Tecola W. Hagos
is no question that Seye Abraha was a victim of Meles Zenawi and the Mahel
Sefaris. The Mahel Sefaris who are now Meles Zenawi's "elfign
askelkies," effectively demonized Seye Abraha and other truly
national heroes starting in 1991 in collaboration with a small band of
double agents by labeling such heroes as narrow ethnicists accusing them
of working for the supremacy of a narrowly defined Tygrei nation. Nothing
could be further from the truth. Seye fought for Ethiopia at great
sacrifice to his family (father executed by Mengistu's thugs, brothers
dying fighting for freedom). It is not without reason that Berhanu Nega,
the leader of the Opposition held him with such high regard. It is also
true of Tamrat Lyne, another victim of Meles Zenawi and the Mahle
Sefaris, who refused to implicate in a concocted corruption case that
the Government of Meles Zenawi tried in vain to implicate Seye as
participant. To the great credit of Tamrat Lyne, he refused to cooperate
with Meles Zenawi's hired guns and suffered more as a consequence.
have pointed out repeatedly the real enemies of the people of Ethiopia
(and that of Tygreai in particular) were and still are Meles Zenawi and
his Mahel Sefari collaborators. Meles Zenawi is a brutal dictator,
an individual who suffered extreme form of inferiority complex born from
his childhood ostracism of his family from the Community of the small
provincial town of Adowa due to his family's notorious connection to the
occupying forces of Italy and later, after the restoration of the
Ethiopian Monarchy, the family's patriarch's involvement as an agent of
Haile Selassie's Government spying against patriotic Tygreans from the
area who fought against Italy's occupation army and their collaborating bandas
from the region.
Abraha is now stepping into a drastically changed Ethiopia. The political
forces in play from some seven years ago are no longer in familiar
formations. What we have now is an Ethiopia full of traps, pitfalls,
double agents, despicable characters, et cetera in much more abundance
than before seven years ago. For great political symbols such as Seye, it
is a time where even a best friend, a wife or a husband, even ones own
confessor cannot be trusted. This is where a great hero, such as Seye
Abraha, may be at great risk losing his or her credibility if he or she
starts associating in any form with the current Meles Zenaei's Government.
At a time of declining credibility, and mounting evidence of treason and
betryal [read Sebhate Nega's interview], human rights violations,
political murder and torture, holding a nation hostage, international
involvement beyond the capacity of a poor nation, massive corruption and
fraud on the citizens of Ethiopia et cetera committed and perpetuated by
the current Government of Meles Zenawi, it is a political suicide for any
respected Ethiopian to be associated with Meles Zenawi or his political
Seye Abraha and other similarly situated Ethiopians, there may be a too
human desire to lash out indiscriminately against real and perceived
enemies. Caution and wisdom of magnanimity and tolerance must be the
guiding principles for individuals such as Seye Abraha who are freed from
the clutches of Hell. Being incarcerated and surviving in the Ethiopian
prison system is not that easy for anyone. For
individuals who served the people of Ethiopia with their blood and flesh
as Seye did, it is even more so excruciating to be imprisoned by a traitor
leader and his Mahel Sefari collaborators. The best rout to follow for
Seye Abraha and similarly situated individuals is to remove themselves
from Addis Ababa and live elsewhere, but be engaged with political goals
and be an active player in the process of change long overdue in Ethiopia.
Welcome, Seye Abraha, to freedom and a future you may yet shape.
W. Hagos
13, 2007