on Ethiopian Political Insanity!
Haile Desta
I am tired of hearing the
same and outdated political view, which made us before scattered like
sheep that has no shepherd and strove after wind from the so-called
political leaders. When do we open our eyes and minds to recognize what
went wrong and fix our mistakes? When do we stop the insanity (i.e. doing
the same thing repeatedly and expect different result) running in our
society and come to our sanity so as to change Ethiopia and ourselves? Are
not we ashamed of living in a mass misery in 21st century? Can�t we
listen silently to the mockeries (i.e. incapable of feeding ourselves in
21st century) of our enemies? By the way, if we cannot help
ourselves, who will help us?
do we fail repeatedly?
As an Ethiopian, I always
ask my self as to why we become a captive of backwardness, political
insanity and other social problems for many years and still bound to
suffer? What holds us from coming together and move the country to a
better destiny? Why all our
attempts succumb to failure, especially, in the past three decades? There
is no simple answer for the above-mentioned questions and persistent
social problems of the country.
However, there are some
visible reasons for the social instability and incessant sad events of the
lack of compatibility between what we like ideally and what we can really
accomplish based on the skill and knowledge we possess to make happened
the desired result. In other words, we fail to figure out how to move from
the old system to a new one while keeping the unity of the country intact.
In our past journey, our educated people failed us to come with a bold and
visionary response and slacken to look deeply for the secret what makes
Ethiopia and what holds Ethiopians together as people for centuries.
lack of profound knowledge what to do exactly in the country. That means
we could not differentiate what is truly right from what appears to be
right. We simply rushed to adopt the language and replicate the style of
movements or governments with which they really have nothing in common to
our way of life. In other words, we did not look a solution for our
problems from the sea of our traditional values and culture. That means we
ignore who we are and look an answer from alien ideology that cause us go
astray and drive wedges between us. I hope our intellectuals will raise
this issue in near future in large and throw a light about the impact of
ignoring our culture and traditional values.
last one is the personal cynical political ambition of political
leaders-they put their personal interest above the imperative needs of the
I believe from
combination of all the said reasons we can say that almost all the errors
of our political behavior have emanated. Nothing illustrates this truth
better than the unworkable political behavior we have adopted toward our
solutions problem.
the current government of Ethiopia
The current administration
policy is not agreeable to the heart of many Ethiopians because it ignores
the common experience and value of Ethiopian people and promotes rare
differences. As the result, many Ethiopians started to doubt whether this
government is standing for the unity and social progress of the country.
The implementation of ethnic federalism, article 39 of the Constitution
that allows separation, its stand on the question of access to the red sea
and lastly the way it handles the border issue between Ethiopia and
Eritrea are considered by many of us as an assault on the unity of the
country and strike at our pride. I strongly believe it is, to us, against
nature for Ethiopians to live with out access to our natural border, Red
Personally, I am always
puzzled by the dangerous course of action of the government, whether it
emanates from deliberate act or political naivet�. We know that every
policy is framed based on national interest of a country. However, in our
country the contrary is true. The policy introduced by the government
becomes a base for our disarray and division rather than being for union.
This shows the government�s lack of vision, which is the most important
trait any leadership should have possessed for the best of the country.
At this time, the
government has formulated and pursued policies
it could not implement. It has neglected to practice policies, which might
have succeeded. Thus, the government is forced to toil for vain
because of its misguided policy. As the result
our people are bounded to live in a constant misery.
My strong conviction is
that, despite what ever is done in the past, still there is a room for all
political organizations, including the government, to seat together and
look for a solution and veer the wrong direction the country is heading
now. We must leave all the past political insanity behind and follow the
course of love and harmony. The government must open its door and give a
chance to a political reconciliation. On the other hand, there must be a
good willing from the opposition group to embrace the said solution if
their love for the country is greater than their hate to the existing
government. Then, we all Ethiopians can have a better chance to bring our
country to revitalization and avert future calamities. I believe the only
solution we have in our hand is sitting together and heal the past wounds
and march on to our future dreams.
The unity of
the country is on the brink of danger because of the government erroneous
policy. It is not too late even now to reverse this dangerous policy if
there is a good willing on the part of the ruling party. Please do not
discolor the huge sacrifice that is paid by our fathers to keep the unity
and freedom of the country we are enjoying now. We judge you [the current
government] not by your ability to stay in power through convoluted means,
but by what you do genuinely for the sake of the country. Thus, may Lord
bestow you courage and good heart to abandon the lethal act you practicing
for 18 years and seek the right path for the country.
the opposition group of Ethiopia.
My critic
goes heavily to the opposition group for
not choosing their course wisely and lengthening the life of the
undemocratic practice of the existing administration. My
wish is always to see a better government in terms of guarding our unity,
protecting our national interest and changing the sad situation we are
facing now.
I would like
to enumerate the main downsides of the so-called opposition group:
truth is the harsh sentiment that is developed among different political
organizations during the last 3 decades becomes the main obstacle for the
creation of strong political organization that can handle the existing and
future problems of the country. In other words, the methods and slogans of
the opposition group have not only poisoned the relation between them but
also blinded them to see the real problems of the country. They spend
their golden time in envying and hindering each other. And yet, the dreary
thing is, there is no hope to avoid this ill will in the future with in
the coalition of the opposition group for the sake of the country.
truth is the opposition leaders are not selfless and determine to achieve
the desired result of the Ethiopian people. They simply standup when they
feel there is a suitable condition that goes with their interest, but
vanish when that event succumb to produce what is expected. If that is the
reality, I think it is our duty to tell them to desist their hands from
being the vanguard of the Ethiopian people struggle.
truth is the habit we are witnessing in the opposition camp is to paint
Weyane as the source of all tribulations in the country at this time. To
me this is a coward practice. Well, Weyane has its downsides & indeed
implemented unnecessary and even dangerous policy that may dilute the
Ethiopianness sentiment of the people. But still I cannot call Weyane the
source of all turbulent we have now. I think the root cause is originated
from all of us-from the way we think and try to implement. Why do not we
pay an attention to the bitter divisions and mutual suspicions, which
dominate our political and intellectual life? Why we pretend as if our
problem is originated from somewhere, while we, ourselves is the real
problem? To me this is really an attempt to prove that black is white and
an excuse to escape from the existing reality. Personally, I want to hear
how the opposition leaders intend to solve our problems in the country
than cursing Weyane at this moment.
truth is that in practice the opposition is working for the government by
spewing full of venom-hate politics. Besides, the government deliberately
engages them in wasteful and irrelevant issues so as to divert their
attention from the main agenda of the people.
And still there is no any sign that opposition camp will come out
from this unfortunate and unnecessary passage.
truth is the intent of opposition group to remove the current
administration by force and replace by unknown one creates a negative
impact on the people�s struggle for peaceful transformation. I think
that kind of act is a path to destruction and we have a good lesson from
the past. The military government replaced the emperor and then EPRDF
replaced the Dergue government, but our social problem remains on the same
scale, even deteriorated from time to time. WHY??? I think the solution we
are looking is not in the field of replacing the current administration by
any means. Our focus and effort must be diverted to another untried
direction-political reconciliation.
past experience has shown us that the old political organizations cannot
deliver what the country and Ethiopian people are looking for. We are
watching these political organizations for many years only to blossom, not
to bear fruit. So we like seeing them to relinquish the leadership role
they have in their hands to the new generation and the young ones can do
it in a better and civilized way. They should stop the rubbish mentality
"if we did not do it, things must go astray". If you cannot
deliver what is expected, do not be a standing wall to those who march to
do it with determination and good sprit. The best thing you can do is to
stand behind the young ones to fill the gap in terms of feeding what you
know and sharing your experience at a time you are needed to fulfill the
mission you have started already. Truly I say to you if you do what I said
earlier, your legacy will be great in history and your act will be praised
My message to the
opposition group is that our people judge you not by your selfish ambition
to come to power, but by the noble thing you do for your country and your
people. So come to your sense and examine how much you have traveled and
toiled for nothing so far and change the course of the struggle so as to
produce the right result.
Lastly, I heard repeatedly from many members of opposition group
saying the new American administration will have a substantial impact on
the policy of the Ethiopian government. This assumption is tantamount to
ignoring the fact to see what American policy means. We know that the US
policy is founded based on the national interest of the country. So having
a faith on a foreign power to deliver us what we need is regrettable and
untenable. Our history does not teach us the way we are trying to do. We
are independent and we know the taste of freedom and our history
demonstrates that we are the only people who remained the masters of our
affairs in our beloved homeland while others were living under the yoke of
is to be done?
Change is required. Our
social problems are complex and shot through many contending tendencies
and contradictions. Therefore, to mend the sad political tradition of the
country, first we need a real change upon ourselves, and then that change
can be a medicine to cure the chronic disease that is afflicting us for
many decades. In other words, before we try departing the burden from the
shoulder of the people, we have to mold first ourselves so as to fit to
what it takes to make happened the change we are yearning for many years.
Then many hands and brains can work together for one goal-to save
Real change can be
achieved only if we ignore the trivial and march on toward human noble
ideals. The change we are looking for should bring a fresh thinking and
collective spirit among Ethiopians and should provide a base for hope:
change we are seeking should bring unity and harmony in the country, not
havoc and division among us, which is a road to Samson destruction-mutual
change we are looking should bring a political reconciliation among
different political groups, not more feud and rivalry, which is altogether
change we are looking should usher a new era, not more gloomy prospects,
which is the enemy of our future and the very existence of the country.
Who does not yearn for the
day when our problems will be a thing of past? How ever, the problem is
the hate politics bug infects us and inflicted us to go off track. So we
need to alter the course of this event and move to a happy beginning for
our people who desire to live and thrive in a better Ethiopia.
The reason we are
suffering is not because we have no medicine in our hands, but because we
choose not to swallow it. If we have the willing and the courage, the
first and for most we can do is emancipating ourselves from being a slave
of old tenets and develop a willing to move from the comfort zone we are
dwelling now and face the inevitable struggle for the better destiny of
the country. As I said earlier, I am always in favor of a political
reconciliation among the opposition group because that�s the only tool
we have to overcome the monumental challenges we are facing now. To
implement this, we need some one (�TILK SEW�) who can go with this
mantra selflessly to dry the wells of all political cynicism that has
surfaced within us for many years.
Before I finish, I would
emphasize Ethiopia�s present need is not havoc but restoration and allow
the opportunity not fall again from our hands.
May God bless Ethiopia!
May long live the unity of
Haile Desta
February 12,