the
basis of real industrialization process. Interestingly,
one could also observe that very few dear to invest in long term
activities; when they invest only on those areas where the turnover of
capital is very quick and promising from short term perspective. As a
result of such attitude, the service sector is the fastest growing sector
in the last 15 years of market economic reforms, and has a share of 42
percent of the GDP. This shows that more and more people are shifting
their activities to areas where the material reproduction base of the
society is very narrow. This shows also that Ethiopia is moving more and
more towards a more consumer society, where very few are producing and the
majority are consuming. The importation of luxury goods for a certain
class and with its demonstration effects, and at the same time the massive
inflow of second-hand products that can�t be easily recycled at home
become the material reproduction base of the Ethiopian society, that have
altered the mentality of the youth not to engage itself in activities that
are seen as minor and can be performed only by those people whose social
origin is very low by Ethiopian standards. Such kinds of behaviour are
also strengthened by the new education system that is introduced after the
reform. The spread of private school systems which are not that much
qualitative by any standard, but that are still seen as better compared
with that of the government schools, and which are producing a new white-colour
class of consumer society, have strengthened this mentality of not being
engaged in real material production that is the foundation of physical
capital accumulation. The spread of private schools is creating class
division, and as a matter of fact, those who have accomplished their
education have better chances of getting jobs and become slowly the social
bases of the ruling class.
we see the overall performance of job creation of the new
industrialization model leaves much to be desired. The increase of wage
employment is not that much promising, and rose only to 95, 707 in 1999/00
from the total employment of 90,070 that was surveyed in 1983/84. This
means that the performance of the economic reform on the general
employment level is very negligible. Study shows also that in the real
reform period starting from 1992/93 until 1999/00 the total wage
employment has increased by only 1.9% per annum, where as unemployment
remains rampant in the cities, where rural-urban migration become acute.
The unemployment rate in Addis Ababa alone as conducted in 1999 by the
Labour employment office is 38%, where as on average across the country
lies by about 26%. This shows that the market economic reform has not
brought the desired results as is supposed to be, and instead it has
produced mass unemployment, especially during the privatization period, as
the new owners began restructuring their companies to make more
profitable. Those forces that are seen as redundant must leave their work
places at the beginning of privatization. In general, still the
agricultural sector is the main sector that employs about 89% of the total
population; where as the manufacturing sector employs only 2% of the
population, and that of the service sector about 4% of the population. If
we look closer at the manufacture sector, there is no shift in employment
over the last 15 years. Study show that according to the Annual Survey of
Large and Medium Scale manufacturing Industries, there is not shift in
employment among the various sub-sectors. Food and beverage industries
that were the main employers before the reform are still employing almost
the same amounts of labour force until 1999/00, and the textile sector
employs before the reform 37%, while this share has been reduced after the
reform to 30%. In general these two sub-sectors employ almost 65% of the
total work force from the entire manufacturing sector.
The rest of the population is engaged in household activities. Such
an economy with very narrow industrial base has very low accumulation
capacity and the production of value-added on a higher scale and that has
organic-links with other sectors, and that is based on science and
technology is practically impossible. Economic growth without a valued-added chain effect which is in turn
supported by science and technology can�t
be called economic growth. Such economic growth as seen in the last 15
years is nothing other than growth
without development.
1992/93 until 2004/05 about 13 504 projects involving Birr 149.2 billion
capital were licensed. Out of this total projects, 12 067 or 89% were
domestic, 1364 or 10% foreign and 73 or 0.5% are public. In terms of
capital investment birr 91.2 billion or 61.1% are domestic, birr 41.1
billion or 27.7% are foreign, where as birr 16.7 billion or 11.2% are
public. Foreign investments are concentrated in those areas where low
value-added gain is possible, like flower planting and other agricultural
producing activities. That means the foreign involvement in the Ethiopian
economy does not have an effect of creation of a new accumulation base
that in turn has the ability of increasing employment and real wage. By
concentrating their activities on those areas where the value-added effect
is very low, foreign investors divert the attitude of domestic investors. In
this case the possibility of growing a home market that is based on
science and technology and that could yield internal cohesion and
stability is impossible.
distribution of the entire investment over the last 15 years remarkably
shows the inner contradiction of such kinds of industrialization model.
Like the 1950s and 1960s, the regional distribution of the investments
beginning the market reforms is more or less similar, where as Addis Ababa
and its vicinity take the leading role. Out of the total investment
projects, 49.4% are located in Addis Ababa. Oromia, especially the major
towns like that of Nazreth gets 24% of the share, the Amhara region gets
17.8%, and 5.7% of the investment goes to Dire Dawa. From this investment
distribution only few cities and areas are blessed with such kinds of
attraction, where as the larger area of the country is entirely neglected
or not being considered as an area of investment and accumulation. This
necessarily leads to wealth accumulation and real income distribution and
concentration in few areas, and the majority of the Ethiopian people
can�t be integrated into the entire economic activity. This regional
disparity in investment project distribution has wide range consequences
for the country as a whole. Economically seen most of the people remain
untouched; human and natural resources can�t be utilized properly.
As a matter of fact, if many areas remain untouched by such kinds
of market reforms, cities and infrastructures can�t be developed. This
has the consequence that there will be cultural differences between those
so-called developed and underdeveloped areas; where as such differences
bring new tensions, since the majority of the people feel that they are
not belonging to the system. From this perspective and from the
perspective of social, economic development, and cultural integration and
a new psychological make-up that give our people more confidence that they
belong to Ethiopia, it is necessary to totally discard such a market
economic reform that block genuine development. Only, economic policy that
is science and technological driven, and that discards the neo-liberal
market reform model, and that is resource based brings Ethiopia out of the
present economic malaise. To
materialize this we need also a democratic culture that is based on true
discussion and open debate without any fear. Without open debates and
without presenting once own position to the people which alternative
policy is the best avenue of achieving of a science and technological
driven society with its all cultural facets, like beautiful architecture,
literature and other sorts there is no genuine human development. That is
why Ethiopia becomes an arena of cultural distortion, manipulation and
psychological confusion by all those internal forces and their foreign
masters. In this mass confusion and throwing Ethiopia into such a
situation that is not seen by any human history not only the present
government is responsible, but also certain backward minded Ethiopians,
young or old that have closed their minds and march on the path of self
destruction. Today we know the visible and main enemy of our country. That
is not the point. The most difficult task lies ahead is to teach all these guys
that weave the Ethiopian flag and shout aloud without knowing for what
Ethiopia they are struggling for, and what true democratic values are.
let us come to the theoretical part so that my readers have clarity about
the essence of capitalism, since most of us are trained by neo-liberal
models, we can�t grasp capitalism which is genuinely based on true
competition, that has inner logic, dynamism and laws, and without
understanding this inner laws, it is very difficult to grasp market
economy that is falsely preached world wide as the only viable avenue of
human destination.
is very difficult to put and analyse here the inner logic of capitalism on
this piece of paper. There is a great confusion among Ethiopian economists
in understanding the inner logic and historical process of capitalism.
Since most of us are trained by neo-liberal manner, and know mostly by
heart such simple constructions, like demand and supply, indifference
curves, substitution effects, macroeconomic parameters, such as
employment., inflation, capital market etc, production possibility curve,
that do not show the inner dynamism of capitalism and that are more or
less developed in the 20th century, that means after 400 years of the
development of political economy as a science, we will never grasp the
laws of social and historical process as has been developed and came to
such a degree as we see them in most capitalist societies. Before the
development of political economy as a science in the 16th century, most
European societies had undergone major social process, and developed
scientific instruments to cope with the social, economic, cultural
problems and natural calamities that they had faced. Trade relationships
with other nations, the development of handicraft activities from within,
and the disintegration of the feudal order and the development of new
forces that began shaping their societies, all have contributed to create
a new system that is more dynamic than the old one. The major
break-through in the European history came through Renaissance of the 15th
century, that has laid the foundation for major city buildings of
architectural beauty, the rise of new culture of performing theatres and
operas, that have the unique message of shaping of the new class to take
the leading role to shape the society according to its own image, the
spread of handicraft activities and the emergence of a new merchant class
that has developed the habit of accumulating money and wealth, all these
have laid the foundation of present day capitalism. This new culture
became effective and could be built on solid foundation when science
became the true source of creating new devices and technologies, without
which one can�t see such kinds of progress.
the 16th century, when the formation of nation-states become an accepted
fact, the necessary of developing a theory that is instrumental in
creating new wealth and maintaining the society become inevitable. Hence Mercantilism
becomes the first theory of political economy, and that is developed as a
true science and accepted by all scientists of great thinkers at that
time. Most of the scientists of the first generation had thought how to
maintain a social order and developing it to a higher order by developing
science and technology. The political philosophers of mercantilism saw in
nation-state the materialization of the human spirit by giving it a new
accumulation base. For this they saw in monarchism the instrument of
achieving this material and spiritual necessity. In order to develop the
nation-state and create an integrated economy, they must design new
instruments, and support those active forces that they are dynamic and
create wealth for the entire society. The introduction of manufacture
activities, the development of internal trade by destroying all internal
barriers, by introducing a universally accepted money and currency system,
that was based either on Gold or Silver, by controlling the foreign trade
in order to protect the infant industries, and by exporting more etc,
these are the first theoretical foundation of political economy, without
which the development of capitalism is inconceivable. The idea of
mercantilism as a science of political economy and that is not only based
on simple aspects of economic activity, but on entire social, economic and
political activity, has its central element in creating wealth by means of
manufacture activities that has the capacity of encompassing the entire
economic sectors. This was the central essence of political economy of
mercantilism not as toady�s economists of the neo-liberal garbage teach
and preach to create wealth for the few and throw the majority of the
people to slave like situations, and by that to destroy the human soul.
first and generalized political economic principle must be fought by new
weaves of ideology that is based more on oligarchic principles, that is
empiricism. As is known the theoretical foundation of empiricism is
Sophism that distorts science as is developed by Socrates and Plato. The
science of Socrates and Plato is based on the basis of truth by
constructing dialectic and hypothesis in order to reach to the higher
order of human imagination to create science and bring harmonic
development in a given society. According to Plato, knowledge is given to
everybody by birth. As this first knowledge is raw by its nature it must
be cultivated again and again by making dialectic the true instruments of
investigation. In that human beings are different from animals, because
they pose questions again and again, and ask themselves why they are
living in this world. The fact that they are endowed with this peculiar
thinking capacity, they form social organizations and develop them to a
higher order by developing the division of labour. The forms and intensity
of the development of the division of labour could be transformed to a
higher order when science becomes again the basis of investigation. When
Plato followed his master developed his philosophy he saw the human
development not as empiricist fact that can be reduced to sense perception
in order for present consumption, but as an entire set of activity that
can be studied and practiced as a whole and that can�t be reduced to a
simple and single fact. As universe, human beings and their development
must be seen as an integrated whole that must be cultivated from all
aspects so that it can come nearer to God. This philosophy of Plato and
the science developed on this basis was the true source of Renaissance of
the 15th century and that was strictly applied by those great
philosophers of that period. As the philosophy of Plato was seen as a
danger to the oligarchic class, new ideologists came to the scene that had
deeply involved in bringing forth the idea of Sophism that was heavily
fought by Plato to bring a just and democratic order. Sophism which
is the instrument of the oligarchic class drive all laws as given by those
who are strong, and the basis of science is not dialectical
self-questioning, but sense perception. In other words, all knowledge is
derived from what one sees and observes directly, but not by self
interrogation to come to the true human life and create new scientific
Sophistic philosophical principle was taken by the English empiricists of
the 17th century like Hobbes, Locks and later by Adam Smith.
These new philosophers saw in human being a self-achieving animal that
marches individually to satisfy its needs to the highest degree.
Accordingly, human beings are egoistic by nature, and this built-in
character is the true basis of their rationality, and everybody lives like
Wolfs and lives in permanent fear. Everybody
fights against everybody.
That is the basis of the English empiricist philosophy that does not know
society as a society, but as sums of individuals that are fighting against
each other to maximize their needs. According to Hobbes, human beings that
are not fighting to maximize their needs behave like animals.
individualistic philosophy that opposes the true individualistic
philosophy of Socrates and Plato, and that investigates things not in
their entirety, but singularly, and not as if they are not connected with
other objects and social relationships, become the basis of today�s
neo-liberal economic theory. Production for production sake, and
consumption for consumption sake which is isolated from spiritual
satisfaction and genuine human relationship becomes the deriving motive of
human activity. In this case business making becomes the central aspect of
human motive from which all other aspects of human lives are derived. On the contrary, the individualistic philosophy of Plato that
sees the materialization of the human need and its spiritual
accomplishment within a given community emphasises that only in this way a
harmonious order which is based on science and technology can be
established and developed. Only
through science and technology, through architecture which is harmonious
by nature, through classical music, human beings achieve the highest order
of living together in peace and harmony. This idea which was
reinvestigated during the renaissance time and further developed and
practiced during the mercantilist era was halted after the triumph of
empiricism in the 17th century and strengthened further by Adam
Smith, Ricardo and all other classical economists who saw in the state as
the opposition of individualistic materialization as was developed by
Hobbes and co. in an empiricist manner. According to Adam Smith who had
elaborated his theory of the division of labour not as a dialectical and
organic order, but a technical aspect which is necessary for the market
economy, is the basis of individualistic materialization which brings
economic growth. Only the invisible hand could bring any society forth,
and the basis of such economic progress is private property as was
developed by Locks as accepted fact of any human society.
The question of acquisition of private property, and how it came
historically, and how it could be distributed or there is inequality with
its negative impacts was not posed as problems, but was seen as natural
and economic necessity. The triumph of this individualistic market
economic principles as is propagated specially by Adam smith and Ricardo
who especially opposed the imposition of the corn law that restricted free
trade and who favoured the rising capitalist class had only a short
duration, as is highly elaborated by economic historians, and especially
analysed by Professor John Gray
in his well celebrated books, False
dawn which shows the fallacies of free trade. According to his
analysis there is no long duration of free trade or pure market economy in
all capitalist societies, especially in that of England. Only in the short
duration of the Victorian age one could see free market as was propagated
by Adam Smith and Ricardo with all its negative consequences.
theory of market ideology based on invisible hand, the division of labour
based on private property was extended to a generalized free trade. Adam
Smith has developed a theory of international division of labour based on
absolute cost advantage. Countries which produce the same products if they
engage in exchange activities, should not concentrate on the production
of, say both goods, because if they concentrate on the production of one
good they save costs in absolute terms. In order to justify his theory of
free trade and the international division of labour, Adam Smith took
Portugal and England as an example. During the 18th century,
both produce cloth and wine, where as England is more specialized in the
production of cloth, but in terms of production costs she does not have
any advantage compared to that of Portugal that produce also cloth. From
the point of free trade and international division of labour, according to
Smith, it is still advantageous for Portugal to concentrate on the
production of wine and leave the production of cloth for England. The unit
cost differences in the production of wine in both countries compared with
that of cloth production is big; that means the unit cost of wine
production in England compared to the unit cost of production of cloth is
greater, and in this case it is advantageous for Portugal to concentrate
on wine production, though it has absolute advantages in the production of
both of the products.
to Adam Smith this cost differences is due to climatic condition and
geological formation which Portugal has at its disposal. Therefore not
only theoretically, but also politically Portugal was pressured to abandon
the production of cloth and specialize in the production of wine. As a
result of this pressure and concentration on wine production, many
Portuguese farmers left other farm practices, and shifted their activities
in favour of wine production, because they believed that they could sell
their products on the world market. As more and more farmers had shifted
their activities to that of wine production, there came an over production
of wine that suppressed prices on the world market, and this had in turn
resulted in trade deficits of Portugal and reduced real income of those
farmers who were engaged in wine production.. The specialization on wine
production had also resulted in monoculture production activities that had
brought food shortages in the Portuguese households. As a result of such
one-sided agricultural activities in Portugal, Portugal was hit by hunger
catastrophe that had resulted in loss of lives. This was the practice we
know from this kinds of international division of labour as is forwarded
by Adam smith.
Ricardo does not differ from this view and stressed more on relative cost
advantages, both aggressively represented the interest of England as the
only industrialized and technologically advanced nation. Other nations are
doomed only to specialize in agricultural products. The theory of Adam
Smith was heavily refuted by Friedrich List who saw that such theoretical
formulation prevents other nations to develop entirely, that means as
political, social, economic entities that advances them as nations so that
they could function as an organic whole. According to Friedrich List, who
had formulated and developed the infant-industry argument, every nation is
predestined to develop technology, and to expand manufacture activities so
that it could function as a nation-state. Friedrich List emphasised that
only through science, technology and extended manufacture activities,
nation-states could be respected and defend themselves from external
aggression. Those countries that follow the advice of Adam Smith could
become easily the victim of external aggression.
After Germany and France had understood the ever growing dominance
of the British Empire and the free trade policy that had negatively
affected them, they had to concentrate more on in-ward looking
development. Following the advice of Friedrich List, especially Germany
took more mercantilist economic policy as guidelines to develop a
manufactured based economy that enabled her to surpass England within a
span of time.
the 1940s and especially after the dominance of America as the emerging
super power in all major fields, the theory of Adam Smith was reformulated
and advanced as the main stream of economic development theory as we have
learned it in the universities. The so-called factor endowment theory of
Hecksher and Ohlin, that means countries that are endowed by certain
factors, capital, labour and natural resources must specialize in their
merits as nature has endowed them. Accordingly Third World Countries must
not waste time in the production of technologies, but simply concentrate
in agricultural activities and raw material extraction. Only through this
kind of specialization economic development will be effected, and a
maximum welfare will be achieved across the globe. The theory of
international division of labour was refined by Paul Krugmann, and he
advises Third World Countries not to be engaged in technological
activities, as this brings trade-offs;
that means resource waste. His example of Rose production is a vivid
example how economic science has changed to a simple abstract construction
without any scientific basis and confuses especially Third World students,
which believe that they study development economics as is forwarded by
Professors Krugmann and co.
opposing all physical economic principles as was developed by mercantilist
economic thinkers, marginalism or the neo-classical economic theory was
developed in the 19th century, by taking not production and the
division of labour as the basis of economic science as is formulated by
classical economists, but a mathematically formulated consumption model
which is the basis of economic analysis. The basis of this consumption
model is exchange, and not science driven technological economic
development. By devising new monetarist instruments that have more
manipulating effects rather than solving real social problems, economic
science become more sophisticated, mathematic and acrobatic. Not given
social relationships and physical economic principles are the basis of
economic science and problem investigation, but privatization,
deregulation, monetization all human activities, with by
it, strip it and flip it mentality, become the economic philosophy of the American
and British ideologists that propagate globalization and free trade that
is synonymous with resource plundering and social disorder across the
globe. Hence the economic philosophy of neo-liberalism is not wealth
creation as such by developing the human cognitive power into the highest
order, but by developing such economic instruments, indifferent curves,
marginal utility, substitution effect, linear economic scale, opportunity
costs, trade-offs, scarce resources, demand and supply that build the
basis of price formation, not labour power as is developed by classical
economists, become the unique characteristic of the neo-classical economic
a theory with every increasing sophistications, and being put into
practice to absorb resources from the masses and transfer it to the
well-off class as Professor Gray vividly analysed, bad capitalism has
replaced the good capitalism that had operated on the basis of state
intervention by taking the Keynesian model as the instrument of economic
regulation too hinder social and macro-economic imbalances. When such
kinds of bad capitalism as propagated by the Americans and the British
starting the end of the Second World War is being put into practice in
those societies like that of Ethiopia where the intellectual basis of the
society is very low, it produces militaristic ideology and cements those
traditional and backward attitudes, and suppress the development of
science, technology and true culture that strengths the social ties of the
entire society so that it could function as a family. The infiltration of
the American ideology into the Ethiopian society starting the end of the
1940s has the effect of, on one hand militarizing the state apparatus by
making it more ferocious, on the other hand produced a ruling class that
couldn�t understand its historical role and that has alienated itself
from the rest of the society, that hates the development of science and
ruling class and the system it has relied on reduced it to a slave like
situation towards the American imperialism, by destroying the traditional
social values that our society had relied on for its reproduction and
social cohesion. If one investigates the social formation of the Ethiopian
society and the psychological make up of certain class that is more
affiliated to the American ideology than to the traditional value of the
Ethiopian society, one could observe that such a class becomes cheat,
arrogant and resource plundering that at the end ruined our society. Such
kinds of mentality and social formation as is spread by the
Anglo-Americans, one could observe that it becomes the main factors of
social instability in many Third World Countries, especially in Latin
American and African countries. We see this new class that does not posses
true knowledge, becomes the basis of war and fascism that destroys the
African society. Accordingly, the present small-headed government of
Ethiopia which is led by the �macro-economist� Meles as the
international community attests him, is a vivid example of a new hybrid
class that has fused neo-liberalism with the feudal social order that does
not know any tolerance, and leads our country to unknown destination by
creating permanent social instability and chaos. This is a unique kind of
social formation that must be investigated further, that I cannot dwell
longer here for various reasons. From this vantage point of view one
can�t wonder when such a class that is supported by neo-liberal
ideologists ruins the social fabric of our society, and throws the entire
society into abject poverty that the Ethiopian society has never seen
before. We have a political, economic and cultural fascism that is
produced and reproduced by the present government of Ethiopia led by the
�macro-economist� Meles and its oligarchic mentors, the IMF and the
World Bank.
The Social and Cultural
Consequences of the Structural Adjustment Program
the outset it must be clear that the objective of any society is to build
a harmonious nation-state that is based on science, technology and
classical culture. From this vantage point of view the development of
social and cultural ties with the basis of true science is the foundation
of a coherent society. True economic development that is based on physical
economic principles does not neglect social aspects as if they are not
part and parcels of economic development. The way one lives, buys,
consumes, brings children to birth and educate them so that they become
true citizen of a given society can�t be seen isolated from the general
economic development, and hence from the real income one receives.
Likewise, the saving and continuous investment of any given society
depends on the income what one receives as a reward for his duty. In this
respect the social condition of any society is not only a reflection of
the given economic development of that society, but also the cultural
consciousness of the ruling class. The more the ruling class is
historically conscious, the more the economic development takes its
scientific path. The more the economic development relies on the basis of
science and technology, the more the social and cultural system of the
society is developed and secured. To think or imagine any economic
development outside this context is reducing economic science to a voodoo
economy that doesn�t have any scientific basis. Form this simple
perspective let us investigate the social impact of the Structural
Adjustment program in our society before we come to the genesis of the WTO
and its importance as a free trade promoter across the globe.
of all, it must be clear that from the structural adjustment point of view
social chaos and poverty must be produced and reproduced so that they
could be tackled later as externalities of the economy policy practices.
This is what the World Bank and the IMF have been practicing over the last
30 or more years when they have been promoting their monetarist ideology
in the Third World Countries. From this very intriguing malpractices of
the neo-liberal ideology, the social situation of the Ethiopian people
according to the survey conducted by the Ethiopian economists from
2003-2004 compared to the situation at the beginning of the 1970s shows
little or no improvement. The basis or the methodological survey of this
study is the consumption pattern and the income or the buying power of the
households investigated. As the survey affirms, this non improvement or
the deterioration of the living standards of the Ethiopian people shows
that the supposed economic development has no any scientific basis; and it
is not designed to solve such kinds of problems. The document pinpoints
that as if the situation is out of control, and shows the incapacity of
the government to cope with these very complicated problems that are
produced by such kinds of unscientific economic policy. The study presents
with lucid example that, especially the majority of the people who are
living in the rural areas are out of human civilization with no or meagre
contacts with the modern world. Access to communication net works or the
capacity to get information via radio compared with the other Sub-Saharan
countries is very underdeveloped. Likewise, the transportation system is
out of human imagination so that the possibility of reaching them in case
of natural catastrophes is very hard or practically impossible.
the study shows, because of the primitive nature of farm practices that
have been practiced since time immemorial, and the meagre land holding
system that one peasant household has at its deposal, and the repeated
farm practices are the main factors that cause soil erosion and reduce the
productivity of the land. This is equivalent to 0.08 hectare land per household, and
could not generate enough production beyond subsistence. The study shows
that many peasant households buy more than what they are producing. This
is in light of the propagation by the government that agriculture could be
the basis of industrialization. When
the majority of the peasants are not in a position of producing even for
their subsistence to sustain their entire family, how is it possible that
one claims that with the present situation of farming practices the
agricultural sector could produce enough surplus for the supposed
industrialization. Following the study, there is a growing class that has
neither land property nor capable of producing enough subsistence to
sustain itself. Therefore, as the study demonstrates, the peasant class is
loosing its reproduction base every passing day, and becomes redundant
without having any futurity. On the other hand, the consumption pattern
and differences among the Ethiopian population is not that much different
with the Gini coefficient of 0.29, where as in the cities, especially in
Addis the consumption pattern and differences is wide. Other study shows,
as the result of the structural adjustment program, inequality becomes the
inner logic of the system that affects more and more people who are living
in the cities. This shows that there is a new consumer class that is
involved in the international hierarchical consumption pattern without
becoming productive or being involved in technological developments as a
dynamic class. The class that drives modern cars, like BMW, Mercedes, Land
Cruise and others, and phones with Handy and listen MP3 Player, and dances
on the streets of Addis on one hand, on the other hand the majority of the
poverty stricken people that observe this new consumer class as if it
comes from another planet, proves that the social matrix of our society is
entirely changed. And this new social problem and the consumption gap that
is prevailing, is hard to correct, as the new class thinks that any
correction of this pattern of consumption endangers its new social status.
In light of this very contradictory development, the poverty rate
in the rural areas is almost 45 percent, and birth rate outstrips
agricultural production.
study shows that the more the people are uneducated the more they are
prone to poverty and hunger. This is the case in rural Ethiopia where the
majority of the people do not have access to modern education system or
follow modern information that helps them open their minds and become
creative. They are neither capable of sending their children to school,
though there are no school fees. As the majority of the people are
uneducated, they could be easily the victim of any kinds of disease that
can be prevented easily. Most of the illness in all areas of the country
is caused by malnutrition, bad hygienic conditions that reflect the living
conditions of the majority of the people. Lack of sanitation, which is a
reflection of the bad housing condition of our people, lack of clean water
which is one of the main causes of diarrhoea, and the bad performance of
the sewage system and the bad smell that prevails in the cities,
especially in Addis, and the average life expectancy of our people proves
that how the economic reform of neo-liberalism doesn�t have answers to
such kinds of problems. Instead it creates new social fabrics that
aggravate the existing situations. The unscientific nature of the economic
policy must produce such a situation that throws our society into a
situation never seen before. As
a result of the unscientific nature of the economic policy and as a result
of the liberalisation of the foreign trade, and opening the door to
foreigners, Ethiopia is exposed to new kinds of incurable diseases like
AIDS that is encompassing many people. Study that is surveyed in the year
2003 shows that 4.4 per cent of the population is infected with AIDS,
where as 2.6 per cent in the rural areas, and 12.6 per cent in the cities.
When we compare the increasing number of infected people with AIDS, with
that of the Military dictatorship, during that time only 0.003 per cent of
the population was infected with AIDS. The 4.4 per cent in comparison to
0.003 is an increase by almost 1466 per cent in 15 years. Thanks to the
�miraculous� structural adjustment program that has created new social
conditions and produced new sexual habits, our people must face new
challenges which they can�t surmount easily. Inevitably this is the
by-product of the neo-liberal economic policy and the well propagated
globalization. As study shows, because of the rapid spreading of HIV/AIDS,
adult mortality rate has passed by far child mortality rate; and 300,000
people are dying every year because of this rapidly spreading disease.
the EPRDF government seized power in 1991 and as the country marches
towards anarchy for a short while, many fled from the rural areas to the
cities, especially to the capital city. The migration of people from the
rural areas to the cities was again reinforced, when the government
introduced and began practicing its ethnic based politics. Especially,
those Amharas and the Gorages fled from small towns and rural areas,
because of fear of executions by other nationalities. Until then, all
Ethiopians lived together in relative harmony without being harassed
against each other. The inflow of thousands of Ethiopians to the cities,
especially to Addis Ababa had worsened the living conditions of the people
there; and housing conditions could not accommodate the rising migrants
that come from the rural areas, and that is estimated to 7% annually. It
is estimated today that from 4 to 7 million people are living in Addis
Ababa alone that has jeopardized the living conditions, and brought fear
among the city dwellers, because of the rising criminalities. As the
result of the worsening living conditions of the Ethiopian people, and
because of the structural adjustment program and the market economic
reforms, over 100 000 boys condemned to live on the streets. In Addis
Ababa alone there are over 40 000 street boys that are condemned to sleep
on the streets and in tunnels, without any perspectives. The present EPRDF
government is doing nothing to tackle this problem, and see it as if it is
a natural product. Such a
situation which has never seen in the Ethiopian history to a scale of this
kind is endangering the social fabric of our society, and it is out of
control. The answer to this rising explosive situation by the government
is harassing the street boys and insulting them as if it is they are
naturally condemned to live like this. The living conditions in the cities
have brought also sexual harassment by boys against girls, and the unsafe
sex had increased the number of Aids infected youth.
being the case, the Structural adjustment program and the celebrated
market economy that has been going since the last 15 years, have brought
incalculable social and cultural damages in the Ethiopian society. The
fact that a new consumer and wealthy class has appeared on the scene, the
behaviour of this class has dramatically changed that is destroying the
mentality of the youth. Instead of cultivating new culture that is based
on science and technology, the new consumer class with new consumption
habits is compelled with malpractices which are not compatible with the
social norms of our society. A new sexual habit that was never known in
the Ethiopian society, a new way of attitude is becoming normal in certain
social strata and is s destroying the social fabrics of the societies.
Child abuse, which is not known before in the Ethiopian society, the
spreading of abnormal sexual habits are becoming the norms of particular
groups. The spread of discotheques, especially in the capital city has
created new kinds of sexual habits, and unusual dancing that can�t be
accepted by any society, which is even tolerated by the government, is
damaging the culture of our society. As the youth is being engaged more
and more in such kinds of malpractices, the government can�t be
confronted, and the people can�t think politically.
Besides thi, the spread of drugs and chat consuming has become
common among the youth, and the government deliberately tolerates such
kinds of activities that can�t be controlled later. Foreign forces that
are going to Ethiopia without being controlled, and those without any
purpose become common phenomenon that can be tolerated only in that poor
Ethiopia, because we have a government that has at its aim to completely
confuse the mentality of the youth so that no science and cultured based
economic development is no more possible. With this, the importation of
dirty Hollywood films, and the spread of video shops have compelled the
youth to consume crime films that disturbs its minds and become again by
itself sadist.
hears and observes today in Addis that sadism becomes a part of certain
groups. Those Ethiopians who have lived long in certain American cities
and Europe that have never engaged themselves in true cultural and
scientific activities while they were living there, either exporting bad
habits or take with them unnecessary mode of thoughts and consumption
patterns that are contradicting the cultural lives of the Ethiopian people
and destroy the social cohesion of the system. Due to the dollaraization
of certain parts of the economy, and due to the inflow of hard currencies,
certain groups that are engaged in black market activities, and do not
know how to invest the money they have acquired without any work, driving
consumer prices to a rate which can�t be paid even by the normal salary
receivers. Because of uncontrolled price systems, hotels and restraints
charge more than what they have to charge. This uncontrolled system has
made life, especially in Addis unbearable. All in all, in the last 15
years Ethiopia become an experiment ground of bad cultures, and all sorts
of activities that are contradicting the true human norms. The
uncontrolled spread of foreign agent services that have the sole purpose
of spreading bad habits, like in many Latin American countries, the spread
of gangsters that is imported from certain America cities, has
put in question the viability of our society to exist as a nation-state.
It is therefore very hard to correct all these cultural damages, even if a
new government which is democratic seizes power. Thanks to the Weyane
government, and thanks to those few educated Ethiopians who can�t think
further, and who don�t have cultural and social responsibility, our
country is heading towards an unknown destination. Whether we like it or
not this is the outcome of the market economic reform that has been
practiced over the last fifteen years, and become a phenomenon of many
countries that have adopted such policies.
addition to these uncontrolled situations, the importations of second hand
cars, that have filled the streets of Addis, and the environmental damages
they inflict, create new situations, that can�t be tackled easily.
Because of the absence of well regulated traffic systems and lack of
alternative transportation systems, like underground metros and street
cars( trams), and the narrow road system that doesn�t cope with the
increasing numbers of cars,
the loss of lives due to car accident is becoming rampant. Many cars that
are not fit to be derived on the cities, especially in Addis, because of
their weights and hugeness are damaging the streets, which are not well
constructed and designed. The heavy traffic system and the CO2
emission are
becoming the main factors that endanger human lives and cause illness. In
a country that doesn�t know any ecological standards, and doesn�t have
institutions that study the effects of such kinds of environmental
damages, the uncontrolled importations of second hand cars is unwise, and
must be restricted.
this vantage point of view, the structural adjustment program and the
so-called Washington Consensus, henceforth the fascist consensus, as it
creates new social conditions and favours few individuals that are
internationally linked to each other by different mutual interests, are
endangering the existence of many nation-states, and creates social chaos
which can�t be controlled easily. The Washington Consensus which was formulated at the beginning
of the 1980s by Milton Friedman and co. and that has become the main
guidelines of the IMF and the World Bank policies, has this aim of
bringing the world into the sphere of the American imperialism by
producing a new fascist class that opposes science and classical culture.
Meles and his gangs and the celebrated Alamudi are the products of this
new fascism that are throwing their dollars to destroy Ethiopia so that
our country can�t exist as a well functioning nation-state. To think
beyond this and to accept this fact as a normal social process, it is just
like collaborating with their evil agendas. The book of Professor Gray, False Dawn, and the book of Nederveen
Pieterse, Globalisation or Empire clearly prove this fact as analysed
Poverty! Becomimg member of the WTO Blocks Sience
& Technology based Economic Development!!
order to make clear to my readers whether becoming member of the WTO for a
country like Ethiopia is that much worthy, I would like to analyse the
genesis of the WTO as a promoter of American free trade ideology.
I have analysed in my previous articles and here above, the free trade
concept was developed first of all by Adam Smith and Ricardo who wanted to
defend and maintain the dominance of the British Empire as the only
industrialized economy. As we have seen the intriguing theory of Adam
Smith and Ricardo have reduced many nations to appendages of England in
the 18th and 19th centuries. The international
division of labour has worked in favour of the British Empire, while
science and technology couldn�t be internationalized. As science and
technology remained tightened to certain areas, the spread of knowledge
become uneven, across the globe. The dominating role of the English
economy has also compelled many nations to accept the sterling pound which
was supported by Gold as the only international reserve and trading
currency. As a result of this dominance in all spheres, other nations
could exist with the blessings of England. As some nations have began
realizing that they are loosing grounds and couldn�t exist as
nations-states, they have to find means how they will come out of this
vicious circle of economic dependency. Germany and France and earlier the
United States of America had to take bold measures to free themselves from
this permanent yoke and degradation, and began the golden road of
industrialization that ensures them true freedom and prosperity. These
nations had to fight all the sabotages of the English imperialists, and
fought vehemently against internal and external enemies. Especially,
America by applying a strict mercantilist economic policy until 1933, it
could build a strong economy that it in turn makes her super power
mercantilist policy that America had followed until 1933, and the
deterioration of the British Empire, and its incapacity to administer the
vast colonies was no more possible for England to continue like that. With
this, the increasing trade balance deficit of England and its transfer of
Gold to other countries and becoming more and more as a debtor nation had
shrunk her supremacy. The Pax-Britannica must leave the way to Pax-America.
Though the basis of free
trade was laid in 1934 by the Roosevelt government, by the so-called
reciprocal act, and this could not be practiced widely due the
deterioration of international trade, and because of the Second World War
that had consumed millions of human lives and incalculable damages against
material resources that had depressed economic development. After the
victory of the allied powers and especially after the United States
becomes the dominating power, it began dictating the world economy and
political situation. In 1944 in the Bretton Woods meeting, both England
and the United States brought two opposing ideas to improve world
production and smooth international trade by creating favourable
British Empire represented by Keynes suggested that the world needs a new
international currency which is out of the influence of any nation, and he
called this artificial currency Bancor. In order to become operative a
clearing union must be established through which surplus nations transfer
to the deficit countries. At the beginning, Keynes demanded $ 36 Billions
of dollars that was opposed by the United States, because this falls on
the shoulder of the United States alone. The discussion between the two
contenders was not friendly, because the Americans wanted to impose their
own interests without taking into account the intellectual approach of
Keynes. Keynes was surprised by the approaches of the American
representatives and realised at the end that he was dealing with people
who have different understandings of international politics. Later on he
said: � I went to Savannah
to meet the world and all I met was
a tyrant�( Keynes, cited in Robert Skidelsky, John Maynard Keynes) Blinded
by their dominating role and discarding
the suggestions made by Keynes, the representative of the United States
forwarded, that the dollar must the main trading and reserve currency, and
not only one nation takes the burden but all member nations must take part
in this burden sharing. Accordingly, deficit countries must fulfill
certain criteria if they are legible to get credit. At the end the
proposal of the United States was accepted and become the international
economic frame work which all participating nations must practice. The
dollar is fixed to Gold, as the United States holds during that time
almost 70 per cent of the world Gold reserves. In turn the United States
was obliged to covert dollars reserves outside its country into Gold that
had worked until the break-up of the Bretton Woods agreements in 1971.
General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GAT) was an extension of this
world wide dominance of the United States; and with the free trade
ideology it becomes clear that the United States has clear advantages to
impose its own interests. In order to make more acceptable, the free trade
ideology is propagated as an instrument of welfare maximization across the
globe; and countries that participate into this global trade regime will
get direct benefit. As economic development is associated with trade, all
countries that become member of this free trade regime must put their
efforts on products which promise the best returns. Hence the Reciprocal
Act of 1934 that was formulated by the Roosevelt administration became the
basis of GATT; and it was entirely overtaken as a system of the new
international trade regime. The Reciprocal Act has empowered the president
of the United States and undermined the role of the congress, which has
practiced until 1933 by emphasizing restrictive trade regime. With the new
empowerment at his hand, the president could take any policy in the area
of free trades that promotes the interests of the Unites States.
Accordingly, bilateral agreement is no more the rule of the system
as it was practiced before the Second World War. This principle of
multilateralism became the basis of the GATT. To form the GATT there were
preliminary meetings in 1946 in London and in 1947 in New York, in Geneva
and at the end, in Havana. At the Havana conference, because of
differences in the area of economic development, which the Latin American
countries brought as their main interests, the United States opposed to
include the idea of development in the trade agreement. With the excluding
of all important provisions, like economic development, supporting raw
material prices, restrictive trade and services, the GATT was formed to
reduce only tariffs. During
the final meeting of forming the GATT 23 countries were represented.
main tenet of GATT in its initial formation was to reduce tariffs, and
tariff reductions that are introduced once must not be overrun by other
instruments. The basic elements of GATT were written in 35 articles; and
from these the most important is the non-discrimination act, which is
stated between article one and three. According to this principle,
non-discrimination means that imported goods have the same status with
homely produced goods. In other words, no extra price increases on
imported goods that favour homely produced goods to boost internal market.
The other very essential agreement of the GATT is the most-favoured trade
agreement, which says that the agreement between two member countries
applies to all member countries. With this article the multinational
nature of the trade regime is firmly established. Other elements, like the
fixing of quotas and other non-tariff barriers are major aspects of the
trade regime that were written in the article and must be accepted by all
member nations. Other mechanisms of regulating external trade, such as
prohibition of other products which hinder the movements of goods between
member countries were also strictly forbidden.
are many rounds held in different countries to advance the sprit of GATT
to be more acceptable by many countries of the world. One of the main of
these first 6 rounds was the Kennedy round that lasted from 1962 until
1967. The main agenda of this round was concentrating the discussion on
non-agricultural products, and reduce tariffs step by step on non-farming
products. In this 6th round it was no more possible to come to
final agreements. Many Third World Countries that became member of the
organization could not bring the agreement into their favours. As the many
participating countries did not have the chance of seeing promoting their
interests in the Kennedy round, they began implementing economic policies
which they believed advances economic development out of the scope of the
international trade regime as seen be the free trade agreements.
the Tokyo round, that began in 1973, and lasted almost 6 years, was also
another setup, since many industrialized countries were hit by the oil
crisis and must experience crisis from within. The economic crisis and the
decreasing of demands, the break-up of the Bretton Woods system and the
unilateral action of the United States to end the dollar-gold standard,
and the rapid fall of raw material prices that had affected many African
and Latin American countries overwhelmed such a round. New countries
became member, as they thought that they could get benefit that favours
economic development in their countries. Though there was intensive
discussion over the reduction of tariffs on non-agricultural products, no
agreement was reached. Especially, new member countries from Africa and
Latin America hoped that tariff reduction in this area could advance
economic development from within.
Uruguay round that lasted from 1986 until 1993 was also a kind of meeting
to cope with the ever increasing economic crisis; and it was an answer to
the second oil crisis of 1979 that affected many countries. 125 countries
had participated, and 91 countries were from developing countries.
In this round the issues of tariff reduction on farm products and
textiles were the main agenda of the discussion. These parts are of more
interests for developing countries, which hope that they could export more
of their farm products to the industrialized countries that dictate and
dominate the world market. On the other hand, developed countries wanted
to concentrate more on the service sectors, so that many developing
countries open their market for the global players. Other areas of concern
are the so-called intellectual property right(TRIPS) and trade related
investments which the industrialized west had concentrated to impose as
the main trade regime of the GAAT. Starting the 1980s the service sector
become the major aspect of economic activity in major industrialized
countries, and the encompassing of the service sector into the GATT
arrangements will favour industrialized countries to advance their
interests in all Third World Countries that are member of the
organization. The
pharmaceutical industry and the banking sector were the main actors which
were pushing their governments to incorporate these elements into the GATT
agreements. With contradictory aims and ambition, diverse interests, by
agreeing on certain elements, like reducing tariffs by 1/3 on manufactured
products, the Uruguay round was signed in 1994 in Marrakech, in Morocco.
From this time on, within ten years all restrictions must be abolished on
textile products. Trade related investment was also one of the agreements
reached at this round. As
hoped many developing countries could not profit much from the agreement,
because Japan and the EU had persistently refused to reduce farm subsidy,
which was the main focus of especially African countries. Especially those
countries like Argentina, Brazil and South Africa, which are known as
Cairns groups, and which are major exporter of agricultural products
fought in vain for the reduction of subsidy, which was not considered by
the industrialized west. With
this round the way to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is opened.
post-Uruguay round was overshadowed by many disagreements. Many developing
countries wanted to see the implementation of the previous agreements
reached by the Uruguay round. On the other hand, developed countries
wanted to focus on trade related investments, on the role of the
governments and on areas through which they could penetrate the markets of
developing countries and control the vital resources. The
issue which was raised in Singapore was whether one should concentrate on
old issues or on new areas. The conference in Seattle in 1999 which was
overshadowed by demonstration proves that even many people in the west are
not interested to leave the field of economic activities to Multinational
Corporations which become more and more dominant to twist the rules of the
GATT in their interests. The closed-door discussion over multinational
investments between the GATT and the multinational companies is a direct
indication how these global players wanted to use this trade regime as
their instrument to dictate international trade and investments.
In this closed agreement, multinational companies could easily
penetrate in the economies of the Third World Countries and control all
major economic activities in their favour and by at the same time blocking
internal development based on science and technology.
The new international economic order which had replaced
Keynesianism of the cold war has created new situations that favour
multinational companies.
1979 on wards the world has seen a major shift in many areas of
international economic activities. The counter-revolution of the
monetarist economic philosophy in England that was introduced by Margaret
Thatcher and Roland Reagan in the United States was indeed a shift away
from welfare economic principles to less state intervention in the
economy. All major achievements of the cold war between the state, the
trade union and the capitalists must be smashed so that the invisible hand
of Adam Smith must get the upper hand. Privatization, deregulation and
globalization become the main aspects of economic policies that must be
applied all over the world. All movements that hinder the global play of
the market principles must be smashed, and universities and colleges must
be restructured in accordance of the need of the market. Social cohesion
which was the main tenet of Keynesianism, investments in other areas of
social activities and theatres are seen as hindrances of economic growth
based on individual participation. This philosophy of market deregulation
and philosophy of hire and fire mentality become the principles of many
corporations that dictate the lives of millions of people across the
globe. From this perspective, the expansion of multinational companies and
the systematic control of the WTO and the imposition of their interests in
many areas is a step backward to limit the activities of many sovereign
nations and create new volatile situation that endanger social cohesion,
especially in the Third World Countries. In other words, the WTO becomes a
part and parcels of the few corporations, which saw that their interests
could be realized through the complicated agreements of the trade regime.
In this case the Doha and the Cancun agreements were major steps in
laying the grounds for the formation of the WTO as an organization, which
could be also conducted on ministerial level.
question here is what will be the consequence for a country like Ethiopia
that has a very weak industrial base and over 80 per cent of the
population live under poverty line. When over 70 per cent of trade and
investments are controlled only by three country blocks, Japan, EU and
America, how could a country like Ethiopia which is on a very fragile
situation build a coherent economy and exist as a nation-state. What are
the experiences of many Third World Countries which became member of the
WTO? Are they marching on the path of economic development or are they on
the brink of collapse as nation-states?
Could Ethiopia get any benefit if she becomes the member of the WTO
as is believed by the present Ethiopian regime that does not have any
political legitimacy to rule the country?
These and other points are relevant to be analysed here.
situation in many countries that became already members of the WTO is not
that much promising as is widely believed.
Reports from India show that in the last 10 years almost 150 000
peasants had made suicide, as they couldn�t withstand the pressure from
multinational corporations that control the fertilizer, seed and
insecticide industries. The activist Dr. Shiva Vandana of Indian origin,
and the alternative price winner shows in her many publications and radio
interviews how the Indian peasants become poorer and poorer after India
became member of the WTO. The penetration of the agro-business industry in
the Indian farming system and the break-up of small and medium family
holding agricultural activities must be replaced by more � profitable�
farming practices which are producing with high tech machines helped by
hybrid seeds and chemical fertilizers. Some farmers that were heavily
indebted as the result of this kind of intensive competition make suicide
or leave their farm lands and join the reserve army in the cities. The
situation of the Mexican farmers is not different from that of India.
Mexican farmers who are the victims of the North American Free Trade
Agreement must also experience pressures from other multinational
companies. The border area which is a free trade zone had benefited
corporations from the United States to squeeze the labour force with very
meagre wage. The social
conditions in this free trade area are out of control; and because of the
desperate situation the social matrix of the Mexican society is out of
control. The 20 million city of Mexico is being controlled by drug
cartels. Religion sects which come from the United States are creating new
situations that have inflicted heavy damages on the society. New religious
fundamentalism of the United States is slowly spreading and confronting
the traditional catholic religion of the Mexican society, and there are
reported clashes between the two religions.
have seen above that the introduction of the structural adjustment program
has altered the social matrix of the Ethiopian society, by throwing many
people into desperate situations. The concentration of wealth in the hands
of handpicked people and the mass poverty which is seen in the country in
general is two sides of the same coin. Market economic reforms as dictated
by the World Bank and the IMF have not by any means increased the
production capacity of the Ethiopian society; instead Ethiopia becomes
more dependent on outside sources for her very existence. In light of this
situation that Ethiopia finds itself, becoming member of the WTO doesn�t
hold her out of the present economic and social crisis. Instead the
situation will be aggravated.
membership of the WTO means that Ethiopia must open her markets to member
countries that have more advantages. As the many rounds show, EU, Japan
and the United States are not ready to reduce farm subsidy. Since this
entails high political risks, there will not be any improvement in this
area in the coming years. In this case, the situation of the Ethiopian
small peasants will be jeopardised, and the Ethiopian market will be
overwhelmed by farm products from these countries. The last 15 years of
economic aid has proved this; and many farmers were frustrated by the low
prices of their farm products, as wheat and maize which were imported from
EU and the United States were thrown on the market. Due to the structural
adjustment program and market reforms, many peasants were compelled to buy
seeds, insecticides and fertilizers by borrowing money. Reports show that
many farmers couldn�t pay back the money they have borrowed; and most
must quit their farm practices and join the reserve army in the cities. If
Ethiopia becomes member of the WTO this situation will be aggravated, and
those that are not in a position to cope with the new situation will be
compelled to leave their long farm practices. The situation in India and
Mexico are clear examples which must be taken as lessons. On the other
side, we have seen that the European farm products are not that much
competitive, since they get subsidy from their governments. The fact that
they use scale economics which has another law in comparison to that of
the industrial sector doesn�t mean that they produce with minimum costs.
Since land is a natural product and can�t be replaced by another land
like a machine, the cost of cultivating with such kind�s of intensive
farm practices doesn�t make it cost effective. Only under severe
conditions of farm practices by constantly applying chemical fertilizers
and insecticides and new variety seeds, the high yield of the farming
system could be increased from time to time. Such kinds of farm practices
in many countries of Europe have brought soil damages, and the poising of
agricultural products affected the health situation of many people in
Europe. Intensive farming
means also spreading of monoculture production activities that absorb
water heavily from the soil and reduces the water table. This is the case
in North America, where high farming practices become the rule of the
system. With such kinds of farm practices there is no class in Ethiopia
which is in a position to invest and compete against the European farming
products. If certain farmers apply this technique, as experiences show us
at the end of the 60s and beginning of the 70s in some parts of Ethiopia,
expulsion of the very weak farmers will be the rule, since applying high
tech means farming with few labour forces. The labour force will become
redundant, and we will be having a new vagabond class that endangers the
security of many people. We have already this in Addis; and become member
of the WTO will square the situation. This is one side of the coin. The
other side of the coin is that the importation of food from Europe and the
United States and other member countries will alter the traditional food
habit of the Ethiopian people, which is healthier than that of European
farm products that entail heavy concentration of insecticides, if it is
studied and applied well. It is in the philosophy of the United States
which promotes free trade through the WTO to homogenise the food habit of
the world and create unhealthy situation. Studies and reports from England
and the United States show that Diabetics and other food related illness
are increasing at an alarming rate and encompassing even children and
young people.
membership will have many negative facets which can�t be controlled by
any government. First of all, there is unequal development, since the
government can�t apply a resource and scientifically based development
policy as we have experienced in the last fifteen years. It will be
compelled to apply more and more monetarist economic policies that benefit
the few and produces mass poverty on a higher scale. Monetarism means less
state intervention, and more privatization. As the private sector is weak
the probability of inducing new investments and creating new job
opportunities will not be that much promising. On the other side, as we
saw in the last fifteen years the weak industrial base Ethiopia has will
be hit by the products from China and other industrialized countries which
are competing for more market shares. The textile and other economic
activities which apply less technology will be destructed, as those who
could afford to buy shift their consumption habits from home made to
foreign made products. As reports in the last three or four weeks show the
General Secretary of the WTO Mr. Pascal Lamy, and trade delegations from
the United States are advising the EPRDF government to liberalize the
service sector. In other words, the water sector, the Banking sector, the
telecommunication sector, the electricity, the health sector must become
private affairs, and must be soled to those who could buy and ran them. As
experiences in the Philippine, in Argentina and other Third World
Countries which have sold some parts of the service sector to global
players did not see any new investments which create new job opportunities
and bring new technology, the fate of Ethiopia can�t be the exception.
The service sectors which were sold to foreign companies must be
restructured, and selected so that they become profitable and have
synergic effects. After so many years of wait and see practices some of
the governments in these countries must buy the service sector with high
costs. As history shows, the service sector is a government affair, and it
must remain always under the control of the state for the general welfare
of the society. Since private firms operate under cost-benefit principles
they are not interested to invest as long as they are not rewarded by
maximum profits. In Europe, no government dears to privatize the service
sector; if they are privatized they will be controlled from time to time.
In countries like Ethiopia where no effective government and institutions
exist the privatization of the service sector will damage the Ethiopian
society, and those unable to pay can�t drink clean water; will not have
access to electricity and health, and couldn�t afford to send their
children to schools. That means the situation is bleak and Ethiopia will
never have any investment advantage by becoming member of the WTO. As
private investors want to reduce costs, the work force must be reduced
from all the sectors which become the victims of these kinds of
malpractices. Loosing jobs means adding more people to the reserve army
and increasing more and more poor people in the country which have very
minimal buying powers. With such higher and fire practices even the
informal and subsistence sector will be hit since these sectors loose
their customers. The principle of market economy teaches us that only
those who could afford to buy and consume, have the ability to exist and
the rest will be excluded from the economic activity. In a country with no
social plan the chance of being helped is minimal.
the situation is so bleak and the experiences of market economy of the
last 15 years are crystal clear why is the EPRDF government that was once
weaving the flag of Marxism and Leninism marches towards to this death
squad. The situation is mysterious on one hand, on the other side it is a
matter of ignorance of political economy. Since by definition, and as is
propagated that through exchange becomes growth, our leaders have taken
this inverted and assumed fact as their principles of policy handling. The
fifteen years of market reforms couldn�t illuminate their minds, and
couldn�t ask themselves why poverty and hunger are hovering over our
people which disintegrate more and more our society. As I have tried to
show some where the Meles clique by bowing to the financial oligarchic
class that dominates the world wants to preserve its power by being more
and more integrated in the system, since it doesn�t see any other option
other than implementing this bitter medicine which brings more deaths than
cures. It is the duty of those patriotic forces to protest against the
economic policy of the EPRDF regime, and its application to become member
of the WTO. Since this equally endangers the very existence of our
society, since without a solid economic foundation that is based on
science and technology there is no a well functioning nation-state, it is
very important to protest against the economic policy of the government.
Political protests alone are meaningless unless one doesn�t combine with
economic protests which touch the lives of millions of people. Before
politics people must eat, drink and get shelter. Only thorough solid
economic foundation they could articulate better and fight for political
freedom. On the other side the substitution of the present regime by a
democratic and patriotic government is the precondition of any tangible
change in the field of economy which improves the lives of our people.
From this vantage of point of view our position to the market economic
practices of the regime, the neo-liberal policy of the IMF and the World
Bank, and the Free Trade regime of the WTO is clear: We say that Ethiopia
shouldn�t become member of the WTO, and must not apply again the
neo-liberal paradigm that destroys the material reproduction base of our
people may ask, if somebody opposes the policies of the IMF, the World
Bank and the free trade doctrine of the WTO, what is the alternative
therefore that brings a poor country like Ethiopia out of the present
quagmire. Is it possible that while the entire world is marching towards a
global economic and political order that such countries like Ethiopia
could build a coherent economy out of the concept of this global economic
order? Even some think that globalization has benefited all countries
irrespective of some negative consequences as we see them today.
Some think and believe that, even if there is a regime change in
our country, there is no alternative other than implementing the kind of
economic policy as is forwarded by the IMF and the World Bank, since
Ethiopia can�t be the exception. Some politicians and their adherents
see the problem of political crisis in Africa, and especially in Ethiopia
not due to the market economic policy per se, but the political nature of
the regime and the lack of democracy that hinders the materialization of
such kinds of monetarist policies. With such kinds of misconceived
analysis, they dissociates the political philosophy of the regime from the
economic philosophy of the IMF and the World Bank, which seek such kind of
a regime that can practice their neo-liberal market policy that can
produce poverty, and creates wealth for the few. Only under unenlightened
regime the practicing of such a policy which undermines the existence of a
nation-state is possible. It is therefore unwise not to see both of the
market economic policy and the political handlings of the regime as two
sides of the same coin. The dissociation of the two aspects, and the
efforts by some groups not to consider the roles of the IMF, the World
Bank and the American Imperialism as the main causes of political and
economic disorders in our country and other Third World Countries, leads
us to political miscalculations that prolong the misery of our people.
Only correct analysis, and the clear understanding that not market
economic philosophy of the IMF and the World Bank type free our society,
and paves the way for a science driven technological development, that
brings us nearer, make us capable to show for our people the road of
genuine emancipation and civilization. Any attempt to solve the social and
economic crisis of our country within the paradigm of the IMF and the
World Bank, will be doomed to failure, and can be seen by enlightened
Ethiopians as an intrigue to see a weak and poverty stricken Ethiopia for
the coming 10 or more years. From this perspective, let me try my policy
option, not as program, but as analysis to make it more understandable.
I give my own alternative I will try to clarify the confusion about
globalization, since some see in it as a historical necessity, and it is
the only alternative which we have to accept, and no one could withstand
such a monstrous economic construction as we experience today.
Historically, as human beings started to organize themselves in
communities and developed division of labour it became historically
necessary to go beyond their limited boundaries and started to communicate
with other communities to exchange their goods with which they couldn�t
produce. As communities became stronger and experienced that such kinds of
communications with other communities are beneficial they expanded their
scope of thought and develop cultural ties. Traders of one community took
some of their cultures and goods and moved far away for trading, either
came back to their original places or remained there for ever and expanded
their activities and integrated in the community where they had settled.
In this way we learn from history that with out constant trade and
cultural contacts humanity couldn�t have achieved the present
development. In history there have been always contacts among different
countries that shaped the fate and the development of the respective
we study the human history in general, the first global trade and cultural
ties had positive impacts on some countries that helped them to construct
beautiful cities, mosques, churches and through that they came together
and build strong communities. As they integrated more and more and live in
communities, their scope of attitudes began expanded. But this positive
impact of the first wave of globalization was halted as many European
countries began developing nation-states. With the rise of racist theories
in the 18th century, trade relationships were turned to become
a one sided affair, and by using their naval, military power and economic
strength, some European countries began subjugating weak nations and tried
to change them as their peripheries. As capitalism developed from within
certain groups had constructed theoretical frame works how they could
justify exploitation and subjugate them as undeveloped societies. As many
European countries turned to imperialism they even went further to attack
other countries militarily, and distorted their initial social
organizations and compelled them to produce raw materials and agricultural
products for the further accumulation in their country. This second wave
of globalization, subjugating other nations and developing their own
economy become a natural fact which is given only to certain selected
European countries, and developed different devices to manipulate these
subjugated nations so that technology and science couldn�t spread across
the globe.
third wave of globalization becomes even intricate and subversive so that
one couldn�t understand at face values. States in the peripheries become
simply instruments of internal subjugation and exploitation, while
European and American firms supported by their states could manipulate the
weak states of Africa and Latin American Countries. States organs, like
the civil, military and security apparatus become strengthened and
detached from their societies and become manipulative objects for the sake
of international capital accumulation. Because of false internal
accumulation models and unequal expansion of capital, poverty was produced
and reproduced on a higher scale. With the rise and strength of
international organisations, like the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO,
western imperialist powers, especially the United States of America gets
in its hand direct manipulating instruments how it could transfer wealth
from Africa and Latin American countries. As the economic boom of the
1950s and 60s faded away most African countries became the victim of this
globally organized manipulation and compelled to transfer wealth through
unequal trade, debt bondage, and manipulating raw material prices, which
could be bought before they are being harvested, and sold with exorbitant
prcies. At the end of the
1960s and at the beginning of the 70s most African countries become
practically incompetent to go further with their first form of economic
development, i.e. import-substitution-industrialization. As raw material
prices fell dawn, most African countries could not generate sufficient
income to finance their weak industrialization model which had absorbed
much resource and brought unequal development from within. They were
compelled to borrow from European and American governments and
international organizations. In order to get credits they have to swallow
the bitter medicine of the IMF and the World Bank which had distorted
again and again the internal structure of their societies. Through such
kinds of debt bondage systems and depending on one or two commodities for
exports many African counties caught in vicious circles of economic crises
and disintegrated social systems.
1973 and later on we see a new global organized economic system, by which
some nations are becoming more and more integrated in the global economic
order where as African share in the global world trade distribution of
direct investments become more and more negligible, and remained now by
1%. Where as strong trade relationships and direct investments become the
affair of the tirade that means, Japan, EU and the United States most
African and Latin American countries remained in their distorted
developments. With the
begging of the 1980s we see a new trend of bringing the entire global
order under the influence of the American corrupted model, and many
nations must accept the so-called Washington consensus as the ideological
frame work of this global free trade regime. More and more countries
consume what European countries, Japan and the United States of America
produce, while they are internally disorganized. In other words, their
production potential must be reduced to a minimum level so that few could
consume and the rest remains as helpless and poor. The privatization
process across the globe, acquisition and merging with other companies,
this is a new trend of globalization, without being engaged in direct
investments. With the triumph of finance oligarchies, with the development
of new financial instruments, investment banks and hedge funds could buy
here and there objects, machines and other properties to acquire more and
more profits. Under the triumph of finance capital everything that yields
the highest profit becomes speculative object. Apartment blocks, once
built by the states for social needy people under the direct
participations of some individuals, Hospitals, Water and Gas supplies,
Electricity and others which were run by city municipality, were sold to
Anglo-American investors, which ran here and there like locusts, eat and
destroy and ran to other countries. Because of such kinds of arbitrary
handlings of people�s wealth so many people must live in permanent fear,
because the new speculators will throw them away from their apartments.
the world is controlled by few finance and industrial capital which are
organized under multinational corporations, and have assets worth of $ 35
trillion US and yearly turnover of $ 11 trillion US. These financial and
industrial complexes controls many states, and international organizations
like the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO, and the amalgamation of the
military and industrial complex which is waging wars across the globe in
order to test its new high tech war machines on the innocent people of
Africa and the rest of underdeveloped areas is the new international
political order. In this respect globalization and waging wars with
different intensities become two sides of the same coin. These kinds of
military supported globalization and the Americanization of the world
consumption pattern, McDonaldization and CoaCacolization are other faces
of the global order. The diverse cultures, consumption patterns and
production structures must be organized under monotonous way of living and
monoculture products. The American way of lives must be internationalized
and must be accepted everywhere. We the citizen of this world must dream
the American dream, by discarding our own cultures, history and the desire
of true human civilization. In our own action we must be individualistic
and self-achieving, aggressive and destructive, and live under permanent
tension and fear, because everybody stands against everybody. That is the
American dream. See the major big cities of the United States, where drug,
criminality and sexual abuses become the phenomena of the society. When
almost two million people are sitting in prisons, and 60 per cent of them
are blacks, this tells a lot. Not because that these prisoners are
criminals by birth, but the system produces such kinds of human vandalism.
And against this background of growing criminality rate, the well-off
class must live with video camera protected houses.
kinds of living styles are also expanded in Mexico and in other Latin
American countries, where the rich has adopted the American way of life.
This form of globalization with buy it, strip it, and flip it mentality
becomes the norms of the global economy, and
norms of these investment
banks and hedge funds which disorganize many societies, tear up existing
social cohesion by minimizing the role of the sates in many countries.
This is in short what they call us globalisation, which couldn�t
distribute wealth, direct investments and knowledge across the globe
equally. From this perspective Ethiopia and other African countries
can�t and must not expect too much if they want to build strong
economies and social organizations. If the situation is so complicated and
bleak, it is our own natural right to go our own way and formulate
economic policies which create wealth and bring harmonious development.
This is the natural right of every human being, and as a matter of fact
this natural right can�t be ordered or blocked by any other superpower.
To miss this fact or to interpret it differently is to submit for this
global order which produces and reproduces poverty on a higher scale. Now
let me come to my alternative.
is clear that societies must be organized in any form which are suitable
for them and are scientific. Societies which are not organized under
certain rules and norms and from scientific point of view their fate is
disorientation and purposeless. Any society must have principles and
guidelines by which it organizes itself and move from the lowest to the
highest stage of social organization. As human beings are creative by
nature and differ by that from animals they are capable of organizing
themselves under certain rules and develop instruments by which they
create wealth and develop themselves as societies. The forms of social
organization and developing new production techniques depend on the
intellectual capacity of certain groups and on the political forms of
organization under which they are living. The more the system is
enlightened, the more it is easier to become free and creative. Hence it
is easier to develop new techniques and instruments to exploit nature and
use it in proper way so that the society under consideration develops
permanently. To understand ones own role in a given society and partake in
the social forms of organization, it is also essential to understand the
role and essence of economy in any given society. When economic science as
we learned in the universities is simply reduced to the division of labour
as Adam Smith had postulated, and to demand and supply and then to
exchange the produced products it is hard to transform a given society
from one stage to higher forms of economic and social organizations. This
is what we see and experience in many African countries and including
Ethiopia. Since economic science as formulated by Samuelson and others
have overwhelmed the African school systems, it is very difficult to
organize such societies and give the people a decent and harmonious life.
From this vantage point of view, let us try to define what economics is,
and what one must understand if he wants to contribute something valuable
for his society.
is not as such demand and supply, but the transformation of one thing from
one state to the other by applying energy and through the help of human
labour. In this way one form of raw material is converted to the other by
applying some form of energy either to be consumed directly or being used
as instruments of labour or building materials. The conversion of raw
materials to the next stage and its quality and the productivity of the
human labour depends again by the forms of energy one applies and the
quality of knowledge what one posses. The less dense the energy form is
the more time it takes to produce a given product. Likewise, the lower the
technological development one has at his disposal the, lower the quality
and the productivity of the labour and the machines. Therefore the forms
of economic and social organizations are purely dependent on the quality
of the energy system one has and the quality of the machines one applies.
In order to develop higher and intense forms of energy and produce
qualitatively better machines one must make constant researches and
developments. As social organizations become complex and dense, and as
population grows, it is likewise important to develop constantly to
organize and feed the many people scientifically. Metaphorically, any
society must be organized like our bodies. Since the parts and organs of
our bodies have division of labours, and since every part of the organ
performs its works and combines with others so that we can exist as human
beings and breathe and walk, social systems must be organized in like
manners. Since what we consume couldn�t be absorbed entirely by our body
the waste must get out of our body so that we live healthy. The health
condition of our body and our active participation in the society depends
on the types of food we eat and drink. If we become excessive in our
handlings, and are not caring for our health, the probability that we
become easily seek is great. Accordingly,
if we want to have a healthy and good functioning society, it must be well
organized and maintained. It must be well designed and so that the system
works without major disturbances.
order to produce certain products there must be some of organic, social
and technological division of labour. Without constantly organized and
improved social and organic division of labour there is no social and
economic development. Among the different sectors and social organizations
there must be exchange. The
intensity of the economic exchange depends again how the system is
effectively organized on the basis of certain philosophy and scientific
thought. Again the quality of the division of labour and the possible
exchange of the products and their transportation from one area to the
other depends on two vital aspects: In any country there must be well
organized cities and transportation systems. If there are no well
developed cities and transportation systems one can�t create markets.
The effective organization of market systems within a given country
depends again on the existence of well designed and organized cities, and
well established transportation systems. Since market economy operates
within space and time, and since the two aspects are the decisive
parameters to effectively organize a market economy, the development of
capitalism needs the constant improvement of cities and transportation
systems. Without the developments of infrastructures and transportation
systems one can�t talk about the development of market economy.
Historically all major European countries which understood the necessary
of nation building began first of all constructing well designed cities
and market places. Only through that they could organize their societies.
Today�s monetarist economists miss this fact and confuse the entire
globe as if humanity could exist without having well designed shelters,
market places and transportation systems. Their aim is simple: the rest of
the globe must be converted to a plantation economy and supermarkets by
which the majority of the people produce and live like slaves where as few
live luxuriously. That is the philosophy of monetarism and the global
player which are twisting the world as they like. Unfortunately this
inverted form of thinking has become the philosophy of many Third World
Countries that hold their people as hostages. There people must live like
animals without any social and economic order. Since economic organization
is totally detached from nation building and social organization, billions
of people have become the victim of this kinds of inverted philosophy.
problem of economic theory and market economy as we have learned at the
university is very confusing, and it is seen as an end by itself. The
necessary of organizing economic activity to satisfy human needs is not
the core of economic teaching, and as such the material production is
detached from spiritual needs. Since development is associated with market
economic activity, the necessary of developing a given society through
science and technology is not the foundation of economic theory. The
interaction of man with nature, the biological, physical and chemical
process of producing a given product can�t be found in any conventional
economic books. For example to produce furniture we must see the entire
metabolism of the production system, from growing tree, cutting , and
drying it and converting it to furniture by applying energy, human labour
and machine. As the tree needs water and minerals, and sunlight to grow,
its conversion as a finished product is a physical and chemical process.
The aesthetical design of the furniture and its constant improvement is a
matter of metaphysical act; that means the application of our mental
activity to give particular furniture unique beauty so that it will become
attractive for the consumer. Form this vantage point of view development economics in
general, and economics theory in particular can�t see the production of
a particular product an act of biological, physical and chemical process.
Likewise, since production factors are seen scares by nature, the
production of certain products has always its limitation. The problem of
scarcity which is the central element of the neo-classical economics can
be overcome when one takes the metaphor of the development of embryo as an
example of self expansion and growth from the lower stage by multiplying
and differentiating in the different directions to the higher stage until
it comes as fully developed body. Likewise, through the development of the
cognitive power of the human brain one can produce multiple products from
one particular element or matter. From this perspective the problem of
scarcity has limited application, i.e. to natural products, like land,
water etc. which couldn�t be produced by man. Since
economic theory operates within this limited boundary, it halts from the
outset the imagination and creative activity of human beings to transform
their social systems from the lower stages to the higher stage.
It is therefore very important to detach oneself from this very
limited boundary and thinks further and broadly to organize a given social
system from different perspective so that the entire society could take
part in developmental process.
problem in Ethiopia is not as such to organize the society under the
principles of market economy, since market economy is not the ultimate aim
not only our society, but any society. But on the other hand any society
needs any kinds of market exchanges. Since production, exchange and
distribution takes place within time and a given space, some forms of
market organizations which operate under certain rules and norms are
necessary. The development of a market economy as is organized in
capitalist societies is dialectical and historical process and not
outcomes of monetarist constructions. From this perspective, if we want a
well functioning capitalist economy which is based on science and
technology, and which will have also social and cultural character, such
kind of a system must not be the affair of certain individuals and
international organizations, but must be the affair of the state. Without
enlightened state apparatus and without well educated class capitalism
which is based on science and technology is inconceivable.
In this case the organizing of the state apparatus
democratically, and the dismantling of the backward oppressive structures
which hamper development it is of a paramount importance for any genuine
and resource based development.
most intellectuals there is a great confusion in understanding the nature
of a given state and the kind of functions it practices in order to
maintain a given social order. The state in general is the organized
principle of any society through which societies bring their interests and
articulation. Any state can�t be instruments of any class nor a
manipulative object by which certain groups materialize their interests.
As the state is a historical and a natural product it can be formed and
improved in accordance with the need of the society in question so that
technological development and scientific thought will be advanced. A state
which is incapable of organizing the society according to certain
philosophies and scientific principles must be dismantled, and therefore
any state can�t be above the needs and aspiration of its people. There
is a great misunderstanding concerning the nature of the state in any
given society since certain powers in order to manipulate the majority of
their people and exploit them by reducing them to the status of animals,
they propagate as if the state is equivalent to God, which can�t be
put in question even, though it
destroys the wealth of the society through diverse mechanisms by absorbing
from innocent people and organize the state apparatus in order to reduce
it to the service of certain groups who have money and power. From this
perspective if we want to transform our society from the present state of
underdevelopment it is necessary to organize the people under democratic
principles and rules so that they could have the power of controlling the
state organ. If this is clear let us go to the next step.
any society the state is part and parcel of the society, and as such it
must have the power and role to develop always new economic instruments
through which it can advance economic development. If the society is not
well developed the existence of the state will be put into question, and
therefore it is in the interest of any government to advance the interests
of the society generally without favouring one particular group or
becoming instrument of a certain class which is oligarchic by nature. Therefore
such a state must have the power of organizing the society so that
science, technology and cultural activities could be developed.
have to reject therefore the view of liberals and neo-liberals alike which
undermine the role of the state in a given society by organizing the
economy, where as on the other side shout under the slogan of law and
order to convert it as instrument of certain groups by making it more
oppressive and subversive in its action to control the entire society
through refined methods. Since the state and all its organs and those who
ran the system earn salaries which are collected from innocent people in
the form of taxes and some other forms of tributes, the people have the
right to demand equality in any form so that they could exist as human
the role of the state is so clear the next step is to organize
institutions of various types, which promote and articulate the wishes of
the people. These institutions could be either part of the state
structures which are autonomous in nature or non-governmental in
character. Development related institutions, ecological institutions with
various capacities, institutions which control and study the development
of cities, those which control the nutrition and food system of the
society, whether these are compatible with human health or not and others.
Only in this way any society which is viable and sustainable could be
organized and promoted.
the function of the state is like this, it must further organize the
financial and the banking sectors so that cheap credit could be allocated
for those active forces which want to participate in the economic
organization of the society. The central bank must have the purpose of
allocating the necessary amount of money in accordance to the need of the
society. Money transactions and black market activities, and including
money exchanges outside the control of the banking system must be
forbidden and must be punishable. Only so the system can get the necessary
financial instruments for productive activities. Without organizing
various financial instruments to mobilize the money which is available in
the society and allocating this for productive purposes, to develop the
economy in an effective manner is practically impossible. As is propagated
by monetarist economists that saving creates investment, the other way
round must be the rule, as Keynes teaches us. That means it must be first
of all invested, in order to create income and through generating income
one can create saving. This has been always the history of capitalistic
development. In this case investment through credit creations and
mechanisms is the engine of capitalistic development.
is this the role of the state and the related institutions, different
groups must be organized and must get advice to take part in the economic
process. For this they must be trained how they invest, in what areas they
can invest and how they generate the necessary capital to finance their
projects. The organizing of the private sector effectively and efficiently
in a modern way and protect it from internal aggression could bring
genuine capitalist development. The promotion of small and medium sectors
of investments, and their equal distribution across the entire country is
the precondition of equal development which has the power of mobilizing
the human and material resources of the society. Besides this, the joint
action of the state and private investors to mobilize huge resources to
finance infrastructures, like rail road systems, and other strategic
investments is crucial important to bring a generalized social and
capitalist accumulation. Through generating enough capital and through
joint actions, and by organizing different state related and
non-governmental institutions which could mobilize the entire labour power
and material resources, we can develop Ethiopia within one generation as a
well functioning society. To follow the monetarist line and practicing it
again and again will lead us to social disintegration and create at the
end permanent social chaos. The road of human civilization is not
monetarism, but physical economic principle that brings forth the
cognitive power of our people and gives them real power so that they could
build a society based on science and technology. The road of monetarism is
slavery and self destruction, while the road of physical economic
principle is the road of equality and harmony.
March 18, 2007
Bekele, Ph D
Bekele is teaching International and Development Economics at colleges and
makes researches in the field of human civilization and can be reached at
[email protected].
Litratures and Documents:
- African
Economic Outlook, Ethiopia 2003
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