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By Bereket Kiros

Sustainable democracy is built on trust. Gaining and upholding trust in the electoral process involves impartiality and accountability. The question we all must ask is whether the Election Board is free to deal with the issue of fraud and illegal manipulation of the election process by the Government of Meles Zenawi. Setting the rules of the electoral process is a political issue that need be decided by legislation, but the legislators are political appointees of the ruling party. How is it possible to undertake non-partisan and impartial, decisions as official of the Board without interference from the ruling party? Electoral dispute resolution mechanisms use of mediation and impartial arbitration is vital in the absence of a tradition of election process that guarantees impartiality.

The press release by EU Observers dealing with their observations of the election in polling stations include observation of violence and other numerous election fraud and illegal delay of counting votes with the suggestion of the destruction of votes. They have also expressed their concern of the activities of the Governmental institutions responsible or relevant to the elections, the role of the media, and the general political situation. Despite persistent demand from the opposition parties, any request for re-voting or selected voting was out of the question. Moreover, the opposition parties have expressed their doubts whether any fair and free election could be conducted under the current Election Board that is fully controlled by Meles Zenawi and his officials. The longevity and stability of Ethiopia depends upon EPRDF sincerity in implementing free and fair election on the contested areas. Regrettably, Meles and his Government failed to respond to the request of the opposition officially.

Meles Zenawi�s political drama despite his claim that he had won a majority of seats in Parliament has continued to baffle many Ethiopians who know his anti Ethiopian political government policy. Although the results from Ethiopia's 15 May 2005 general elections is yet to be formally announced, the ruling party continued to declare its victory that it has won majority seats in parliament to form a government. On the other hand, the opposition parties justifiably did not recognize the victory claimed by Meles Zenawi and his party while there are several complaints of voting irregularities and contested results in hundreds of voting stations. Some political observers like EU�S representative Anna Gomez expressed their doubts about the impartiality of the Election Board. For most Ethiopians the Board is seen as an arm of the EPRDF controlled by Meles Zenawi and his officials.  This controversy could emerge as a major flashpoint for violent arguments and brawls. A mixed message of victory and serious conflict emerges from the drama surrounding the election.

The whole problem can be seen as the denial of the Constitutionally guaranteed voting rights of Ethiopians to vote for people they want to lead them. Meles Zenawi and his party have polarized and corrupted the political climate in an effort to declare his victory by using his military might on civilian and opposition supporters to quash the change that is underway. In order to stay in power, the ruling party and its leaders have used deceit and fraud. The same people in the Ethiopian Government with power have been shakers and movers in TPLF/EPRDF political organizations for over thirty years and have maintained their political power through scandals, murder, torture and imprisonment.  For over a quarter of a century, the TPLF is a system maintained by threat and use of force in which control is concentrated in the hands of few individuals from one area. Meles long seemed more concerned about his own position of power than the well being of a nation or the Ethiopian people. The TPLF under the leadership of Meles was used to promote the liberation of �Eritrea� and not as a movement of national liberation for all of Ethiopia.  Its fighters were used for such purpose through misinformation and force. TPLF fighters believed they were fighting for justice and national liberation from the terrorist and brutal government of Mengistu Hailemariam. Irrespective of the innocence of the fighters of the TPLF, the fact remains  that as members of a political organization they too are held accountable to the type of national disaster it had resulted in the fragmentation of Ethiopia under ethnic clutter.

Our people have reached the limit of their patience. People do not like being forced to do things against their will. If they feel injustice has been done, they are likely to try build up their power to get rid of oppressive regime. The election was a heavy blow to Meles and his associates, and foreign governments must be mindful of the consequence of putting millions of dollars into a process that will produce a corrupt parliament incapable of representing all of the people, This election is not about electing a PM or a token President, but it is also about electing representatives who are representatives of the popular will of the people. It is not about numbers and figures, as EPRDF wants us to believe to crown Meles to his authoritarian rule for next five years of disaster and unfolding political destruction of our country. Under his leadership, Ethiopia has experienced ethnic and regional antagonism of a level unheard before, based on naive and unrealistic ideas. It undermines the fate of a genuine democratic movement at great cost to innocent people and a nation. The current EPRDF political order is devoted to maintain unequal structure of power, with the idea that no opposition party or leader emerges in Ethiopia who will change the situation by mobilizing the people.

The May 2005 election probably have stopped the bleeding of our country, but the wound must be cured. On the other hand, all hate and bigotry in the name of saving Ethiopia cultivates the seed of future destruction and will not heal the wound Ethiopia has suffered not only by Meles but under the brutal leader Mengistu as well.  To incite ethnic conflict and tension amongst the peace loving and harmonious people of Ethiopia under the guise of opposition will only undermine the dynamic forces upholding the unity of Ethiopia. It is a fact that the political discourse of Ethiopia is contaminated by ethnic policy, political rivalry, and cultural stereotyping. Under such situation, the Opposition should opt for a path of peace and reconciliation as Mandela chose a healing track using dialogue and forgiveness as a platform for justice to all Ethiopians. Creating division for gratification of personal ambitions under the guise of opposition will be a betrayal of a great cause. The opposition must be sensitive about criticism and more confident of its ability to cope with a more open issue of ethnicity, thus leading to the evolution towards real democracy and more positive and free relationship of all Ethiopians. When a nation faces a crisis, major changes in its political, social and economic or international position the political parties as a whole takes greater responsibility for the well being of the nation. Sadly, Ethiopia �s ethnic diversity will always be exploited by those with their own nefarious agendas. While the ethnic factor is a complex one and can be viewed from a range of angles, our people�s positive contribution can be a simple one: a dedication by each of us to do nothing which will endanger ethnic harmony in our country.

We are now living in a volatile political situation and an economic disaster looming all around us. We are surrounded by our historic enemies and newly minted ones that are getting stronger by the hour. Those of us in the Diasporas have a moral obligation not to promote ethnic conflict and harmful propaganda on the supremacy of any ethnic group thereby inflaming further a situation that is highly charged with hate and conflict already.  Any inter-group conflict in the Ethiopian community is a victory for Meles Zenawi and his foreign masters. Meles Zenawi is surviving as a leader only because we are a divided people. Thus, we urge all opposition leaders and their supporters to tone down their accusations of this or that ethnic or nationality group as the guilty party for all the problems faced by Ethiopia and Ethiopians. The problems facing Ethiopia and all Ethiopians are complex and historic and no one group should be blamed for such problems. We need to look at the whole picture of conflict and political process with our future as one nation and people in mind.  Some globule observers have continued to praise Meles Zenawi despite his dubious background as a progressive leader in Africa. Ignorance has its price: in the West it is wasted money, in Africa lives. We call upon concerned EPRDF officials who had so far lacked the courage to openly oppose Meles Zenawi and his associates to dismiss them all and elect new officials democratically to salvage Ethiopia�s future and glory. We call upon genuine Ethiopians to stop their loyalty to a treasonous dictator and join the liberation movement underway for the sake of our nation. As Jimmy Cliff captures the sentiment and puts it to reggae beat � I did rather be a free man in my grave/Than living as a puppet or a slave�


Bereket Kiros

May 30, 2005