Letters on the Book Review
Heritage Development Center, 
[Tagaie Siye Abraha: Ye Hwahat Q�wsena Ye Zegotch Mebit Regetaa]
Washington DC, 2004
your excellency Tekola Hagos,
I go to my message, I would like to appreciate to your effort and hard
work for the sake of our people and our country. I've been your
admirer and student by reading all your analysis and articles for
long. You might not know me, but I'm also one of those thousands and
millions of Ethiopians want to fight and see the end of the
current treasonous Banda regime in our country.
excellency, if you believe this cartoon is worth enough to be posted
on your web site, I will be happy.
don't hesitate to give me a feed back or comments if you
believe some thing to be edited before it goes for public.
a title for the cartoon could be "Ye Menilik Feres" or
"SebebeGnaw Ye Menilik Feres" or something like that. Or may
be, if you believe there is another title can fit, please go ahead.
Dear Professor Tecola,
You are true Ethiopian patriot. Nothing deters you from raising
controversial and unpopular that are essential to Ethiopia's national
security and interest. You are one of the few Ethiopian academicians
that I know who has the guts to speak the truth and reality of Ethiopian
politics and at the same time confront the Mehal Sefaris who are collaborating
with traitor Meles to undermine Ethiopia's national security. It
is indeed sad and shameful to see the Mehal Sefaris supporting a
mercenary and tyrant Prime Minister in order to regain the power they
had once. It is open secret the people of Tigray have completely
rejected Meles and now it the Mehal Sefaris who are giving him an air to
Mulugeta Yohannes
Ato Tkolla
I will take back the appreciation letter
I wrote after I read many of you articles. I also could not help myself,
how the intellectuals of our time like you are reduced to the level of
street smart in a matter of relatively short time.
Your racism, your paranoia and the deep
resentment you have against other Ethiopians became clear when you
decided to revel your true self than the superficial you, you have lead
us to believe you are.
I fell sorry for you, in your choice of
living in a prison you created for yourself in the long struggle to be
free from your own Shadow. Ethiopians will move on with out you but
people like you will prolong the misery of "your own people"
and the rest of Ethiopians for a while. But when the dust settled, you
will be one of those history judges harshly and Ethiopians look down,
since you have noting to contribute for any one including yourself.
I will advice you to get out of politics
and join the monasteries of Ethiopia Or Tigriy as you choice. You have
to gain your sanity, if you ever had one.
Dear Dr. Hagos,
I read your book review and
i just have to say "what a wonderful comment". You
are a kind of person we (Tigrean) are lucking at this moment,
telling them like it is. We are being pushed aside by this nefetgnas who
will never see a good thing of us, no matter how we bend backwards. They
have spread their poison since 100 years ago which is hunting us to this
day. Our brothers and sisters paid the price for 17 years hoping to get
it over but is rearing its ugly head in different forms. I am sure we
have to buckle up for a new struggle to nip it in the butt before it's
cost gets higher in humane life ( 17 years martyrs). And this
time if they get hold on to the power they are going to
be politically unheard event . Sometime when I think of it, it
disturbs me our weakness, un preparedness or taking our government for
Good job and keep up
Yoseph Giday
Dear Dr. Tecola,
I initially wanted to post this brief
message on Ethiforum (where an excerpt of your book review was
posted), but I finally abandoned the idea and decided to send the
message to you.
I am not a Shoa Amhara, not even an Amhara
by ethnicity. Nor do I support Meles or EPLF. I have opposed all the
three regimes that have ruled (misruled) Ethiopia during my lifetime.
Obviously, I should belong to the group of Ethiopians who you consider
genuine compatriots.
However, I was honestly dismayed by both
the content and tenor of your book review. I have had high regard for
you for quite some time because I consider you a courageous
Ethiopian, and your love for your country is inspiring. You also are a
very smart man with a sharp intellect. Your potential to
contribute to your bleeding country's salvation is enormous.
There are very few Ethiopians who have been blessed with the good
fortune to amass so much knowledge or to nurture passion and
commitment to causes larger than themselves.
But I am beginning to harbor serious doubt
whether Ethiopia will ever be fortunate enough to see that potential of
yours translated into reality. I used to regret that a
person like you had wasted so much of his life with a petty obsession
with ethnicity. I was hopping that after you left Meles'
government, you would gradually escape your ethnicist entrapment.
However, it seems to me that both your mental frame and structure of
feeling is seriously damaged by parochial ethnicist
outlooks. Your ability to perceive social processes in any
meaningful depth and to formulate visions that are grounded in
humanistic values is seriously constrained by the primary frame
of reference from which you seem to draw your ethics and politics,
namely ethnicity. You often sound like a sect leader who
must make all events of the universe fit into a narrow religious
scheme of interpretation and judgment.
Just read your book review again -- it is
morbid. The single organizing notion of your narrative
of Ethiopian events going all the way to Menelik is an anti-Amhara and
pro-Tigrean bias. You even go to the extent of claiming that the
reason why people in DC were hostile to Ambassador Berhane was because
they didn't want to see a Tigrean in a position of
power/honor (as if you don't know who one of Ethiopia's powerful Foreign
Ministers was long before TPLF came to power!). And you really want us
to hold Shoa Amharas (that is how you label the people whom TPLF
brought together to fake Amhara ethnic representation) responsible for
Meles' victory over the Dissenters today? The only people who end up being the
bright lights of your narrative are Tigreans at home and abroad
(save Meles Zenawi), Negasso Gidada, and of course, you. Really, you
live in a very small cognitive and emotional universe.
I think this is sick. It diminishes you
as a person, let alone as a public intellectual and poltical
leader who aspires to elevate a people. I hope you realize
some day that purging yourself of the dehumanizing and deforming
grips of ethnicism would be a truly liberating experience to you both
as an Ethiopian and as a thinker. Only when we cease to overvalue
ethnicity and develop social perspectives that go beyond ethnicity can
we, as intellectuals and civic leaders, help take our Ethiopian
compatriots to the heights of their humanity -- a place where
their goodness can be nurtured, and where their human weaknesses can
be mitigated or at least less exploited by fanatic tyrants and rank
political crooks.
Forgive me for the harsh words -- I simply
was disgusted by the ethnicist excesses of your book review. I
honestly hope that you'll escape the entrapment that has victimized so
many -- you simply are too good for that.
My brother ! I was shocked
reading on your book review article and
conclusion you envisioned and declared subtly the new
Woyanne 3 political Manifesto posted on the
on Deki Alula web site.
You sound as if the
real Ras Alula Abba Nega on his last days
in Axum city speaks to his disintegrated army not
to follow the Shewan dynasty by any means , for mere survival
of Axumite dynasty.
I fought in
Tigray mountains along with tyrannies peasants for Justice
and equality for all Ethiopians not for any dynastic
you do suffer and swirl
in multiple personality crises as Ethiopian and narrow
tygrian nationalist which is self contradictory. As long as
politick Tigrina cling in power you would mind
live in Addis ( Finfene given OLF leaders
converted to Tewahado Christianity) or else Axume Zion
is your capital city .
we all live one span of
time,one need to contribute a positive history what you were
preaching and emphasize in the fractal political
philosophy. All current history of Ethiopia ,what we had
observed including Eritrea is a purely civil war fomented by
ignorance of the elite characterize and mired by feudo-bourgeoisie-Marxism-
Ideology and and narrow nationalism and
Utopianism as its catalyst. There are no
heroes or heroins which history embraced them. We should
voice loud and struggle for Democratic justice
in Ethiopia where multiculturalism can be flourished
and multilingual language be given in all Secondary schools and so
forth. The major political impediment in Ethiopia are the elite
who had brought up in peasantry life style and been abused in
their childhood age as beneficial disciplinary rearing ,
had indeed in many cases suffer from many type of
psychiatric disorder megomania, mild schizophrenia
,inferiority complex syndrome .
The political
consequence of Woyane 2 has left Tigrai to be encircled
by her Arch enemies. In North the Hammassien in South and
East the Showans and Afars.in West unless the
Axume Zion church turn to Grand Ali mosque and
her priests and deacons
converted to Wahabi brand of
Islam and the woyane army changed its name to Mehdi armythe
Arabites Sudanese will not be generous enough for
Yohannes heirs. The only way out is a Humanist
democracy uphold all human values in respect who is which ethnic
is from. I hope you may recognize my point and cleanse your
anarcho ethnic spirit with the drink of a
glass of Epsom salt tinctures for rapid relief .