great sages of Ethiopia had a saying about people who
prescribe near to impossible tasks for others while they are
safely tucked in comfort at home. �Leteqmatch
semyi qirbu.� [In a word for word translation it means:
to a person who is seated the sky is close to his/her touch.]
Thus, I hesitate greatly to make a public statement calling on
my fellow Ethiopians, who are already held captive in the very
belly of the beast, to stand up against Meles Zenawi and
remove him from power before he accomplished the destruction
of our Ethiopia. The treasonous and deceitful steps taken by
Meles Zenawi in collusion with foreign governments (some of
whom are our historic enemies who have sought our destruction
for centuries, and others have just joined the bandwagon
recently) is common knowledge. In the last two years, very
many distinguished Ethiopians have elaborated, explained, and
demonstrated to tens of thousands of Ethiopians in the
Diaspora and at home the great conspiracy to bottle-in
Ethiopia first and destroy it step by step.
call to you all, the heroic sons and daughters of Ethiopia, is
not a rehash, but a spirit of revival and hope due to recent
occurrences in Tygraie. It seems patriotic members of the
Ethiopian military in Tygraie have refused to go along with
the demarcation program that the Government of Meles Zenawi is
pushing. I salute all those involved with the dissention and
refusal to obey Meles Zenawi�s anti-Ethiopia policy or order
including the present administrators of the region who seem to
be showing courageous resistance. I say to you all that Meles
Zenawi�s government is like a house of cards; it only
requires one spark of patriotism to engulf it with fire. Meles
Zenawi�s government is a �Trojan Horse� as the
distinguished scholar Tseggai Mebrahtu aptly puts it, fronting
for all kinds of enemies of the Ethiopian people. I say let us
disembowel this artificial monster and show the World its
treasonous innards.
say to you all with all of my soul to
stay the course. Meles Zenawi and his associates have
committed numerous crimes against the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Ethiopia. They have deliberately
weakened the Military Forces of Ethiopia making Ethiopia
vulnerable to attack by its enemies. However, we all know no
amount of weapon can win over a determined patriotic
nationalist Ethiopian force. This is our time to act.
Arm the people of Tygraie. Have a testament among
yourselves not to give a chance for Meles and his agents to
infiltrate and destroy you. You are reaching a point of no
return. You have so much support abroad and at home that this
change of outlook and commitment may not involve any form of
violence. Just start the rebellion.
And Meles and associates will be dashing out of there
to escape the wrath of the Ethiopian people, from their palace
hideaways in a flash.
United Nations Security Council has no right whatsoever to
dictate to us to give up our sovereignty and territorial
integrity in the guise of border demarcation. No nation on
Earth can force us to forgo our nationality and citizenship.
If war is inevitable then we are not the ones who started it,
but other nations and governments who overstepped their role
as members of the United Nations and tried to impose on a
peaceful people �agreements� and boundary demarcations by
force. We have every right to repeal any form of military
force whether that force is wearing blue insignia or any other
the land of the cradle of mankind, the site of great
civilization, the land of the beginning of humanism of justice
and law, the land of great warriors and freedom loving people,
the pride of the Black Man the world over et cetera is not
going to meet its end on the conspiracy of upstart nations and
their governments, hired mercenaries, turncoats, and corrupt
leaders. We
Ethiopians still have a lot of fight within us!
W. Hagos,
DC, August 1, 2003