Amount of Jubilation Can Hide Ethiopia's Territorial Loss
By Ghelawdewos Araia
16, 2002
La�Me�rie�twa La�Chibt Afe�rwam Sisu Negn
(I am Greedy for Its Land Fragments, Let Alone for Its Territorial
- Emperor Yohannes IV
Like all Ethiopians
who awaited eagerly the verdict of April 13 by the Permanent Court
of Arbitration (PCA) of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), I
was curious what the outcome would be. The first news item
dispatched by Reuters, in part, reads �Ethiopia has been awarded
all the territory it has claimed in its dispute with Eritrea, said
the official who declined to be named�this includes the villages
of Badme, Zalambessa, Aiga, Bure, and Bada.�
In addition to the
above-mentioned villages, Alitena and other less known villages were
awarded to Ethiopia as per the Ethiopian government memo. However,
all this victory declaration by the Ethiopian government was meant
to hoodwink the Ethiopian people and prepare them for jubilation and
festivities. On the contrary Ethiopians were not euphoric and to be
sure, their country has lost more territory to Eritrea.
To begin with, even
if Ethiopia was awarded by the Border Commission to have control
over Zalambessa, Aiga, Aletina, Bada etc, there are no territories
gained by Ethiopia. The so-called villages attributed to the victory
of Ethiopia were quintessentially Ethiopian and the maximum we can
say is Ethiopia has retained them. Repossessing ones own land does
not make one celebrate as if the country has managed to regain its
historical territories that would also include maritime sovereignty.
Contrary to
repossessing historical lands, the pruning of Ethiopia has begun in
earnest, perhaps to confirm my nightmare and the agony of fellow
Ethiopians. In my previous writings, I argued repeatedly that
Ethiopia may lose some of its territories while the general public
concentrated on the most obvious areas of conflict like Badme,
Zalambessa, and Bure. In fact, I specifically mentioned those areas
in Gulomekeda, Irob, and Afar including the thermal energy/phosphate
rich lands of Dalol and others.
Early on, during the
height of the Ethio-Eritrean conflict, I suspected all along that
the Ethiopian government was bewitched by an external force and to
this effect I wrote �Mirage Politics and the Eritrean Trojan
Horse� for a discussion in an e-mail forum. Now, the statement of
the Boundary Commission and the issuance of companion maps confirm
it beyond all doubt.
On Map 3 , for
instance, Ethiopia�s claim line marked in pink is ostentatiously
pretentious and hypocritical. In fact, by its own admission to the
Commission, Ethiopia has lost all those territories to Eritrea. In
this Map, the Ethiopian government claimed points between 11 and 30
that apparently include Tsorona, Guna Guna, Monoxeito, Massolae,
Radacoma, and Ragali. However, this pretence is nakedly exposed by
1) Ethiopia�s own admission, and 2) by Map 11 issued by the
According to the
statement by the Boundary Commission (p. 50, 4.69 and 4.70), the
Ethiopian representatives at The Hague, in fact, seemed to have
advocated on behalf of Eritrea and not Ethiopia, and here are the
The qualification as
to the northern section relates to Tserona. In its Reply, Ethiopia
stated that a number of specific places mentioned by Eritrea as the
location of incidents on which Eritrea was relying were irrelevant,
since they were in any event mostly in Eritrea. The Words used by
Ethiopia were:
that �Fort
Cadorna, Monoxeito, Guna Guna and Tserona� were �mostly�
undisputed Eritrean places.� While Monoxeito and Guna Guna are
on the Eritrean side of the Treaty line as determined by the
Commission, the Commission finds that, on the basis of the
evidence before it, Tserona and Fort Cadorna are not.
As to Tserona, the
Commission cannot fail to give effect to Ethiopia�s Statement,
made formally in a written pleading submitted to the Commission. It
is an admission of which the Commission must take full account. It
is necessary, therefore, to adjust the Treaty line so as to ensure
that it is placed in Eritrean territory.
By the same token,
Map 11 clearly reveals Ethiopia�s pretentious stance at Hague and,
in concrete terms, the loss of Ethiopian territories to Eritrea. Map
11 essentially depicts what the Boundary Commission designates as
the Central Sector, and as evidenced by this map Zalambessa is
virtually encapsulated by the new Ethio-Eritrean border (which was
not the case on the old Ethiopian maps) and, adding insult to
injury, numerous villages east of Zalambessa are lost to Eritrea.
For a better understanding of this territorial loss, the reader must
critically examine the map under discussion. Lands between point 20
(Zalambessa) and point 21 (Enda Dashim) which were originally
Ethiopian are now parts of Eritrea, and because of this paradox of
irredentism, Monoxeito (hypocritically claimed by Ethiopia) is now
found far in land into Eritrea which was but on the border of
Ethiopia and Eritrea in the old maps.
In order to justify
the Ethiopian government pretence and the Eritrean claim of the
areas between points 20, 21, and 22, the Border Commission has
established a fictitious river by the name Muna. There is no river
Muna as I have indicated in the January 12, 2002 Washington DC
public meeting sponsored by the TISJD. On Map 11, Muna is confused
with Berbero Gado (as known by the Irob people) as was mistaken in
the 1900 Treaty with Endeli and Ragali. This toponymic confusion is
well established by historians. With the geopolitical concession by
the Ethiopian government to Eritrea (inverted irredentism),
therefore, it would not be surprising if Midir Ruba, Sebia, and
Endalgeda (Dalgeda) are now outside Ethiopian jurisdiction and parts
of Eritrea.
Similarly, on the
Western Sector, all the vast area (hypocritically claimed) under
pink line and which include the villages of Odas, Bao, Shelalo,
Gogula, Mochiti, Biagela, and up to the western frontier (except for
Om Hajar) would have been Ethiopian, but they are all lost to
Eritrea. This pretence on the part of the Ethiopian government,
again contradicts with its acceptance of the defunct treaty of 1902.
Now, we know that Eritrea possesses even Badme.
Chapter VI of the
Boundary Commission report states that both Ethiopia and Eritrea do
have the same position on the meaning of the �coast� (the
Eastern Sector): �The first question that arises in the
application of Article I of the Treaty is the definition of the
coast. Ethiopia abandoned its conception of the coast as including
islands and submitted in its concluding argument that �the
coastline� should be understood as �adhering continuously to the
continent itself, and not any coastlines of islands as such.� This
was also the position presented by Eritrea. As the parties are in
agreement on this point, the Commission will take as the coastline
the line adhering to the continent itself, and not any coastlines of
The Ethiopian jurists
acquiescence, as opposed to the national interest of Ethiopia,
implies that the Ethiopian government has no interest to pursue
Ethiopia�s outlet to the sea and does not seem to have regard to
the aspiration of the Afar people. Moreover, if one reads Map 4,
there is confusion on the delimitation (the 1908 Treaty on the
eastern coast was already complicated) and might further obscure
demarcation deliberations. By comparison, Map 12 is clearer in its
geographic coordinates but may altogether ignore the
self-determination of the Afar people.
The Italian
colonialists bequeath the original sin for the entire problem that
Ethiopia now encounters when they successfully created Eritrea by an
�act of surgery,� as Trevaskis puts in his political history of
Eritrea. At present, the act of surgery, which I called pruning at
the beginning of this essay, is being conducted against Ethiopia.
At any rate, whether
Ethiopia lacks a government that advocates on its behalf or the
country is experiencing temporary setback, is a transient political
phenomenon if seen in light of history. The PCA and the
Commission�s decision are theoretically rendered null and void by
the vast majority of Ethiopians and will be relegated into the
dustbin of history once a popular, democratic, and patriotic
government ascends to power. That will be the day!