Note: The
letter addressed by Almaz Mequanent to Aseged Tefera (whose �article�
appeared in The Reporter of December 19, 2007) is meant to
correct several grossly misleading statements in that article and to
inform the reader the true donor of the 500 wheelchairs and the organizer
of the whole process. The �article� by Aseged Tefera is a good example
of �yellow journalism� at its worst, enduring characteristics of most
Ethiopian newspapers, online journals, blogs et cetera including The
Reporter. My recent editorial on the unparalleled generosity and
commitment of Almaz Mequanent was based on incontrovertible facts that
Almaz Mequanent single handedly organized on her own the donation of 500
wheelchairs by The Free Wheelchair Mission of the United States to the
victims of HVA agro-industrial greed in Awash Wonji and
Metehara sugar plantations and processing industry
Workers and residents due to Fluoride poisoning. I have brought to the
attention of concerned Ethiopians and others, by posting Almaz �s moving
article of December 9, 2003 in this Website, on the tragedy of Wonji and
Methara Workers and residents due to Fluoride poisoning since 2003, a few
years later after Amaz Mwquanent started single handedly her mission of conscience to
rectify the tragedy that befall tens of thousands of Ethiopians. The
article by Aseged Tefera of December 20, 2007 in The Reporter
shamefully did not even mention this great lady or the donor The Free
Wheelchair Mission in that misleading article. TH
To: Mr.
Aseged Tefera:
Almaz Mequanent
I am
appalled at your editorial about Wonji victims. I was informed by
Wonji residents about your editorial because I usually don't read or trust what
you write. Has it really come to the point where people are so
absorbed in their own egos that they see nothing wrong with publicly writing biased
and incomplete story by ignoring and discrediting the donor and the people
who worked hard to make the donation happen.
you wrongfully wrote that "former Wonji residents and donation
seekers with collaboration of factory brought wheelchair to the
victims," which is totally wrong. One person made it happen-one
California based organization gave donation and with the cooperation of
Wonji administrators and employees in facilitating the process brought
the wheelchairs from Djibouti port. And the one person is Almaz Mequanint
and the one organization is "The Free Wheelchair Mission." We
all were there during the wheelchair distribution event. So, whom are you
misleading? Probably to the people who are not familiar with the Wonji
crisis story. What is wrong mentioning and praising the name of the
donor "The Free Wheel Mission" who did noble work for our
people? Only the Oromia journalists were available in Wonji and they
had interviewed me on the event date. You were not there; that is why
you didn't have tangible news to write. I guess saying thanks is not your
own nature or culture but other Ethiopians are thankful.
Second, some
Wonji victims have been paralyzed for over 30 years not 20 years.
after The Daily Monitor broke the news & reported in 2004 about Wonji victims
you went to Wonji to interview some victims. And they told you that HVA
International (the Dutch company) is responsible for the
multiple damage that occurred to them. But you ignored their claim
and wrote only about them and fluoride. You are very much a coward and
pathetic not to report about HVA International. What is wrong with you, we
Ethiopians can not even complain about our injuries and pain? And if we
complained it has to be censored?
you wrote repeatedly the same phrase that you wrote three years ago
because you are not well equipped with factual updated information. You
can't misinform or fool us about Wonji; you better leave it to us. What
a shame!
reporter should report as it is without being biased. Whom are you standing
for your people or the Dutch company? And you have the nerve to
repeatedly report about Wonji people. Just don't waste paper, and get a
think you really need someone to go over your article before being
published. If you are going to cover a story, make sure you cover the
entire story or do not print it. It is better to have an accurate story
rather than an incomplete story. Not only does it affect your reputation,
but it also disillusions the public especially we former and present Wonji
residents that you are supposed to be serving. This is beside the ethics
of the profession.
in mind that the survival of democracy depends on citizens having access
to sufficient accurate information to make informed decisions and
enables you to explore
the true motivations of the people about whom you wrote.
I am
not a politician but a humanitarian, so, I don't link or confuse the
difference between the two. You may have reasons to misinform your
readers but people who morally respond or report to the needs of
ordinary human beings if it is not true or you hide something-it will
create a feeling of disgust and distrust. I think you are
in the wrong field, but if you are interested in the Wonji story, so, why
don't you go to Wonji and help the victims in assembling the wheelchairs
or giving them personal care. They really need any care you can provide!
You may not respond to my email but at least I made my point and cc this
email to the people who know about Wonji story thoroughly than you
25, 2007