The western
disposition to promote small scale project driven alternatives such as
rain water harnessing, earthen dams, diesel generators, geothermal energy,
solar energy, wind energy, potable water projects, drilling of small
wells, promoting traditional agriculture, harnessing small streams,
resettling populations, digging ponds, and reliance on food aid will not
bring about the progress deserved by the Ethiopian people.
At best, these efforts not only reflect a low regard
for Ethiopia�s needs and potential but further reflect a calculated
delaying strategy designed by Ethiopia�s western �friends� to keep
Ethiopia in a weakened state and to empower the lower riparians to
continue to appropriate every drop of the shared resource for their own
use while preempting Ethiopia�s future prospects. The status quo will
condemn Ethiopia to perpetual underdevelopment and poverty and the
possible demise of the nation itself.
The western pre-disposition to meddle in developing
country affairs, to bully, to threaten and to impose western values,
principles, form of democracy, standards, and models in developing
countries must come to an end. The predisposition to favor one people over
another based upon relative resemblance and thus the western hierarchy of
equality which allows the west to expect, accept, and permit a level of
misery, death, abject poverty, underdevelopment, famine, dependency, lack
of electric power, and basic human needs in Ethiopia, while not allowing
the same level to exist in Egypt is glaring.
What are the assumptions that allow the west to accept
failed States and human misery in Sub-Saharan African countries such as
Somalia, Congo, Sierra Leone, Burundi among others while committing
enormous financial, diplomatic, and human resources to maintain human
security and national dignity in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia
and Kosovo?
While a certain level of poverty in Egypt might be
acceptable to the west, it is doubtful for example, that the west would
tolerate recurring famine in Egypt and seeing the picture of an emaciated
Egyptian child plastered in western media. Egypt we are told receives in
excess of US $ 2 billion each year to allow the Egyptian government to
fill its �food gap� with its dignity intact by purchasing commodities,
albeit from the west, while Ethiopia on the other hand is expected to
appeal and beg to feed its people and indeed is fed by the ever burgeoning
international NGOs, international institutions, and every international
charity known to man. What is it for example that motivates Ethiopia�s
western friends to promote integrated basin management in the Nile basin,
a western notion and experiment, which has heretofore not even been
successfully achieved in any international river basin in Africa or Asia.
As a logical consequence of the socio-political
awakening, Ethiopia has become development-conscious. The scientific and
technological developments have rendered it possible to use water on a
large scale for different purposes, more particularly for agriculture,
production of energy or power and construction of dams not only for
irrigation but also to serve as flood control measures. Under the
circumstances, I do not believe that neglecting to fully engage the
endemic famine, poverty, and lack of sufficient electric power in
Ethiopia, the �water tower of Africa� by exploiting its water
resources is a sustainable policy.
The historical effectiveness and legitimacy of Egypt�s
legal (prior appropriation) arguments, military hegemony and threats and
the promises of international financial incentives as means of restraining
and influencing Ethiopia�s behavior in the sub-basin, as strategies to
enforce or maintain the status quo are no longer determinant. Although it
may be possible for Egypt to gain short-term advantages by prevarication,
threats of military intervention, abridging perceived rights by
obstructing international financing of co-riparians' development efforts,
and remaining indifferent to the legitimate needs of co-riparians, Egypt
will pay a heavy price. These strategies may forestall development but
they cannot restrain unilateral development by Ethiopia nor able to impose
needed voluntary cooperation to achieve the optimal and sustainable use of
the shared resource and will only exact revenge and resentment towards
Egypt from sub-basin riparians and invite unilateralism.
There is also a risk that constantly pushing to find
additional value through linkages such as basin wide agreements, further
feasibility studies, scientific uncertainty and joint projects will create
a climate that Fisher calls �stingy bargaining environment� in which
one side holds out for more, even after satisfying fundamental interests.
This stance can become weary and self-defeating if Egypt turns down
cooperation and compromise in favor of theoretically superior outcomes and
unilateral control.
Therefore, the increasing population, the demand for
improved living standards by its people, the endemic poverty, the
decreasing reliance on international institutions as the major source for
financing major hydro-electric development schemes, the drought, the
famine and the absence of a binding accord among the sub-basin riparians
should embolden any responsible government to pursue development
activities in its sovereign sub-basin unilaterally
In the long-term, independent development of the
sub-basin by Ethiopia would be to Egypt�s great detriment. Unilateralism
will produce Pareto-inferior outcomes for the riparians, subordinate
opportunities for joint multipurpose development, conservation, protection
and preservation, projects, reduce communication, cooperation and
interaction between the sub-basin riparians, and neglect the principle of
equitable and sustainable use of the shared resources to benefit all of
the citizens of the sub-basin
In the final analysis, unilateral action by upper
riparians may eventually draw Egypt�s attention and produce the impetus
for negotiations. However, the increasing viability of unilateralism as an
effective strategy and the freedom of action offered by unilateralism may
also emerge as Ethiopia�s best alternative to a negotiated agreement.
Hence Ethiopia�s strategy in this context should not be a declaration to
�abide� by non-existent international rules or a commitment not to
infringe on Egypt�s ever increasing �prior appropriation� and hence
�security� as recently stated by the Ethiopian Government. Rather
Ethiopian strategy should be informed by the relative circumstances of its
people and Ethiopia�s ability to engage in unilateral development.
Appeasement of Egypt and Egyptocentric western donor governments and
institutions should not be the controlling principle for any basin state
that is unable to fulfill the basic unmet needs of its own population and
therefore Ethiopia�s policy on the utilization of the Blue Nile
The inauguration of the Gilgel
Gibe Dam is a clear admonition to the wise and indeed forewarning
to Egypt. The strategy of avoidance, delay, prevarication, and playing
political contests will unleash misadventure in the Nile Basin. Equitable
utilization of the Nile River through indigenous consensus building by the
citizens and stakeholders in the sub-basin, without the meddling of
western �partners�, and their intrigues, values, biases, and
self-interests is the only course left for the Nile Basin riparians to
avoid foretold calamity. Egypt�s best alternative and strategy is
genuine engagement and negotiation with the upper riparians.