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Dear Aigas, Zeru Hagos and Co�.

I have been astonished once again with your quest for TPLFs history to be written.

I wonder and appreciate your concern that you really wanted the history of the same to be written. I believe the history of Tplf is the history of selfless people with scintillating and magnanimously untold sacrifices rejuvenated by the true account of actors WHO ARE THE PEOPLE ONCE AGAIN. To me, this glorious and shiny history will ever remain to be there safe and sound. It is also up to historians, researchers, archaeologists and social anthropologists and every individual concerned regardless of their position to concur and deduce historical parallels and perspectives for which how this selflessness will be recorded, revitalized, documented and referenced for historical contexts. Who ever writes it, any how, I believe will it simply be a-drop-in-an-ocean.

Having said that, however, I am not content with your attitude and assertion that these histories can not be written by any one including by angry people and quitters. Are you telling us that these angry people can not reason out nor revert to modes operands of intellectual reasoning at all and hence could not have moral amplitude to see and say what is wrong or right? The spade is a spade. Or are you trying to persuade us people who happen to quit because of one or other shall not have any right what so ever to write the natural magnitude and foundation peoples history to be the servitude of a true account of history to the betterment of the wider public at all? Or is it a methodical approach to systematically alienate people of such a higher caliber and with a huge contribution to the establishment and very survival for the existence of TPLF who are no longer members of your TPLFs for one or any obvious reason should be denied what they are capable of doing?

To me, TPLF divided or not, of those you term quitters, if they come up with first hindsight, retrospection and viable observation which is a true account of their observation as well as a true reflection of history of their part and above all a biting information where by people will learn the highly secretive nature of the organization for decades, I recon the sky would be the limit for them and it would be under the domain of a public interest to pursue these historical facts and harness them the benefits of the society. It is also a contribution to struggle of mans past and present struggle to improve and understand the secrets of their world. I think let us leave the conscience and the judgment of the people for the people and learn or discover how they have done it. Pure and simple! The problem with us is that we are mixing up trying to be the judge, the adjudicator, the justice and the observer, by being so we end up guess what� confused and paranoid! I see that with Zeru,

Let us see the flip side of your argument, Zeru, about few angry people? TPLF was simply a group of few angry people, for that matter, set in paradigm shift right from the beginning.


Why are you denying the power and skills of INDIVIDUAL people or butting around the bush not to acknowledge the existence and contribution of these people whom you term them quitters?

These people whom you called quitters probably from Bitew to Seye where there giving every thing to the finest details to the success and fulfillment of every motion of the struggle. They are still there giving every thing at their disposal to the utmost scenario possible for the development of their country. They can not afford not to be there even for a fraction of seconds. They see and adore Ethiopia prosper before their eyes. For them there is nothing they can not actualize for the countrys betterment given the current challenges and hurdles they have come across so far!

They have shouldered every burden with their fallen comrades equally and to the utmost satisfaction of the people whom they lead by example and where there through thick and thin times. I think it is not only fair simply to level by calling any names of these unique veterans whose invaluable contributions is second to none to the country but also is a bad trend of gross generalization and bad sweeping statement simply put on them presiding over sitting on your comfort zone. That is unfair! For how long are we to follow them? Maim them for and holding them accountable for all or any real or perceived failures what so ever? For how long shall we make them hostages? As if that is not enough�.Do we feel intimidated and still sense uncomfortable by their presence? Your argument does not hold water this time!

Who said that angry people will not set sound argument? Those who left the party will always be biased?

What is a biasness� any way and how can you measure it? DO NOT YOU Aigas look back at your selves that you always have taken positioning blindly on the government line of thinking right or wrong? Nothing wrong with your position though! Surprisingly enough, why are you getting surprised when and if people are exercising godly given individual rights?

Guys! It is my belief and decent observation that you should always rise above the fry and serve the politics and play fair game. If not leave it! You can not simply grasp the character of a book by starting halfway through and claim you have produced the plot.

If you do, no doubt you missed the plot and that miss is very costly and ghastly miss!

I think You have conceded your selves that you have not read Dr Aregawi Berhes book and still procrastinate to have a rush judgment implying that his book is already biased! Is it not your position bizarre to say the least? Have not you read the various professors comment on his book to begin with? Or are you still on the line of thinking that all the professors who made their outright judgment and observation and gave their due assessment are useless? Do you believe still that all the scholars get biased as well?

Very recently, I watched a DVD video which narrates how the TPLF/EPRDF has been successful in annihilating the Dergue and the likes. The DVD produced by the incumbent government was shown on its controlled ETV many times; even decades till people got fed up on it!

These were the same story said and narrated over and over again. But what makes it quite unique this time was not that the new DVD was phrased with selective approaches which already lacked the stark reality that it does not show the involvement nor the contribution of these individuals who are leveled as angry quitters? If biasness� and partiality is not this reflection what else is it then? Again you are trying to be smart by hushing every thing up? Do not you think the public has its own observation which is diametrically opposite to that of yours?

Like you said with out neither naming names nor calling names who is trying to be biased? I will leave the judgment to the wider public again�.I know whom you want to name any ways. Shabia has got the same stand as you with regards to the historical parallels that GAHDI (a book recently written by a TPLF veteran) was trying to portray. To me the author of the book put his observation in perspective that was the true account of his observation. If the public said it otherwise let us accept it in good phase. Period!

Let me call up on you, Zeru Hagos and co, to place your judgment right in and put it right in the middle please. Particularly, people like you on whom most people may trust and expect you to play A SIGNIFICANT ROLL IN THE DEMOCRATIZATION PROCESS OF OUR COUNTRY SHOULD NOT LOWER your MORAL JUDGEMENT AND INHIBIT FARSIGHTEDNESS SIGNIFICANTLY SKIWING AND RUSHING ON FACTS WHICH ARE ALWAYS PUBLIC DOMAIN. Hope you MAY SEE THINGS IN THE WAY THE PUBLIC WANTED YOU TO BE AND THERE BY RECTIFY YOUR POSITION!

*: The writer was an advisor to the government at some capacity who no longer serves it at the moment.