What the Ethiopian people
overwhelmingly decided at the ballot box is non negotiable. That was
, and, still is, the position of the Ethiopian people, and, that was
what the Ethiopian people told KINIJIT in the town-hall meetings
held at different places including Dire Dawa. Every thing should
have emanated from this position of the Ethiopian people. Sad to
say, it didn�t. So, history will remember that the system that was
destroyed on May 15, 2005 showdown between the people of Ethiopia
and the regime is reviving and at full swing again. And, let it be
known that the people of Ethiopia simultaneously destroyed the
system, and, laid down the foundation, and, let the leadership of
the opposition forces build upon it. Unfortunately, the leadership
miserably failed the Ethiopian people.
The people clearly knew that they
have decisively defeated the regime at the ballot box on May 15,
2005. The international organizations, the opposition leaders,
including Meles Zenawi himself new that the people of Ethiopia have
won the election of May 15, 2005. But, the audacity of Meles Zenawi
is that, sensing the poor stamina and the weakness in the commitment
of the leadership, hence the challenge they can put up, he
categorically denied that he has lost the election. The beginning of
the reversal of the struggle started at this point.
At this point, the leadership of the
opposition and the international organizations, particularly the
United States Government, the UK and the EU, vividly realized that
Meles is not going to budge from his position of denial at all. This
acceptance of Meles�s determination by the leadership and the
international organizations, forced them to succumb to the
determination of Meles Zenawi and started to back out. As the
result, the opposition parties, namely, KINIJIT and UEDF, came up
with the infamous compromise proposal, called, �A Proposal to
Solve the Current Political Impasse in Ethiopia.� Even though the
leadership was fully aware of the determination of the people to
fight it out, CUD and UEDF, widely opened their fortress to be
attacked by the regime when they submitted a joint proposal to form
a National Unity Government, which is another name for Transitional
Government, that would have included the regime. Meles rejected it.
The leadership took this self-defeating measure at the expense of
the vital economic and political interests of the people. In fact,
this was the juncture where the competition, so to speak, between
the people and the opposition leadership for power began to show up
very clearly. While the masked position of the leadership was to
share power with Meles, as clearly indicated in the joint Proposal,
the people�s position, as clearly manifested through their local
representatives was, and still is, to remove the regime and
completely possess the power. From this point onwards, the interest
and the struggle to empower the people, on the part of the
leadership of the opposition forces, started to decline.
Meles was waiting for an opportune
condition to jail the CUD leadership. So, the last straw for Meles
was this last threatening 12-page plan of action distributed by CUD
before they were jailed. Please read this plan of action paper. The
threat was to force the regime to accept the
eight-negotiation-points submitted by CUD to the regime. Here, it is
very important to note that the Ethiopian people were not told the
reason for this plan-of action that included blowing of horn, was to
force the regime to accept the negotiation which the Ethiopian
people has nothing to do with it. They were taken to jail before
they were able to execute what they put on paper. The plan fizzled
out because there was no one to follow it up. No government, let
alone the ruthless Meles Zenawi, would tolerate this kind of a
step-by-stepwise organized plan of action. After fourteen years of
experience with the regime, the moment they propagated or leaked
this kind of process driven and action oriented plan, they should
have realized that they would be in a very serious danger. This is
where their indecisiveness was clearly demonstrated, when,
particularly in the political environment they were in, they
formulated a plan that would give the regime ample time to preempt
it. In a cut-throat type of political struggle such as in Ethiopia,
a decision (the plan) should have been followed up with an
aggressive and courageous immediate action. To enable one to take an
immediate action, the plan must be a one itemed plan. And, that one,
specified item, better be followed persistently and precisely, and,
better be the one with potent impact. Or else, it would be suicidal.
That was exactly what happened to the leadership of CUD.
Now, we have to accept the reality
that the struggle is reversed (teQelbisual) and there is leadership
vacancy created with regard to the opposition forces particularly
which has to do with KINIJIT. For this political situation to take
place is not surprising, because, the persistently demonstrated
ineffectiveness and indecisiveness of the opposition leadership
inevitably would have lead to this impotent conclusion. Now, the
most critical question is would the political leaders of KINIJIT be
effective when they are released from jail? I don�t think so. For
one major thing they were not effective when they were out of jail,
so, what would make them effective when they come out of jail.
Secondly, it would not be easy to overcome the psychological impact
on their mode of thinking, while they were in jail. Thirdly, Meles
would force them to sign on what to do and what not to do, when they
come out. Therefore these leaders would come out their hands tied.
Therefore it is of an utmost important and timely to change or
modify the strategy of the struggle as to how the future struggle is
to be conducted. So, here is my proposal.
Whether one likes it or not, the
regime is going to rule at least five more years. Therefore the
bottom line of the struggle aught to be to create a situation where
Meles would be forced to step down within the coming five years. He
should not be left alone while he is destroying the nation and its
interactive social and cultural fabrics that took hundreds of years
to bring it to the exiting level. Nationalism is being developed in
Ethiopia. Had it not been for this process of development strongly
moving forward, the wishes of Meles, which was and still is to
destroy Ethiopia would have come to fruition. The regime must be
stopped from eroding it. For this is one of the main reasons for the
removal of the regime in power is very critical. Having projected
this important point, Ethiopia would not become like Somali or
Rwanda, as some would like us to believe. They are trying their
level best to get political mileage out of it. Where was Somali one
hundred years ago? Ethiopia has passed the critical phase to break
apart like what was witnessed in Somalia. Ethiopia is well into
developing nationalism. Had it not been for this strong bond being
developed between the Ethiopian society, the Oromo Liberation Front
would have had declared independence in 1991 when there was no
government to hold Ethiopia together. Considering Rwanda, name a
whole ethnic group in Ethiopia vehemently against another ethnic
group to the extent of wiping it out from the face of Ethiopia, or,
like in Cosovo where the whole Albania is still vehemently against
Serbia, another ethnic group. Can any one indicate the time when
Eritreans came out to the streets in mass demanding to separate from
Ethiopia in support of EPLF. Eritreans are flooding to Ethiopia now.
Were, or, are, they being rejected by Addis Ababans? It is this
process of national development that we have to protect vehemently
from being eroded by Meles Zenawi.
Coming back to the issue of concern,
the strategy that was effective up to the election of May 15, 2005,
has totally failed to achieve the intended objective, which was to
empower the people of Ethiopia. It failed due to lack of determined
and decisive leadership. I think this is an undeniable fact. It was
the right strategy, but, unfortunately, under the wrong leadership.
Ripe political environment but ineffective and indecisive, and wrong
political leadership. What an unfortunate historical coincidence.
The strategy that I am proposing is
composed of three power basis. (1) The opposition forces inside
Ethiopia, that include KINIJIT. I don�t think the organization
will phase out. (2) Those pursuing armed struggle, and, (3) the
opposition forces in Diaspora, those who are denied to enter
Ethiopia to use the legal forum and participate, particularly,
Meoson, EPRP, Hibrehizb and TAND. This strategy is to tackle the
regime from three positions of strength. The key aspect of my
proposal calls for a special type of coordination between those
opposition forces in Diaspora, particularly those I mentioned above,
and the leadership of the actively engaged armed struggle in
Ethiopia. The opposition forces participating on the legal forum
will do what they were doing so far. The alternative they have is to
leave the legal forum and join the armed struggle. To take this type
of ultimate action requires commitment, determination and
decisiveness. Note what the former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of
Israel did just this week.
In this proposal the major role
players are those opposition forces in Diaspora. These opposition
forces in Diaspora were inside Ethiopia before. They have the
connection with those who are left behind in Ethiopia. Therefore,
the linkage, however weak, is there to be activated, made strong and
militant, and, rescue the nation. There is a robust chance to enter
Ethiopia through neighboring countries and take over, or, augment
the struggle. Of course to take this type of decisive step requires
a resolute determination on the part of the leadership.
Every time fire started it died down
without any impact on the regime. It died down because there was no
one to make it continue burning until the desired objective was
achieved, which is the removal of Meles and his regime. Every time
these fires started and died down they took away lives. People were
tortured, jailed and have disappeared. The last fire consumed at
least 46 Ethiopians that were murdered by Meles Zenawi using live
ammunition for protesting vote rigging. Very unfortunately a number
of these types of moves undertaken by the people were disclaimed by
the leadership of the opposition forces. It is sad. The death of the
46 Ethiopians, the burning of tires on the streets, the blocking of
the streets, etc., etc., should have been taken in a package form.
To disclaim any part of the package is to disclaim the sacrifices
made by the 46 Ethiopians. Which is tantamount to put it on the
record that these sacrifices and the sacrifices made before were in
Finally, I can boldly say that, the
Ethiopian people are calling upon the political organizations in
Diaspora to come inside and share the burden with them. Here, I am
particularly referring to Meoson, EPRP, Hibrehizm and TAND. The
people are ready and are in need of leadership determined to lead
them. The other critical element in the formula is the role of those
in the armed struggle. Had the armed struggle built up their
strength with in the last fifteen years, they would have became
formidable forces that would have kept the regime on its toes. In
addition, (1) the opposition forces participating on the legal forum
would have had a backup force that would have given them an upper
hand in dealing with Meles. 2) The people�s decision made on May
15, 2005 election would have been respected, and , today, we would
have witnessed a different system of government. And, Meles Zenawi
would have not succeeded in OVERTHROWING the legal government elect.
Still, they can continue their build up to reach a seriously
challenging level while at the same time being the bridge or the
conduit to facilitate the entering and the exiting of the opposition
forces residing outside of Ethiopia. This is where the coordination
of the two power basis, namely, the political organizations in
Diaspora and the leadership of the actively engaged armed struggle
inside Ethiopia are very critical. To continue the struggle in a
determined mode and move it forward and fulfill the desire of
Ethiopian people these two power basis have to come together
immediately and formulate the manner of their coordination. It is
doable and the Ethiopian people are waiting for this to take place.
Mankelklot Haile Selassie (PhD)