Defenders of TPLF: The Mighty Opportunists
Zewge Fanta
Seattle, 2009
The original defenders and supporters of the dictators in Ethiopia have been quietly abandoning the camps of the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) and departing from the political scenes. The total control of the political and economic powers of the nation by the leaders of TPLF and deepening corruptions and abuse has disenchanted many of its members. As the old cadres are leaving, new faces filling the vacuum. A few die hard �Tagayoch� (Fighters) and the opportunists have found home in Aiga where they continue to fight against the forces of democracy and against the movement of the Ethiopian people. Here, in a camp of disillusioned, new political mavericks have risen that have become sensational political experts in the land of �Dedebit�. Mekonnen Kassa has emerged as a defender and a lone ranger in the deserted political field of TPLF. Mekonnen is not one of the �Tegadayoch� (Fighters). A few years ago, Mekonnen was one who advocated for the expulsion/separation of the northern provinces of Tigray and Eritrea from the rest of Ethiopia. It is not surprising that he found his niche and began a new political love affair with TPLF. It has been a cheap place where he easily rose to prominence. In �Dedebit Qebele�, any one who serves the political propaganda of TPLF can rise to prominence. What Mekonnen found inside TPLF, he could not with any Opposition Party where the political fields are populated with countless distinguished and well known political experts and political scientists, and highly dedicated Ethiopian nationalists. Mekonnen has gained visibility from the camps of TPLF, and TPLF has used him to serve the image of its political Affirmative Action (practice). Mekonnen has done well defending the Ethnic Federalism and its components enacted to serve its original philosophy and goal. Comparing the earlier notion of Mekonnen about the Northern provinces, there is no doubt that the new political ideas that he has pursued are healthier and more honorable. His previous idea would have become seeds of terrorism. Therefore, it is with special interest that this article is prepared in response to his distorted political views concerning the so-called anti-terrorist bill enacted by TPLF. Mekonnen has sadly likened the bill to the Patriotic Act of the United States. Mekonnen has also compared Ethiopia to the United States of America. The interview on VOA conducted by Alula Kebede has revealed that Mekonnen lacked the political sophistication and skills to engage on complex subjects such as the constitution and laws of a nation. That is the main focus of this article.
The Initial Crucial Support to TPLF
After two decades, the camps of TPLF, which were once bustling quarters of thousands of celebrating �Tagayoch� and �Bandawoch� have finally began turning into deserted barracks. The flocking army of the mindless, greedy and selfish loyalists who defended every action and policy of TPLF have become less visible in the Media and political forums that they once used to invade. The Woyane Intellectuals who gave the dictators the initial political boost have ended their political love affair with TPLF with painful disenchantment. TPLF would have not lasted two decades without the assistances of those individuals and without the day to day guidance of the modern times Protectorates. As is the case with every dictator, when the supporters vanish, the leaders follow. We see the final desperate actions of the leaders, and that is the unmistakable sign of the last hours.
The Deserted Political Camps of TPLF
Time is changing fast rightly and justly to the Ethiopian people. The political climates everywhere in the world and the mood of the Ethiopian people both inside and outside have grown intolerant to the dictators. Those who used to flock the political forums are retreating to their own small village-wise bands identified by their language and hometown characteristics. Some of the original �Tagayoch� (Fighters) who were ransacked following the internal differences and squabbles that was also started by village-wise differences of greed and power are in search of their own political niches. Incidentally, that was also the cause of the in-fight between the Northern boys (Adwa Temuagachoch) and the Southern (Mekele Balabatoch). It was based on the same regional interest that the original leaders of TPLF separated themselves from the rest of Ethiopians. The same philosophy had led them to think in terms of Ethnic Federal State that they have imposed on the Ethiopian people.
The Birth and Surge of Political Activists
Soon after TPLF took power in May of 1991, many enthusiastic political activists were emerging in the Homeland, Europe, U.S.A and other places in support of Ethiopians� democracy. By 2005, Agents of Changes had reached a new height and Ethiopia was ready for a big political change. Unfortunately, TPLF had the power to crash the great hopes of Ethiopians and derail the work of decades and sacrifices. The bitter political struggle sadly took place along ethnic lines. However, seeing the wave of movements against them, the leaders had considered measures to counter the Agents of Changes and to combat the advances of the democratic movements. The first step was to formulate mechanism to effectively sabotage and cripple the strong Ethiopian political activities abroad. They hired law firms and used other individuals to achieve this goal. The second mission was to entice the political activists with special fortunes and opportunities. They offered land, business and other benefits. They did not achieve their goals, but they have caused certain damages to the advancement of the democratic movement. Mekonnen Kassa and other small and big time names were the fruits of these missions on which millions of dollars were spent. No one was surprised that Mekonnen defected to the dictators that he once considered the worst enemies of Ethiopia. A mind boggling aspect of it was the fact that the tone of his criticisms towards the Opposition Parties had suddenly become so tense that one would think that Mekonnen was born condemning the Opposition Parties. It makes one wonder how Mekonnen vehemently supported the opposition parties for years and how soon he dropped them and immersed himself in love affairs with TPLF. It was this situation that created unusual anger in the hearts of many people around him who retaliated by writing unkind things about him and his family. It was sad that his family was subjected to barrage of curses and condemnations for actions of their son. It is in human nature to blame parents for the despicable acts of their children. Recently, PM Meles Zenawi and the tycoon first lady, Azeb were subjected to same mistreatments for the acts of their daughter in public places. Knowing the cultural phenomenon, it is necessary that every person dignify his/her self in order to maintain respect and honor to self and to family. A person has to do honorable things to protect his/her good name and to protect the name of his/her family, friends, community and more importantly the honor and dignity of his/her country and people. The good thing about Mekonnen is that he has thick skin and none of the mischaracterizations has ever destructed him or prevented him from speaking his mind. After all, supporting the Political Party that gives him lasting happiness and personal satisfactions is not a bad thing. Observers ought to accept the fact that the Ethiopian politics of the past two decades have produced a surge of political activists of all backgrounds and interests.
The Interview on VOA
The well known reporter of VOA, Alula Kebede conducted an interview with Mekonnen Kassa and Gizaw Legesse. Mekonnen appeared in support of the new anti-terrorist bill that TPLF introduced and enacted into law. Gizaw represented the views of the Opposition Parties opposing the bill and illustrating its intended purposes and negative impacts on the democratic movements.
It was commendable that Mekonnen spoke with little he knew about the bill, which had become apparent during the interview. Mekonnen can defend TPLF standing in the sea of its enemies, and that was exactly what he did when he tried to describe the bill and its essences to the millions of listeners. It takes one hell of daring passion to do so, or it should have been due to complete ignorance of the complexity of the subject matter, and misjudging the level of the sophistication of the listeners. In an attempt to describe the essence of the bill, Mekonnen spoke about terrorism in Ethiopia, and asserted that Ethiopia has been continuously and repeatedly wreaked by terrorism. He asserted the need for a new anti-terrorists bill to end terrorism in Ethiopia and to stop the future potential act of terrorism. If that is the case, the history of Ethiopians has to be re-written. However, Mekonnen has conveniently skipped the implication of the bill to the leaders of TPLF. Mekonnen was not thinking too deeply when he spoke about the terrorist actions of the Derg government. Gizaw did not seem surprised or amazed by the remarks of Mekonnen. He focused on his mission and effectively illustrated the purpose and intent of the anti-terrorism bill enacted by TPLF. It was so sound and convincing that Alula asked Mekonnen point blank why he thinks the dictators will ill use and misuse the bill against political party leaders and followers as Gizaw explained. Mekonnen admired and appreciated Alula for his good question. He went on thanking Alula and stated to the effect that he liked his question, and appreciated Alula for asking a good question and so on. The author of this article had thought that Mekonnen was going to deliver an Earth-shaking explanation and so, anxiously waited to hear it. But, Mekonnen was simply thinking what to say, and as it happened, he had no answer for it. In stead, he stated that the bill was similar to the Patriotic Act of the United States of America, giving the impression that it is as good as the laws of America. But, the question Alula asked was still in his mind, which he had no answer for. So, the best thing to do was to blame the Opposition Parties for not coming up with alternatives in stead of complaining and condemning every thing the regime does. He then asked Gizaw to point out to him a statute or a provision in the constitution which would deny the rights of the people. Both Gizaw and Alula were at that point defeated by logical or illogical reasoning of Mekonnen and Alula appropriately ended the interview.
Ethiopia cannot be compared to the United States of America in any form or shape. The fact that the regime enacted a law similar to the Patriotic Act of the United States does not mean that the dictators in Ethiopia cannot use it to oppress the people and the Opposition Political Parties. Gizaw has effectively explained the concerns of the Opposition who are the targets of Meles. In America, no person even the President can get away misusing a bill or breaking the law. In America, three independent branches of government maintain the �Check and Balance� of power. In case Mekonnen is not aware of the reality in Ethiopia, the three Independent Government Branches in Ethiopia are Meles, Azeb and Bereket.
The author of this article may be contacted at: [email protected].