"Legge Organica" of tribal dismemberment had particularly
targeted, as we have seen, to destroy Shoa, branded "Amhara",
because it was the seat of the Ethiopian monarchy and aristocracy, because
it was the power base of Haile Selassie, and the centre of anti-colonial,
anti-Italian resistance since Menelik and Adowa. Accordingly Shoa had to
be destroyed completely through a policy of harsh dismantlement and
repression. The territory of Shoa was broken up and lumping the greater
part to what it called the "Governo of Amhara", including
Gondar, Gojam and Wollo with capital at Gondar under Governor General
Alessandro Pirzio Biroli but under the direct control of the "Gran
Governatore". Of Eritrea [1][1]
Rodolfo Graziani, "the hyena of Libya", who succeeded Badoglio
on May 20, 1936, had a different strategy for Shoa. On the whole Rodolfo
Graziani and the Fascist Minist3er for Italian colonies Alessandro Lessona
(as of June 11, 1936) were said to be two individuals so different and
belonging to two contradictory poles. Lessona had apparently little
respect for Graziani and opposed practically all the ideas he came up
with, often prearranging for Mussolini's support. [2] And the issue of
Shoa was one of them. Graziani felt that putting Shoa under Gondar was not
the best solution to destroy and eliminate Shoan resistance. Following the
declaration of the Legged Organica in June 1936, in a letter to Alessandro
Lessona, Minister of Colonies, soon after his appointment as Governor
general in Addis Ababa, Graziani wrote:
Legge Organica had broken Shoan territory into several pieces in
to dismember its ethnic composition among the governors of Amhara, Harar,
Galla Sidama and Addis Ababa. From which it appears that the territory
under control of Addis Ababa - the seat of the Vice-Roy and should depend
for its security on other governors with distant seats incapable to
intervene in time. If one considers the characteristic of the Shoan
people, used to power for thousands of years, jealous of their
independence, a warrior lot, hence the most turbulent and most difficult
to bring under submission, it appears evident that
capital should have enough territory to be able to defend itself, with a
large radius, without having to wait for the fatal slow disposition of far
off authorities
convenience that will accrue from the whole of Shoa being strongly
defended, divided sector by sector, dependent, however, on one commander
in the centre
he beginning of June 1936, the vice-Roy had disposed the territory as
Ababa is enlarged to the natural limits of Shoal, rounding up its size to
satisfy the needs imposed by protection of communication lines.
Shoa be divided into three sections
upon the Vice-Roy through General Staff"[3][2]
June 12 and 14, 1936 Lessona responds to Graziani with a circumstantial no
to transfer the whole of Shoa being dependent on the Vice-Roy in Addis
Ababa. [4][3] In his letter Lessona tells Graziani that Shoa is directly
under the "Gran Governatore" of Eritrea suggesting that Governor
of Eritrea had in some ways superior authority over the Vice-Roy in Addis
Ababa in matters of control of the five regions of Africa Orientale
Italiana, hence the conflict of power between the over ambitious Graziani
and the Governor of Eritrea. Lessona told Graziani that the Legge
Organicca established administrative limits of the five regions of
Ethiopia on the basis of general political necessities that admit no
exception. Shoa will therefore continue to depend on predefined
authorities. "This does not, however, mean that His Excellency can
not take the necessary police and security dispositions in Shoa using the
forces presently available in Addis Ababa under your order. But it must be
understood that this is a transitory arrangement to meet momentary
necessities. It does not, I say not, modify in any way nor suspend the
application of the "Legge Organica". His Excellency is therefore
advised, to conform to the arrangements taken by the Governor of Eritrea
(in Asmara) in accordance with his authority over all regions confided to
him, including Shoa. In another letter of June 14, 1936 Lessona will ask
Graziani for "how long he needed the police and military power over
Shoa" for security reasons. And he hammered:
want to repeat that the dispositions established by the "Legge
Organica "will be completely adhered to as soon as possible, given
that the breaking up of the unity of Shoa is a must under all
considerations." ("spezzare unit� Scioa � utile sotto ogni
that typewritten letter of Lesson we have a short angry hand-written
reaction of Graziani in big writing. "CRETINO LUI E CERULLI".
("A stupid lot, him and Cruelly)". Enrico Cerulli, the
well-known Italian scholar of Ethiopian studies, acted as Fascist Vice
Governor of the colony and Mussolini's adviser on colonial politics
towards Ethiopia.
was thus given temporary and occasional power, but in reality permanent
and uninterrupted authority, to destroy the patriotic resistance in Shoa.
It is not clear but appears probable that the territory of Shoal in which
Graziani acted was the same that will be legally recognized in November
1938, almost a year after the departure of Graziani. The new Shoan
territory thus carved out was separated from the government of Amhara by
the Blue Nile (Abbai), from the confluence with Angan, Jamma, and Wechit
up to Abuye Meda; from Galla-Sidama by a line starting from the confluence
of Angan with the Blue Nile southwards until it touches the western border
of Horror, then mount Gorochen, follows the River Ghibe and Anzecia up to
mount Mugute, then continues touching mount Muggo, Teribo and passing west
of lake Zwai and leaving the lake region on the east rejoins Awash up to
the confluence with Mojo; finally the new government of Shoa is separated
from the government of Harar by a line which starting at the confluence of
Mojo and Awash, follows the Awash river up to its confluence with Giogo,
it then follows the direction of river Bulga and Cassam up to the
confluence of Awash and Robi as shown in the map. Thus carved out, Shoa
with centre at Addis Ababa, included (just to mention some place names in
Alphabetical order): Addis Alem, Ambo, Ameia (S.E), Ankober, Bulga, Ghende
Beret (N.W), Giarso (N) Gudru (N.W), Guraghe (S.W), Hadia (S.W), Horro (N.W),
Menz, Merabiete (N), Minjar (S.E), Nonno (S.W), Soddo (S) Tarma Ber, (N),
Tegulet, Weliso (S), Zuquala (S). And almost all of these places in Shoa,
and in particular Ghindeberet, and surrounding areas, base of Abebe Aregai
and comrades, Bulga, Menz and Tegulet, Weliso and surrounding areas,
headquarters of Geresu Duki, were the centers of the highest patriotic
resistance during the Fascist occupation period (1936-1941) and the
highest concentration of Fasc ist bombardment and gas poisoning under the
butcher Rodolfo Graziani. However, notwithstanding all that, the patriotic
resistance never failed to redouble and prosper in Shoal, in Gojam, in
Gondar as elsewhere, sealing the failure of the butcher and leading
finally to the recall of Graziani in tears in on November 10 1937 and the
establishment of a conciliatory colonial policy under his successor Duca
d'Aosta. To give an idea of the level of ferocious Fascist repression in
Shoa under
however, did not mitigate the high level of guerrilla warfare and
patriotic resistance.
is interesting to note that following punitive expeditions to the
inaccessible Menz, Merhabiete and Moret where the country was bombarded
and peasant tukuls razed to the ground because of their collaboration with
the patriots, and the solidarity of the clergy, the patriots were said to
have crossed the river Malca to join Belai Zeleke in Eastern Gojam. [6][7]

the CIA Weyane regime we are living to day we have seen the repression
directed against Shoa, feudal aristocracy, intelligentsia and peasants
alike. Shoa has been disfigured and destroyed with a large part given to
CIA-Weyane "Oromia". One is left with the liberty to compare and
contrast and judge for oneself the intensity of the repression of Shoa and
Shoans under Fascist Mussolini and under CIA-Weyane. Shoa. Again
classified as "Amhara Shoa ", power base of Haile Selassie, of
"Amhara Shoan" monarchy, feudal rival of Tigrai monarchy of
Emperor Yohannes, after whose death Tigrai had lost under Menelik, its
short lived privilege since Axum, of playing the centre of the Ethiopian
Empire, with the change of capital from Meqele (Adowa) to Addis Ababa.
Shoa has therefore to be destroyed. However, Weyane's feudal revisionist pretext is simply a cover to CIA American Fascistic imperialist policy for
the proxy-colonization and destruction of Ethiopia. Neither the Weyane-Sha'abia
bandas nor the CIA can in any manner represent or speak in the name of
Emperor Yohannes who was a cherished patriotic son of Ethiopia determined
to die to the last in defense of Ethiopian territorial integrity,
including the Red Sea coast (we remember Dogali and Ras Alula!), Ethiopian
unity and identity. We shall compare and contrast the politics and
diplomacy of Manlike and Yohannes in another chapter In the light of
available historical documents. Here the subject t we will very be briefly
treating is Shoa and Shoan resistance, in collaboration with patriotic
resistance in Gojam, Gondar, Lasta, Tigrai and Eritrea, against Fascist
Commissariat of Harar
Residence of Kombolcia
Residence of Fiambiro
of Graus
-residence of Bedeno
residence of Ganami
of Fiq
of Midagolola
of Qarsa
Commissariat of Dire Dawa
of Dire Dawa
of Gildessa
of Afdem
of Gota
of siltelli
of Arba
of Again
of Aisha
of Ada Galla
residence of El-Fofle
Commissariat of JigJiga
of Jig Jiga
residence of Shebele
of Awbare
residence Gokti
Commissariat of Chercher
of Asba Littoral (Asba Teferi?)
of Hirna
of Dobba
of Kunni
of Deder
-residence of Lafto
-residence of Masala
of Gelemso
of Bedessa
-residence of Ankar
of Mechiara
Commissariat of Arsi
of Ticho -
of Gasgar
of Robi
of Indetu
of Ankara
of Guna
of Awake
of Gololcha
of Cholle
of Sire
of Ligaba
of Karr
of Asia
of Baokoggi
of Coffle
Commissariat of Ghinir
of Ghinir
residence of Gure (then at Sheik Hussein)
of Magalia
Commissariat of Goba
of Gobi
of Dodola
residence of Nansibo
of Sakegilo
Fascist " fundamental Law" of territorial organization simply
called Galla and Sidama, a large territory in southern Ethiopia
characterized by a mixture and amalgamation of a whole number of
ethno-linguistic groups in the south of Ethiopia. This is a proof showing
that the strict Fascist policy of ethno-linguistic dismemberment applied
only to separate and liquidate Amharic speaking Christians of Shoa. Even
that was not strictly followed as we have seen in the creation of the map
of Shoal, which includes Guraghe, Hadia and Galigna speakers. There was
particularly no separate "Oromia" or Gallaland on the Fascist
map of Ethiopia. The reason appears to be once again military and
preoccupation with security. The following were the Commissariats and
residence of Galla-Sidama.
Commissariato of Jimma
of Jimma - Jimma
of Ghera and Gomma - Aggaro
of Limmu-enarea -Saka
of Botor - Adaro
of Guma - Dembi
of Jianjero -Fofa
Commissariat of West Sayo
of Sayo
of Gambella
of Ghidami
of _Ghimbi
residence of Konso --Jarso
of Balta ---Chara
of Amar Koche
of Gheleba -- Dande
Commissariat of Kaffa - Ghimira -Bonga
of Ghimira --Wota
of Mocha -- Ghechia
of Dawro -- Waka
of Konta -- Amaia
of Gurrafarda
Commisariat of Sidamo --Yirgalem
of Sidamo - Yirgalem
of Arbagona
of Sidamo - Hula
of East Jem Jem ---- Adola
of west Jem Jem -- Alghe
of Darasa -- Banko
of Darasa --- Dilla
of Zwai -- Sole
residence of Zwai --- Adami Tullo
of Burji
of Zilmano, Tirma and Tide - Zilmano
of Tishiana and Shiashia
of Buma and Geleb -- Kalam
Commissariat of Boran -- Javello
of Borana --Javello
of Arero
of Neghele
of Mega
of Moyale
Somalia included, as has already been said, the Ogaden of Ethiopia beyond
Jig Jiga, as well as the lowland areas of Bale and Sidama. The territory
up to Jig Jiga and Jig Jiga itself, as well as Goba in Bale remained in
the Governo of Harar, as we have seen The Commissariat of Sidamo in Galla
-Sidama also kept Yirgalem and other territories of Sidamo. The inclusion
of the Ethiopian Ogaden, as well as the lowlands of Bale and Sidama will,
as we know, feed Somali irredentist wars against Ethiopia under Siad Barre,
including Sidamo and Bale, under what was called Somali Abo Liberation
Front. The same Fascist heritage has been applied by the British
imperialists who had inherited Fascist Somalia territory with its borders
on in which, with their colonial ambitions in Ethiopia, they had fomented
the idea of Greater Somalia and instigated the Somali Youth League who led
the war the war against Ethiopia since the 1950's. Following the British
check-out pushed out by the American Big Brother, we are to-day living the
CIA-Weyane anti-Ethiopia apartheid policy for the creation of a Somali
state within Ethiopia extending to and including the Ogaden extending to
Jig Jiga, including parts of Bale and Sidama as under Fascism, with the
right of self determination up to secession.
war finished after Wechale, with the departure of Haile Selassie, Addis
Ababa occupied on May 5, 1936, and the guerrilla resistance launched,
Fascist authority in Ethiopia, had passed from Badoglio to Rodolfo
Graziani. At that date notwithstanding the occupation of Addis Ababa, only
the former colony Eritrea and Tigrai could be said to be under Fascist
control, Ras Seyum Mengesha, the governor of Tigrai, who had fought,
"bene o male" says Del Boca, the Fascist invader from the first
day of invasion in Tigrai, had, after Wechale, not followed the option of
organizing in Tigrai guerrilla warfare to continue resistance as Haile
Selassie had asked him. Instead Ras Seyum had already since April
contacted the invading fascist forces and given his hand on May 8,
submitting to the "King of Italy and the just Duce to become as of
to-day the sovereign and commanders of me and of my people."[7] The
submission of Dejach Haile Selassie Gugsa of Enderta to Italy following
the death of his father Ras Gugsa Araya who died while under Italian trap
of "political medicine" predates Fascist invasion.
[8]"Political medicine" is a well-known Italian imperialist
strategy through which the patient, while under treatment, was being
worked out to sell himself to Italy against his motherland. It was a
practice applied at so-called Italian residences, consulates and
commercial centers throughout Ethiopia. Cigarettes, Cognac, Champagnes or
Italian "summate" were other means used to entice the Ethiopian
feudal aristocracy as in the case of Dejach Ayalew Berru of Dabat
(Gondar). As Raffaele de Lauro the agent working on him wrote: "He
drunk to the health of Duce two or three glasses. He wanted to become a
Fascist; then, slowly, while proffering words of praise to Italy, her
King, and Government, slipped over the carpet and fall under the table, to
sleep profoundly."[9]
most famous banda collaborator in the service of Fascist Italy against
Ethiopia was however Ras Hailu Tekle Haimanot of Gojam. Son of Negus Tekle
Haimanot who lived under Emperor Yohannes and Menelik, Ras Hailu had the
ambition not only of becoming "Negus of Gojam___" as his father,
and perhaps aimed higher as any good feudal prince and dreamed of
transferring the throne from Addis Ababa to Debre Marqos. In the tradition
of power struggle among our feudal princes be it of Shoa or of Tigrai, of
Gondar or of Lasta every means was permissible, including most often
selling oneself with an amazing short sight, to a foreign imperialist
power. Thus Ras Hailu was an easy prey to a well-known Italian Fascist
imperialist agent Baron Raimondo Franchetti who traveled in Ethiopia in
those pre-war years with hardly secret subversive objectives to incite
Ethiopian communities (in Tigrai, among the Aria and Azebo, among the
Danakil etc.) And prominent feudal leaders to rise in rebellion against
the central government.
Ras Hailu met Franchetti met in Debre Marqos as
early as 1928: Sensing their high interest, he had then offered Gojam and
the Nile to Italy:� Why is that you Italians do not send your engineers
to my land (Gojam). I will help you do any type of work you wish in the
damming of Tana ". And adds in a racist terminology, which certainly
reflects the personality of fascist Franchetti rather than that of Ras
Hailu: "Tell your Duce that I want to bring civilization to my land
and for that I need men of the color of your skin ". To crown it all
Ras Hailu sent as a sign of great admiration a sword in gold to Benito
Mussolini. Then Franchetti returns to Ethiopia in April 1932 with a new
baggage of subversive anti-Ethiopia projects. This time, with the
authorization of the weak government under Haile Selassie, Baron
Franchetti comes with an airplane loaded with arms and lands not at the
airport in Addi s Ababa but at an improvised landing site situated between
Addis Alem and Holeta. This time Franchetti had come with a spectacularly
grandiose subversive plan of removing the Shoan monarchy of Haile Selassie
and crowning in his place Lej Iyassu, with Ras Hailu promoted Negus as his
right hand, naturally Ethiopia becoming a protectorate of Fascist Italy.
At that time Lej Iyassu was in prison at Fiche (Selale) under the care of
Ras Kassa Hailu, (father of Abera, Wend Wessen, and Ras Asrate Kassa),
another ambitious figure of the dynasty of Sahle Selassie of Shoa, who
therefore, although said to be a trustee of Haile Selassie, may have been
involved in the plot in one way or another.
According to the plan, once
Iyasu's escape arranged by bribing and corrupting his guards, he was to be
led to Franchetti's airplane, to be flown to Debre Marcos and join Ras Haile.
Leg Yesus will declare himself Emperor of Ethiopia and following a
popular revolt Haile Selassie will be removed. However, in the meantime
Haile Selassie has intelligence information on the plot and deposes,
confiscates the immense wealth and property and arrests Ras Haile giving a
vague misgovernment charge .as a pretext, Thus after having waited in
isolation for some time, Baron Franchise fears for his life and escapes
to Asmara. Following his departure, benefiting from the absence of Ras
Kassa Haile attending festivities in Addis Ababa, Leg Yesus escapes from
prison and watched by the security people of Haile Selassie reaches Debre
Marcos where he was arrested. Ras Haile admits the plot and was condemned
to death, sentence later commuted to life imprisonment at Dandy (Ambo
area) famous for its mineral waters. Ras Haile will gain liberty only
following Haile Selassie's departure in exile in May 1936 (to which date
is also attributed the death of Leg Yesus who was in prison in Harar).
Ras Haile becomes, as we said, the most fervent supporter and collaborator
of Fascist occupation of Ethiopia. The repression in western Shoa with its
seat at Ambo was under the direction of General Belly with whom Ras Haile collaborated in negotiations to entice patriots to submit to Fascism or
even participate militarily in the repression of patriotic resistance
the same way many other razes and dejazmachs had become collaborators of
Fascist Italy abnegating the motherland. In number and quantity the razes and
dejazamachs and Addis Ababa, the centre of Government where Fascist
attention concentrated, naturally out-numbered the collaborators of other
regions The razes included Ras Get chew Abate, Ras Kerbed Magnesia,) and
among the dejazmachs and higher aristocracy of Shoa as well as ministers
of the bureaucracy the following may be mentioned: Dejach Magnesia Weber,
Dejach Metaphoric, Dejach As rat Mulugueta (son of Ras Mulugueta, late
Minister of War), Tsehafi Te'ezaz Welder Mescal Tarkio, Blata Shale Steal , A case which has surprised many was the submission to Italy of Dejach
Wedih Ali, who had identified himself in the past for his service to
unity and territorial integrity.[10]. In the same way among the high
clergy there were those who had bent to Fascism and shined by the
collaboration. Among these mention must be made of Abuse Perilous and Abuse
Abraham of Gojam.
literature for the construction of nationalist youth fill the then news
paper "Berhanena Selam" That was also the time when Ethiopia
will see the first civil society, all be it Government instigated, the
first peaceful modern demonstrations, in the most important urban centers,
particularly Addis Ababa, among the educated elite, both home-educated and
foreign educated. The movement was largely dedicated to inculcate
nationalism, and the sense of unity as a people, and prepare the youth
against Fascist Italian aggression by inculcating the values of liberty,
independence and sovereignty as well as pride in Ethiopian culture and
identity That was what Baron Roman von Protozoa lived and hated in Addis
Ababa from 1932 to 1934. We remember, he said, the Ethiopians felt that
they were above the world. That was also why Mussolini targeted
"Giovanni Entopic," the leaders of the movement, for wholesale
physical elimination, first and above even the most patriotic giants.
I am
not aware if this subject has been properly researched at Addis Ababa
University but it should, before we completely lose all our precious oral
sources. Among the most known of these movements was, as we just said, the
one called simply the "Young Ethiopians" in English and
"Giovanni Etiopici" in Italian. I shamefully admit my ignorance
regarding the exact Amharic name of the association. This is all the
result of Western focused imperialist education. We will know the identity
of the members of "Young Ethiopian" association as we move on.
Then there was "Yager Fikr Mahber" somehow associated with
Mekonnen Habtewold, brother of the cherished patriotic son of Ethiopia,
Aklilu Habte Wold, executed by the Derg. The theatre with that name in
Addis Ababa is clearly associated with that association. A third one was
"Yehulu Teqem Mahber" which appears to have been particularly
directed at mobilizing Eritrean nationalists in Addis Ababa against
Fascist Italy.
We remember, Eritrea was an Italian colony for fifty years,
from 1891-1941. The clear message of the association was therefore its
liberation from Italian colonialism, and the return of Eritrea to
Ethiopia. Yehulu Teqem Mahber was presided by Kifle Egzi Yehdego. And
inspired by the cherished patriot and lawyer Lorenzo Taezaz. Born in
Eritrea Lorenzo had his first education in Asmara to then go for further
studies to Besancon in France. Unable to exercise his profession of a
lawyer as a native in racist Italian colonized Eritrea, Lorenzo had come
to Addis Ababa where he occupied a post of primary importance at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in company of two other Eritreans: Efrem
Tewolde Medhin and Dawit Uqube'egzi. Lorenzo Tae'zaz who will represent
Ethiopia in several international forums, who had accompanied Haile
Selassie to the League of Nations at that historic June 30, 1936, will be
one of the most devoted sons of Ethiopia to fight for our independence
from Fascist Italy and the return of Eritrea to the motherland. The Yehulm
Teqem Mahber counted some 600 members in 1933.largely young educated
escapees from Akle Guzai, Hamassein and Serae. Finally a word on the
association made up of cadets of the military academy of Holeta, later
known as Tequr Anbesa or Black Lion, formed in Lekemt, Welega, in 1936 to
fight Fascist invasion. We will deal in detail with Tequr Anbesa at a
later stage,
Anti-imperialist, anti-Fascist Italian friend of Ethiopia, Angelo Del Boca
quotes the following poem taken from Berhanena Selam of those years:
country, Ethiopia, my birthplace
enemies are many, do not worry?
will not expose you to danger; we shall take our Gasha
know, the enemy will not leave us free
not even let us have a piece of injera
all around surround us
in a cage of lions
if we your sons rise together with our Gash
shall cripple the enemy;
to walk, unable to speak.
will not use us, as latrine for his urine. [11]
describes the "Young Ethiopians" as being
the head of every anti-Italian movement and precisely because of their
claim to be carriers of Western culture, are particularly dangerous and
poisonous. Therefore the Duke's order should be integrally applied without
mercy and hesitation in their respect."
word about Haile Selassie and his life in exile.
Opinions are many and
forceful, often very negative, (exploited and nurtured by Fascist
propaganda), regarding Haile Selassie's decision to leave the country and
continue the struggle in exile, an option not in the tradition of
Ethiopian emperors, But the sources we have been able to consult show that
Emperor Haile Selassie has throughout his exile, starting from his
memorable June 30, 1936 League of nations speech, amid insults of Fascists
and general Western scorn, his memorable speech of "God and history
will remember your judgment", Haile Selassie�s life in Exile was
throughout of suffering and insult mainly coming from the British
Government. A single glance at the reduced and tormented physical
condition which pictures of Haile Selassie upon his return to Ethiopia so
eloquently describe is enough to convince the unconvinced. In his exile,
Emperor Hailer Selassie remained, as General Neggga Haile Selassie, one of
the leading arbegoch just told me in a short interview, wherever he may
go, wherever he may be, the Emperor remained the commander in chief of the
armed forces. And indeed, practically every major patriotic move,
specially in Shoa and Addis Ababa, or taken by the Provisional Government
at Gore on the Sudan border, led by Bitweded Welde Tsadiq and later joined
by Ras Emru.
All major patriotic actions, including the concerted attack
against Addis Ababa, and perhaps even the Yekatit 12 attempt against
Graziani's life, was attributed to Haile Selassie's instructions. This is
a simple fact, which Mussolini and Graziani recognized, but one that we,
even historians, often overlook. From the very beginning of his life in
exile, Haile Selassie remained constantly in contract with the arbegoch of the first stage, (that is the one who followed the struggle following
his departure), often his own supreme aristocratic generals, often related
to him through marriage, never failing to constantly encourage and give
moral support through telegrams and letters which were often intercepted
by the Fascist authority. Perhaps only very few of his innumerable efforts
to procure arms and munitions to the patriots have succeeded. On one
occasion, at an hour of great moral break down among the patriots,
including Ras Emru at Gore, seat of the phantom "Ethiopian
Provisional Government", Haile Selassie had even decided to fly back
to Ethiopia, to Gore through the Sudan, with Carl Gustav Von Rosen, and
join the resistance against Fascist Italy. [12]. The Emperor Has however,
been dissuaded by the British from persisting on the project. Haile
Selassie may also have attempted to "bolshevise" the Ethiopian
case by attempting to involve Stalin and the Soviet Union, according to
information obtained by Graziani. The British had also refused to allow
the Emperor travel to the United States and mobilize the blacks. Further
strengthening the credit regarding Haile Selassie's patriotism is his
determined and unflinching battle following his return to Ethiopia,
against British Imperialist intrigues to colonies Ethiopia, a subject we
shall deal with at a later stage. These are just a few thoughts and notes
to animate discussion on this delicate and very explosive, almost taboo,
accustomed for millenniums to a disciplined feudal hierarchical society,
and perhaps because of that, patriotic resistance in the absence of the
physical presence of the neguse negest has not been, as we just said, an
insurmountable problem at the first stage of the patriotic struggle that
had followed led by the remaining already established feudal hierarchy set
up by Haile Selassie himself, including even people, like Dejach Balcha,
or Blata Takele Welde Hawariat, and perhaps even Belai Zeleke, opposed to
Haile Selassie, who separated the survival of the nation from the fate of
the Emperor. However that may be, Following Maichew and the departure of
Haile Selassie, Fascist forces had precipitated south and occupied Addis
Ababa, the capital, on May 5, 1936, and declared Ethiopia a Fascist colony
under the king of Italy and Duce Mussolini. But Ethiopia was not
conquered. Once in Addis Ababa the new Governor Rodolfo Graziani was like
a prisoner in the forest city. Graziani wrote on June 10, 1936.
around Addis constituting a big circle, one could count thousands of armed
rebels (the word the Fascist authority used to identify the patriots) who
have no intention whatsoever to give up their hands and submit to Fascist
Italy. On the contrary information obtained from reliable sources,
following instructions received from the Emperor before his departure
their intention is to Attack Addis Ababa from all directions during the
on-coming rainy season. Even children in town talk about it."
the larger area of Shoa. It is generally believed that the first among arbegoch
to distinguish himself was the valorous son of Ethiopia Haile
Mariam Mammo, who on May 4,1936, that is a day before the occupation of
Addis Ababa, had attacked the advancing Fascist tanks at Debre Berhan.
Also among the first to join the guerrilla resistance were the 138 cadets
of the military academy of Holeta, later known as Tequr Anbesa or Black
Lion who will soon leave for Gore to join Ras Emru. About seventy of them
will remain in Shoa under the leadership of the legendary patriot Negga
Haile Selassie, later General, with a good number of automatic guns. He is
said to have remarked. "I lived killing at night to return back to my
life as a monk with the name of " Memhir Haile Mikael ". [13]
General Negga, an unflinching Ethiopian representative in Eritrea under
British occupation (1941-1952), ever pursuing his nationalist struggle
against Weyane, lives to day in London, in exile.
My subdued homage to the
patriot in the hope of soon interviewing him on the subject. Perhaps the
most important patriot in shoa threatening Fascist invaders in - Addis
Ababa and the supply route along the Addis Ababa -Harar-Djibouti railway,
in the first weeks and months following Fascist occupation of Addis Ababa
was the great leader Dejach Fikre Mariam. Then we have Dejach Balcha,
Menelik's patriot of Adowa, the indomitable Blata Takele Welde Hawariat,
Balambaras Abebe Aregai (later Ras) who will soon prove himself as the one
of the most able and successful guerrilla leaders, together with Belai
Zeleke of Gojam and Geresu Duki of Woliso. The Kassa brothers Abera Kassa
and Wend Wessen Kassa seconded by the sacred and patriotic blessing of
Abune Petros in Selale, fief of Ras Kassa Hailu; Shaleqa Mesfin Seleshi
(later Ras) Grazmach Zewde Asfaw, Fitrawrari Zewde Abba Kora, Basha Welde
were some of the patriots who had brilliantly resisted against the
Fascist invader and harassed Graziani.
than Addis Ababa and Shoa, the whole of Ethiopia, with the exception of
Eritrea and perhaps Tigrai, remained to be conquered. Gojam, Begemidre,
Lasta under the nominal administration of Governatore Pirzio Biroli, were
in reality in the hands of patriotic leaders. In the south Harar was in
under patriots s Shimeles Arti, Million Tedla, Bahade Gabre, Guangul
Kolasse, Lej Abebe Degafews, etc. who will confront the bloody repression
led by General Nasi, the Governatore of Harar. Ras Desta Damtew and Dejach
Gebre Mariam at the head of some 10,000 soldiers in Sidamo, Dejach Beyene
Merid leading some 10,000 soldiers in Arussi, Ras Emru at the head of some
3000 soldiers in Ilubabor (Gore) at the seat of the Provisional Ethiopian
Government, together with the unflinching patriotic Abune Mikael, of Gore,
an alterego of Abune Petros, will be confronting the generals sent by
Governatore Geloso of Galla Sidama.
defend the forest-city of Addis Ababa covered with eucalyptus tree that
forbade free movement, leave alone the larger Shoa, Graziani had
initially, in May-June 1936 only 9,000 soldiers with little hope of rapid
reinforcement as the supply route leading from Asmara to Addis Ababa,
"la strada imperiale" -the "imperial Route", was not
yet completed. In July with the arrival of Tessitore FROM Dessie, Graziani
could count 35,000 soldiers. However Graziani possessed not only thousands
of native ascari, mercenary banda, composed of Eritreans, Somali and
Libyans as well as Galla militia. But above all Graziani possessed the air
power that burnt
the airmen and tukuls indiscriminately through bombs and poison gas.
Notwithstanding all that, the determination of the patriots to fight on
and the frequency of their attacks grew unaffected. General Tracchia whose
mission was to destroy patriotic resistance and force submission in the
Debre Berhan, Ankober-Debre Sina area in the protection of the "strada
imperiale" 25 times during the summer of 1936. In the same way the
men of Dejach Fikre Mariam and Lej Abebe Degafews will repeatedly attack
the Harar-Adama-Addis Ababa railway supply line and the vicinity of Awash
causing considerable losses and frequent interruptions, in spite of the
perpetual air cover and in spite of the almost 7000 bombs thrown in a few
weeks against the presumed patriotic bases. [14]
threat against Addis Ababa lasted long. At night, for weeks following the
occupation of may 5, there was continuous gunfire animated by the
patriots. One Italian city resident had written in her diary that the
continuous shooting at night had raised tension to the maximum. Rumors, a
very important instrument of propaganda warfare in the hands of the
patriots, talked of the eminence of the attack to liberate Addis by the Arbegoch
whose number has been swollen to 20, 30, 40, 000."[15] In
Panic, Graziani's generals had started to kill indiscriminately in the
city and surrounding areas. However temerarious it may seem, there was
indeed a plan of the patriots of Shoa for the liberation of Addis Ababa.
The plan was discussed at the beginning of July in Debre Libanos of Shoa,
at a meeting, attended among others by Abune Petros, the Kassa brothers,
and notably Abera Kassa, the city was to be attacked from five directions:
Abera Kassa, Mesfin Seleshi, led one column that should enter the city
through Gulele the cadets of Holeta (including Negga Haile Selassie),
targeting the take over of Arada and the Ghiorghis area.
A second column entering Addis Ababa through Entoto led by Abebe Aregai
had as its objective the occupation and take over of the Tanashu Ghebi at
Sidst Kilo- la residence of Graziani.
A third column led by Dejach Fikre Mariam will enter the city through the
Dessie Road and had as its objective the take over of Talaqu Ghebi of
5 Dejach Balcha Aba Nefso, the hero of Adowa, and the acclaimed patriotic
leader Dejach Zewde Asfaw were to enter the city from the south and occupy
respectively the Bole airport under construction and the railway station (Legehar
or La Gare)
Haile Selassie in exile appears to have been the instigator and the
originators of the idea. The principal Arbegnoch in the various regions of
Ethiopia were also contacted and informed about the Attack. Some were
called to join them. This was the case of Ras Emru.
attack was launched at sunrise on a cloudy morning of July 28, 1936. Abera
Kassa's men arrive at Merkato of Arada and Ghiorghis, the heart of the
city, without firing a shot. Abebe Aregai had reached his destination -the
residence of Graziani but was repelled by Fascist Black Shirts. While
Dejach Fikremariam was held by the torrents of Qebena, Dejach Balcha and
Zewde Asfaw had taken two days to penetrate rate the city because of the
of the rivers swollen by the rainy season, and had reached when the
fighting was already over. When Abera Kassa and the rest had already left
Addis, on Wednesday July 30, the only forces to have continued to
energetically attack the Fascist soldiers of Graziani in Addis Ababa were
the men of Dejach Fikre Mariam and a handful of Holeta Cadets among who
was General Negga Haile Selassie. To incite the arbegoch in their attack
was the heroic Abune Petros who had accompanied the forces and remained to
the last inciting the fighters. Refusing the call of Abera Kassa to
retreat, Abune Petros had responded that he had come to Addis Ababa to die
there. Indeed, the attack against Addis Ababa having failed, Abune Petros
will be captured by the men of Ras Hailu who will hand him over to
Graziani who will have him executed.
principal factors for the failure of the liberation project have been said
to be lack of communication and coordination between the parties itself
caused by lack of the necessary te4chnology. Communication was then done
through human couriers or runners, which inevitably took a long time.
Another reason for failure of the project was the absence of mass uprising
among the city population, largely uninformed. It is very intriguing on
what basis Mockler raises in particular the "indifference" of
the Guraghe of the Merkato of Arada regarding the liberation venture. [16]
Had the liberation project succeeded to create a popular uprising
inundating Graziani's men in arms, it would have written a new chapter in
Ethiopian history?
effect of the failure of the attack on Addis Ababa, on the other hand will
push some to patriots to intensify their resistance while creating a
rather deep crisis and loss of morale among some others. It was indeed
following this incident that Abera Kassa, who was generally regarded as
the leader of Arbegoch of Shoa, against the decision of his own soldiers
and the rest of the arbegnoch [17], will decide to confide himself to Ras
Hailu who will promise him a safe exit. As we shall see Abera and Wend
Wessen will be handed over to Grazani's generals and executed Abune Petros
too shall be arrested by the men of Ras Hailu, handed over to Graziani and
11 October 1936, Alessandro Lessona, Fascist Minister of Colony will,
against the opinion of Graziani whom he held in little respect, as we have
seen, arrive by surprise at Djibouti with the intention of taking the
train to Addis Ababa, while Dejach Fikre Mariam and the indefatigable
Dejach Balcha were harassing the railway line. Graziani will advise him to
come by air but not to show the world that the patriots controlled the
railway, assured by a powerful air cover Lessona will take way the train
to reach Addis. Lessona's principal mission in Addis was to demolish
Menelik's statue at Ghiorghis Square, which Graziani has persistently
refused to do for fear of popular uprising and further provocation of the
patriots. On the evening of October 16, Lessona will over-ride Graziani's
decision and accompanied by a group of soldiers and demolishers will pull
down the statue of Menelik, the Hero of Adowa and the symbol of Shoan
The brave Fascist Minister who had to secretly perform his
perfidy at night unobserved by the populace kept in general ignorance,
then boasts that only a lone Ethiopian was weeping at the place of the
statue the next day. He had not been able to measure the quite popular
anger that will animate patriotic resistance throughout the occupation.
Lessona was also responsible for the removal of the statue of the Lion of
Judah at Legehar, another symbol of the Shoan monarchy, later returned to
Ethiopia after liberation. Mission accomplished Lessona will leave Addis
Ababa in the same secret fashion on 21 October, accompanied by a strong
convoy and a powerful air cover.
remember CIA-Weyane-Sha'abia soon after their rise to power in May 1991
had once again wanted to emulate the Fascist practice by attempting to
demolish once again the statue of Menelik at St. George square only to be
dissuaded my a mammoth demonstration of 500,000 protesters!!
by Lessona, Graziani determines to deal massively and decisively against
the patriots. Graziani here is one instruction of Graziani (13 May 1937)
to the generals and officers stationed in Shoa:
am following with extreme attention your work of repression which should
conclude with the absolute submission of Shoa even if it means razing to
the ground the last tukul (house) and eliminating all who refuse to
surrender their arms. I count on your Fascistic spirit."[18]
orders were to be executed by General Sebastiano Gallina with the
assistance of General Mariotti's four Eritrean ascari banda battalion to
hunt the rebels who were hiding in the mountains around the railway.
Repeating Lessona's instructions Graziani orders Gallina: "All this
must end soon so that the outside world will not say that Addis Ababa and
the railway are under the mercy of the rebels (patriots)." The first
Fascist attack was naturally directed against Dejach Fikre Mariam whose
men have never stopped attacking and disrupting the rail way service right
up to Addis Ababa itself. To facilitate the operation on 21 and 22 October
25 fighter airplanes razed to the ground all the villages found in the
vicinity of Zequala and Debocogio .To complete the operation the Fascist
general had spread poisonous mustard gas over the fleeing innocent
population. Following this the men of Generals Galena and Mariotti will
round up the target area along the railway line, and finish off the tukuls
and civilians and peasants that had escaped from air bombardment and
poisoning. Graziani applauds Gallina's atrocity: "You have to
continue to the end with the mission of destroying everything, "opera
inesorabile distruzione di tutto." In another instruction to General
Maletti (June 2, 1937) Graziani wrote:
any case your efforts shall be rewarded if you penetrate the territory in
connivance with Abebe Aregai, and raze it to the ground eliminating all (tutto
e tutti). Only thus we will succeed to break away the resistance in
Heroic Death of Fire Mariam: On 27 October 1936 the four Eritrean
battalions of General Mariotti will finally succeed to reach Dejach Fikre
Mariam's camp on mount Dobocogio close to Bokan. The fighting will start
at 10.15 in the morning and will last seven hours. With heavy losses on
both sides. Fikre Mariam's force of arbegnoch at the time of Fascist
surprise attack consisted of 1500 men of whom only 600 regulars. About
17.00 hours the engagement was finished with 321 dead on the Ethiopian
side, among whom Dejeach Fikre Mariam himself.
myth of Fikre Mariam was thus finished, " wrote one Fascist observer.
"We will not hear any more of him. We will no more hear of him as a
fabulous and powerful leader who incited the population against us. We
will not hear any more of him as a leader of Shoa as if he were a man
endowed with extraordinary magical power of ubiquity (omnipresence), said
to be everywhere. We shall no more be threatened by his arrogance. A great
relief to all!"[20]
the death of Fikre Mariam Graziani reinforces still more the ruthless
repression and indiscriminate execution of patriotic forces. General
Archimede Mischi stationed at Mojo and Luigi Cubbedu heading the cruel
Libyan forces at Arba on Awash, as well the Galla Territorial Banda of
Adama, which Piero Belli has described in his book (Milano 1937) "
Un'Orda barbarica al servizio della civilt�" (Barbaric Horde in the
service of Civilisation") under Lieutenant Beltrani a component of
the column of General Mischi, led by Amharic speaking banda, seconding
Gallina and Mariotti along the parallel lines made up by the valley of
Awash, and the railway line, a total force of 20,000 men[21]. Both Mojo
and Adama were located along the railway line separated by a short
distance from each other.
End of Dejach Balcha Aba Nefso: On 6 November a small force of 200
soldiers commanded by the 73 year old general of Menelik, Dejach Balcha
Aba Nefso will attack at Abe a force of several thousands led by Colonel
Princivalle on his way to Jimma, a desperate suicide attack, to die after
fighting heroically.
trying to challenge the Fascist forces in the Welega-Gore area, surrounded
by huge Fascist forces of General Tessitore, Colonel Malta and Colonel
Princivalle Ras Emru will on 16 December give his hand to the Italian
authorities close to the Gojeb River. His life will be saved and shall be
condemned to life imprisonment. We will deal with that subject at a later
End of the Kassa Brothers: However, the Kassa brothers, Abera kassa and
Wend Wessen Kassa who had given their hands to Graziani will be executed
by General Tracchia who had occupied Fiche (Selale) on 16 December And on
21 December the Kassa brothers who, as we said were guarantied safe exit
on submission, will be handed over to General Tracchia on 21 December to
be executed. Reproducing two identical letters found following the killing
of Dejach Fikre Mariam (27 September and 5 October 1936) and that of
Dejach Balcha, Graziani accused Abera Kassa of plotting to launch a second
attack against Addis Ababa for the liberation of the capital. As a reading
of these letters tell us a lot about the not only about Abera Kassa's
intelligent thinking and calculation, recognized by his comrades in arms,
but in general regarding the arbegnoch of Ethiopia, their unity in the
patriotic struggle, their plans, methods of building up the resistance,
their hopes and illusions, we will here reproduce the pertinent parts.
Abera Kassa's first letter to Dejach Fikre Mariam read:
have received your letter of 19th and 21 September. I appreciate your
judgment regarding the resistance. You tell me that you had approached
Bishoftu but then retreated preferring to attack Addis Ababa. The best
thing for us to do, in order to avoid our men remaining inactive change
their idea or are taken by laziness, Is
to continue our vigilance of every road and place continuously making
surprise attacks. We should fight On
small scale through small actions while waiting for the arrival
of the
other forces.
It will be good to send messengers to Arussi (Dejach Beyene
and Ras Desta) to ask them to send forces. The people we have sent to
Welega assure us of the arrival at Gore of Ras Getachew, Dejach Mekonnen
and Qegnazmach Belehu with a large number of war material and money;
Further the arrival at Gore of an English air plane (see further) with ten
thousand thalers to distribute tour one thousand soldiers who have
attacked the Italian air plane (see further) and who are now in Welega; we
have also heard that a boat is transporting material to us, profiting from
the full waters of the rivers, and that the Emperor will reach Gore on 25
September. Therefore, because it means waiting only for a month, try to
encourage the people making them swear fidelity and using the threat of
excommunication. The enemy cannot leave the city because it has not
received reinforcement from Italy. It cannot in any case bring them by sea
as that has been refused to Italy (by the blocus). But all the same the
enemy is recruiting vagabonds of our country, paying money, in order to
destroy us, making us fight against each other among ourselves .We must
stop the recruitment of our people by the Italians. We should destroy the
property and houses of those who collaborate with the enemy.
second letter of Abera Kassa to Fikre Mariam read, among others:
you suggested what the people want is to create problems along the enemies
communication lines
enter Addis Ababa with the intention of occupying the city is a difficult
thing given the entrenchment; as a result we should constantly attack the
roads of communication.
Tell the soldiers who have arrived from Arussi,
to advance to Addis Ababa while destroying the railway line, so that the
soldiers who are stationed around Addis could enter and occupy the city
permanently. It is good that you start the action now with you remaining
at Yerer and Bejirond Let Yibelu at Debacogio inciting the people to join
the guerrilla warfare, according to their preference. Our plans (of
attack) should not repose only on our dependence on the rainy season and
the mud created by it (impeding movement), but on the help of God as well,
because it appears to me that He is watching us with a supportive look.
Lasta, Begemidre, Wag, Tigre and Yejou have started guerrilla warfare and
cutting of communication lines as of September 5. Informing us about their
action has filled us with joy and they have promised to join us by the
middle of October and together liberate the country from Italian
occupation. I will communicate my views and thinking to Selshi whom I am
sending to you. Inform me when you start the action and keep me informed
on all your activities.
Del Boca says Abera Kassa must have decided to give his hand to Graziani
and wait for better days, following the fallacy of news regarding above
all the arrival of Haile Selassie, coming from Gore and disastrous events
in that direction regarding Ras Emru and Bitweded Wellde Tsadiq, (see
further) as well as, following the death of Dejach Fikre Mariam and Dejach
Balcha, on whom he visibly counted a lot. [22]
End of Ras Desta Damtew: and Beyene Merid: By the end of 1936, therefore,
among the principal patriotic leaders largely loyal and associated with
Haile Selassie who kept the fire of resistance burning since his departure
and in constant contact with him, will remain only Ras Desta Damtew with
his chiefs Dejach Gebre mariam, Beyene Merid, Bezabeh Seleshi, brother of
Mesfin Seleshi, and Shimeles Arti. Ras Desta was married to Tenagne Worq
Haile Selassie (1924) while Beyene Merid was married to Romane Worq Haile
of proceeding forward let us go back to that dreadful experience of Ras
Desta in the patriotic struggle, which had dealt a blow to his military
career. Ras Desta was the commander of the southern front at the end of
1935, with a mission to block the Fascist t forces of the Southern Front
led by Rodolfo Graziani, advancing through Italian Somaliland into
Ethiopia. Ras Desta's with his base at Negele, commanded a force estimated
at 15 000 well armed and trained valorous soldiers, perhaps the largest
and the best among all the patriotic forces in the field. Graziani had
advanced to the Ethiopian border and had fortified his base at Dolo.
Graziani forces were estimated at 12 000 Italians and Somalis together, 50
tanks, 76 warplanes. Ras Desta had projected to march the 380 kilometers
from Negele to Dolo and attack Graziani. His forces had left Negele on 20
November 1935 in three directions, along Dawa Parma in the right, the Dolo
road in the middle, and Ganae Doria, on the left. Haile Selassie was
coordinating the offensive. Further, Ras Desta who expected to reach his
destination by the end of December expected receiving the forces of Dejach
Beyene Merid and Dejach Nesibu in the Ogaden. In the meantime Graziani
starts bombarding from the air and showering the advancing forces of Ras
Desta's with poison gas. On January 2, Ras Desta writes to the Emperor
Italians are bombing the three columns as well as Negele. But as of 7
Tahsas 1928 (December 17, 1935) they are throwing bombs with gas, which
rain like hail (snow). The smell of the gas does not permit us to stay
within the fortification. Doctor Hylander has told us to be careful as it
was a poisonous gas (mustard gas).
The small wounds caused by this gas
swell up to become huge plagues."
closer Ras Desta's forces approached Dolo, the heavier the bombardment and
the poison gas used by the coward "hyena of Libya" against brave
soldiers with no means to resist such a dreadful arm forbidden by so
called international law. Graziani targeted and destroyed even the small
Swedish Red Cross hospital that saved so many lives threatened by the
poison. Once Ras Desta's forces were extremely debilitated by such arms
the brave Graziani with 663 Fascist officers, 11,614 Italian soldiers,
13,030 Somali and Eritrean ascari, and the offensive against the advancing
Ethiopian troops of Ras Desta. 1030 automatic guns, 46 canons, 35 tank, 12
fire launchers, and covered by 76 warplanes launches the offensive against
Ras Desta. Among the Somali banda there were in particular the infamous
soldiers of Somali banda Sultan Olol Dinle who will penetrate 350
kilometers inside Ethiopia to Attack the forces of Dejach Beyene Merid at
Goba (Bale) destroying all the way systematically all the water wells all
the way through, and burning villages and pillaging all property in a move
to transform the area into a uninhabitable desert. And thus eliminating
the possibility of any reinforcement from the right by Beyene Merid. Under
the circumstances, Ras Desta had pushed forward up to about 60 kilometers
from Dolo. (Receiving 1200 kilograms of gas on January 12, 1936).
A large
number of the valorous forces of Ras Desta have been put out of action by
the gas, the bomb, and malaria. Graziani estimated the total I forces of
Ras Destra disbanded soldiers at 4-5000. and instead of limiting himself
to the defense of his position at Dolo, decides to march and attack Ras
Desta's headquarter at Negele over 350 kilo meters distant, finishing up
on the way the hungry and thirsty disba need soldiers of Ras Desta who
gave the image of "walking skeletons", as one observe described
them. Perhaps no other battlefront of the resistance against Fascist
aggression has been has cruel as the southern front and the complete
decomposition and putrefaction of Ras Desta's forces. As Del Boca says,
Ras Desta never indeed recovered from the shock produced by the heavy and
indescribable loss inflicted on his men, to be able to take any initiative
in the patriotic struggle. [23] Such were the sacrifices paid to keep this
nation free!
year later, Ras Desta who after establishing himself at Yirgalem, capital
of Sidamo for some time moves out with the approach of the men of
Governatore Geloso of Galla-sidama, and retires at Arnbagona, and will
soon start negotiating with Graziani for his submission, To do that there
was the handy presence of Sebastiano Castagna, a businessman who has lived
39 years in Ethiopia, shared some business interests with Ras Desta. Many
suspect Castagna as having been an Italian secret agent, at least under
Fascism in close contact with Graziani. In the negotiations Ras Desta
wanted in exchange an honorable post, responsibility and pay for himself
and his followers.
While Castagna was thus negotiating with Ras Desta for
his submission [24] the other "arbegnoch" Dejach Gebre mariam
and Bezabeh Selashi were opposed to his submission. Indeed Mesfin Select
had attempted to convince Ras Desta that the Kassa brothers have been
executed after submitting to Graziani. And that his fate will not be
different. While Ras Desta was still undecided to give his hands without
conditions, Geloso ordered his general to occupy Ambagona and Desta has
move elsewhere after having lost more a thousand dead, thousands captured,
and thousands of guns confiscated, Ras Desta escapes to the mountains of
Bale and joins the forces of Beyene Merid and Shemeles Arti. On 20 and 21
February 1937 following a battle a Goggeti , Dejach Gebre Mariam commits
suicide to avoid being capture, while Beyene Merid was captured and
execute. Graziani adds: "It is understood that the population of
Gogetti over 18 years old shall be gunned down."[25] Gogetti was set
on fire but Ras Desta escapes once again. He is at Makan on 22 February,
at Elgia on 24 February. There he will be encircled by the Tigrai banda
under Teklu Meshesha . The same day, exhausted with a disordered beard and
a face that gives him ten years more, Ras Desta has been gunned down, some
say hanged, by order of Graziani. [26]
at the end of 1936, the patriotic campaign in the east in Harar and along
the along the railway line, in the south (Arussi, Bale, Borana) as well as
in the west (Welega-Gore) may be said to have come to an end. At this date
and perhaps more properly following the attempt against Graziani life on
Yekatit 12, (February 19) by the Eritrean patriots Moges Asgedom and
Abrham Deboch, and the ensuing indiscriminate massacre of the populace of
Addis Ababa and a few months later of the of some 400 monks, priests and
deacons of the famous monastery of Debre Libanos accused of complicity
with Moges and Abraham, will start the second stage of the patriotic
struggle. The Shoan patriots (Abebe Aregai, Haile Mariam Mammo, Geresu
Duki, Olana Dinkel, Geleta Rundasa, Mesfin Seleshi, Takel Welde Hawariat,
Zewde Asfaw, Weizero Kebedech, daughter of Ras Seyum and widow of Abera
Kassa, one of the many women patriots who followed the arbegnoch in arms
or in humanitarian service), reorganized anew, more determined and more
creative having moved north and concentrating in western Shoa, specially
around the Ghinde Beret area, in constant contact with the patriots of the
north, notably Gojam, will continue to inflict losses upon losses on the
men of the "hyena of Libya", This will mark the beginning of the
second and final stage of the Ethiopian anti-Fascist patriotic struggle,
more or less independently from Haile Selassie, and with much more
independence in planning their struggle, and organizing and establishing
their own hierarchy, the final stage of sacrifices paid by the arbegoch
who alone will lead us to independence in May 1941.
Archivio di Stato, busta 26 Facicolo 29sotto fascicolo 32, Mussolini to
Badoglio 20 Maggio 1936
see Del Boca. , Gli Italiani in Africa Orientale, vol.III La Caduta
dell'Impero, p. 39 sqq.
Archivio dello Stato, Scatola 30, fascicolo 29, date
op. cit.
op. cit.
op. cit. June 19, 1937
Del Boca, op.cit. Vol.II, La Conquista dell'Impero, p. 730
Del Boca, La Caduta dell'Impero, p.187;
Del Boca, La Conquista dell'Impero,p . 187;
My annotated book of letters in Amharic " Who is the Patriot ? Who is
the Collborator" censored by the Derg remains unpublished to this
date. You may be lucky to find a xeroxed copy at the Institute of
Ethiopian Studies in Addis Ababa.
Del Boca, La Conquista dell'Impero, p.190 quoting Leopoldo Traversi,
"L'Italia e l'Etiopia da Assabn a Ual Ual, (Bologna, 1935);
Tadesse Mecha, , Tequr Anbessa be Me'erab Etiopia, Asmara, no date but
under Haile Selassie.; John H.Spencer, , Ethiopia at Bay ,(U.S 1987,
p.173; Del Boca, La Caduta dell'Impero p.34-35
Anthony .Mockler, Il mito dell'Impero, Rizzoli, Milano 1977, 159 , quoted
by Del Boca, Vol II, la Conquista dell'Impero, p. 725;
Del Boca , La Caduta dell'Impero, p. 18;
Del Boca, La Caduta dell'Impero, p.20;
Anthony Mockler, Il Mito dell'Imperor (Milano 1977) quoted by Sdel >
Oral interview with General Negga Haile Selassie, December 13, 2003;
Archivio di Statoo , Busta 30, fascicolo 29
op.cit. See the 83 page general report by General Maletti on the
repression in Shoa including the masscare of Debre Libano in Scatola 31,
Fascicolo 29..
Del Boca , La Caduta dell Impero, p.52.
Del Boca , La Caduta dell'Impero, p.52;
Del Boca, La Caduta dell'Imperor, p. 62-63;
Del Boca, La Conquista dell'Imperor, Charter IV, Graziani e la Battaglia
di Ganale Doria, p.501 sqq.
Castagna who would on a later occasion try to play the same game with
Geresu Duki, will end up his life there.
Del Boca, La Caduta dell'Ijmpero, p. 74;
Del Boca, La Caduta dell'Impero, p.68, La Fine di Ras Desta.