Editor's Note:
Editor's Note: We fully support the demonstration of concerned Ethiopians of May 26, 2005 at the State Department, Washington DC. The concern we all have about the confirmed voting irregularities perpetuated by the Government of Meles Zenawi is absolutely correct. The immense fraud and violence against the Opposition and its supporters is a reality that should not be denied by anybody including the officials of the Government of the United States. The delaying of ballot counting activities of the Government of Meles Zenawi should be seen as anti-democratic and dictatorial that should be taken as very serious crime perpetuated against the peace loving people of Ethiopia. This is a crucial time for all Ethiopians to stand up against Meles Zenawi and his treasonous government. This is one single moment in history that all Ethiopians should set aside their local grievances, family feud, and political rivalry for the sake of saving Ethiopia from destruction if Meles Zenawi is allowed to form a government and further complete the destruction of our homeland for the next five years. Unity and Solidarity for all
Ethiopians. TH