Abraha:The Transformative
Personality in Ethiopian Politics
By Bereket Kiros
many of my compatriots, I had the privilege to attend the meeting
organized to have Ato Seeye Abraha address Ethiopians from the Seattle
area on January 19, 2008.Thus,
my report is that of an eyewitness. The first item that impressed me the
most was the fact that there seems to be tremendous interest to listen to
the presentation of Seeye.
Indeed, it was obvious from his speech that Seeye feels deeply about
Ethiopia and Ethiopians. I found him to be a humble and caring person,
unlike the propaganda smear by his detractors. Seeye is a person who has
been tested and has proven himself as a politician of substance worth
listening to, and uniquely qualified to bring together opposing groups and
individuals in the singular interest of the unity of Ethiopia. Thus, his
one-man mission to meet with fellow Ethiopians in his travels had
attracted many thousands in North America, in particularly Washington DC,
Denver, and Seattle.
Abraha captured in his energetic articulation of the inner reality of the
diverse political views (lives) of the many feuding Ethiopians and their
organizations. Chinua Achebe in his novel �A Man of the People�
narrates about two contrasting groups of people in
West Africa
. In that novel he describes two characters representing the old and the
new generations of politicians. The conflict between the old and the new
political systems is portrayed through the two characters as they disagree
and quarrel over political views. Seeye likewise captured in his
articulation the essence of the ever present conflict between Ethiopian
politicians, the new against the old, the leftist against the rightist,
the Derg against the democratic et cetera that paralleled the main theme
of Achebe's novel.
most fundamental thing that a leader must do is to construct a compelling
and winning vision. Seeye is reexamining the present and past effort of
the democratization of Ethiopian politics. His idea, he explained, was
aimed at the very foundation of structuring a democratic culture first by
getting rid of unnecessary squabbles, by tearing down al walls built
between individuals due to personal animosity, and by eliminating
boundaries of narrow political aggregations in order for all Ethiopians to
march down a truly democratic path. In his address, Seeye focused on
contemporary Ethiopian politics in a thoughtful and logical manner. He
urged Ethiopians to find a common ground.It was indeed an inspiring vision. (Yechallel). It takes a very
disciplined person and tough-minded optimist to champion this noble cause
of the unity of Ethiopia and at the same time envision a democratic
society. His undaunted hopefulness is simply an extension of his
resilience, determination, and faith that kept him going and survive the
unbelievable human tragedy that he had to endure.
appreciated the audience and the organizing committee for having such a
decent and engaging platform. He explained the challenges he faced as a
person, as an ordinary Ethiopian, coming from the ruling party that he had
struggled with most of his adult life. Seeye, as a founder and a member of
the Central Committee of TPLF and now as an ordinary person outside that
organization, was able to reflect and deduce that the apparatus of the
EPRDF to be a repressive and divisive regime. He underscored the unity of
all Ethiopians by urging all of us to demolish the barriers that is
disfranchising and polarizing the Ethiopian community, in particular the
Diaspora community. He emphasized that it is impossible to talk about our
country�s future in the context or presence of a highly emotional
politics of hate. He expressed his concern that in such practice of raw
politics and divisive confrontations, our country can slide into crisis. A
divided house cannot produce results. He called upon all Ethiopians to put
aside their differences and work together on the issues where it matters
most to
and Ethiopians. The Diaspora community has a great role to play to help
's political development. With the help of the Internet and short wave
radio, Seeye underscored the possibility of raising the political
consciousness of most Ethiopians at home in Ethiopia and elsewhere. He
also pointed out the fact that Ethiopians like to concentrate too much on
tiny differences rather than focusing on what binds and units us. He also
argued that bargaining and flexibility especially in a political process
is a sign of maturity and a sure way to avoid frication.
Ethiopia's Constitution: Law and Order
pointed out that Ethiopia
has a constitution and parliament like other countries, however the ruling
party is not abiding by the law it has created. It is a law that punishes
people because of their beliefs and political stand. The parliament
remains a rubber stamp to the ruling party.It detains first and then drafts a law to charge people. Just as
Seeye was imprisoned first without any evidence, many fellow innocent
Ethiopians are also behind bars; in particular, Oromo dissidents have been
imprisoned without any tangible evidence as to their association with OLF.
In the Federal Democratic Ethiopia, it seems the authority of the PM above
or supersedes the law of the country. Most of the party establishment, by
design and default, serve the ruling party, not their constituency. As we
are all aware, establishing a party in
is just like opening a kiosk. Such unchecked political power of the PM and
the EPRDF has weakened the social fabric of our unity. This environment of
partisan and destructive politics must be changed and challenged. If left
unchallenged, it will create more division and fragmentation of our
people may argue that the present development of a few economic sectors is
a sign of progress; Seeye pointed out, and further asked a rhetorical
question on how it is possible to sustain economic development without
solid political foundation. Many nations mainly in Africa fall because of
political crisis. Look what is happening in
, in particular
, and
now. The Ethiopian political landscape is very treacherous and dangerous
to operate, but as a concerned Ethiopian I am optimistic with leaders such
as Seeye, we may be entering an era where you and me and all of us
together can change the volatile situation in our country before it
reaches the point of no return. Seeye stated that he is not a jaded
idealist but an individual who is pragmatic and hopeful about the future
of Ethiopia. He stated modestly that he has the experience to balance war
and peace. He asked the audience to focus on his message and not his
Political Stability: Ethiopia and Eritrea
all are aware of the fact that the Eritrean referendum has not addressed
many important issues of border demarcation, citizenship, outlet to the
sea, the economy such as the exchange of currency and several very
important issues that should have been addressed. Seeye stated, without
making excuses, that he was part of the EPRDF leadership and takes full
responsibility for such failure. Seeye seems to suggest that the war with
Eritrea did not start just because of one single attack, rather there was
a long running and festering political and economic wound that has not
healed even after the 1993 declaration of independence by Eritrea. Because
of such unresolved issues, Ethiopians were finally forced to go to war
because of the unprovoked attack of Eritrea.
agonized over formulating his answer on such long-lasting crucial errors
of judgment dealing with Eritrea. He said that it was an eye opening
experience for him. Regrettably, EPRDF has again committed another costly
mistake because the war was stopped half way. The Algiers Agreement was
signed without concrete base and not in the best national interest of
Ethiopia. The ruling party EPRDF made a strong case that poverty as a
number one enemy. However, the problem of poverty will not be solved if
there is political instability. This continuation of hostilities between
the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments will not help anyone. Seeye
emphatically asserted that Eritreans are our close cousins, and that we
are destined to live and work together. Thus, he recommended that the
people of Ethiopia and Eritrea forget about the two ruling parties and
just work together for the benefit of both brotherly people. EPRDF and
EPLF could not bring a lasting peace in this volatile region, but the
people could.
Question and answer session
the vigorous question and answer session, both Seeye and the audience
displayed great propriety that would put to shame the cantankerous
often-recriminatory debate of the Democratic Party nomination Candidates.
Some questions asked at that session were tough, but were asked without
any agenda except to learn the answer from such a worth political
personality or adversary to some. There were indeed some very serious
questions as follows: Why it took you so long to understand the TPLF
repressive political structure? And why did the PM consolidate so much
power? What went wrong? You and your colleagues invented a ticking bomb,
now how do we overcome our differences? Such questions are extremely
important and must be answered honestly and clearly. Here is where EPRDF
leaders failed, for they mostly respond by glossing over such important
questions and hiding behind all sorts of rationalization. To this day the
error of the Algiers Agreement is at the very center of our problems which
the Leadership is toying with.
reflected on his detention in his speech. Although he suffered greatly, he
was able to transform that injustice as a positive point in his life, for
it helped him to reflect and contemplate many of those issues raised in
such questions. He said that members of his generation mainly are the
byproducts of the Ethiopian students� movement whose political outlook
was shaped by such monumental movement in Ethiopia�s political life.In case of the TPLF, the trend was leftist ideology based on
teaching of Mao and Lenin--the communist ideology based on strict military
type of hierarchy.Seeye
explained that the TPLF has (had) two branches of programs namely the army
section and the ideology branch. The army and the political program both
implemented tight rules and rigid political structure among its fighters.
Democracy was to be established within the boundaries of democratic
centralism. "Peaceful and non-violent method of struggle was not the
path we embarked on. All the great people like Mahatma Gandhi and others
stood firm on their belief against colonizers to emancipate their people
from the yoke of servitude." Seeye stated that he was rebellious and
never backed to express his dissenting views that got him in trouble.
The Ethiopian Military Forces
to Seeye, Ethiopian politics is dangerous and risky.It is extremely difficult to navigate. The only solution is to
create conditions where we are able to talk and listen. We have to create
inclusive atmosphere where all actors play in a level political field.
Politics is a contiguous. It is important to recognize our Ethiopian
social and cultural reality, such as our ethnic diversity usually
portrayed as �nations and nationalities� that ought to be seen as our
strength rather than be used as a divisive tool. Recognizing and embracing
our Ethiopianness must be the order of the day.Seeye pointed out further that political struggle is not only
taking power, but has very many other important dimensions. The issue of
empowerment of the people of Ethiopia is the only legitimate reason for
assuming power. Wisely, Seeye brought up the issue of the role of the
military in the political life of Ethiopia. Too often, Ethiopian
politicians seem not to be aware of the decisive role that can be played
by the Ethiopian military. It
seems that our politicians are oblivious of such vital organization that
does have the means and power to effect change in whatever form in
Ethiopia�our recent history provides clear examples.
was at his best when he brought up the issue of the great sacrifices
Ethiopia�s military forces have paid through out our long history. He
said that many individuals have expressed doubts about the role of our
military forces in the new democratic
. As a former military commander, Seeye emphasized the fact that
undermining our defense forces will not help our
, and to disband such a great army and start from scratch will be costly.
He pointed out that
has highly skilled and strong military forces. He emphasized that the few
weaknesses we might have, can be rectified easily. He argued that we must
build on our strength. "I cherish the commanders of our forces. They
are all dedicated, patriotic, and brave soldiers. I have special emotional
attachment to our fallen gallant fighters. After I was released, the first
thing I did was visit the family of the martyrs."
is extremely disconcerting and incomprehensible to read in widely read
websites and chat group�s vilification of Ethiopia�s heroic military
forces. The euphoric writings about the death of Ethiopian soldiers (e.g.
the degrading dragging of fallen Ethiopian heroes in Somalia) that are
identified as �Woyane soldiers� in such websites and chat groups are
no less than treasonous. How is it impossible for such Ethiopians to
appreciate that our military forces are deployed whether in Somalia or
elsewhere serving Ethiopia? No matter who is �King� in Ethiopia, we
must support our military forces when engaged even in unpopular conflicts.
Especially people living here in the United States have all the
opportunity to witness how Americans respect and appreciate the sacrifices
of their sons and daughters deployed in a very unpopular war in Iraq. We
all must learn to appreciate our fellow Ethiopians serving the nation, and
not judge them with our narrow political ambition or perspective.
Ethiopia�s Military Forces are precisely that�Ethiopia�s Military
his final remark, Seeye reminded the audience that our Ethiopian political
skirmish has become divisive. He emphasized that he does not wish to see
Ethiopia sliding to civil war, and he prefers to struggle before anything
of the sort would happen. He concluded by saying: "Let us work
together to our beloved country where each of you have great roles to
play. I care deeply about my people and country, if that produces
unnecessary resentment towards me that is fine. I am not running to get
sympathy and popularity. I am not a member of any organization for now,
because I believe a party must be created through a process and leadership
has to be tasted."
political journey is easy; Seeye�s journey is no exception either. He is
giving us alternative views and approaches: a challenge to opposition
parties and the EPRDF on how to achieve a democratic Ethiopia through
peaceful political processes. He introduced a set of analytical tools and
frameworks that show how to navigate on the unchartered and risky
political sea of our Ethiopia. He laid the basis of a modern political
process through reconciliation and understanding of our political and
cultural diversity.