Say No to
Meles, Say No to More Betrayal!
Yohannes Kiros
December 24, 2004
Once again Ethiopia has made
it to the headlines of the world media with the startling news of the
�new peace initiative� divulged by PM Meles Zenawi, the sole actor of
the Ethiopian political scene. This peace overture proposed by Meles, as
always smudged with the intention to damage the Ethiopian people and
territorial integrity was put forward through the backdoors of the
Ethiopian parliament. The five point peace proposal with the give and take
principle are nothing other than an act of treason committed to handover
single-handedly vast tracts of Ethiopian territory to his Eritrea and save
the iniquitous regime of Issaias Afeworki, the war criminal to be brought
to justice by the Ethiopian people. In spite of the intimidation through
detention, job loss, ostracism, etc., the Ethiopian people will never be
coerced to hail and bolster Meles� proposal and will never bind up for
any agreement entered by this regime as a lasting and durable peace with
The Ethiopian people, who
fought with bravery and lost their beloved to repulse the enemy and regain
their occupied territory of Irob, Badme, Bure, Zalambessa, etc. has once
again been relegated to become onlookers, debarred from negotiations. The
main purpose of this so-called peace initiative is to show the regime�s
feudatory obligations and servitude to foreign governments, who by now
have become the masterminds and strategists of Ethiopian foreign and
internal policies. Ethiopians have principally fallen victim thanks to
this regime to a neo-colonialist appendage and control through
international monetary organizations and political mongers.
The regime is more concerned about their views and opinions about the
so-called �five points peace proposal� than what the Ethiopian
populace demands. Ethiopians are not permitted to address pressing issues
of their concern but are simply treated with contempt.
Mr. Meles Zenawi in his
formulation upholds persistently as the main enemies of Ethiopia to be
poverty, backwardness and inadequacies of good governance as if these
descriptors were determinants for war and peace in Ethiopia. Recognition
of these problems certainly endorses that he and his government are not
fit to run the country after they have miserably failed to put the country
on the road to development and democracy for the last 13-14 years. The
country has not been able to feed itself and more than 14 million people
are still dependent on charities and handouts. Therefore, the country is rendered to the whims of and
pressures from creditors, banks and some aid givers, which are the
lifelines for the existence of this regime.
After declaring that the
decision by the EEBC was a blatant miscarriage of justice and unimaginable
to be accepted by Ethiopia on Sept. 2003, the same Meles accepts in
principle the court�s decision. Otherwise, according to his raison d'�tre
it is tantamount to defiance of international law. This is the welcome
gift given to his companion in Eritrea! The UN cognizant of the intricate
problems of the border issues had already established a mechanism to
resolve through the mediation efforts of Mr. Lloyd Axworthy, appointed by
the Secretary General of the UN as a Special Envoy for Ethiopia and
Eritrea. Meles� volte-face is, therefore consistent with his
longstanding policy of benefiting Eritrea at the cost of Ethiopia. I had
in one of my early writings under the title �citizens for peace in
Eritrea� or �citizens for war in Eritrea� dated Dec. 03, 1999 warned
about the insidious enemy of Ethiopia in a formulation, which is still
valid and I cite � These implanted Trojan horses were and are still
security risks for the peaceful life of Ethiopian citizens�.
The regime of Meles being in
awkward predicament from which escape is impossible comes now and then
with various duplicities in the form of declarations and statements to
avoid responsibility for the past and present situation of the country.
The consistency with which PM Meles has pursued a conscious pro-Eritrean
policy/act and the treason committed against Ethiopia are among others as
Unilateral declaration of the independence of Eritrea and its
recognition by a provisional government, whose mandate was unknown to
Abandonment of the Afar Red Sea territories and its unwillingness
to raise issues of vital strategic significance to Ethiopia from the
Expulsion of more than 180,000 Ethiopians from Eritrea harassed,
humiliated and confiscated of their property
Trade and commercial relations, whereby Eritrea could exploit
unrestrictedly the raw materials and inner market by purchasing with Birr
and by other fraudulent means (petrol, coffee, skin and hides, oil seeds,
timber, etc.)
Issuance of more than 1.2 billion Birr without any repayment and
permission of Shaibya exchange offices of hard currency
Indirect participation in the war against Yemen by supplying
long-range missiles, helicopters and arms to Eritrea
The kidnapping and killing of Eritrean dissidents and
�collaborators� of the Derg and establishment of Eritrean detention
centers within the country
Employment of Eritreans in offices, sensitive government
departments and military installations
Demobilization and arrest of the standing army and downsizing the
fighting force of the fronts and thereby giving prerequisite for attack
from Eritrea
Defying impudently the warning signals from his colleagues and the
local people near the border as well as Intelligent Service about the
imminent aggression from Eritrea
Occupation for the whole 2 years of Ethiopian territories,
killings, rape, and arrest of civilians and pillage by Shaibya army.
The whereabouts of many people from Irob, Badme and Afar is still
unknown and families are still wallowing in uncertainty
The properties lost and the human rights abuse of those Ethiopians
who lived and suffered under the tyranny of Shaibya
The bombardment of school children in Mekelle by napalm bombs as
well as the needy who stood in queue in the grain warehouse is still a
vivid memory for many of us Ethiopians about the barbarity of Shaibya
The death of thousands of our countrymen and lose of billions of
dollars for the war effort
The premature withdrawal of the heroic Ethiopian army from Eritrea
by the order of Meles from executing its task of removing the source and
menace of peace Issaias or without any statement of surrender of the
fleeing army of Issaias
The signing of the Algiers agreement without any discussion by the
people of Ethiopia, lawmakers and professionals and acceptance of it as
final and binding
The testimony laid by Ethiopia to give away both Tserona and Fort
Cardona as Eritrean territories, etc.
above points, retroactive amendments of the Constitution and other
forceful changes made to fit Meles Zenawi�s nefarious rule together with
human right violations of journalists, dissidents and opposition
politicians are charges, which could have lead to crime against the state,
had this been in a democratic country with an accountable and transparent
government. But in today�s Ethiopia, there is no possibility of
impeaching guilty persons, where the state power is completely under the
control of an autocratic system. Therefore, any talk in the name of the
Ethiopian people to have given this illegitimate regime a mandate to
represent them in any peace forum is doomed to failure. Ethiopians as a
peace loving people have never had any history of bloodlust, plunder or
aggression against any far or neighboring countries and people. They want
to live in a country, where their basic human rights and the sovereignty
of their country are fully respected.
is an inconsolable grief and great tragedy for both Ethiopians and
Eritreans to lose their beloved to satisfy the needs of the sanguinary
leaders and ruffians. Issaias� violent disturbances and wars in a time
frame of 8 years include all his neighboring countries, namely Djibouti,
Yemen, Sudan and Ethiopia. This is a regime, which has destabilized the
whole Horn of Africa that Meles wants to befriend in a new move of
normalization in the form of political, economic and social concessions of
give and take by his unsavory and scandalous proposal. Peace
among the peoples of Ethiopia and Eritrea is only possible when there is
direct interlocution, understanding and interest for the benefit of all.
The consequences of private negotiations between the two comrade-in-arms
and relatives have shown to be disastrous to both peoples.
Ethiopian is blind to how the Meles regime has gradually started
obliterating the memory of this war, which has claimed thousands of our
countrymen in Badme, yearly commemorated for their martyrdom or the
schoolchildren of Ayder School, who fell victim to Issaias� terrorism.
Now that Issaias has lost international support and is once again beating
war drums, Meles has begun demobilizing and downsizing the army,
especially those who oppose his move of normalization and abandonment of
1/3 of Irob, Badme, Gulomekada, Bure, etc. Meles� pledge to the Eritrean
people to accept the peace initiative is no more than a close
collaboration with Issaias to suppress them as they did before the war.
Therefore, the early jubilation by the so-called Eritrean opposition about
Meles� proposal should be considered as a heavy blow to their effort to
bring a regime change in Eritrea.
of demobilizing the oversized army of 10% of the Eritrean population
(about 400,000), Issaias has continued to recruit and train thousands of
people under the age of 50 and is busy securing modern armaments. Trenches
along the border are dug and final preparations are made to once again
occupy the border territories. Eritreans both at home and abroad are given
instructions on how to contribute towards this end. To come with such
blatant idea and commit oneself to the EEBC�s decision at this juncture
is nothing more than an invitation to Issaias to invade Ethiopian
territories. Any neglect of duty to protect Ethiopian sovereign land of
Irob, Badme, Bure, Gulomekada, etc. by Meles and his lot should be
considered as a death sentence passed on them by the people of Ethiopia.
and nationalist movements and organizations should at this critical moment
shoulder the task of uniting their forces to inform and support the people
and come out victorious during the coming election. Though very difficult
to have free and fair elections knowing the fraudulent behavior of the
ruling clique and its tentacles in the form of cadres, administrators,
police, military and security people, the opposition forces should hold
mass demonstrations against the Meles regime and disclose its intentions
of selling out Ethiopian territories to every Ethiopian in the country and
abroad. They have to work hard and mobilize the people to safeguard the
territorial integrity and national interest of the country.
Those in diaspora must become spokespersons for their oppressed
countrymen and contribute their share in the form of collecting material,
giving moral support and spreading propaganda, etc and arrange protests
against the submissive and subversive regime of Meles. We must stay on
guard, support and defend our Ethiopian compatriots of Irob, Badme, Afar
areas who suffered tremendously during the two years of occupation and are
to be uprooted from their ancestral homes and historical land of Ethiopia.
We, who are blessed to exercise and use our democratic rights in other
countries, have the moral obligation to stand up and defend the
sovereignty and national interest of Ethiopia and protect the people of
Ethiopia from constant harassment and violations of their basic human
rights. We must say No more betrayal and demand the resignation of PM
Meles. The End.
Yohannes Kiros