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Some Doubts on the Veracity of the Torah or the Old Testament Stories

The real father of Moses is not known. And it is not only about this. Many things that is said to be written by Moses himself are not true. Please note that for me, all what is written in the Bible is not true. Let me give you some examples from the life of Moses.

Most of the stories of Moses were borrowed as was what I told you about Moses Vs Sabizeze. As a small sampling just dealing with the Ten Commandments:

* When God wrote his commandments on two tablets of stone and delivered them to Moses, he was only aping Bacchus, Zoroaster and Minos.

* Bacchus was called the 'Lawgiver', and his laws were written on two tablets of stone. This feature in the Hebrew legend was evidently copied from that related of Bacchus.

* The idea of Moses receiving the commandments from God on a mountain was taken from the Persian legend related to Zoroaster - One day, as he prayed on a high mountain, in the midst of thunders and lightning�s (�fire from heaven�), the Lord himself appeared before him, and delivered unto him the 'Book of Law'. While the King of Persia and the people were assembled together, Zoroaster came down from the mountain unharmed, bringing with him the 'Book of the Law', which had been revealed to him by Ormuzd. They call this book the Zend-Avesta, which signified the Living Word.

* According to the religion of the Cretans, Minos, their lawgiver, ascended a mountain (Mount Dicta) and there received from the Supreme Lord (Zeus) the sacred laws which he brought down with him.

* Many Egyptian sayings that closely correspond to the Ten Commandments can be found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead - �Not have I despised God � Not have I cursed God - Not have I killed - Not have I stolen - Not have I fornicated - Not have I defiled the wife of a man � Not have I committed adultery - Not have I borne false witness�.

* Almost all nations of antiquity have legends of their holy men ascending a mountain to ask counsel of the gods, such places being invested with peculiar sanctity, and deemed nearer to the deities than other portions of the earth.

One well known mythical element is clearly imported: the story about him being in a basket and put on the river Nile by his mother and saved by Pharaoh's daughter (this story is found in both the Bible and in the Koran). This myth is parallel to older myths in Mesopotamian religions. It is the same as the story of Sabizeze of Rwanda.

The real father of Moses is not known and I think that he'll never be known. It was shown that the first Moses, Wa-ibre (Hammurabi) was the son of the first Joseph, Inyotef IV. However, the Bible states that the father of Moses was not Joseph, but Amram. Ahmed Osman points out that Akhenaten also acknowledged "Imram" to be his divine father in his cartouche. Therefore, Imram/Amram was an alias that represented the deified Yuya (Joseph II).

The hands of Yuya's mummy were posed in an unusual manner, and indicate that he himself was the intended object of worship. The Bible also states that Joseph ruled Egypt as Pharaoh's "double", was subordinate to Pharaoh only in the throne, and that Egyptian subjects were commanded to "bow the knee" before him.

Imram is then a name just given to an imaginary father of Moses. I don't know why the Bible doesn't say the truth in this case.

A person of authority in the Bible has been considered as father. That is how Moses, in respect to Joseph, called his father Imram. A figurative relationship. We have other figurative relationships in the Bible:

1. Lot is called Abraham�s brother (Genesis 14:14), though he was in fact Abraham's nephew (Genesis 11:31).

2. Abraham to Lot saying: "We men are brothers" (Genesis 13:8). But Abraham was actually the uncle of Lot.

3. Likewise the Babylonian queen referred to Nebuchadnezzar as the father of Belshazzar, when Nabonidus was evidently his father and Nebuchadnezzar his grandfather (Daniel 5:11).

4. In New Testament Abraham is referred to as the father of us, when actually he was a distant forefather (Acts 7:2, Romans 4:12, James 2:21). A member of the Jewish race removed from Abraham as much by 2000 years can still refer to Abraham as his father (Luke 16:24-25, 1:67-73; 13:16).

5. In Numbers (20:14), the Israelites are referred to as the brother of the king of Edom, even though Esau and Jacob were the brothers from whom both groups descended.

6. Obed is referred to as Naomi's son in Ruth 4:17, even though he was the son of her daughter-in-law, Ruth.

7. Jesus in the synagogue on the Sabbath healed the woman who had a spirit of infirmity for 18 years. In response to criticism of the healing, Jesus referred to her as a daughter of Abraham (Luke 13:16).

8. Persons in authority are also known as Fathers in Biblical language: priestly officials (Judges 17:10), Prophets (2 Kings 2:12, 6:21), Persons holding office (Genesis 45:8, Isaiah 22:21), benefactors (Job 29:16). Sometimes, families are known after the names of their distinguished ancestors.

Amani Athar [Extract:]