Prof. Tecola: After reading your EDITORIAL:
encouraged to write about my momentous experience of Negede.
never saw Negede Gobeze before until he came some months ago (weeks
before the election) to Sweden where some dozens of Ethiopians were
gathered to listen to him and Aregawi Berhe. At that meeting all was
good for Negede until a question came from a person sitting at the
back. The boldness of the question was indeed beyond expectation
considering the hitherto feature of such meetings namely a banner
that says �birds of the same feather fly together.� The person
started by noting that blaming someone else is what contemporary
politicians have it as a rule while many including those who are
pointing their fingers at others are responsible for all the misery
our country has had.
person asking the question called for a culture of taking
responsibilities for ones deeds and asking for apologies where
appropriate. Then he
targeted at the role both Negede and Aregawi had during their
respective positions in the past. He asked both to show respect to
the people gathered by apologizing and by taking responsibility for
whatever they did.
the delight of the person who asked the question and to the joy of
fairness, Aregawi�s response was a satisfactory one. He asked for
apology for what TPLF might have done during his time and he even
went on to mention that once a responsible government is in office
he wouldn�t hesitate to be responsible for misdeeds that might be
associated with his time.
was a different tone with a different �lyric�. Both his tone and
�lyric� were too wild and too weird.
To start with he was so angry that his facial expression was
already telling more even before words came out of his mouth. In his
hateful reaction to the very question he dared to clearly say that
there was nothing he would apologize for. He said without hesitation
all what he did was right, no questions asked.
us from Negede and Negede-ites!
29, 2005