my gratitude for your engagement on issues of importance in
Ethiopia. Your efforts are voluntary and motivated by your love for
your country of birth. I salute that sir. For the record, there are
articles that have been written by your that I disagreed with and
some that I passionately disagreed with. But more pressing issues
are before us. In that regard, I do appreciate your approach. Your
condemnation of the Ethiopian government for the brutal savagery
that it has shown is commendable. How do you respond to urban
protests, granted rock throwing protests, with live ammunition. How
do you murder the wife of an elected official after you have already
arrested him without any incident. Like you sir, I condemn such
barbaric behavior. I also appreciate your viewpoints regarding the
opposition. An opposition that did not clearly spell out to the
population that Anti-Tigrayan sentiments and/or actions are not to
be tolerated. The CUD declaration regarding the unacceptability of
Anti-Tigrayan sentiments, came as a result of EPRDF's exploitation
of this particular weakness. That was a mistake. CUD allowed this
archaic and hateful sentiment to foster. It shouldn't have. CUD has
improved a lot but still needs more work in this regard. All
Ethiopians must push CUDP in this regard.
Professor, I am at a loss for words at the lack of objective
balanced discussions or proposals from all corners of our society.
Is this all we have? That each one of us, barricade ourselves in our
ethnic enclaves and bad mouth one another. Is this all the
brilliance Ethiopia has? That it is hard to find a person, who
condemns stone throwing and at the same time condemn the savage like
response of the government. That is why I was delighted sir, to see
an intellectual, that I passionately disagreed with, with a balanced
criticism of both sides. Especially, considering the fact that you
are a well known intellectual and an Ethiopian of Tigrayan descent,
It was truly refreshing to see an approach without the limitation of
ethnic-enclave mentality. For the record, I am a non-Tigrayan, who
abhors the anti-Tigrayan statements or sentiments that were
exhibited by some members of the opposition. Such stupidity has no
place in my life. Such stupidity, contradicts everything my parents
thought me about Ethiopia. I condemn it without any reservation.
Just Like I condemn Meles Zenawi's savage like actions against
and Love to all Ethiopians. Ebakeacheu, let us all be a bit more
patient before we march into the abyss.