Ethiopian Territorial Integrity and
Sudan annexing Ethiopian Territory
Tecola W. Hagos
�One's philosophy is not best expressed in
words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape
our lives and ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And, the
choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.�
- Eleanor Roosevelt
�The greater a man is in
power above others, the more he ought to excel them in virtue. None ought
to govern who is not better than the governed.�
- Publius Syrus
I. Introduction
we are being informed by a patriotic committee of Ethiopians that Meles
Zenawi is actively engaged in the handing over of extensive Ethiopian
Territory, tens of thousands of square kilometers, to the Government of
Sudan. It seems that the Committee that brought to our attention the
recent abrogation of duty by Meles Zenawi to defend and preserve Ethiopia
has the added difficulty of penetrating the news blackout imposed by the
Meles Government. However, it is to the great credit of such courageous
and patriotic Ethiopians that we were able to follow and monitor the
activities of Meles Zenawi and the EPRDF and the Sudanese Government
Officials and military in connection with the ongoing attempt to dismantle
and destroy Ethiopia. It is no news that Sudan has ambition to extend its
control of the Tikur Abayi (Blue Nile) River basin and conquer the most
prized cistern�Lake Tana, but what is unfathomable is the possibility of
an Ethiopian leader collaborating with Ethiopia�s historic enemies
handing over Ethiopian territory.
colleagues and I have tried to find at least a draft of the alleged
agreement entered between Meles Zenawi and Sudan�s Omar
al-Bashir on ceding Ethiopian territory. We were faced with
impenetrable wall of secrecy. It has come to our attention also that no
document in connection with that agreement is to be found anywhere in the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs�not even in the private locker of the
Foreign Minister. It seems Meles Zenawi has absolute control in secrecy
and under locks all of the negotiation material and final documentation of
the treasonous ceding of Ethiopian Territory to Sudan. This form of
secrecy of matter that determines the territorial integrity of Ethiopia,
in and of itself violates EPRDF imposed Ethiopia�s Constitution of 1995.
has no superior right to the piece of land being ceded by Meles than
Ethiopia has. There was no �Sudan� prior to the British occupation of
the area. All the land that is now the source of the oil wealth of Sudan
is as much Ethiopian Territory as it is that of the Sudan. It is a matter
of forceful assertion by a patriotic government for the area is as much
under the influence of Ethiopian power as maybe claimed by Darfur or Noba
or Funji prior to the British occupation of the Sudan. It is a puzzle to
me to witness the over eagerness of Meles Zenawi to sign off Ethiopian
rights whether dealing with territories (Afar Coastal Territory and
Territorial Waters on the Red Sea) or riparian or origination state�s
non-navigational rights of international rivers (the Blue Nile) and lakes
(Lake Tana). Here is where one�s family and home influence is of
material importance. If a leader has no pride in the history of the nation
and people he or she is leading, the consequence is a disaster.
is extremely difficult for me even to imagine ceding an inch of Ethiopian
territory let alone such huge tract of land. The insidious activity of
Meles Zenawi is not limited to such treasonous crimes against the
territorial integrity of Ethiopia, but was extended to the violations of
fundamental rights against the People of Ethiopia who have lived in those
areas for generations. They were forced to defend their homes while
Meles�s security force members were standing by watching Ethiopian
citizens being driven off their homes and land. Shame on you! Shame!
political entity now referred to as the Sudan is a member of the United
Nations, the African Unity, the Arab League and such other international
organizations. Thus, is a subject of international law, norms, and
practices and not above or protected from the binding reaches of
international law, norms, custom, and practices. Sudan as a political
unitary organization and territory is a creation of the British colonial
power that curved and constituted it out from ancient independent or semi
autonomous regions including tribal homelands, which in some areas was
taken away from Ethiopia�s sphere of influence or direct control. In
fact, it is 1953 that Egypt and Britain signed an agreement providing for
a self governing Sudan. Three years later on 1 January 1956 Sudan became
an independent Country. It is dubious how any territorial claim can be
lodged against Ethiopian territory by an entity whose right at best is a
derivated one from the 1956 creation of the Sudan entity.
contrast, no foreign power defined, organized, or constituted Ethiopia.
It is a matter of historical record that Ethiopia was a far larger
empire that the Ottoman Turks from the 14th Century until their
demise in the 19th Century with their surrogate the Egyptians
bit off pieces from Ethiopian periphery. Ethiopia has a long history as an
Empire with defined territory that did persist through out the last two
thousand years. No other existing country at this time in the region has
that clear territorial claim to any piece of land within its own such
border let alone areas under the control of Ethiopia. The claim of Sudan
and all other countries in the area on any part of Ethiopia is a dubious
one. The only legitimate claim that is historically supported is that of
Ethiopia, for none of the countries that we have around us were ever in
existence as unites in their present forms before colonization. They were
all forged from tribal holdings and/or remains of ancient long defunct
political units like Nubia through the process of colonization to
political entities and finally became the current states on
has a written Constitution: The Constitution of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia of 1995. It is the primary obligation of the
Government of Ethiopia to respect and enforce the provisions of the
Constitution. But foremost, the Ethiopian Government and all of its
officials and citizens must conduct themselves in matters of public
interest and even private interests according to the rights, privileges,
and duties provided for in the Constitution. The people of Ethiopia
exercise their �sovereign� power through their direct representatives
in the House of Peoples� Representatives. The Prime Minister is not
directly elected by the People of Ethiopia, thus must be considered, in
matters of national security and vital interest of Ethiopia, as
subordinate to the House Representatives of the People of Ethiopia. The
Prime Minister or none of the Ministers has independent right or privilege
to change, compromise, or alienate the territorial integrity and/or
sovereignty of the State of Ethiopia.
II. Ethiopian Constitution and
International Treaties
first source that one must consult on questions and/or problems dealing
with boundary treaties or other international agreements, whether
bilateral or multilateral, that concern or involve Ethiopia is the
Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia of 1995
dealing with international treaties, national defense and border security.
For comparative understanding of the evolution of such Constitutional
provisions one must also consider all previous Ethiopian Constitutions.
As a general remark, it is to be recalled that I have pointed out
the serious deficiency of the Ethiopian Constitution both in substance and
drafting technique in books and several articles, in the past. In fact,
with each crises that has faced Ethiopia, technically speaking since the
coming into force of the Constitution in 1995, whether dealing with
questions of irregularities in elections (State or Federal),
jurisdictional independence of the judiciary, issues of national security
and conflicts, and/or on the power and duties of negotiation and
implementation of international treaties, it is obvious that the
Constitution was not carefully and wisely drafted. Despite the boastful
avalanche of words by its main drafter in his book Constitution for a
Nation of Nations, the Constitution remains a seriously flawed
document that cannot work.
to inform Ethiopians who may not have the time to check on the
Constitution to find the source for Executive power on the negotiation and
conclusion of international agreements, I have identified all the relevant
articles from the Constitution herein. The provisions dealing with
international treaties or agreements and national security items are to be
found in the following articles of the Constitution:
Article 2: Ethiopian Territorial
territorial jurisdiction of Ethiopia shall comprise the territory of the
members of the Federation and its boundaries shall be as determined by
international agreements.
Article 12: Conduct and Accountability of
The conduct of Affairs of Government shall be transparent.
Article 48: State Border Changes
Article 50: Structure of the Organs of State
(3) The House of Peoples�
Representatives is the highest authority of the Federal Government. The
House is responsible to the People�.
Article 51: Powers and Functions of the
Federal Government
(8) It shall formulate and
implement foreign policy; it shall negotiate and ratify
international agreements.
Article 55: Powers and Functions of the
House of Peoples� Representatives
(12) It shall ratify
international agreements concluded by the Executive.
Article 74: Powers and Functions of the
Prime Minister
(6) He exercises overall
supervision over the implementation of the country�s foreign policy.
(13) He shall obey and enforce
the Constitution.
Article 77: Powers and Functions of the
Council of Ministers
(8) It shall formulate the
country�s foreign policy and exercise overall supervision over its
Article 85: Objectives [general
principles of governmental responsibilities and duties]
Article 86: Principles for External
Relations [important general
principles of foreign/international relations]
Article 87: Principles of National Defense
language problem is clear in the above provisions. All of the
duties/functions and/or powers of the organs of the Federal State or that
of the organs of the Federal Government are provided for in
imperative/prescriptive formats erroneously; for certain types of
functions and duties may not be attached to any one individual or group by
command or prescription but must be in an exclusive format. By making such
important distinction we avoid the possibility of multiple players under
the same Federal State function and/or duty conflicting with that of the
function and/or duties of the organs of the Executive. Being commanded to
do some function or being given such power to carry out such function will
not of itself exclude any other entity from being given or adopting
similar function and power. This is one example of very sloppy drafting of
not paying attention to the problem of conflicting scope of state
functions and powers both derivative and direct. In fact the American
Constitution of conditionality i.e., �advice and consent� phrase is
better suited in limiting executive power in constitutional provisions
than what was attempted in the Ethiopian Constitution.
Article II, Section 2, paragraph 2 of the United
States Constitution states:
�[The President] shall have Power, by and with
the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two
thirds of the Senators present concur...� [Emphasis mine]
of the most pressing problems facing Ethiopians is the conspiratorial and
secret dealings of Meles Zenawi and his Government with Ethiopia�s
historic enemies and newly minted ones on questions of the territorial
integrity and Sovereign power of Ethiopia.
Meles Zenawi has violated his own Constitution of 1995 [The
Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia of 1995] that
requires him in Article 12 (1) to conduct the �Affairs of Government�
in a manner that is visible to the Ethiopian population. To wit the
article holds, �The conduct of Affairs of Government shall be
transparent.� The negotiation and all subsequent agreements with the
Sudanese Government has been conducted by Meles Zenawi in complete secrecy
without the participation of the Council of Ministers (Article 77 (8)) or
the House of Peoples� Representatives (Article 55 (12)). And further
actions of ceding of Ethiopian
territory and delimitation of boundary with markers was also undertaken in
secrecy at times literally in the depth of the night�s darkness. Such
actions taken in secrecy are impeachable and subject to criminal charges
of treason.
Article 86 (1) the principle on the conduct of international relations on
behalf of the State of Ethiopia by the �organ of Government� is
clearly stated, which is �[t]o promote policies of foreign relations
based on the protection of national interest and respect for the
sovereignty of the country.� The rest of Article 86 subsections
elaborate on that paramount principle. Meles Zenawi and his Government,
officials at Foreign Ministry and the EPRDF and the Member Parties all
have violated this guiding principle in Article 86. They all have
committed treason in their actions or non-action dealing with the border
demarcation with Eritrea and now with annexation of Ethiopian territory by
Sudan. It is impossible to defend Ethiopia when the government itself is
the enemy of Ethiopia. Our
fate, at least for the few of us, who are �Spartans at Thermopile� is
obvious, facing the multitude army of the Arabs and the treacherous and
cowardly security forces of Meles Zenawi who have abrogated their duty to
the people of Ethiopia and are busy guarding a brutal traitor. Ethiopia
has its Ephialtēs in Meles Zenawi.
�armed forces of Ethiopia are required in Article 87 (3) �to protect
the sovereignty of the country and carry out any responsibilities as may
be assigned to them under any state of emergency��
Furthermore, the armed forces are instructed in Article 87 (5)
�to carry out their functions free of any partnership to any political
organization(s).� The �armed forces� of Ethiopia not only have
failed in their duty to defend Ethiopian territory and sovereignty, but
also have aligned themselves with one political party against all others
and the people of Ethiopia in general. They have committed atrocities
repeatedly all over Ethiopia defending the interest of the EPRDF and
Members of that Party. The commanders and field operation officers, all
have committed treasonable crimes and could be court-martialed.
maintenance of a national state is not that easy. Ethiopia is not a gift
from anyone to its people. Ethiopia is a result of great sacrifice of
heroes who shade their blood and sacrificed their lives to create and
maintain Ethiopia. And now we have a leader dismantling our nation and
giving away pieces of it in great secrecy to our historic enemies. And
this is the type of leader our learned individuals are hailing and
campaigning for another term in office after he had pissed all over our
sacred land for the last seventeen years. Shame on us all for allowing
such a person to be our leader and letting him turn the blood sacrifice of
our ancestors into water and ash.
danger of Sudan�s creeping occupation of our land must not be undermined
or overlooked. Sudan is just the spearhead for the entire Arab League
nations such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia et cetera that are the real powers
welding this particular spear aimed at our very heart, Lake Tana. The
strategy of our historic enemies is to creep along little by little toward
Lake Tana and getting ever closer, and finally to occupy the area with a
military concerted attack of Ethiopia on some excuse when the world is in
some important crises, such as a World War III and not attentive to a
crises facing a poor country like ours. We are our own worst enemy, for we
allowed this abomination on ourselves. Rather than strengthening ourselves
through unity and democratic institutions, we end up having two successive
brutal leaders and their governments that brought us to the brink of total
is tragic is that a close reading of Article 2 of the Constitution itself
seems to assert that the state of Ethiopia has no fixed boundary as yet,
and that its territorial �boundaries shall be determine by international
agreements.� It is one of the most egregious aspects of Meles�s
Constitution that relegates our ancient country to the realm of virtual
reality rather than reasserting its historic boundary lines that are well
known. If any country has any dispute about our assertion of territorial
extent, it is its own business. It is unique in the history of the world
for a leader of a country to subject the definition his country�s
boundary on negotiated settlement at some future time. The accepted
process had always been to stake your claim and negotiate later if there
is a challenge to your claim. It is criminal for any our leaders to
self-censor our national interest for fear of future controversy. Planning
to live peacefully with our neighbors is one thing, but giving up
Ethiopian territories through secretive and conspiratorial process in
order to avoid conflicts is completely different matter. And Meles or
anybody else has no business tampering with our boundary lines.
Haile Selassie did make mistakes most seriously in the last ten years of
his reign from 1965 to 1974 that gravely affected the future course of
Ethiopia. The irony of the whole debacle facing Ethiopia was the fact that
those last ten years of Haile Selassie�s reign were also the years that
the so called Ethiopian elites, mostly children of semi urbanized
peasants, had the most influence on the aging Emperor. Starting from the
short-sighted advice of the Council of Ministers, specially that of the
Foreign Minster, to cut relationship with Israel (in order to appease the
Arabs) to concessions to the destructive Student movement lead by mostly
sophomoric and narcissistic student leaders from Haile Selassie I
University, Ethiopia�s foreign policy did experience steep decline there
by opening the nation to great abuse by the Arab world.
have written repeatedly that appeasement of an enemy simply encourages
such enemy to become more demanding and more abusive than in earlier
situations. It is also a damaging sign of weakness in a national leader
and his/her government and is an open invitation to all kinds of abuse and
demands by foreign governments especially Arab governments and their
surrogates whose only aim is the destruction of Ethiopia. For example,
Ethiopia should never have discontinued its diplomatic relationship at any
time with Israel in 1967 in order to appease the demands of Arab nations.
Haile Selassie as a consequence paid a great price for his error�he lost
his crown, and Ethiopia as a state paid an even higher price since�the
slow destruction of Ethiopia for the last thirty four years first by the
brutal murderous Mengistu Hailemariam (17 years), and now by the
treasonous Meles Zenaewi (17 years). I have heard all kinds of wishy-washy
arguments rationalizing that monumental error of judgment and lack of
courage displayed by Ethiopia�s elites, arguments ranging from the
threat of the removal of the OAU (now AU) headquarters (which would have
been a blessing in my book) to isolation and hardship due to oil embargo
et cetera if Ethiopia had not at that time discontinued its relationship
with Israel. Some even have suggested that Ethiopian Moslems would have
revolted due to instigation by Arabs if Haile Selassie had not
discontinued diplomatic relationship with Israel at that time. That is
just hogwash. I find that supposition particularly insulting because such
argument seems to suggest that Ethiopian Moslems are not patriotic when it
comes to the national security of Ethiopia.
idea of doom facing Ethiopia if it stands up against the Arabs is one of
the most psychologically debilitating fiction that has no basis in
reality. Ethiopia has many friends too around the world starting with its
most dedicated defenders�the non-Arab members of the African Union. One
need only recall how the OAU members were opposed to the secession of
Eritrea from Ethiopia in 1993, which lead to an acrimonious assault by
Isaias Afeworki on the OAU. It is a matter of commitment, courage, and
creative leadership, which will ensure the survival of Ethiopia. What we
need is unity and a government fully dedicated to the interest of Ethiopia
and its people.
Meles Zenawi [2]
stated my grievances against Meles Zenawi for over a decade, I am not yet
satisfied. [See a summary attached below] I am left with a great puzzle,
especially taking into account the recent events dealing with ceding
Ethiopian Territory and abuse of Ethiopian nationals by Sudanese forces.
It has been reported by eye witnesses as posted in Websites that while
Sudanese forces were burning Ethiopian villages and attacking Ethiopian
citizens, Meles�s Security Forces were also attacking those Ethiopians
whose homes were being destroyed and their land was being taken away from
them in such diabolical and treasonous ceding of Ethiopian territory. This
handover of Ethiopian territory to Sudan is an outrageous act that I have
to look for some rational that may explain this ultimate treason. I just
simply cannot imagine any man who could hate his own �country� and
people to such an extent and would do such treasonous acts repeatedly.
Maybe there is some other rational explanation. May be it is due to lack
of knowledge of the history of Ethiopia and the Sudan or utter ignorance
of international law, custom, and norms that led Meles Zenawi to make such
monumental error. May be it is a misunderstanding of the dynamics of
international relations.
believe that the most important aspects of human life are simply part of
the continuum of life in general. In the human branch of this marvelous
narrative of life, we have had strategies that have proved to be helpful
to our survival. I am not exaggerating anything here, for the proof is all
around us�all six billion of us. One such strategy is the evolution of
leadership on one hand and the evolution of fellowship on the other. In
the case of Ethiopia, it seems we are engaged in degrading such vital
aspects of the fundamental structure of human society/community year in
year out down the centuries. Of course, the consequence of such
degradation is that we end up with very weak and extremely narcissistic
leaders and a society/community with compromised morality and very loose
networking of connections between individual members.
and illegitimate leaders have no tolerance for diversity of views. There
is no room for self-respecting public servants in a government established
by such leaders. A typical example of such insecure and illegitimate
leadership is that of Melea Zenawi, where you find that he has circled
himself with sycophants and yes-men and yes-women. He systematically and
through conspiracy drove off most of the political leaders of the TPLF,
who had lead the movement for
years with a degree of independence and challenging ideas, within his
Party. The most glaring example of his conspiratorial activities is the
expulsion of ten Central Committee members of the TPLF from the Party,
some of whom great contenders for leadership position. In such form of
leadership it is not the national interest that is in the forefront, but
the interest of the leader. It is important to have strong willed and
principled individuals in leadership positions. We have suffered for
decades now due to spineless public servants who could only advise a
leader by reading first what that particular leader wants to hear. Their
action cannot serve the interest of Ethiopia but that of Meles Zenawi�s.
Under such polarized Court, it is impossible to find remedies to the many
ills that Ethiopia is suffering.
I reflect upon the extent to which Meles Zenawi and his Government have
compromised the vital interest of Ethiopia, I sometime find myself wishing
the unthinkable that Isaias Afeworki was our leader because of his
singular zeal and dedication�zeal and dedication to a single national
interest that characterize him best to expand �Eritrea� facing up and
challenging much more entrenched neighbors (including his own mother
country of Ethiopia), the United States, and the United Nations. Mind you
that he has the gall to base his outrageous claims on colonial treaties,
evidence not much strong than a reed. I suppose Isaias Afeworki would have
been laying out claims to the oil-fields of Sudan, the ports and
territories of Djibouti, Kenya, and Somalia, on behalf of Ethiopia, if he
were our leader rather than giving away Ethiopian land to Sudan as Meles
is doing. It is no great achievement for any leader to have peace at the
cost of once own territorial decomposition. Appeasement does not work at
all, it simply encourages neighboring countries such as Djibouti, Egypt,
Kenya, Sudan, and Somalia to make more and more extensive demands for more
land as well as for more favorable terms on the use of international
non-navigational rights on rivers originating within Ethiopia and/or lakes
in Ethiopia. Look, it is Afeworki that is feared and respected by his
neighbors despite his aggressive personality rather than the street smart
Meles Zenawi who has compromised the interest of his own people, thus
is not a question of enlightened behavior that distinguished the two
leaders, for both are dictators and brutal toward their own people;
however, there is a world of difference between the two of them when it
comes to the vital interest of their respective countries. As seen from
their respective national interests, Meles Zenawi is a sell-out, while
Afeworki is a patriot. If we
follow Sudan�s logic as the basis of its claims to Ethiopian territory,
which is based on colonial defective �treaties� and unresolved
negotiations from earlier period from the time of Yohannes IV and Menilik
II, and the demography of the affected regions both in the present day
Eritrea and Ethiopia, the same type of claims would have been launched
against Eritrea. In fact, the Beja people region of the Sudan demography
stretches all the way to Keren and beyond towards the rift valley mountain
crest toward Asmara. Have you ever heard of any claim by the Government of
Sudan against such vast territory in Eritrea? None. Sudan is identifying
Meles Zenawi as the one to go after due to his history of willingness to
compromise the interest of Ethiopia the most damaging being the Algiers
Agreement of 2000. We are being humiliated because of Meles Zenawi and his
arada Government, in front of
the World.
expected far more opposition from the Ethiopian public in the Diaspora on
the ceding of vast Ethiopian territory (Western Gondar all the way to
Gojjam) to Sudan, rather than the lukewarm reaction limited to a couple of
activities of collecting signatures for protest carried out by one
patriotic committee led by very few Ethiopians and another committee
recently issuing statements. On May 2, 2008 the Ethiopian National
Congress has issued a strongly worded Press release which is more
comprehensive than the previous generalized statements issued by the other
committee of patriotic Ethiopians. Nevertheless, the degree of public
agitation is very limited to one Website and need be expanded.
people are exhausted due to the daily grinding of living in this demanding
society of the United States and else where in the Western World. At any
rate, the formidable well funded propaganda and war machine of Meles�s
Government is diverting the attention of Ethiopians away from such problem
of Sudan using force against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of
Ethiopia. Rather than focusing his energy on the preservation of the
territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ethiopia, Meles once again is
engaged in secrecy and conspiracy giving away Ethiopian territory to
prolong the life of his most hated dictatorial government. In the annals
of the history of leaders the world over, ceding Ethiopian territory is
going to be recorded as the most shameful act of cowardice and betrayal of
a people by its own leader. Ω
W. Hagos
4, 2008
be continued
III. International Law Principles and Norms
possidetis de jure (legal possession) and uti possidetis de
facto (effective possession)
Territorial Integrity Norm
Clausula rebus sic stantibus
Jus Cogens
The Role of International Organizations
Notice to the Governments of Sudan and Egypt
[1] �Kush, Nubia, Maqarra, Alwa formed the earliest Sudanese
kingdoms followed by the Funji, Fur and Kordofan sultanates. In 1821 the
Khedive of Egypt Mohammed Ali Pasha conquered the kingdoms and the
Sultanates of the Sudan and the name Sudan acquired a political meaning.
It became specific term to specific area conquered and shall be conquered
by the Khedive. The Mahddiya State, had used the same name. During the
condominium the country was called the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan�.During the
condominium the country was called the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. On Sunday the
first of January 1956 emerged the official name: the Republic of the
Sudan. After the coup of 1969 the name was changed to the Democratic
Republic of Sudan. Again the previous title was revived. The Arab
equivalent is Jumhuriat Al-Sudan. The word �The� is meant to
distinguish the political entity name of Sudan from the old geographical
and historical concept of word which includes the whole Sahil Region or
Africa South to the Shara. Mali which was called French Sudan - beside
Chad and Niger - changed the name Sudan officially short after its
as retrieved on Apr 16, 2008
M. HOLT, The Sudan of the Three Niles: The Funj Chronicle,
910�1288/1504�1871, Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and
Texts (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999). Pp. 228. $71.00 cloth.
Book review by Heather J. Sharkey,
P. M. Holt's The Sudan of the Three Niles is an
annotated translation of the Funj Chronicle, a history of the
Funj sultanate (1504�1821) based at Sennar, along the Blue Nile, and of
the Turco-Egyptian regime that succeeded it at Khartoum. Along with the Tabaqat
of Wad Dayf Allah (a biographical dictionary of Sudanese Muslim holy men
compiled in the late 18th century), the Funj Chronicle is the most
important Arabic source on the northern riverain Sudan in the Funj era, a
period in which Islam was spreading widely and the region was developing
its pronounced Arab�Islamic identity.
The most glaring examples of Meles Zenawi�s failure as a leader are the
- He
bred discontent and discord within the TPLF which finally resulted in
a �mini� coupe within the TPLF where by veteran members of the
leadership of the TPLF were summarily dismissed and thrown out of the
- He
manipulated the Central Committee and the Politburo members of the
TPLF into endorsing his anti-Ethiopian political programs and
cooperation with hostile foreign governments to the detriment of the
interest of Ethiopia.
- He
caused the fragmentation and bantustanization of Ethiopia laying the
groundwork for weakening the political, economic, and cultural close
ties among the different ethnic groups that constituted Ethiopia, the
ties that had been forged over several centuries of coexistence under
one sovereign power.
- He
had fomented disagreement and hate in between different ethnic groups
thereby dividing the nation into a boiling mass of ethnic hatred and
- He
is the supreme controlling authority of the many Syndicalists business
and non-profit organizations engaged in monopolistic businesses in
Ethiopia and elsewhere in the world. There never been any full
accounting of those organizations, and no one knows where the hundred
of millions dollars and equivalent wealth is deposited, how it is
moved, in whose names such accounts are held.
- He
had encumbered and betrayed Ethiopia with tremendous international
legal burden by signing the Algiers Agreement of 2000, an agreement
that is conspiratorial, treasonous, and criminal.
- He
had misrepresented to the Ethiopian people the state of affaires in
the border demarcation process and case that was illegal presented to
The Hague Boundary Commission. Because of incompetent representations,
and limitations set by Meles Zenawi, the Boundary Commission had
entered its illegal decision against Ethiopia.
- He
has expressed in countless monologue his own and his government�s
position that the issue of the Ethiopian Afar Coastal territorial
sovereignty as nothing more than a question of �port� access to
the Red Sea. He has undermined thereby totally the legitimate and
historic sovereignty of Ethiopia over the Afar Coastal area, the
territorial waters on the Red Sea, and the human rights of the Afar
people who are Ethiopian citizens.
- He
has no coherent foreign policy except reactive processes that is
constantly appeasing bullies and powerful governments rather than
being proactive and taking the initiative to create new allegiances
and prospects in order to make decisive stand in the interest of
- He
has allowed rich individuals and agents of hostile nations to
penetrate the political, economic, and cultural life of Ethiopia,
where by our national security and our national pride had been dealt a
sever blow.
- He
has repeatedly violated and circumvented our Constitutional procedures
meant to guarantee proper hearing and notice to the Ethiopian public
about all major international agreements or decisions affecting the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia.
- He
has corrupted and subverted the judicial system of the country through
his appointment of partisan TPLF members or supporters as judges;
moreover, he has interfered in specific cases before the highest
courts of the nation. At times he had blatantly refusing direct court
orders to free prisoners.
- He
has been repeatedly accused of the murder,
torture, or disappearances of Ethiopians who may have opposed his
political ambition, and had never fully answered to such accusations.
- He
has detained thousands of Ethiopians without court order for an
extended period under brutal living conditions thereby affecting the
health and well-being of thousands of Ethiopians. Most importantly, he
has violated the human rights of Ethiopians guaranteed by the Charter
of the United Nations and numerous Resolutions of the General
Assembly, and the Ethiopian Constitution. Furthermore, he has choked
all forms of freedoms of speech and expression by incarcerating
publishers and reporters under a draconian press law.
- He
has put in place an education program that has caused tens of
thousands of young Ethiopians without a future, without training, and
without hope.
- He
has put in place an economic program that is syndicalist,
monopolistic, and adverse to competition and hard work
- He
has put in place rural development and agriculture policy that had a
stifling effect on small farmers, who are blackmailed for political
reason at all level by the bureaucracy.
Under his administration, Ethiopia has been exposed to a series
of famines and is in a state of extreme poverty.
Et cetera
- He
had allowed the enemies of Ethiopia to infiltrate Ethiopia's military
forces thereby compromising the national security and defense strategy
and tactics by appointing high military commanders whose loyalty to
Ethiopia and the defense of Ethiopia's territorial integrity is highly
questionable and manifestly suspect.
- He
has degraded deliberately the defense capacity of the nation by
removing seasoned commanders and great veteran soldiers from the
Ethiopian defense forces. And had failed from upgrading and replacing
acutely needed military weapon systems especially Ethiopia's Air
- He
had allowed moral deterioration and massive prostitution in Ethiopia
adding to the spread of AIDS. He had failed to defend the honor and
individual human rights of Ethiopian women who are forced under
inhuman conditions to work in the Middle East. He had abandoned
Ethiopia's poor children to live in squalor and dehumanizing
conditions on the streets of Addis Ababa and other urban centers.
W. Hagos, �Election 2005, Ethiopia:
No Vote for Meles Zenawi!�,
May 11, 2005.
as retrieved on Apr 13, 2008.]