People�s Machiavelli.
Teodros Kiros (PhD)
would like to give a latent
and surface interpretation to
Machiavelli�s� classic text, The
Prince. In this piece,
what I wish to show is the People�s Machiavelli, before I begin advising
the opposition about how they can use Machiavelli�s insights to organize
the people to demand change and bring change.
In �Dissent and
Democracy� (Abugida, Ethio Media,
Nov 6, 2008) I gave a surface interpretation of two cardinal Machiavellian
concepts, Virtu and Fortuna,
and applied them as tools by which we can examine the structure of
politics on Machiavelli�s view. The surface argument is that the leader
of monarchies and republics should fashion his leadership by using Virtu
in concert with Fortuna.
Political attention is given to the single leader, should he want to
create power and maintain it. The center of attention is the single leader
who governs the people both as the masses without whom he cannot survive,
and against whom he must guard himself, as they may secretly intend to
topple him. He loves the people enough to use them and fears them equally
because they are the ultimate houses of power. The above is the surface
reading of the relevant parts of The
Prince, but there is a latent
The latent
reading is premised on the view that in contrast to leaders, the people
are the honest elements of the population. The latent reading is further
buttressed by Machiavelli�s decision to write The
Prince, in Italian, the language of the people- so that the
people can read The Prince and
understand their plight in the appropriate language. Had Machiavelli not
cared about the people, he could have presented the text to the Medici
family, the rulers at the time, in Latin, the language of the ruling
element. Given this overt
decision, one could surmise that, the author wanted the people to know how
they are being governed, and most importantly, realize what they must do,
if they are being governed incorrectly. The
Prince shows both the nature of the distinctly political and tactics
of political action and the perennial rules of revolution. In the latent
sense, The Prince, is also uniquely and brilliantly revolutionary- a
manifesto for the people and not merely a manifesto for rulers, on the surface
On the latent reading, it
the people who matter; it is the people who make laws, although, given
their sheer number, they cannot execute the laws that they could
legislate, by choosing organic leaders who represent their interests.
Moreover, since stability was so important to Machiavelli, he could not
imaging a stable republic that is not loved by the people, and in order to
love the order, the people must create it, the people must participate in
the creation of power in concert with the right sovereign, who governs
democratically and not tyrannically, since tyranny is the way of beasts
and democracy is the way of the enlightened, the way of moral leaders.
For us Ethiopians, the
latent reading commands us writers to write for the people, in
their language, in this instance Amharic, and translate Machiavelli into
Amharic spiced by our proverbs and stories, and pierce their hearts, the
seat of their thinking.
Future articles will
apply the latent reading to the cultivation of a democratic opposition for
� future.