By Tecola Hagos
April 16, 2002
The Decision of the Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary
Commission at The Hague, 13 April 2002, was precisely as expected by
almost everyone who paid attention to the ongoing Ethiopian ordeal
in the hands of Ethiopia�s twin headed Medusa like task-masters,
Meles Zenawi and Issaias Afewerki. The decision is a preordained
decision the outcome of which was only a matter of reading stale
maps, stale documents, and long-dead �treaties� since the legal
dispute that should have been extensively argued in front of an
impartial court or a tribunal was already preempted by the 12
December 2000 Algiers Agreement subsequent to a premature agreement
for Cessation of Hostilities of June 2000. The Boundary
Commission�s decision is best described by the parlance of the
computer world as follows: �Garbage in Garbage Out.�
The Eritrean government is the clear winner,
almost winning all of its claims, with token left over for Meles to
save face and continue his deception on the people of Ethiopia. [All
references of rivers and areas are taken from the decision of the
Western Sector: Eritrea won all of what it
claimed, with very little serious concession to historical and
verifiable evidence of Ethiopian �effective� governance. Because
of a minor shift in the starting point of the strait line
demarcation in the Northeast direction from the confluence of Tomsa
(point 6) to the confluence of Mareb and Mai Ambassa (point 9) some
land seems to have been won. But that is deception. Here is the
major loss of Badme. Complete loss!
Central Sector: Eritrea won most of its
claim except for tortured enclaves that the Commission drew around
Zalambasa, and few minor villages. The fertile land of Irob and
large population centers with the exception of few villages and
areas where there cannot be a serious challenge were all lost to
Eastern Sector: Eritrea won all of its
claim with very minor adjustment at the Salt Lake starting point
that was slightly shifted East, and at Bure an insignificant dent in
an otherwise wholesale ceding of Ethiopian Afar coastal territory to
Eritrea. Even the terminus point on the �imaginary� border of
Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Eritrea is drawn as a meeting point on a
perpendicular line drawn from the coast rather than a slanted line
that would approximate the border with Djibouti.
In spite of the Commission�s claim that it was
not engaged in demarcation, what the Commission in fact did was
verbal and graphic demarcation and not �delimitation� for
delimitation involves weighing of all kinds of evidence
(administrative structure, tax, tribute, appointment, centralized
religious structure et cetera) and not narrow and self serving
reading of void maps and questionable journals of self serving
entries by Italians. The Commission in awarding Badme to Eritrea
made its first monumental mistake, for Italy never had any effective
control of the area and it has always been under Ethiopian control.
Another demarcation by the Commission is rendering Ethiopia, as of
13 April 2002, a landlocked Country. The Boundary Commission�s
draconian and deceitful decision is the beginning of a long and
vicious armed struggle for the people of the area.
Seyoum Mesfin, the Minster of Foreign Affairs,
the Council of Ministers, and the propaganda machine of the
Ethiopian Government have issued statements claiming victory. Such
claim is an absolute lie if looked at from the interest of Ethiopia,
but it is also absolutely right if seen as the personal mission of
Meles and associates who are engaged in the promotion of Eritrean
interest--Meles and associates have won for Eritrea. Meles and
associates are responsible for their deceitful and fraudulent
activities of setting the whole process: going to war in 1998,
entering a cessation of hostilities and the Algiers agreements in
2000, and in the establishment of the Boundary Commission there
after at the Hague in collusion with their Eritrean counterparts. In
this fraud and deceit against the people of Ethiopia, international
organizations, and key members of the Permanent Members of the
Security Council played major roles.
This is a very brief statement of concern and
condemnation of the theatrics being played out by Meles Zenawi,
Issaias Afwerki, the Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission, the
United Nations-Permanent Members of the Security Council as a group,
and the Governments of the United States and Britain at the expense
of the people of Ethiopia.
A detailed analysis of the decision will be
posted as soon as possible.
Washington DC
15 April 2002