and Change are the languages of ANDENET
Teodros Kiros (Ph.D)
�Unity and The Political Imaginary at Adwa,� I promised my readers
that I will attend to the third level of the meaning of Adwa, as I attempt
to do now.
group of Ethiopian friends are sitting at a caf�, and conducting a
passionate debate on The Ethiopian millennium. One of them says, �The
millennium! when we have more pressing problems rocking our souls. The
shantytown around the Sheraton, the deadly dust eating Addis, the
resentful eyes looking at the rich and powerful dancing away with their
bloated stomachs. We have all these to worry about man�� He sighs and
adds, �Give me a break! What a millennium? When the nation is soaking in
young woman says, �Come on, face it, you are really resentful that the
leaders are purportedly Tigrean. You have never accepted the fact Tigreans
are in power. You would never lament, if your wogenochu (your ethnic
group) were running the show. All
this bickering is racist. �
guy stomps the table in anger, and storms out of the caf�.
the far end of the caf�, two older gentlemen are discussing the case of
Seeye Abraha, and the fact that some writers are presenting him as a
reborn unifier. Both gentlemen concluded that this could not be, that
Seeye was once a murderer and that he will always be a murderer.
and scenes like the above are signs of a nation with traumatized and angry
Ethiopians, for whom any talk of ANDENET is a pipe dream, and a political
trick by a few Tigrean intellectuals, the double agents of the prevailing
regime. Yet, ANDENET as a political program is meant to be an answer, to
what Mikael Deribe recently pointed out in an eye-catching article, when
he pointed out that ethnicity is a tool that the regime is using to
prevent the possibility of an open discussion of perennial issues, for
which Ethiopians should not be ethnically labeled when they express
outrage and disappointment with the handling of certain matters.
In his own words,
dear Ethiopians: there is a misconception of power within our society. The
current regime has successfully tied power or leadership of the country
with a privilege that comes with one�s ethnicity. For a long time,
Amharic and Tigrigna speaking people of Ethiopia have been portrayed as
elites who govern the country. In fact the current regime has successfully
blamed the oppression and atrocities of the past regimes on Amharic
speaking people in general. This illusion has brainwashed some Tigreans,
who have been led to believe that Amharas are indeed the privileged
enemies of all other Ethiopians.
their ethnic federalism, the few elites in EPRDF have convinced Ethiopians
that the people of Tigray are now in power. Addressing a TPLF rally in
Tigray, speaking in Tigrigna, Mr. Meles Zenawi told the gathering people: �I
am glad I was born among you gold people, and I am glad I was not born
among your cousins.� The �cousins� of the Tigrayans Mr. Zenawi
was referring to are the rest of the Ethiopian people. Listening to Mr.
Zenawi�s speech, na�ve people at the rally may not have understood Mr.
Zenawi�s witty way of psychologically shaping the mentally of the
Tigrayan society, but it is a deliberate and successive attempt to
systematically alienate the people of Tigray from the rest of Ethiopia.
Once again Mr. Zenawi gave the Tigreans the illusion and preserved the
reality of the misery of the majority of the Tigreans marred in squalor
and poverty. (Demystifying EPRDF's source of power, February 21,
Deribe is right; we must learn the difficult task of separating myth from
reality. Why Ethiopians should be shredded if they take a stance against
hot button issues such as the Millennium, or the invocation of Seeye
Abraha, to mention just these two topics, in which Unity and Ethnicity are
being pitied against each other.
reconciliation is premised on the possibility of forgiving mistakes
without ever forgetting the meaning of the event in ones life. Remembering
is a responsibility and forgiving the hurt and trauma that remembrance
triggers is a moral obligation of the thinking self.
We must learn how to forgive without ever, ever forgetting.
Ethiopians should embrace ANDENET not because we must forget the ethnic
based politics of the past sixteen years; we should embrace ANDENET in
order to save the motherland from hate and ultimate destruction.
Kiros (Ph.D)
March 8, 2008