Minister Vladimir Putin: The Great Nationalist
Tecola W. Hagos
news in the Western Media has presented the tragic development in South
Ossetia as a Russian �assault� on
(since August 8, 2008). The conflict is further described as something
abhorrent and a violation of the Sovereignty and territorial integrity of
. Even though the death of innocent civilians young and old, men, women,
and especially children is tragic, the Government of Georgia is
responsible for the consequence of its conspiratorial action attacking the
legitimate right of people who want to join back with their home base of
Russia. It is ironic that
, a nation that was created pursuant to generous arrangements made with
the old
Soviet Union
leaders, would turn around and try to suppress and liquidate people who do
not want to be Georgians.
is acting as the doorway to subversive Western interests aimed against the
vital interest of
current decisive action taken by the Russian Government to protect the
sizable number of people sympathetic to their Russian root living in
South Ossetia
is fully justified. The Georgian Government provoked the incident by
moving its troops into South Ossetia last Week, and had already started a
sort of ethnic cleansing, and were making a kind of clearing for the
United States
and its Western allies for further dominance and further destabilization
. As a matter of record, the Russian Government and its Foreign Ministry
had stated on August 10, 2008 that the
recent findings on the ground by Russian troops, who moved in to defend
people in South Ossetia, have established with concrete evidence that the
troops of the Georgian Government were already involved in genocidal
activities of murdering ethnic Russians and supporters of Russian
Federation. The Russian Government action is fully supported by its vital
interest to avert genocidal murder by Georgian troops, which supersedes
any other international law principles or norms dealing with sovereignty
or territorial integrity.
missile launcher AFP Photo / Vano Shlamov
is to be recalled that
was the former constituent of the Soviets before
broke away and was recognized as a separate independent entity in 1993 by
. One could make a far more convincing and accurate argument that it was,
in fact, the other way that the creation of
and its membership in the United Nations was a violation of the
Sovereignty and territorial integrity of the old
Soviet Union
. Thus, my thesis goes further than just supporting
defending minority groups or groups with sentimental attachment to the old
Soviet Union within
, but to take back all those hostile states created out of ceded
territories of the old Soviet Union now surrounding
, and incorporate them back to the new
. (
seems to be the moral successor state of the old
Soviet Union
.) Supporters of the old Soviet Union seem to be found in the new splinter
states of
, et cetera.
It was a grave mistake to
have allowed such moronic schemes of ceding territories of the old Soviet
Union by Mikhail S. Gorbachev and Boris N. Yeltsin helping the disintegration
of the old
Soviet Union
during the period 1985-1991. Every single one of the ceded new states has
developed more corrupt and chaotic government than the old bureaucratic
corruption of the
Soviet Union
. Almost all of the governments of such ceded new States are constituted
on the basis of narrow family or ethnic relationships. Even worse, such
states have become the doorways for foreign hostile States, such as the
United States
and its surrogates, to surround and enclose
in an attempt to destroy it once and for all. At the same time such
states� leaders are inviting foreign interests whose power hegemonic
interest is to destabilize and destroy
through economic means.
I have held the view that
nationalism is a defense against destabilizing forces against established
political and cultural structures. Under such threatening situations, it
is not individual rights that must be taken into account as the only
measuring rod of civilized behavior, but also the survival of the
community. How I longed for the coming of a great Ethiopian nationalist
leader in the fashion of Vladimir Putin, especially in the last ten
years�a time it has became apparent to me that Meles Zenawi and his
supporters were the weakest nationalist leaders in all of
�s long history. Putin is the savior and protector of the wealth of the
Russian People from the predatory scavengers who had started the looting
of the great wealth of the Russian People by buying for pittance oil
interests, mining interests, factories, et cetera for a fraction of their
values. The Russian people ought to be grateful for the great service this
modest and incorruptible man has done for his people saving
for the future generations of Russians. Without Putin�s halting of the
oligarchs from further looting the wealth of
, the Russian economy would have been totally controlled by outside
ownership by the so called investors from the
United States
South Africa
, et cetera.
Gorbachev and Yelstin were
the two criminals who betrayed the people of the then Soviet Union with
their immature and jaded view of the West, specially their amateurish and
rustic views of the
United States
. Gorbachev�s book Perestroika
[Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Perestroika:
New Thinking for Our Country and the World, 1991] clearly
shows an amateur politician trying to play the role of a statesman. The
book is full of clich�, poor understanding of power structure, shameful
ignorance about the ways of the
United States
and its Western allies. The Russian Government should arrest Gorbachev and
try him for treason, for failing to protect the vital interests of the
People of the
Soviet Union
Soon after the destructive
process of the dismantling of the Soviet Union was underway, it was
followed with �free for all type� looting of the great wealth of the
People of the Soviet Union in the guise of economic reform and
introduction of a free enterprise economic system. In reality, the
denationalization of the main mining and energy interests, for example,
was a process that was manipulated by a handful of corrupt Soviet citizens
financed by outsiders (who had in turn accumulated their wealth taking
advantage of local conditions around the world through exploitation). Even
Harvard participated, without its corporate knowledge, but through its
unscrupulous functionaries (in one of its international institutions) in a
corrupt scheme that would have transferred the controlling interest in a
banking franchise worth billions of dollars to such foreigners.
Putin is often criticized
by some �scholars� from famous Universities in the
United States
and fewer scholars from
. The western media, which is controlled by those same individuals, who
were salivating to loot the great wealth of the Russian people had they
not been halted in their track by the great foresight and patriotism of
Putin, in endless articles and commentaries vilify and condemn Putin on a
daily basis for the last seven years. Why is the United Sates, along with
its Western allies, still hostile toward Russia (Soviet Union) and is
still attempting to destroy Russia? I have not heard or read about any
serious hostile activity by
toward the
United States
or the West since the break-up of the old
Soviet Union
Instead, what Putin tried
to do was protect the interest of his People against the concerted hostile
activities of the
United States
and its Western allies, who have never stopped even for a moment from
their cold-war operations undermining the historic connection between the
many diverse people that constituted the old
Soviet Union
with its huge territory, almost two times the size of the
United States
, but half the population of the
United States
, has the richest deposit of mineral resources and the manpower to exploit
and develop such resources.
is going to be the richest and greatest super power in the world far
exceeding the combined wealth of the
United States
, Europe, South America and the
Middle East
. I believe there will never be a greater or wealthier nation than
in a century.
Go for it, Putin. You are
doing the right thing in protecting the vital interest of the People of
Russia. You have done the right thing by standing up for the economic
interest of the People of Russia. You have done the right thing by
blocking the carpetbaggers from looting the wealth of the People of
Russia. Now, move in and take back all the old territories of the
Soviet Union
, now states, ceded by traitors. That scheme of ceding territories and
creating puppet states did not help alleviate any of the political or the
economic problems facing the ordinary citizens of such regions. The people
of the old Soviet Union, including Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan, et cetera have a far better future being integrated with the
new Russia; otherwise, ordinary citizens of such ceded territories (now
states) will be simply used and abused by the West and their corrupt often
dictatorial local surrogates. Ω
Tecola W. Hagos
August 10, 2008