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The Power of Our Culture

By Haile Desta

My article is a heart-cry in a ruinous age about our attitude to our culture. What I am witnessing is, in my opinion exactly what the apostle Paul warned Timothy against: �For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but following their own desires, will surround themselves with teachers who tickle their ears. They will stop listening to and will wander off to fables� (2 Tim.4: 3, 4).

Ethiopia in history is noted in terms of keeping its traditional values and paying huge sacrifice to preserve its precious traditional heritages and secure its existence as a sovereign nation. Call it far-fetched, or impractical, our culture plays an important role in the spin of Ethiopian history. It serves as a force of our survival and inspiration and will continue to give much more in the future if we keep it safely and adhere it strictly.

When I say Ethiopian culture, it includes all Ethiopian people traditions despite religion and ethnic background. The universal culture of Ethiopians revolves around the following golden ideals:

1. To walk humbly with our God

2. To do justice and to love kindness

3. Defending our dignity and country

4. Respecting our parents, elders and others.

5. Reconciliation and tolerance, etc.

At this juncture, the very roots of Ethiopia are in danger. The new generation has become less fond for his precious values under the assumption that Ethiopian culture is backward and incompatible for modern times and this kind of attitude is prevailing in our society and that�s why people are becoming lovers of self, lovers of pleasure. However, this argument is unwise and utterly baseless. The core values we have created are the secret for our country and her people continuous existence to present day. If it were not that, our history would have been different at this time.

If we measure our culture in terms of its aptitude of gratifying material wealth, I think that's an attempt to dilute the meaning of what immortal culture means. We cannot measure any society progress solely by material wealth it possesses. People want very much for a higher meaning to life than the quest for material stuff. So to avoid this problem, a fundamental improvement of religious and moral standards is necessary. As people we have to see clearly where Ethiopia stands and what we must do.

The nation that made a great contribution to the world is fighting for its
very existence at this time I can say. If we slacken to reverse this terrifying situation, our country would lose everything. In other words, the very roots of its development, that have borne so much fruit over 3 millennia, would be lost. So let's return to the ancestry foundation of our strength, teaching that �man does not live by bread alone.�

I can�t understand why this generation failed to appreciate the untainted culture he inherits. Our fathers paid huge sacrifice to preserve our traditional values we are proud of now and kept the unity of our beloved country. We know that there is no society with out flaw. Americans have great respect to their founding fathers not because they were faultless, but largely because they kept the integrity of the country, which became later the base for their social progress we are witnessing now.

This generation must understand that merely cursing the past monarchial social system and adulating alien ideology will not solve our deeply rooted social problems. By the way, did we provide any thing to our people that make us proud at this time? Perhaps. But, by me, let alone doing that, we can�t even keep safely what we inherited from our ancestors. So we must admit our failure and stop seeing our past history based on western/eastern approach because our experience is different from them. So let�s pay undivided attention to our rich long-established values and use it properly instead of yearning western values that are taking its people to the path of paganism.

In my lifetime, I saw Ethiopian culture in action in two most trying times, amid the most difficult circumstances that elevating our dignity above anything and saving our country from crumbling.

1) During the infamous (1984-1985) famine, hundreds of thousands of famine victims flocked to Sudan to save their lives. Besides the horrible famine image, the western media crew also planned to film a wicked drama with their TV camera when the famine stricken people fighting over food supplies and even looting. They thought the starved people would scramble like vultures on dead animal. How ever, my people did not succumb to their devious wish. Instead, they got their portion peacefully and their dignity stood tall more than any thing before the so-called western journalists. The media people were astonished by what they had seen. To them that particular event was tantamount to a violation of natural law. Then some thing sprang to their mind like this: �Who are these people who give priority to their dignity while they are on the brink of death?� They learned some thing that Ethiopians never as weak as they look even at their trial times to guard their self-esteem and that experience etched in the reporters� memory forever. I do not know if any other people/culture could do the same thing at its trial time.

2) The other scenario was when the Dergue government was replaced by EPRDF. For some days there was no functional government in our capital city, but there was no unusual circumstance in the country. People were doing their business as usual and even the humiliated and defeated Ethiopian army was begging for a bread or Injera, while he had a weapon in his hand, from his fellow Ethiopians. In practice, He can plunder and force people to satisfy his needs, but did not bring himself down to that shameful acts. Moreover, westerners were predicting Ethiopia would/could be 2nd to Liberia in terms of lawlessness and chaos, but our traditions pulled the country out of presumed turmoil. This shows that to what extent our culture is civilized and powerful in protecting Ethiopia and her people from havoc & disintegration. That�s why I say always we Ethiopians must preserve and protect our dear culture from any thing that infect our golden values.

Right now our country has become the victim of two devils. The rift within political and religious leaders has been widening from time to time and as a whole immorality becomes rampant among both clergy and the so-called political leaders. Our politicians are busy in the affairs of their personal interests than the affairs of the Ethiopian people. At the same time, some religious leaders are also sliding away from the firm foundation of our church. They took an oath, which bound their thought and action, to the realm of God, but the intoxication of power and greed are becoming a norm in our churches rather than love for God.

Our culture/religion teaches us to reconcile with our enemy despite who is wrong, but our hard-hearted politicians/ religious leaders willfully disregard this noble practice. From where did they learn this? I believe from the book of communism, which does not espouse peaceful co-existence, but annihilation of an adversary and destruction of moral values.

In the past, we searched for a better system in the arena of socialism, but we were pushed to nomadic existence and uncertainty. Now we are trying to introduce a western style government to establish a loveless system of things. Is that a solution for our current challenges? I do not think so. Here, I am not saying uncompromisingly we should not learn from others, but my point is, the thing we desire to establish in our motherland should be based on the heritages of the country so as to avoid confusion and accelerate social progress in our homeland.

Truly I say to my fellow Ethiopians that at this time we are left only with our culture whether to live in order or break up as people. If we follow it, we will be saved, if not we will scuttle for cover or join in the feast of pagans.

At this moment, Ethiopianness (unity) and ethnic politics are struggling for mastery. In guarding our unity, still our culture is playing a pivotal role in keeping us as people and country. Based on that it possible to say that the only force we have now and can be used to save Ethiopia is our culture. The medicine we have for the dangerous disease that has plagued the country for more than three decades is our culture. Our culture prevents many terrible situations like genocide from happening. Again my praise for the culture we have is never-ending because it keeps my country and her people to live peacefully despite perilous policy of the government.

As the inheritors of undying culture, we must keep the fight for the basic values that Ethiopia has created in its thousands of years of history. Even more, we must fight for the extraordinarily foundation of these values, both in the past and future.

What makes some human culture undying or flourish and whither away
quickly like a grass? I believe the ingredients of a culture are central to existence or extinction of a society. The immortal one has nothing to do with material wealth and is eternal. Jewish culture is a good example for this one. It escapes cultural death repeatedly before many great human civilizations and remains as a major force for western culture, their literacy, etc. On the other hand, the mortal one depends on material object and its strength emanates from that, which is subject to destruction. Those who believe their effort and knowledge is every thing and their endeavor is to achieve material prosperity are always subjected to grow old and death. The Roman Empire and ancient Greece are suitable for this situation.

We must be aware that there is a vast conspiracy to rob our senses and steal our identity and then to destroy the unadulterated culture we have for 3 millennia.
Our enemy is powerful, his way is subtle and his weapon is inflicting pleasure to those who easily fall to his trap and use them for his hidden agenda. In the name of religion, our enemies are working hard to yank what we have for generations so as to replace by their polluted ones. So we must be vigilant to prevent this canny scheme.

The struggle to keep our material and spiritual values is very intense in Ethiopia. We become toothless against all odds that are afflicting us now because of the wrong path we have traveled so far. We saw our politicians naively to flee from one ideology to another to find meaning for our peaceful existence. The sad thing is, however, in their way they never looked a solution for our problems from our culture. That�s why our political views not poverty become the most lethal thing in bringing our country into the brink of collapse.

Before I finish, I warn this generation to focus on who you are, not on the alien things that has no place in our history and daily life. Our strength emanates always from the culture we have and let�s rekindle it to lead us in the dark we are traveling now. Let�s start to believe that our civilized culture is a force of liberation from the bondage of life we are enduring and an anchor in pulling ourselves backs into the orbit of unity (Ethiopianness) from the verge of balkanization.

God bless Ethiopia and her people!

Haile Desta

The writer can be reached @ [email protected]

NB: The purpose of this article is to stimulate our scholars to teach us what they know about the past and present role of our culture in our society.