Abstract: As
early as the 4th century B.C., Herodotus observed that Egypt was a gift of
the Nile. That observation is no less true today than in the distant past,
because not only the prosperity of Egypt, but also its very existence
depends on the annual flood of the Nile. Of its two sources, the Blue Nile
flows from Lake Tana in Ethiopia, while the White Nile flows from Lake
Victoria in Uganda. Some 86% of the water, which Egypt consumes annually,
originates from the Blue Nile River, while the remainder comes from the
White Nile. Since concern with the free flow of the Nile has always been a
national security issue for Egypt, as far as the Blue Nile goes, it has
been held that Egypt must be in a position either to dominate Ethiopia, or
to neutralize whatever unfriendly regime might emerge there. As the late
President Sadat stated: " Any action that would endanger the waters
of the Blue Nile will be faced with a firm reaction on the part of Egypt,
even if that action should lead to war." 1
this respect, an acute observer of the Egyptian scene recently wrote:
"Egypt is a country that has not abandoned its expansionist
ambitions. It regards its southern neighbors as its sphere of influence.
Its strategy is essentially negative: to prevent the emergence of any
force that could challenge its hegemony, and to thwart any economic
development along the banks of the Nile that could either divert the flow
of the water, or decrease its volume. The arithmetic of the waters of the
Blue Nile River is, therefore, a zero-sum game that Egypt is determined to
win. It must have a hegemonic relationship with the countries of the Nile
Valley and the Horn of Africa. When, for instance, Ethiopia is weak and
internally divided, Egypt can rest. But when Ethiopia is prosperous and
self-confident, playing a leading role in the region, Egypt is
response, Marawan Badr, the Egyptian Ambassador to Ethiopia wrote:
political commentary, or more correctly, political trash, cannot come
[except] from a sick and disturbed mind. Egyptian-Ethiopian relations are
not in a crisis. We do not even have problems. There are serious issues,
which need to be addressed."3
evasiveness aside, one cannot claim that there is no crisis in the
relations between the two countries. If the Blue Nile is the backbone of
Egypt and equally crucial to Ethiopia's development, and if no less a
person than Sadat declared that Egypt will go to war to prevent any
tampering with the waters of the Blue Nile, how could one say that there
are no problems between Ethiopia and Egypt? Given this background, let us
raise some basic questions: why have not the two countries exploited the
potential of the river for mutual benefit? Apart from fears stoked by
misinformed nationalism on both sides, are there other problems that
prevent them from doing so? How did Egypt manage to "guarantee"
the normal flow of the waters of the Blue Nile?
and Economic Facts
the White Nile is 5,584 km long, the Blue Nile covers a distance of 1,529
km from its source in Lake Tana to Khartoum, where both join and then flow
on to Egypt-a country where there is practically no rain, and where 86% of
the land is classified as very arid, and the rest as arid. The exceptions
to the extreme aridity are the narrow bands of the Nile Valley and the
narrow coastal strip, where some 150-mm of winter rain falls. All this
accounts for no more than 3.03% of the total land area of Egypt. As a
result, 96% of the population is forced to live astride the Nile River,
upon which the entire life of Egypt depends.4
Ethiopia itself, the Blue Nile is 960 km long and has an annual discharge
of some 55 million cubic meters, constituting the major portion of the
flow of the Nile. Lake Tana is situated at an elevation of 6,000 ft. above
sea level. It is about forty to fifty miles square and reaches depths in
the neighborhood of two hundred feet. The water as it flows from the lake
contains no silt. According to the engineers, by blasting a deep outlet
and erecting a dam, about six billion cubic meters of water could be
stored at the lake, and can be ready for use when needed.5
the entire year, about 86% of the Nile's water originates from the
Ethiopian Highlands, while the White Nile contributes only 14%. During the
flood period, however, 95% of the water originates from Ethiopia, and only
5% from East Africa. The reason for this is that the White Nile loses a
considerable amount of water to swamp areas at the beginning, and then to
evaporation during its course through arid terrain.6 In its transit, the
Blue Nile takes decomposed basalt, rich alluvial soil and silts and
converts what would otherwise have been a complete desert into a rich
agricultural area. It is not without reason, therefore, that the Greek
historian Herodotus (c.486-425) observed that Egypt was a gift of the
Nile. To this, the British of the 19th century, who intended to stay in
that country, and who made Egypt's interests their own, added that he who
controls the Nile controls Egypt.7
speaking, international rivers are often the subjects of treaties
providing for their shared use. States sharing common rivers usually
harmonize their policies for the purpose of establishing agreed regimes.
Unilateral use of the waters of such rivers by any riparian state can
cause considerable damage to the other states and can lead to serious
international conflicts. However, discussions and negotiations leading to
agreements for their shared use usually resolve such conflicts. Hence,
because of the "dual sovereignty" over such waterways,
unilateral actions affecting use by other riparian states are generally
far as the Blue Nile goes, while Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Sudan recognize
its international character, there is no agreed regime governing the
actions of the three states. As a result, there is no integrated plan for
optimum use and development of the waters of this river, which could have
benefited all concerned. There have been meetings between the officials of
Egypt and Ethiopia in particular, aimed at exploring the possibilities of
cooperation between the two countries on the waters of the Blue Nile.
While Ethiopia advocated the principle of negotiation on water sharing,
Egypt's position was for limiting negotiation to cooperation in exchanging
information in the area of hydrological study. These positions, however,
do not go far enough to address the other simmering problems. When one
studies the development plans of these countries with regard to the use of
the waters of the Blue Nile, one could say that future conflicts are
population of Egypt, which grows by more than one million per year, could
reach 85 million by the year 2015. Since the annual increase in population
(2.8%) exceeds the annual increase in food production (2.6%), Egypt's
imports of food, currently valued at more than $3 billion, absorbs most of
its foreign currency earnings. Water shortage, which is forecasted to
reach a deficit of 10,000 million cm. by the year 2,000, threatens
Egyptian agriculture and industry. In the absence of agreements,
therefore, if irrigation dams were to be built in either Ethiopia or East
Africa, or if climatical change were to result in increased warming, or in
droughts and increased evaporation, reduced water flow into the Nile would
further exacerbate Egypt's problems, and the country could face an
explosive situation.9
years ago, the lowering of the water level of the Aswan High Dam
drastically affected agricultural and industrial output, reduced oil
exports, and accelerated the depletion of what limited foreign exchange
reserves Egypt had.10 Such events have led to serious food shortages and
to severe dislocation of normal life. Export earnings and government
revenues can diminish, leading to a substantial reduction of public
services, as well as in essential imports and development programs. Since
the situation would demand increased imports of food, it could result in
an enlargement of the deficit in the balance of payments, therefore
reducing the rate of savings and investment and, consequently, lowering
the rate of economic growth. The fall of the water levels of the dams
would also lower hydroelectric power supply, of which the Aswan High Dam
alone provides 22% of national electricity.
the Egyptians, it was widely believed that the Emperor of Ethiopia could
shut off the waters of the Nile, as one would shut off a faucet.11 For
example, during the reign of Emperor Amde Zion (1314-1344), the Mamluk
Sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad Q-alaurn began to persecute the Copts of Egypt
and demolished their churches. The Sultan's actions brought forth a strong
protest from the Ethiopian monarch, who sent envoys to Cairo in A.H. 726
(A.D. 1321) to ask Al-Nasir to restore the churches and to refrain from
persecuting the Copts. Otherwise, he said, he would take reciprocal
measures against the Muslims in his dominions and also starve the people
of Egypt by diverting the course of the Nile.12 It was, no doubt, this
incident which caused Al-Umari to write that the Ethiopians claim that
they are the guardians of the course of the Nile for its descent to Egypt,
and that they further its regular arrival out of respect for the Sultan of
more modern times, especially in the 18th and 19th century, Egypt's
invasion and final conquest of the Sudan was largely motivated by its
desire to secure control over the entire Nile system. Muhammed Ali
(1769-1849), for instance, felt that the security and prosperity of Egypt
could only be assured fully by extending conquests to those Ethiopian
provinces from which Egypt received its great reserves of water.14 The
objective of such a conquest was designed to impose Egypt's will on
Ethiopia, and either to occupy it or to force it to give up the Lake Tana
area. Hence, the conquest of the Sudan in 1820 served as a stepping-stone
to the increased appearance of Egyptian soldiers in the western frontiers
of Ethiopia, and to the subsequent Egyptian occupation of Kasala in 1834,
Metema in 1838, Massawa in 1846, Kunama in 1869, and Harar in 1875.15
Khedive Ismail (1863-1879), too, wanted to make the Nile an Egyptian river
by annexing to Egypt all the geographical areas of the basin. To that end,
the Swiss adventurer Werner Munzinger (1832-1875), who served him, had
remarked: "Ethiopia with a disciplined administration and army, and a
friend of the European powers, is a danger for Egypt. Egypt must either
take over Ethiopia and Islamize it, or retain it in anarchy and
decision was made to conquer Ethiopia. However, Khedive Ismail lived to
regret that decision. The series of military expeditions which he launched
in 1875 and 1876, resulted in ignominious defeats for Egypt. Between
November 14, 1875, and November 16, 1875, more than 2,500 Egyptian
soldiers were routed at the Battle of Gundet. Similarly, from March 7,
1876, to March 9, 1876, some 12,000 Egyptian soldiers were annihilated at
the Battle of Gura.17 It may be interesting to note that two American
military officers, Colonels William MacEntyre Dye (1831-1904) and Loring
William Wing (1816-1886), who fought on the Unionist side in the American
Civil War (1861-1865) and who were recruited by the Egyptians along with
six other American soldiers, participated in the Egyptian military
campaigns against Ethiopia.18 In the same year, the expedition led by
Munzinger was decimated in northeastern Ethiopia by the Afars. Munzinger
himself was killed.19 Yet, despite the enormous debacle, Egyptian raids
against Ethiopia still continued. The raids were eventually brought to a
temporary halt only when Britain occupied Egypt in 1882.
crucial importance of the Blue Nile to Egypt was not lost to Britain,
which had made Egypt's interests its own. In 1902, London dispatched John
Harrington to Addis Ababa to negotiate border and Nile water issues with
Emperor Menelik. Article III of the May 15, 1902, Anglo-Ethiopian Treaty,
which resulted from the visit, provides:
Majesty the Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia, engages himself towards the
Government of His Britannic Majesty not to construct or allow to be
constructed, any works across the Blue Nile, Lake Tana or the Sabot, which
would arrest the flow of their waters into the Nile except in agreement
with His Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of the
Sudan." 20
legitimate reasons to exploit the waters in its own territory for
development purposes should be understandable. This fact alone would be a
sufficient ground for some to invalidate the binding force of the
agreement. But it was never ratified, either by the British Parliament or
by the Ethiopian Crown Council.
indication of British interest in the waters of the Blue Nile was the
Anglo-Italian exchange of letters, which led to the secret agreement of
1926. Britain sought Italy's support for its plan to construct a barrage
at Lake Tana, together with the right to construct a motor for the passage
of stores, personnel, and so on. In turn, as a quid pro quo,
Britain was to support Italy in its attempt to obtain from Ethiopia a
concession to construct and run a railway from the frontier of Eritrea to
the frontier of Italian Somaliland.21 Ethiopia denounced the secret deal
and brought the matter before the League of Nations.
was also the 1929 Agreement between Egypt and Britain. It stipulated that
"no irrigation or power works or measures are to be constructed or
taken on the River Nile or its tributaries, or on the lakes from which it
flows in so far as all these are in the Sudan or in countries under
British administration, which would entail prejudice to the interests of
Egypt.22 Since Ethiopia had never been a British colony, or of any
European power for that matter, except for the five years (1936-1941)
occupation by Fascist Italy, it maintains that this agreement has no legal
effect on it.
had been a member of the League of Nations since 1923. Yet, when Mussolini
invaded it in 1936, despite treaty obligations, the League of Nations
remained indifferent to its plight, and sacrificed Ethiopia at the altar
of political expediency. The apologetic view of some that Italy had
legitimate grievances that needed to be addressed did not play. Mussolini
was neither grateful nor appeased. If anything, he joined Hitler as an
ally. Nevertheless, after five years of bitter struggle against Italian
fascism, Ethiopia gained its independence. Following the restoration of
Emperor Haile Selassie's government in 1941, it repudiated the 1902 Treaty
on account of British recognition of the Italian "conquest" of
Ethiopia.23 Moreover, Ethiopia also declined to recognize the 1929
agreement arguing that it had never been a British colony. But more
specifically, it declared that one party reserved for itself all the
rights and privileges, leaving the other party without any quid pro quo.
Ethiopia maintained that the whole exercise of the agreement was geared
mainly to protect and to promote Egypt's interests without any reciprocity
and that it had not renounced its own quantitatively unspecified but
existing natural right to the Nile waters in its territory. It argued that
the agreements, which made no reference to this fact, could have no
binding force. Hence, as early as 1956 Ethiopia asserted and reserved,
then and in the future, its right to utilize the waters of the Blue Nile
without recognizing any limitations on its freedom of action. It also
invoked its new economic needs as grounds for its release from old treaty
Ethiopia declined to recognize the Agreement of November 1959 between
Egypt and the Sudan on the division of the waters of the Nile. The
agreement gave Egypt 75% of the waters of the river (i.e. 55.5 billion
cubic meters) and 25% to the Sudan (18.5 cm3 billion).25 The very
agreement which allowed Egypt to receive three times as much water as the
Sudan, refers to "full utilization" and "full control of
the river", when it involved only two states. Needless to say that
Egypt and the Sudan were both recipients and users, and, therefore,
arguably cannot have the last word on the utilization of the waters of the
an Aide Memoir of 23 September 1957 addressed to the diplomatic missions
in Cairo, the Government of Ethiopia declared:
has the right and obligation to exploit its water resources, for the
benefit of present and future generations of its citizens [and] must,
therefore, reassert and reserve now and for the future, the right to take
all such measures in respect of its water resources." 26
Ethiopia's protest, Egypt went ahead with the construction of the Aswan
High Dam. The first dam on the Nile, the Aswan Dam, was built in 1902 and
heightened in 1936. On the other hand, the Aswan High Dam took seven years
(1964-1971), and was completed with the help of the Soviet Union, at a
cost of $100 million, or 850 million Egyptian pounds. As far as Egypt was
concerned, the Aswan High Dam helped to reclaim 650,000 feddans and
brought some 800,000 feddans under permanent irrigation. As a result,
agricultural production has considerably increased, and village
communities have been provided with water and electricity. However, Lake
Nasser, an artificial lake created by the damming of the Nile, has blocked
the normal flow of the rich Nile, preventing the nourishment of
agricultural lands farther down the river and destroying the fishing
industry. Vegetation in Lake Nasser also grew so rapidly, resulting in the
clogging of irrigation channels and in creating stagnant water that has
become a breeding ground for a variety of disease-bearing insects and sea
urchins. Hydrologists also estimate that each year the reservoir alone
loses a staggering 15 cubic kilometers of water to evaporation.27
these negative aspects, the Aswan project has facilitated double and
triple crop production, and the country's agricultural yields have soared.
Egypt still uses far more of the river's annual flow of around 80 cubic
kilometers than any of the other eight nations along its banks, which
apart from Ethiopia and Sudan, also include Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda,
Burundi, Kenya, and the Congo. To be sure, out of an ultimate irrigable
land of some five million hectares, Egypt has already managed to irrigate
nearly three million hectares. But the question is this: what will happen
when countries like Ethiopia begin to utilize their waters meaningfully
and substantially?
on the Blue Nile
had been exploring the possibilities of building a dam on Lake Tana for a
long time. As a matter of fact, a number of engineers and experts had
visited Lake Tana and studied the feasibility of building a dam at the
source of the Blue Nile. For example, in 1927 Ethiopia reached an
agreement with J.G. White Engineering Corporation of New York. The
required feasibility studies were carried out for the construction of a
dam at Lake Tana at an estimated cost of $20 million.28
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation also accomplished substantial work. Among other
things, it surveyed the Blue Nile Basin (1956-1964), proposed four major
dams on the Blue Nile with a combined storage of 51 km3, equal to the mean
annual flow of the Blue Nile, with a hydroelectric capacity three times
that of the Aswan High Dam. Of more immediate interest was the effect of
the four dams on the natural flow of the Blue Nile and, of course, on
irrigation in Egypt and the Sudan. The annual flood of the Blue Nile would
be virtually eliminated, the flow into the Sudan becoming constant, and
the total quantity of the Blue Nile water reduced by 8.5 %. If all the
projects were completed, the amount of land put into cultivation in
Ethiopia would be equal to 17% of the current land under irrigation in
Egypt and would require six km3 of Nile water.29
the Blue Nile terrain favors the construction of dams to generate power,
Ethiopia could supply electricity not only to satisfy most of its own
needs but also to export to the Sudan and Egypt, as well as the Arabian
Peninsula. In fact, the findings reveal that the Blue Nile has a power
potential of 172 billion-kilowatts., twice larger than the combined
national hydroelectric output of both the Sudan and Egypt. Of the 35
multi-purpose projects that the survey identified, 16 were irrigation
schemes for the development of 439,440 hectares of land to help settle 4
million farmers, and 12 were power projects, which could utilize as much
as 12 billion cubic meters of water from the Blue Nile.30 According to the
experts, the amount of water available to the downstream riparian states
would not be affected. Even if Ethiopia were to implement the Blue Nile
Plan, drawing off six km3, Egypt and the Sudan would still benefit from
the construction of the reservoirs within Ethiopia.31
has not Ethiopia utilized this development potential? The reason for this
is in part because its agriculture is largely rain fed, and partly because
the political strife, which as we will soon see, that Egypt helped to
instigate had forced Ethiopia to divert scarce resources from development
into security and defense. But now Addis Ababa has indicated its intention
that it wants to do more. At present, using only 0.6 billion cm. of water
a year, only five percent, or 200,000 hectares are being irrigated out of
potentially 3.7 million hectares of irrigable land. With a population
nearly the size of Egypt and facing the enormous problem of feeding
itself, it will need to develop a large portion of this land for
agricultural use. If, for instance, Ethiopia were to contemplate the
development of 500,000 hectares, it would require 6.25 cubic kilometers of
water. In this regard, Ethiopian government sources estimate that over the
next half century, the country would need $60 billion investment for
irrigation and $19 billion for hydropower development.32
response to Ethiopia's intention to use more Blue Nile water, Sudan's
Minister of Irrigation, Sharif al-Tuhami, recently remarked that Sudan and
Egypt have built all their civilizations on the Nile for 7,000 years. So
both countries have priority over others. What about Ethiopia, which
provides 86% of the water that these countries consume, but which has its
own priorities of feeding its population? It is computed that by 2025, its
population could be 112 million, double its present level.
Mohammed El Said Selim of Cairo University contends that Ethiopia's
ambitious development plans, if implemented, will pose a grave threat to
Egypt before the end of the century. His remarks are noteworthy in the
sense that they reflect Egyptian official policy and imply that Egypt
should take effective measures to prevent the threat.33 We should note
that Ethiopia has an average of 112 cubic km of water annually compared to
Egypt, which has 55.5 cubic km per year and a projected demand of 65.5
cubic km, which, if successful, would even be higher than that of Ethiopia
.The Sudan has 18.5 cubic km.34
End Justifies the Means
foreign policy has, to a significant degree, been shaped by the
hydro-politics of the Nile in general and the Blue Nile in particular. It
is predicated upon the premise that Egypt should be strong enough either
to dominate Ethiopia or to create the conditions to prevent the latter
from building dams on the Blue Nile. With that end in mind, Egypt
controlled the port of Massawa from 1865 to 188535 and occupied parts of
present-day northwestern Eritrea from 1872-188436 with a view to using
these areas as basis for military operations against the rest of Ethiopia.
As noted earlier, Egypt's military adventures were brought to a halt, at
least temporarily, by its disastrous defeats at Gura and Gundet. By using
its occupation of certain parts of what was to become Eritrea as proof of
historical legitimacy, as early as 1945 Egypt instigated the Arab League
to declare its intention to put Eritrea under the Trusteeship of the Arab
nations. Moreover, at the Paris Peace Conference of 1946, Egypt also
advanced an outright claim to Eritrea. In fact, on April 15, 1950, when
the U.N. Commission on Eritrea visited Cairo to consult with the Egyptian
Government, Foreign Minister Salah El-Din maintained: "Italian
expansion in Africa was inaugurated by an encroachment upon the rights of
Egypt. Egypt has been in Eritrea and in Massawa long before the Italians
had driven it out, and at a time when power was the dominating factor over
historical accuracy of the above statement is certainly debatable. Italy
did not drive out Egypt from Eritrea. A. Caimi, who occupied Massawa on
behalf of Italy on February 3, 1885, proclaimed: "The Italian
government, in accord with the English and Egyptian governments, takes
possession of Massawa."38 What is note worthy in the Egyptian
position is this: Ethiopia had successfully resisted the invasion of the
Ottoman Turks and had evicted them from its Northern Provinces but had
failed to dislodge them from their strongly fortified position at Massawa.
Despite the fact that they had occupied the port of Massawa for some time,
the Ottoman Turks still recognized it as Ethiopia's historical outlet to
the outside world.39 Since Massawa was an active outlet of the Red Sea
slave trade of the time, in 1865 the Ottoman Sultan leased it to Egypt,
its vassal state, at the latter's request. In approaching the Sultan for
the lease of the port, Khedive Ismail argued that because of distance,
Istanbul would not be in a position to check the slave trade, whereas
Egypt could.40 As might be expected, the most important naval and
commercial power of the day- Britain- supported Egypt. There were two
reasons for this: First, the American civil war threatened the supply of
cotton to British textile mills. Hence, in order to ensure the continued
supply of cotton from Egypt, for what could be described as enlightened
self-interest, Britain supported Khedive Ismail in his negotiations with
Istanbul. Secondly, with the opening of the Suez Canal in 1868, the Red
Sea had also assumed a special role in Britain's world-wide communications
network, and therefore, it wanted the safety of the sea route to India.
Hence, what took place at Massawa was simply a peaceful transfer of
administrative authority from the Egyptians to the Italians under British
regard to the Italian take over of Massawa, we should also note that
competition between the European colonial powers was a familiar feature of
the late 19th century. Italy was invited by Britain to take over the port
of Massawa. In doing so, Britain was encouraging Italy's colonial
ambitions with a view to using it as a counter-weight to France, which had
already taken over Djibouti and was threatening British interests in the
area. Ethiopia perceived the takeover of Massawa by the Italians as a
violation of the Adowa Treaty of June 3, 1884, between Britain, Ethiopia,
and Egypt.41
was the Adowa Treaty? Stated briefly, the Mahdist uprising in the Sudan
had put a severe strain on Egypt. As a result, its soldiers were trapped
and besieged in that country. According to the treaty which was signed in
the Ethiopian city of Adowa, for the help that Ethiopia would give to
relieve the Egyptians and for providing them safe conduct through Massawa,
Egypt agreed to "restore" to Ethiopia the northern Ethiopian
provinces such as Keren that it had occupied in the 1860s and 1870s. Free
passage was also to be allowed to Ethiopian trade through the port of
Massawa, in effect, making the port revert back to its historic status as
Ethiopia's outlet to the sea. Consequently, pitched battles were fought
between Ethiopia and the Mahdist forces. The besieged Egyptian garrisons
were relieved and given safe conduct through the Port of Massawa. In that
way, Ethiopia fulfilled its part of the agreement. Egypt too carried out
its part of the bargain, by restoring Keren and the other provinces to
Ethiopian authority. What about Britain? Instead of carrying out its
commitments, Britain invited Italy to take over Massawa. Italy then
attempted to expand inland to take over the hinterland of Massawa. In the
process, there were a series of military engagements between Ethiopia and
Italy, which soon developed into pitched battles which led to Dogali
(1887) and the historic Battle of Adowa (1896), on both counts of which
the Italian army was routed.42
thanks to British support and Menelik's acquiescence, Italy consolidated
itself in northern Ethiopia and named the northern Ethiopian province of
Medri Bahri as Eritrea-the Greco-Roman name for the Red Sea. Having
colonized Eritrea from 1890 to1941, Italy was defeated and evicted from
the area in 1941. From 1941to 1952, Britain administered Eritrea.43 In
1947 the Allied Powers - the USA, the Soviet Union, Britain, and France
sent a Four-Power Commission of Investigation (FPCI), to Eritrea. Among
other things, the Commission reported that the majority of the people of
Eritrea favored re-union with Ethiopia.44 Since there was no agreement
between the four powers, Britain submitted the question of Eritrea's
future to the United Nations. The U.N. in turn established its own
commission of inquiry composed of the representatives of Burma, Guatemala,
Norway, Pakistan and South Africa. Since the majority of the members of
the U.N. Commission also reported that the majority of the people of
Eritrea favored association with Ethiopia, the United Nations decided to
federate Eritrea with Ethiopia.45
Egypt's outright claim to Eritrea failed, Gamal Abdel Nasser, who had come
to power subsequently, launched a campaign for the unity of the Nile
Valley. However, his "unity" proposal gave the impression that
it was aimed at bringing Ethiopia, Eritrea, the Sudan, Somaliland,
Somalia, Uganda and Kenya under Egypt's control.46 In any case, the
proposal failed to materialize with the re-unification of Eritrea with
Ethiopia in 1952, and the independence of the Sudan in 1956 and Somalia in
the years when Nasser was stationed in the Sudan as an officer in the
Egyptian army, he has had contacts with Haile Selassie. In 1941, for
instance, during the Ethiopian liberation campaign when the emperor was
re-organizing the anti-Fascist forces from the Sudan, Nasser went to see
him.47 After he took power in 1952, Nasser repeatedly extended official
invitations to Haile Selassie to visit Egypt. The emperor had repeatedly
declined the offer. In fact, in December 1956, he instructed his
ambassador to the Sudan, Melesse Andom, to discuss matters with Nasser,
who had not given up on the idea of the unity of the Nile Valley
countries. Melessse Andom did not mince words:
claim to be an Arab and to lead the Arab world, but you interfere in the
affairs of your Arab neighbors, and have tried to cause trouble for the
Governments of Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and the Sudan. We Ethiopians do not
belong to your world, although like you we drink of the water of the Nile.
You have military objectives. We do not know exactly what they may be, but
we have no confidence in the strength of your armed forces."48
this showdown, Nasser appears to have begun his effort to undermine and to
destabilize Ethiopia. Egypt has never publicly admitted that one of its
foreign policy objectives had been, and continues to be, the
destabilization of Ethiopia. To do so, would be a violation of
international law. To be sure, the Egyptian authorities would classify any
evidence to this effect. However, there is ample documentation that
clearly demonstrates that the question of the use of the Blue Nile waters
has been an overriding concern of Egyptian governments.
broadcasts of Radio Cairo started to remind Ethiopian Muslims where their
"primary loyalties" lay. Providing scholarships to Muslim
Eritreans at Al-Azahar University followed suit, and soon, Cairo became
the center for the Eritrean Student Union in the Middle East. In 1958, a
small military training camp for Eritreans was also opened near
Alexandria, where some of the future military commanders received their
initial training. Idris Mohammed Adem, the former President of the
Eritrean Parliament, Ibrahim Sultan, Secretary General of the Islamic
League, and Wolde ab Wolde Mariam, President of the Eritrean Labour
Unions, and others were encouraged to go to Egypt. Wolde Ab was given a
special radio program and began to broadcast to Eritrea from Radio Cairo.
He sought to undermine Haile Selassie's Government and urged Eritreans to
take up arms and to struggle for their independence.49
sooner had Haile Selassie's government made Eritrea Ethiopia's 14th
province by dismantling its United Nations-sponsored federal status in
1960, than Egypt took advantage of the situation to establish an office in
Cairo, for what came to be known as the Eritrean Liberation Front, ELF.
The front started the most protracted militarily and economically
debilitating civil war Ethiopia has known in recent memory. The struggle,
which ensued, pitted Eritrean Muslims against Eritrean Christians,
highlanders against lowlanders, the ELF against the EPLF, and most of the
Eritrean elite against governments in Addis Ababa and contributed strongly
to political instability, economic decline, and social turmoil. Cairo's
overt and covert role in the creation of the ELF was fairly obvious. In
fact, even two years before the outbreak of the rebellion, the idea that
the ELF was preparing to launch its military campaigns was an open secret
in Egypt. Moreover, the Ethiopian Embassy in Cairo had warned the
Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Egypt was behind the
preparation of the military insurrection of the ELF.50
to the good offices of Egypt also, the April 1962 conference of the Arab
League promised the ELF its full solidarity and support, because it was
allegedly claimed that the Eritreans were Arabs and overwhelmingly
Muslims, that they were struggling against the forces of Zionism, American
imperialism, and Ethiopian colonialism, that in violation of its status as
a member of the Non-Aligned Movement, Ethiopia had provided the United
States with military bases to spy on the U.S.S.R. and the Arab countries
of the Middle East, that Ethiopia had provided Israel access into some of
the strategic islands of the Red Sea like the Dahlack, where Israel had
allegedly built military bases to undermine the peace and security of the
Arab world, and that the Red Sea should be considered an Arab lake,
because all the states surrounding it are Arab. The major objective of the
last strategy was designed to impede Israeli navigation on the Red Sea and
also to make Ethiopia land locked by helping its Red Sea province,
Eritrea, attain its independence and join the Arab League. These and
similar other reasons were provided to justify Egyptian assertiveness and
malevolence and the involvement of countries like Syria, Iraq, Libya,
Kuwait, Yemen and others. By internationalizing what was essentially an
Ethiopian domestic affair, Egypt, therefore, succeeded in converting the
Eritrean problem into an extension of the Arab-Israeli disputes, and
exploited Ethiopia's predicament to its advantage.51
the imperatives of "cold war" rhetoric and power politics,
undermining the pro-American and pro-Israeli government of Haile Selassie
was important for Egypt. But its interest in the waters of the Blue Nile
figured prominently on its political agenda. Few would doubt that Egypt's
overriding motivation was the perceived need to have enough leverage to
force Ethiopia to abandon some of its activities on the river, and to
thwart the threat that Ethiopia posed to the Nile waters. By promoting the
Eritrean insurrection, Egypt made sure that Ethiopia would divert both its
efforts and its resources into quelling the Eritrean uprising-resources
that could have been utilized in tapping the waters of the Blue Nile for
development purposes. By providing the necessary military, ideological,
political, and diplomatic support for the insurrection, Egypt effectively
undermined Ethiopia. As a result of the insurrection, which lasted thirty
years, thousands of people were killed, thousands were uprooted and
displaced, and millions of dollars worth of property was destroyed.52
to say that the ensuing turmoil and instability was beneficial for Egypt.
Cairo was able to use these advantages to secure the flow of a
disproportionate amount of water to its territory, and also to force
Ethiopia to squander its scarce resources, and in the process, to ally
with the USA and Israel at one time, and with the Soviet Union, the
Socialist countries of Eastern Europe, and Cuba at another time, with all
the attendant consequences that such alliances entailed.
Exploitation of the Nile
development of irrigated farming in the Sinai is a particularly prominent
project. In December 1975, Egypt announced that it would open pipelines to
carry water across the Suez Canal to the Sinai desert for irrigation. The
project was supposed to commence with irrigation of some 5,000 feddans, to
be increased later to provide support and livelihood for 100,000 refugee
families from the Gaza Strip. Additionally, Egypt commissioned studies of
the possibility of piping the Nile waters to Jerusalem for pilgrims
visiting the Holy places. This extension would add 240 miles to the length
of the Nile, and is further evidence of the potential and controversial
downstream uses of water. From the legal point of view, one could ask
whether consideration by all basin states before inter-basin transfers are
effected is required .53
with Egypt's full support, planners had also begun work on a $2 billion
project which was to have diverted 4.5 million liters of water an hour
from the Atbara river to the Red Sea port of Port Sudan and from there
across the Red Sea to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. According to the plan, Sudan
would have benefited in two ways: The large barren area to the east of
Atbara would have come under irrigation, and by the utilization of the
resultant waterfalls near the Red Sea coast, more than 7,000 kWh of
electricity would have been generated. The Saudis would have compensated
Sudan and Egypt for their loss of irrigation water with investment capital
for agricultural and industrial projects.54
the 1970s and 1980s, drought had repeatedly struck Ethiopia, causing great
loss of life, much human suffering and considerable loss of property. In
order to reverse the situation, the government of the time had begun to
take some remedial measures. To that end, in 1978, when Ethiopian
engineers and economists started to carry out irrigation feasibility
studies in the Lake Tana area, the late President Anwar Sadat declared:
�Any action that would endanger the waters of the Blue Nile will be
faced with a firm reaction on the part of Egypt, even if that action
should lead to war. As the Nile waters issue is one of life and death for
my people, I feel I must urge the United States to speed up the delivery
of the promised military aid so that Egypt might not be caught
napping."55 No sooner had Sadat finished his threatening speech
against Ethiopia than he visited Haifa and announced his plan to construct
the Suez Canal tunnel and said to the Israelis:
the tunnel is completed, I am planning to bring the sweet Nile waters -
this is the sweetest of the four big rivers of the whole world - to the
Sinai. Well, why not send you some of this sweet water to the Negev Desert
as good neighbours?"56
contradictory irony of the situation should not escape our attention. On
one hand, Cairo warns Addis Ababa that if Ethiopia builds dams on the
river, Egypt said that it would go to war. On the other hand, Cairo offers
Israel the "sweet" waters of the Nile, even without Israel
asking for it. The Egyptian Minister of Irrigation, Abdul Azim Abdel Atta,
repeated the same threat when he said: "Egypt would never permit
Ethiopia to exploit the waters of the Blue Nile," and concluded by
appealing to Arab countries to shoulder their historical
responsibilities-a code message which lends itself to different
interpretations. In all likelihood, he may have been appealing to the
other Arab countries such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Kuwait, and
others, to continue to follow Egypt's example and support the Eritrean
insurrection in order to destabilize Ethiopia. But the Ethiopians were not
impressed by Sadat's ferocious rhetoric. They quickly countered by
accusing Egypt of expansionist ambitions, of creating the so-called
"Eritrean Liberation Front," of training and arming the
terrorists assembled in that organization to help Cairo achieve its
designs at Ethiopia's expense, of a dream to control the sources of the
Nile, and of beating cold war drums to use first the Soviet Union and then
the United States for the realization of its sinister agenda.57 It should
be noted that in the days of Gamal Abdel Nasser, since Egypt was an ally
of the USSR, the name of the game was fighting "Zionism and American
imperialism." When Sadat who served as Nasser's deputy came to power,
Egypt's policy changed 360 degrees, and yesterday's anti-imperialists
became champions of western democracy and free enterprise. In both cases,
cold war drums were beaten, but the drums served as a convenient musk to
conceal one essential truth-preventing Ethiopia from building dams on the
Blue Nile River.58
the de-stabilizing effect of the Eritrean conflict, the first phase of
Ethiopia's $300 million Tana Beles project began in 1988. The project
aimed at doubling Ethiopia's hydroelectric power and to provide irrigation
for a settlement scheme that would take water from Lake Tana to the Beles
River across which five dams were to be built. Some 200,000 farmers were
to be settled after the completion of this project. However, Egypt blocked
a loan from the African Development Bank because Cairo feared that the
Tana Beles project could consume too much Blue Nile water.59
a loan or not, to the dismay of the Egyptian authorities, the Nile Delta
was going through an unprecedented winter drought which was seriously
jeopardizing the country's wheat crop and its cotton exports. Water
Resources Minister Abdul Hadi Radi informed a stormy parliamentary session
in Cairo that the drought was due to meager rainfall in Ethiopia and not
to the diversion of the waters of the River Nile. Indeed, the long drought
in Ethiopia had lowered the water in the Aswan High Dam's Lake Nasser to
levels that threatened complete stoppage of the turbines.60
moving to impede Ethiopia's expanded use of Blue Nile waters, Egypt has
recently begun an expanded use of its own. Digging has begun for the
Salaam (peace) Canal-a $1.4 billion project aimed to carry 12.5 million
cubic meters a day of fresh water from the Nile into the Northern Sinai,
by traversing the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, in order to irrigate 400,000
acres of new farmland. It is aimed to open the way for three million or
more Egyptians to eventually populate a region that is now home to only
some 250,000. It is the second largest public works project in Egypt's
history - second only to the Aswan High Dam.61
massive project entails constructing a canal from Lake Nasser to carry
water 186 miles to the northwest. The project could cost as much as $90
billion. By 2000, it is supposed to bring under cultivation 500,000 acres
of land around the Baris Oasis. "We must expand beyond the narrow
valley we have lived in for centuries. Our population is now 60 million,
and there are only 8 million acres of agricultural land," says Hosni
Mubarak.62 Even Egyptian scientists like Farouk El-Baz oppose the project
on the ground that the waters of the Nile are not inexhaustible. Tony
Allen of the University of London calls the plan "a national
to the Ethiopian Government, the several ambitious Egyptian agricultural
projects begun within the last few years are part of an Egyptian attempt
to secure even more water and disregard the needs of other countries.
Egypt is doing this in violation of the obligation to keep the Nile within
its natural basin, and it is trying to create the conditions in which it
becomes the sole beneficiary of the Nile. Ethiopia has been consistent in
this policy position. At the U.N. Conference at Mar Del Plata in 1977, for
example, it asserted its rights to the waters of the Blue Nile, and in
June, 1980, at the OAU Economic conference in Lagos, Nigeria, Ethiopia
charged Egypt with planning to divert the Nile waters to the Sinai
policy of hostility to it, said Ethiopia, was also visible in its attempt
to convert the Red Sea into an Arab Lake, 64 with the intent to make it
land locked. Egypt's unfriendly acts, it says, are also manifested in
other areas as well. According to the constitution of the Arab League:
"The League of Arab States is a voluntary association of sovereign
Arab States designed to strengthen the close ties linking them and to
coordinate their policies and activities and direct them towards the
common good of all the Arab countries."65 The people of Somalia and
Djibouti do not consider themselves to be Arabs, and no anthropologist has
argued otherwise. Given this fact, it would be reasonable to ask: Why did
Egypt sponsor their membership in the Arab League? Could it be religious
solidarity? Granted that the majority of the people in the two countries
are Muslims, religious solidarity alone would not appear to be a
sufficient justification for membership. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran,
Pakistan, and Turkey, for example, are all Muslim states, but none of them
are members of the Arab League.
truth is that Egypt has a long established involvement in the affairs of
Somalia. The official Egyptian line is that its role has been solely to
promote cultural and educational exchanges and to work for peace. But a
closer analysis suggests a very different motivation. If as advanced
previously, Egypt's policy was designed to prevent the use of the waters
of the Blue Nile, Cairo's intervention on the side of Somalia and to
subsidize Somalia's attempts to annex a good portion of eastern Ethiopia,
which Somalia claims, was certainly not inconsistent with such a policy
objective. Thus, in the series of armed conflicts, which raged between
Ethiopia and Somalia in 1960, 1964, and 1977-1979, Egypt was involved in
support of Somalia. Since Somalia also laid claim to Kenya's territory as
part of what it calls "Greater Somalia", Kenya announced that it
would fight side by side with the Ethiopians to beat back what it called
Somali "aggression".66 In May 1978, Egyptian planes, which were
carrying weapons for the Somali army to continue the war effort against
Ethiopia, were forcefully landed at Nairobi international airport by the
Kenyan Air Force.
doubt, from 1964-1978, Somalia received extensive military aid from the
Soviet Union. But Egypt also provided military training and weapons in
order to help Cairo maintain leverage on Ethiopia, and to prevent Ethiopia
from achieving stability. For example, in 1978 Egypt gave Somalia millions
of dollars worth of Russian equipment. Sadat is also quoted to have said
that in addition to sending arms, Egypt might send troops to help
Somalia.67 According to Ethiopian Government sources, 100,000 fully
equipped Somali soldiers armed with very sophisticated modern weapons
attacked Ethiopia from 1977 to1979. As a result, Ethiopia argues that
thousands of defenseless people were killed, and thousands were uprooted
and made destitute. It observed that development projects worth millions
of dollars in eastern and in the southern parts of the country were
destroyed. Schools, hospitals, bridges, farms, power plants, water supply
systems, industrial plants, and even UN financed settlement projects for
nomads were not spared. Whole villages and towns were razed to the
the Siad Barre regime of Somalia has fallen, plunging that country into a
tragic civil war, where anarchy and the establishment of clan fiefdoms
have become the order of the day. The northern part of Somalia has
declared itself the independent state of Somaliland. Presently, Cairo is
investing a lot alongside Libya in setting up a new administration in the
province of Mogadishu in Somalia.69 To that end, the Egyptian press
published an official statement by the Egyptian Foreign Office, contending
that Cairo would be willing to organize, arm, and actively assist military
action against Somaliland, if the objective of reconciliation and unity
between the factions becomes successful.70 In response, the President of
Somaliland, Mohammed Ibrahim Egal, said: "We must react to the
statement of the Egyptian foreign office for the sake of the safety and
security of the Republic of Somaliland. We see the Egyptian statements as
a declaration of war against Somaliland, and we resolve to defend
ourselves in every way and by all means."71 The Ethiopians claim that
apart from presenting itself as a leader of the Arab/Muslim world, Egypt's
objective is to arm a united Somalia state to wage war against Ethiopia.
regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam of Ethiopia, too, has fallen, leading to
the independence of Eritrea-a small state that is attempting to shoulder
tasks which are clearly beyond its capabilities.72 It is at loggerheads
with Yemen, Djibouti, Sudan, and now, Ethiopia. There is presently, a
border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea. In this recent dispute too,
there is evidence that Egypt is involved. For example, according to recent
global intelligence sources, it is alleged that Egypt is already
supporting Eritrea with arms and expertise. Ethiopian newspapers have also
reported that light and medium arms and explosives captured from Eritrean
forces were manufactured in Egypt and were paid for with Egyptian, Libyan
or U.S. money. Egypt claims that it has not armed Eritrea, and that the
military equipment made its way to Eritrea through third parties. However,
sources close to the opposition in Eritrea claim that Egypt is providing
the Eritrean regime with military advice and intelligence through military
experts masquerading as diplomats at Egypt's embassy in Asmara and
Egyptian spies in Addis Ababa.73
Ethiopian newspapers, no doubt, reflecting public opinion, contend that
Egypt needs and loves the Nile so much that it has a predisposition for
hating the people inhabiting the land from which this great river
originates. Since geography prevents Cairo from expressing directly this
hatred in practical terms, it has to resort to assisting all forces bent
on undermining Ethiopia.74
was also reported recently that two Somali factions accused the government
of Eritrea of sending five planeloads of weapons to warlord Hussein
Mohammed Aided to arm Ethiopian dissidents. The sources describe Egypt as
the architect, Libya as the financier, and Eritrea as the executor, and
the Somali factions as instruments in a design targeting Ethiopia.75
the Ethiopians, these seemingly unrelated acts reinforce the wider
objective of securing Egyptian hegemony in the Red Sea and the Horn of
Africa region. They say that Ethiopia is indeed the main target within
this larger regional strategic scheme, and that in the eyes of the
Egyptians, Ethiopia was to have been encircled and destroyed by the Sudan,
Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti.
Step in the Right Direction
to Marawan Badr, the Ambassador of Egypt to Ethiopia, "Egypt
recognizes that each state has the right to equitable utilization of its
waters in accordance with international law. Egypt further recognizes that
existing water agreements do not hinder the utilization of the Nile waters
by any of the riparian states. Egypt is ready to cooperate with Ethiopia
in exploiting its huge hydro-electric power potentials, and did not object
to the construction of small scale water dams."76
that is so, the qualification of "constructing small dams"
notwithstanding, there seems to be a change of policy. But has Ethiopia's
attitude also changed? Ethiopia repeatedly declared that it did not regard
itself bound by treaty obligations with regard to the Nile waters, arguing
their inadequacy and irrelevance since they go contrary to the present
exigencies of development. It has argued that its territory is the source
of some six-sevenths of the waters of the Nile, and that its waters have
nourished Egypt for centuries without it getting any compensation, and
that billions of tons of top soil are being eroded each year which
sustains Egyptian livelihood, and that Ethiopia will need a lot of
investment to rehabilitate the ecology of the land through reforestation
and soil preservation schemes.
if Ethiopia is to exploit its river resources, it will have to develop the
necessary civil and irrigation works, which will require a decade or more
of effort and investment. In order to bring this about, Ethiopia's
economic situation and its economic and political relations externally,
especially with Egypt-a neighboring country with which it shares strong
historical ties, cultural affinity, and economic, political and strategic
relations - will have to be transformed. The two countries should not
continue to look at each other through the prism of distorted lenses.
Egypt and the Sudan in turn would have to be convinced that by cooperating
with Ethiopia, they could achieve reciprocal benefits. After that, it will
be necessary for the states involved to devise a framework for evaluating
regional water budgets and the benefits and costs of upstream development
in both economic and resource security terms.
has been living beyond its water means. So far, it has attempted to solve
its economic problems by playing the game of hydro-politics, and by the
political device of subordinating its regional position to the United
States, in return for the provision of the means to obtain commodities to
fill its food gap. But Washington may not have the economic strength, or
will, to take on additional burdens on the scale of Egypt. Egypt could
also be outliving its usefulness to Washington in both political and
strategic terms. The Sudan will certainly run out of Nile water in ten or
twenty years. In such a situation, Ethiopia could very quickly fully
develop an internationally acceptable volume of Nile water.77 So what is
the way out?
waters appear to have a convenient unity. If Egypt's diversion attempts
were to be brought to a halt, and if politics would allow the overall
resource to be considered as a whole, then a number of economically
rational and environmentally sensible decisions could be made, which would
maximize the returns to the limited water resource of this international
river.78 Exploiting the resources of the river require a new and
imaginative approach by all states concerned. An integrated approach is
required that will bring about studies of the environment as well as of
appropriate institutional, political and legislative arrangements, which
will enable mutually agreed upon water management policies.
agreements were to be reached on the regulation of water and power
generation, Ethiopia is the natural place to regulate the Blue Nile flow.
The construction of dams and barrages in the Ethiopian highlands would
increase the total amount of water deposited on the door of Egypt.79
properly managed, water stored in the four Blue Nile reservoirs could be
released in May to Egypt when its water requirement is the highest without
sustaining the great loss by evaporation now experienced at Aswan. Egypt,
however, would no longer be beneficiary of additional water in years of
high flood, which would be stored and regulated in the Blue Nile
reservoirs. Moreover, lowering the level of Lake Nasser in order to limit
the evaporable loss would concomitantly reduce the hydroelectric power,
but in return Egypt would receive additional water for irrigation.80 But
by then, Egypt would be receiving electricity from Ethiopia.
Ministers from the Nile Basin countries met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in
May 1999 for talks focusing on shares of Nile water, and on ways to
exploit the underutilized Nile tributaries, and the estimated 40% rainfall
in the region that is currently not exploited, and on more cooperation in
joint water projects.
a result, the Nile basin countries-Burundi, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya,
Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda have agreed to unite in common pursuit
of sustainable development and management of the Nile. To that end, they
have established a Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat at Entebbe, Uganda.
The secretariat will be the nucleus for planning and coordination of
activities. It serves both the Technical Advisory Committee and the Nile
Council of Ministers. The chairmanship of the council is rotated annually.
Since the development of the Nile waters will require substantial external
funding, member states have called upon the international community to
provide support. As a result, donors include the World Bank, UNDP, CIDA,
FOA, Italy, Netherlands, Britain, Germany, Norway, and Sweden.81
Ethiopia and the Sudan have also agreed to design a project that will
enable them to jointly utilize the Tekeze, Baro, Akobo and Nile rivers to
effectively and equitably use the rivers. They have established a
committee charged with the task of formulating the project.
the power sector the interests of Egypt, Ethiopia and the Sudan are
compatible. The energy that is available would be so huge that Ethiopia
alone does not have the absorptive capacity. With regard to water, there
is the problem of evaporation loss, which is 3% in Ethiopia, and 12% in
Egypt.82 If present trends continue, Egypt will have to seriously look at
the problem of increased evaporation and seepage losses of 10 billion cm3,
and silt loss and associated channel erosion problems. The building of the
dams in Ethiopia can mitigate the problem.
reduction of evaporation and transmission losses, availability of
regulated flow, control of flood hazards, possible development of river
transport, increased water storage facilities, and generation of surplus
energy for the benefit of the three countries are some of the advantages
of cooperation.
References and Endnotes
1 Wright, Patricia. Conflict on the Nile, The Fashoda
Incident of 1898. Heinemann, London, 1972, 44. See also Waterbury,
John. Hydro-Politics of the Nile Valley. Syracuse University Press: New
York, 1929, 79. See also The Ethiopian Herald (Addis Ababa), May 21, 1978.
2 "Egypt and the Horn of Africa," Addis
Tribune, June 26, 1998.
3 Marawan Badr, Ambassador of Egypt to Ethiopia. See
"Egypt and the Horn Africa the True Perspective," Addis
Tribune, August 14, 1998.
4 Garretson, Albert. "The Nile Basin," in
Albert H. Garretson, R.D. Hayton and C.J. Olmstead (eds.), The Law of
International Drainage Basins. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana, 1967,
5 Langer, William. "The Struggle for the
Nile," Foreign Affairs, 14, no.2, 14 Oct. 1935-July 1936, 267.
6 Waterbury, 23.
7 Halford, L. Hoskins, " The Suez Canal in Time of
War," Foreign Affairs, 14, Oct. 1935-July 1936, 101.
8 See for example, Garretson, A.H., et al. (ed.) (1964),
The Law of International Drainage Basins. Dobbs Ferry, New York,
9 Gladden, Aaron, "Massive Nile Diversion
Planned," World Rivers Review, vol. 12, No.3/June 1997.
10 Gauch, Sarah "Nile Nations Move a Step Nearer
Water use Solutions," The Christian Science Monitor, July.
11 Langer, 261.
12 Trimingham, Spencer. Islam in Ethiopia.
London: Oxford University Press, 1952, 70-71.
13 As quoted by Trimingham, 71.
14 Trimingham, 115.
15 White, A.S. The Expansion of Egypt, London, 1899.
16 Rubenson, Sven, The Survival of Ethiopian
Independence, Heinemann, London, 1976, 200.
17 Zewde Gabre-Selassie. Yohannes IV of Ethiopia: A
Political Biography. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975, 54-83.
18 William M. Dye fought on the Federalist side during
the American Civil War, rising to the rank of colonel. In 1873 he joined
the Egyptian army. He was wounded at the Battle of Gura in the
Ethio-Egyptian war of 1876. After his retirement from the Egyptian army,
he wrote an account of the war in a book entitled: Moslem Egypt and
Christian Abyssinia (New York, 1880).
19 Op. cit., Zewde G.S., 62-63.
20 United Nations Legislative Series, Legislative Texts
and Treaty Provisions Concerning the Utilization of International Rivers
for Purposes other than Navigation (New York: 1963), 112; See also
Hertslet, E.: Map of Africa by Treaty, II, 585.
21 Howell , P.P and Allan, J.A. (eds). The Nile Sharing
a Scarce Resource, 347. Cambridge University Press 1996.
22 IBID, United Nations Legislative Series, 102-106. See
also Godana, Bonaya Adhi,), Africa's Shared Water Resources Legal and
Institutional Aspects of the Nile, Niger and Senegal River Systems.
Boulder, Co., Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1985, 106-117.
23 IBID, Godana, 156.
24 Whiteman, Majorie D. (1964). Digest of
International Law. Vol.3, 1011-12.
25 See the text in Revere Egyptien de droit
international, 15, and 1959.
26 See the full text of the Aide-Memoire in M. Whitman, Digest
of International Law, vol. 3, Washington D.C., Department of State,
1964, 1011-1012. 1 feddan = 1.04 acres. With regard to the accomplishments
as well as the problems, see Fahim Hussien. Dams, People and Development:
the Aswan High Dam Case Pergammon Press, New York, 1981.
27 IBID, Waterbury, 123-124.
28 See James Mc Cann, "Ethiopia, Britain and
Negotiations for the Lake Tana Dam 1922-1935," The International
Journal of African Historical Studies, 14, no. 3 (1981), 667-96.
29 U.S Department of the Interior (1964). Land and Water
Resources of the Blue Nile Basin: Ethiopia. 17 vols. Washington D.C.
30 Ministry of Information, Silver Jubilee: 25th
Anniversary of the Liberation of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, 1966.
31 Guariso, Giogio, et al ( 1987). "Implications of
Ethiopian Water Development for Egypt and Sudan," Water Resources
Development 3.
32 Allan, J.A. " The Nile Basin: Water Management
Strategies", see also " Development Policies for Harmonized Nile
Waters Development and Management", in The Nile: Sharing A Scarce
Resource. Cambridge University Press: 1996, 299-301; 385-393.
33 Observations made at Addis Ababa University in 1983
34 OP.CIT, The Nile, 229.
35 Talhami,Ghada H. University Press of America, 1975.
Swakin and Massawa Under Egyptian Rule, 1865-1885.
36 For the Ethio-Egyptian struggle of the time, see Sven
Rubenson, The Survival of Ethiopian. Independence, London, 1976.
37 Report of the United Nations Commission for Eritrea,
General Assembly Official Records: 5th Session, Supplement No. 8 (A/1285),
Annex 9, Consultation with the Government of Egypt, 64-65.
38 Wylde, Augustus. Modern Abyssinia. Methuen, London,
1901, 472-473.
39 Gengeis Orhonlu: " Turkish Archival Sources on
Ethiopia," International Congress of Ethiopian Studies, 10 April -
May 10, 1972, Roma, Anno ACCCLXI.
40 Talhami , Ghada H. Swakin and Massawa Under Egyptian
Rule, 1865-1885. University Press of America, 1975 ; See also Toledano,
Ehud, The Ottoman Slave Trade and its Suppression, 1840 -1890.
Princeton University Press, 1982.
41 E. Hertslet, The Map of Africa by Treaty,
(Frank Cross: London, 1967), 422-23
42 Berkley, G.H. The Campaign of Adowa and the Rise
of Menelik. Constable and Co.: London, 1902
43 For Menelik's acquiescence, see Treaty between
Ethiopia and Italy, signed in Addis Ababa on 10th July, 1900 [in] Hertslet,
460. For the Italian and for British period see Trevaskis, G.N.K, (London:
Oxford University Press: 1960), Eritrea a Colony in Transition.
44 Four Power Commission of Investigation for the Former
Italian Colonies, "Report On Eritrea"22 Je48.
45 Final Report of the United Nations Commissioner in
Eritrea, 7th Session, Supplement 15, 1952 (A/2188).
46 Spencer, John. Ethiopia at Bay: A Personal Account of
the Haile Selassie Years. Reference Publications, Michigan: 1984, 205.
47 Erlich, Haggai, Ethiopia and the Middle East. Lynne
Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Co., 1955,133.
49 Daniel Kendie, " The Internal and External
Dimensions of the Eritrean Conflict," Michigan State University,
1994, an unpublished Ph. D. dissertation.
50 IBID, Kendie, 320-336.
51 For a study which considers the Eritrean conflict as
an extension of the conflicts in the Middle East, see Kendie, 253-336.
52 IBID, Kendie.
53 New York Times, December 14th ,1975.
54 To The Point, May 11, 1992.
55 See Akhbar El Yom (Cairo) May 13th , 1978.
56 Washington Post, 7 Sept. 1979.
57 The Ethiopian Herald, (Addis Ababa) 10
December 1978.
58 The Ethiopian Herald, May 14th, 21st, and June
2nd, 1978.
59 New York Times, 48, 139, 7 February 1990.
60 Arab News, 8 March 1994.
61 Murphy, Kim. "Making Another Desert Bloom,"
World Report: Analysis Forecast, The Los Angeles Times, Tuesday, 1
February 1994.
62 World Press Review, April 1997.
63 Op .cit, The Nile, 123.
64 See the editorial on Al-Ahram (Cairo, October 27,
1973) by Mohammed Hassanien Haikal in which he claims that the Red Sea
should be considered an Arab Lake.
65 See the preamble of the Arab League Constitution.
66 The Washington Post, Saturday, September 10,
67 The Washington Star, Feb. 7, 1978.
68 Ministry of Information (Addis Ababa: 1978), The
Consequences of Somalia's Aggression. For a succinct study which discusses
the causes of the conflict, see Daniel Kendie, " Towards Resolving
the Ethio-Somalia Dispute," Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on the Horn of Africa, New School for Social Research New
York, 1988.
69 The Indian Ocean Newsletter, October 1998.
70 Addis Tribune (Addis Ababa), October 19, 1998.
71 IBID.
72 Sudan Democratic Gazzette, ( London ) February
73 Stratfor's Global Intelligence Update,
April 21, 1999.
74 The Reporter (Addis Ababa), April 5, 1999.
75 IBID, Addis Tribune. See also Africa
Confidential, vol. 40, no. 4, February 19, 1999.
76 See " Egypt and the Horn of Africa : The True
Perspective" part I and II by Marawan Badr, Addis Tribune,
August 7, 1998 and August 14, 1998.
77 Op.cit, The Nile, 386.
78 IBID, 310.
79 IBID, 124.
80 IBID, 313-319.
81 Africa News Online,9/18/99
82 Op.cit. The Nile,368
Biographical Sketch
Daniel Kendie graduated (M.SC. honors, Economics), from
the University of Prague, and then from the International Institute of
Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands, (M.A. Sociology & Political
Science). Subsequently, he was awarded a three-year Fellowship by the
United Nations Institute for Training and Research, New York, where he
completed a major study on the problems of peace and development in
Africa. Having been granted a scholarship and a fellowship by Michigan
State University, he completed his Ph.D. there, specializing on the modern
history of the Middle East, Africa and Russia/the Soviet U