Problem- a phrase to be clarified!
my article which I wrote about the G-20 summit, some Ethiopians are not
satisfied with the way how I have analysed certain things. Some attacked
me for having racist outlook like the Europeans, because I wrote that the
African problem is not a monetary one, but a mental problem which is the
main cause for the low economic performance of the continent.
I wrote it in such a way not to irritate my readers, but to tell
them what is happening on the ground and not to blame other forces as we
always do.
phrase in question must be analysed carefully so that we have common
understandings. Concepts and phrases which are not clarified and
substantiated well lead us to misunderstandings, and unnecessary attacks.
We have seen this in the past, and we have to avoid this kind of
misunderstanding. I know that I wrote the article in long sentences and
paragraphs, just to clarify things. It is common in philosophy and certain
economic writings to use such kinds of approaches. It seems for some, this
is unnecessary jargon, and cannot explain what some want to know and learn
how the present global economic order is constructed and function.
come to the point, since 3 000 years philosophers and clergy men have
tried to find out the causes of war, hunger and underdevelopment. After
they have researched and studied well they came to the conclusion that the
human mind is responsible for all the miseries what they have heard and
experienced. If one reads the writing of Homer, which is one of the
ancient literary works, clearly shows how human beings engage themselves
into slaughtering each other when they become irrational. The work of
Homer shows the state of the mind which was prevailing that time. One
learns from this masterpiece of work that, as long as the human mind is
not governed and guided by reason, he will destruct himself. The work of
Homer is an anti-war literature. Socrates and Plato who were emerged after
the Great War between the Persians and the Greeks, they had invested too
much time to investigate the human mind, and developed two essential
concepts which help shape our minds or souls. Reasoning out and
dialectical method are the two scientific methods which help us to
understand our selves and nature. Only when our mind is governed by reason
and use the true dialectical method to investigate things, we can change
ourselves and our environment.
the 5th century A.D on wards, some European intellectuals have
found the literary and philosophical works of Plato and Aristotle, which
were interpreted and smuggled to
by the Arabs and the Jews. Until the 10th century A.D, the
minds of most European people were manipulated by the Catholic religion,
and hindered them not to be the master of their fate. They had to suffer
from hunger, disease and poverty. In addition to this, the unnecessary
wars among the different feudal lords on one hand, between the feudal
lords and the Popes on the other hand, had destroyed their livelihood, and
made them the victim of natural catastrophes.
Dante, in his well known book, The Comedy of Gods, had clearly
demonstrated that the human mind was darkened by the circumstances which
were prevailing that time, and which were accepted as norms. According to
Dante, the way out of this darkness is to clear the human mind and to show
him the right path which could lead him to paradise. The Renaissance of
the 15th century is the result of this kind of masterpiece
work, which had shaped the minds of those intellectuals who were emerged
that period. Without the Greek philosophical and literary works, and
without this master piece work which was written by Dante, the Renaissance
of the 15th century was not possible. This is well documented
and analyzed by all those who had realized that the human mind is
responsible for all good and evil things. If one reads the works of
Leibnitz, Goethe and Schiller, we realize that if human beings shape their
minds with true knowledge, they could live in harmony, and become the
Master of Science and technology. As Schiller said, since Aristotle we
have heard the concept of democracy, at the end we remained barbarians.
According to him, our mind and heart must come together, so that we can
understand ourselves better and change our environment.
we have studied and observed, though the Europeans had access to
everything and could control their minds, major wars had occurred on the
European soils. The 100 year war, the 7 and the 30 year wars, which
exterminated 2/3 of the
population, demonstrate that mastering science alone is not sufficient to
bring a just and a harmonious world. The First and the Second World Wars
were originated in
. Hitler was born and grown up in a country of poems and thinkers, as the
Germans say. As Schiller said,
mind and heart must come or work together so that human beings feel, think
and handle properly. Only so we have a better world, without war and
to our continent, if we study the technological backwardness, and how
things are organized, it is this lack of acquainting one self with the
Greek philosophy which is responsible for our thinking. By the way, the
Greek philosophy is originated in Africa; all known philosophers, starting
from Thales to Plato had studied in
. Anta Diop the greatest African scientist has proved in his work that
is the mother of European civilization. The fact that
is detached from this philosophical work and Greek science, the continent
is compelled to live in technological backwardness. Slavery in the 15th
century and colonialism in the 19th century have their shares
in shaping the present day
. After decolonization, in many African countries, state systems are
established to continue with the old system of exploitation, and the
so-called international division of labour. Since all state systems are
not organically developed like that of
, they become suppressive, and the political elite remains indifferent to
his country and his people.
education system which is implanted in our continent has totally confused
the African elite, and there is no any organic link between the elite and
the masses. We observe today that, the African political elite is engaged
in selling the continent�s wealth and destroying the social fabric of
the society. The political elite in
cannot understand its role, and it is guided by mere self interest and
emotion. Fertile lands are sold to the so-called European and Arab
investors. Europeans and Asian companies are authorized to fish from sees
and ocean of the continent. From
, the innocent fish men become helpless and are escaping to
to find other means in order to help themselves and their families. Which
European country is doing such kinds of outrageous things? Only the
African political elite which cannot think properly has the capacity to
destroy its people and the continent. In
too, we observe that our government is selling our land to the Jews and
Arab investors. Now the CIA is on the way to establish one of the biggest
war machines in
Addis Ababa
, and operating in the country to bring disorder and to engage
into major wars. This is only possible when we have leaders who cannot
think profoundly.
make short my message, when we read such kinds of articles like of mine,
we must not be irritated. We must try to read them by relating to many
other things. The problem we have is that we see things isolated, and we
never try to grasp them in their totality. From Plato to Cusanus warn us
that if we see things isolated and try to analyse them separately, we come
to the wrong conclusion. Let us not feel offended by such kinds of
articles, and try to ask ourselves why things are not working in our
continent in a way they should work? Why is not possible for us to
organize well functioning cities? What are the reasons that
is lagging behind in so many things? Why we Ethiopians are condemned in
permanent hunger and poverty, while we have everything to be
self-sufficient? The lack of
democratic institution is not the right answer for such kinds of
questions. The main problem is the way we are brought up, and the
education system which is planted into our minds. That hinders us to see
things beyond our selves. When I write this, I am not saying that we do
not have intellectuals who can think and could shape our country or our
continent. Most of the African intellectuals are living and working in
Europe and
. These highly qualified intellectuals are systematically blocked by
foreign and internal forces not to participate in intellectual discourse,
and nation building. Unless we solve this problem, and get rid of the
present political setup of the continent, the future of the continent
remains bleak for a long time to come. Especially, we Ethiopian
intellectuals must think about the method of struggle we are using, and
our approaches towards foreign forces. Unless we are not ready to change
our way of thinking, and the method we are using to liberate
, our country will remain poor for a long time; and at the end she will be
disintegrated by forces which are working day and night.