Deceit to Destroy Ethiopia: The New Patriotic Ethiopians: And the
Birth of the New Ethiopia
By Tecola
delivered at the Public Meeting on the issues surrounding the
Algiers Agreement and the mandate of the Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary
Commission, at Hague, as well as historical and legal analysis
affecting the delimiting of boundary between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
The meeting was organized by concerned Ethiopians from Boston and
vicinity. 9 March, 2002.]
A. Brief
Historical Background
is a tragedy to observe the government of the United States
involved in international deceit and fraud against an ancient
country that has fallen on difficult times. It is even more tragic
to observe such a leading nation associating with brutal and
violent governments that have been singled out repeatedly by
international human rights organizations and government agencies
for violating the human rights of their citizens for the last ten
consecutive years. [See Human Rights Watch Report, 2002; United
States Department of State Country Report, 2002] At this point,
what is of great concern for Ethiopians everywhere is the
unconscionable and illegal interference of the government of the
United States and its European allies in the affairs of Ethiopia,
a sovereign and friendly nation.
United States Government is involved directly or indirectly in
creating a situation favorable to Eritrea to gain the Ethiopian
Afar coastal territory thereby making Ethiopia the largest and
most populous nation in the world to be landlocked by a six
hundred miles strip of land about forty miles wide. As I have
pointed out in my previous essays, it is not that difficult to
realize that the Sovereign State of Ethiopia, if landlocked, is
going to be dependent for its survival on the whims and caprices
of its historic enemies Egypt and the Arab nations. What advantage
the United States and its European coconspirators derive from such
unjust and illegal dismemberment and subjugation of Ethiopia is
nothing more than the action of racist bullies with no particular
economic or political gain, but for the psychological satisfaction
of destroying a proud and ancient black civilization. As I shall
show here below, this shameful scheme to dismember Ethiopia was
started sometime after the violent dictator, Mengistu Hailemariam,
who is now in Zimbabwe, established his brutal military regime in
late 1970s. [It was again the government of the United States, in
collaboration with Canada, that arranged for Mengistu to escape to
Zimbabwe and avoid prosecution for the crime of genocide he
committed during his seventeen years of violent rule.]
fact, Ethiopia�s problem with the United States government
started during the Nixon/Ford Administration in the 1970s. Henry
Kissinger, who has no respect for Third World peoples to begin
with, as Secretary of State in the Nixon/Ford Administration,
stopped all military weapon shipment that was already paid for to
the new Ethiopian military government at the first sign of
trouble. The pseudo-Marxist brutal government of Mengistu
Hailemariam further irreparably damaged Ethiopia�s relationship
with the West with his full embrace of the Soviet Union, and with
his complete change of the political and economic structure of the
country. The Carter Administration had no choice but keep what had
already been in the making during Nixon/Ford Administration after
the brutal Mengistu and his fellow military conspirators murdered
sixty former government officials of Emperor Haile Selassie I in
1975. Further, adding insult to an injury, as part of the deal
with the Soviet Union, Ethiopia closed down the United States
Kagnew Military Station in Asmara. No doubt the current pragmatic
and non-normative foreign policy of the United States owes much of
its dogma to Kissinger who changed the outlook of the government
of the United States to adopt a more aggressive and non-normative,
and often times amoral and brutal foreign policy.
the new Carter Administration (1978-1982), pulling back diplomatic
relationship with the government of Mengistu Hailemariam was the
most honorable thing to do at the time. Understandably, the United
States reoriented its presence in the Horn by becoming the new
major weapon supplier to Somalia. In brief that was the main and
only reason that soured the United States. The Carter
Administration soon after was immersed with Iran�s new Leader
Ayatollah Koumeni, and the taking of hostages of the American
diplomatic staff at the United States Embassy in Tehran by Iranian
government backed students. Because of those political setbacks,
in the 1980s the Carter Administration was replaced by a new
Reagan administration that won the election by projecting a new
anti-Soviet image of confrontation and strength.
such politically charged atmosphere, it seems that lower level
technocrats at the State Department were rewriting the foreign
policy of the United States towards Ethiopia. Senior officials
were preoccupied with far more serious problems of the Cold War to
pay much attention to the type of work being undertaken by Cohen
and company. These lower echelon bureaucratic power ladder
climbers did come up with utterly disingenuous scheme that is now
giving us great grief. It
seems what they were aiming at was to create a legal justification
for the creation of an independent coastal �State� that would
remain under the influence of the United States or its European
allies no matter what happens in the rest of the region. To
achieve such goals the dying Eritrean Liberation Front was revived
with fresh assistance from the West and the Arab nations.
Furthermore, in order to insure the independence of Eritrea the
West suddenly accepted the old Marxist idea of
�self-determination� abandoning the Wilsonian approach
embodied in the Charter of the United Nations Article I (2). A new
theory of statehood based on another Marxist concept of
�hegemony� was also introduced in order to compromise and
ultimately deny Ethiopia its legitimate claims of territories
within �Eritrea,� and Afar coastal areas if the issue of
territorial integrity or sovereignty is raised at some later
creation of �coastal states� for the purpose of promoting the
interest of powerful western nations is not something new. It has
been used by former colonial powers such as Britain that created
Kuwait out of Iraq, and is now effectively engaged in looting the
equivalent of billions of dollars as investment by Kuwait and its
Sheiks. France has also used the same scheme by creating Djibouti
out of Ethiopia more for strategic presence rather than for
looting of wealth; there is none in Djibouti. This scheme of
bottling up potentially powerful nations and rendering them
economically and militarily dependant on the West through
surrogate dummy states like Kuwait and Djibouti, has now reached
the 21st Century in the activities of the new �out of
control� power, the United States.
Security Council is charged by the Charter of the United Nations
to preserve the peace of the World. However, it has repeatedly
resorted to violence rather than negotiation and equitable
settlement of conflicts in Africa, Asia and even in Europe. In
case of Ethiopia it is to the benefit of Britain, and France that
Ethiopia remains landlocked because their satellite or
Commonwealth dependant nations will benefit from the great wealth
of Ethiopia through transit charges, port service charges, and all
kinds of exploitative schemes. The other Permanent Member of the
Security Council, will not object to the type of abuse waged
against Ethiopia because it has its own national interest to
protect such as favorable trade arrangement, less scrutiny of its
human right violations against its own citizens et cetera. Our
only hope is to bring our case to the citizens of Britain, France,
and the United States, where we will be able to relate to the
conscience of millions of citizens of those countries.
B. The
State Department and Herman Cohen
number of Ethiopians believe that one of the individuals who were
the architects of the dismemberment of Ethiopia and of our current
problem is Herman Cohen, who was a career government employee and
later an official in the State Department of the United States
Government until 1993. This is an individual who spent most of his
thirty-year government service in minor positions, and only
towards the end of his career in 1989 he came into a position of
some significance as Assistant Secretary of State for Bureau of
African Affairs, a position, in my judgment, where he made
decisions that affected the course of the history of the Ethiopian
people, and brought about one of the bloodiest wars in African
history. However, behind the scene unbeknown to us, there were far
more destructive and immoral conspirators at the State Department
who were working to remedy the loss of an important strategic
United States presence in Ethiopia during the height of the Cold
War by creating a coastal state, or helping an ineffective
liberation movement (that could not go anywhere for thirty years)
to gain independence to be used as a satellite state. Cohen wrote
a particularly revealing book of his activities and those of
others whose actions resulted in a disastrous war where upward of
a hundred thousand Eritreans and Ethiopians died. [See Cohen,
Herman, Intervening in Africa: Superpower Peacemaking in a
Troubled Continent, Studies in Diplomacy, St. Martine�s
Press, Inc. 2000]
John Byrely, an assistant legal advisor in the State Department,
wrote a truly appalling legal opinion that claimed that Ethiopia
historically never exercised �hegemony� over Eritrea.
[See Cohen, 17ff] To begin with, the problem with such type of
writing is the fact that it is an inside work that no one from the
outside can critique at the time. It is to be recalled that in
1945 the Department of State legal adviser prepared a white paper
for discussion that had questioned Ethiopia�s territorial claim
on the ex-colony of Italy, Eritrea. However, the Roosevelt
Government of the United States correctly and wisely expounded
officially the view that Ethiopia has legitimate territorial
rights over the Christian highland of Eritrea, and a right to the
Afar coastal territories as its legitimate outlet to the Red Sea.
me point out the obvious to those who are still following that
form of idiotic reasoning and advise of John Byrely and associates
at the State Department, there was no Eritrea before 1890, and
even then it was a designation by Italy of its colonial possession
ceded to it by treaties by the Ethiopian Emperor Menilik II. On
the other hand, Ethiopia was a political body even before the
people who colonized the �New World� had any state structure,
but were scattered all over Europe as primitive tribal warring
unities. The United States government that only recently came out
of a brutal political and social system of racism and slavery
could not truly be considered a friend of Ethiopians who
represented throughout history the pride and greatness of an
absolutely self-generated black civilization. It is not that hard
to realize the existence of an undertone of racist resentment
towards the only black civilization that gave Europeans a good run
for their money, working itself to the surface during the
tumultuous period of the Carter and Reagan Administrations.
as a nation comprised of the areas that is now called
�Eritrea.� If the issue is on the definition of what is meant
by �hegemony� that is used to measure the status of Ethiopia
as the parent state that incorporated the area that was later
colonized by Italy, then such stringent test would also disqualify
a number of States around the World, including the United States,
from being considered as �parent� states because they would be
lacking the type of �hegemony�
entertained by the assistant legal advisor of the State
us put certain facts on the table that clearly show prima facie
that Ethiopia had political, economic, cultural, and social
control on the colonized territories during the time Italy forced
itself on that part of Ethiopia that later become to be known as
�Eritrea.� If Ethiopia did not have a recognizable Sovereignty
and territorial right over the areas Italy was occupying by force,
why would Italy sign all those treaties dealing with boundaries
and traditionally sanctioned access of tribal movements? Consider
the following:
Article IV of the 1889 Ucchalli Treaty that states about the
Convent of Debra Bizen with all its property �restna gulet�
�shall remain in the possession of the Ethiopian
Government� with some restriction on military use. The word
�remain� is ascriptive or attributive rather than creative
because the right of ownership of the Ethiopian Emperor was a
preexisting condition.
In Article II of the 1900 Frontier Delimitation Agreement, it was
made absolutely clear that �the Italian Government binds itself
not to cede or sell to any other Power the territory
[designated areas in the present day Eritrea] ...left by
his Majesty Menilik II, King of Kings of Ethiopia, to Italy.�
Such limitation on �ownership� would render such agreement to
a much-lowered status of an agreement of �usufruct� or
�tenancy� rather than ownership under absolute sovereignty.
Consider also the now famous 1908 Convention Articles III and IV,
where Italy recognized �reciprocally the ancient rights and
prerogatives...without regard to their political dependence,� of
the people who have been subjects of the Ethiopian Empire.
Even the Turkish presence in the tiny enclave of the Port of
Massawa was always contested by successive Ethiopian Emperors.
may add to the above treaties the Agreements between Emperor
Menilik and the King of Italy or their duly appointed
representatives on a series of loans and grants given to Emperor
Menilik, which synchronizes with the signing of a series of
boundary agreements. This suggests that the money in question was
meant as payment for territory ceded by the Ethiopian Monarch to
the Italians. In other words, we have conclusive evidence that
Italy had accepted the sovereign right of Menilik to dispose of
his territory to Italy.
See Loan Agreement of 1st October 1889, done in Naples, for a loan
of four million Lire, and later another Loan Agreement for two
million Lire, 26 October 1889.
For such financial agreements, see Parry, Clive, and Ed. The
consolidated Treaty Series, London: Oceana Publications Inc,
Vol. 172, 1969.
See Additional Act to the Convention of 16th May 1908 for the
Delimitation of the Frontier between the Italian possession in
Somalia and the provinces of the Ethiopian Empire, by which
agreement the King of Italy put the sum of three million Lire
�at the disposition of His Majesty Menelek II, King of Kings of
Ethiopia.� Although
this Additional Act only mentioned the delimitation dealing with
Italy�s possession of Somalia, the real reason for receiving
such large amount of money from the Italian Government was the
signing of the Convention allowing Italy to keep Eritrea; despite
the fact Italy was defeated at the battle of Adowa. On the same
day i.e., 16th May 1908, Menilik had entered into another
agreement with Italy setting the Frontier between �the Italian
Colony of Eritrea and Ethiopia.� For the agreements, see Parry,
Clive, and Ed. The consolidated Treaty Series, London:
Oceana Publications Inc, Vol. 207, 1969.
Italian government was not in the habit of paying millions of
Lira, the equivalent of upwards of a hundred million US Dollars in
Today�s money, just out of the goodness of its heart. It was
paying hard cash because it got something of value in return. All
of what is cited above established prima fascia the fact
that the grantor of all ceded land is the Emperor of Ethiopia and
no one else. You do not find treaties signed by local Hamassen,
Serie, Kunama leaders in any of the occupied territories with the
Italians because none has the authority or the right of claim as a
sovereign of any such local territory; they were all subjects of
the Emporer or the King of Ethiopia to whom they paid taxes or
tributes just like the Amharas or the Oromos et cetera. You do not
give away something you do not own in the first place. That is why
Italy found it necessary through deceit, intimidation, or bribe to
have the Ethiopian Emperor, the rightful sovereign of all the
territories Italy occupied by force to sign formal agreements
ceding territories to the Italian government. Italy did not sign
any agreement with Egypt or the Sudan or anybody else on maters
dealing with territories it occupied, which it named Eritrea in
is mind boggling to read the account of Cohen in his book [Cohen,
38] that an individual responsible to give unbiased and well
informed advice could write a new theory of state control based on
the concept of a particularly �Marxist� concept of
�hegemony� in order to provide a distorted political history
of Ethiopia with the sole aim to reverse a forty-year old foreign
policy of the United States towards Ethiopia. The fact that a
single minor official could have such impact on the lives of over
65 million Ethiopians is mind bending on its own. Cohen as
Chairman of the Policy Coordinating Committee for Africa (PCC), an
interdepartmental task force, was given poor legal advise or had
access to a poor legal advice dealing with Ethiopia�s statehood
and role in history. When we consider the few strands from the
closely guarded file on Ethiopia, a picture of deliberate
distortion of history, and an abandonment of earlier policy of the
Government of the United States government emerges.
is what would happen when you delegate important foreign
countries� national issues to lower level bureaucrats with
limited exposure and understanding of history, of long-term
strategy, and of seasoned state-craftsmanship. People seem to
overlook the fact that such low-level bureaucrats are usually
viciously fighting their own personal fights to climb up the
bureaucratic power ladder, and as such must be taken as the least
reliable or trustworthy group to handle such profound decisions on
international relations. Of
late, Cohen had modified his hawkish views on Eritrea, and seems
to have adopted a new position vis-�-vis Ethiopia that seems to
have irked considerably both dictatorial leaders, Meles Zenawi and
Issaias Afwerki. In fact, after the ceasefire in 2000 stopped the
victorious Ethiopian Army from running over the government of
Issaias Afwerki, Cohen is one of a handful of Americans who openly
stated that Ethiopia might have some new leverage to insure that
it has retained its access to the Red Sea. Both governments or
their supporters viciously attacked Cohen for his trouble.
Although, I am still upset with the turn of history against
Ethiopia that was triggered by Cohen and associates at the State
Department, I must admit that I am not as hostile as I once was
toward Cohen now that he seems to have realized the mistake of his
past decisions. He seems genuinely concerned about the future of
C. What is
In 1990
or in early 1991 some one from the circle of close associates of
Meles Zenawi asked me a question out of the blue about my
understanding of �hegemony,� which question on reflection
might have some thing to do with the legal brief of the assistant
legal advisor�s idea that was being crafted at the State
Department to help Eritrea to her independence. At that time, it
so happened I was voraciously consuming my new found hero Gramsci,
whose work I still admire, and my innocent response was a typical
Marxist response of half history half political theory based on
the creative genius of Gramsci who gave the world the concept of
hegemony as a description of a particular type of exercise of
The State Department Legal Advisor is stretching his imagination
far beyond his professional capacity when he indulged in history
and political thought, in a preset format, in order to reach a
particular goal. Thus, to use a concept that is Marxist and not
part of the lexicon of international law or custom is absolutely
unacceptable by any standard. I challenge anyone to show me a
decision of any commission or court where standards of
�hegemony� were used to determine the sovereign capacity of a
state or of its territorial extent. It also violates the coherence
of other valuable norms dearly cherished over the century by the
American public�concepts of justice and due process.
D. Addressing the People of the United
States on the True Character of Ethiopia�s Enemies
because a handful of bureaucrats completely failed us, it does not
mean that the people of the United States have also soured on us.
In fact, I see concern and an effort to understand our side of the
story because an increasing number of Americans are now realizing
that Meles Zenawi and his government are not looking after the
interest of Ethiopia and Ethiopians.
I have always made a distinction between the government of
the United States, which I find most of the time intolerably
ignorant and insufferably arrogant, and the people of the United
States most of whom I know are honorable, willing to consider the
other side of an argument, helpful, and fair. I am taking my
chances with the people of the United States. The Eritrean lobby
had a free hand for the last twenty or more years, and has
succeeded in painting Ethiopians as warmongers, violent, and anti
social people. They have even succeeded to have their leader
become a lifetime member of the NAACP.
Eritreans, though fewer in numbers have disproportionate
influence in Congress and in the Executive branches of the United
States Government.
As I grew up, I used to hear my mother often narrate how my
Grandfather, Mela�eke Tsehai Tekleabib, was taken from his home
along with distant cousins from the vicinity of Boru to Haike by
Eritrean askaris and was executed by a firing squad made up of
mostly of Eritrean askaries.
At the time my mother was barely ten years old. As the only
daughter among seven sons, she was adored by her father. I later
learned from other family members that my mother spent
considerable time and money trying to establish the identity of
the Italian officers and their Eritrean askaries who murdered her
father and cousins. One thing that was seared in my mind from my
teenage years was the way my mother used to react to elderly
strangers who looked travel-weary. She hoped for years after she
was married and had several children that our Grandfather would
walk in any time. [The word �askaris� is a name used to
designate soldiers recruited from subjugated or colonized
population. It also was used to refer to �bandas,� another
technical term used to refer to Eritrean soldiers in the service
of Italians.]
The NAACP must be fully informed about the history of Eritrean
askaris during the Italian insurrection into Ethiopia in
1935-1941. We must expose the type of atrocities Eritrean askaris
committed against black people. Graziani�s atrocities in Addis
Ababa and elsewhere in Ethiopia was carried out mostly by Eritrean
askaries by the order of their Italian masters. We must remember
that there were no less than one hundred thousand Eritrean
askaries serving in the Italian Army that invaded Ethiopia in
1935. The Eritreans are remembered by elderly Ethiopians as very
violent and brutal administrators in their treatment of fellow
black people in Ethiopia even in their limited role in the
civilian administration of peaceful Ethiopian communities. No one
should forget the brutal Dej. Teklu Mengesha and his band of
Eritrean askaris who helped hunt down Ras Desta and participated
in the execution of several Ethiopian patriots whose only crime
was fighting back for their freedom. Dej. Teklu is a relation of
Meles Zenawi, they belong to the same family line that notoriously
served the Italians against Ethiopians fighting for our freedom
during the 1935-41 patriotic resistance movement. How could any
organization black or of any color extend such honor to a leader
who is proud of his askari ancestors and who flaunt to the world
through speech and written articles his pride of a people being an
Italian colonial subject?
In our own time, in 1991 the EPLF committed numerous atrocities
against soldiers who have peacefully laid down their arms and
surrendered. Even though the estimate varies from people to people
some believe no less than one hundred thousand Ethiopian soldiers
were executed after they surrendered. The actions of the EPLF were
absolutely in violation of the Geneva Conventions on the treatment
of prisoners of war, or the rules of engagement with enemy
soldiers. Civilian members of the Ethiopian government and their
families were abused, some killed, and others dehumanized beyond
description by EPLF and some Eritrean civilians. There is no
question that Eritreans caught up in the frenzy of the moment
lashed out displaying the worst human behavior of hate and
violence against innocent Ethiopians.
The Ethiopian officers and their soldiers behaved, as good
soldiers should. They were willing to accommodate the EPLF, even
when they (Ethiopian soldiers) had the power to level Asmara to
dust and take the population hostage in order to insure their
safety and put in place some international truce that would
guarantee their safety and passage.
By contrast the Eritrean army destroyed homes, schools,
churches, and public facilities within a limited time it occupied
Zalambesa and villages in Irob. When I reflect on our past
relationship with the so called �Eritreans� I am so disgusted
with their greed, atrocities, deceit, et cetera that I start
doubting my great Hamassen, Serie et cetera friends from my youth
were really from that part of Ethiopia.
have written and spoken about international law, the United
Nations, the Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission et cetera
extensively. I am sure you have some access to the Internet that
you may check my essays. Moreover, there are some recurring
questions I am asked by concerned Ethiopians that I will try to
clarify here. Some of the reasons for such confusion cannot be
helped because it is in the nature of the discipline itself. I
have stated many times that international law is not positivistic
and similar to municipal law as some Eritrean writers seem to
think. There is profound normative foundation for any law or
system of law, but more so in case of international law. It is not
simply a question of mechanical application of a set of rules to a
set of facts and coming up with a resolution or a judgment. One
can see in the judgments and opinions of the Permanent Court of
Justice and later the International Court of Justice much deeper
effort not only to resolve a controversy at hand but also to
understand the source of the problem, future development or trend,
and a judgment based on reason and equity.
I too used to argue in favor of positivism on the idea that it is
scientific; therefore, far superior to normative (natural law)
conception of international law. I have studied at least 160 cases
from both International Courts that profoundly changed my
understanding of international law. There is very little that is
positivistic about international law. For example, it is not as
clear-cut as dealing with a question of what statue or case to
look into in order to resolve a breach of contract case. The
issues raised sometimes may require judges to consider in depth
the context of a controversy, its history, and its significance,
as well as its future developments. For example, in the Nuclear
Test Case you can easily see how the judges struggled with an
opinion that was singularly crucial and futuristic.
A. The Algiers Peace Agreement
declares that all Member States pledge themselves to respect the
borders existing on their achievement of national
independence.�-- OAU - Cairo Resolution AHG/RES 16(1) In other
words the OAU declaration is what is called in international
recent practice �uti possidetis,� the new boundary demarcation
principle specifically designed to accommodate the mess colonial
powers left behind when they were forced to change their ways
after the Second World War. It
is an artificial concept that simply perpetuated neo-colonialism
and the continued domination and exploitation by Europeans of
non-Europeans. What I see is a tragic situation where foolish
Third World leaders are being used to promote the interest of
Westerners at the coast of their own kind.
By June 2000 the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities pretty much
has articulated the idea of resolving the border dispute according
to colonial treaties. All
what the Algiers Peace Agreement of 12 December did was
formalizing it by making it part of the operational part of the
agreement. The Algiers Peace Agreement of 12 December 2000 is full
of legal and political landmines that one cannot walk anywhere in
safety. It is absolutely incredible how an Ethiopian government
official could sign such one-sided and deceitful document.
I have no word to describe all the �leaders� and
�professionals� involved in such international fraud
perpetrated on 65 million Ethiopians. The Agreement�s sole
purpose is to legitimize the false claims of Eritrea on the
Ethiopian Afar coastal territory. It is possible that there might
be more to the controversy than what appears to be a boundary
problem. The United States might be setting up this whole thing,
and to swoop down a little later and start drilling for oil, gas,
et cetera.
What ever the motive of these characters might be, the simple fact
is that Meles Zenawi has no right to sign away the patrimony and
legitimate rights of the people of Ethiopia. He does not represent
the interest of Ethiopians. He is a dictator. He is a criminal who
has committed numerous crimes including murder, and treason. His
actions clearly establish collusion with Eritrea�s leader
rendering the whole exercise of entering into an agreement to be
fraudulent and illegal. The
international community is responsible also for all future loss of
life and conflict because no one is going to walk away free from
this mess.
Ex Aequo Et Bono
Algiers Peace Agreement of 12 December 2000 has some very focused
provisions specifically designed to help Eritrea. One such
provision is Article 4.2 that limits the Boundary Commission to
decide the case based on three invalid treaties. [Italy by its act
of aggression and occupation of Ethiopia in 1935-41 has completely
breached any existing treaty with Ethiopia. Furthermore, in 1947,
Italy signed a Peace treaty renouncing all of its interest in its
colonial possessions. It is obvious to everybody that there is no
valid treaty that could be disposetive of the issues raised by
hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians on the boundary dispute with
Eritrea.] The Agreement further excludes the possibility of
decision ex aequo et bono. I am not so much worried about
that excluded principle because it is meaningless due to the fact
that the desired goal can be reached through the application of
general principle of equity applicable in customary international
law if the Commissioners at Hague are bright and honest enough to
see the type of deceitful web they have become a part of.
�Article 4.2: The parties agree that a neutral Boundary
Commission composed of five members shall be established with a
mandate to delimit and demarcate the colonial treaty border based
on pertinent colonial treaties (1900, 1902 and 1908) and
applicable international law. The Commission shall not have the
power to make decisions ex aequo et bono.
4.15: The parties agree that the delimitation and demarcation
determinations of the Commission shall be final and binding. Each
party shall respect the border so determined, as well as the
territorial integrity and sovereignty of the other party.�
5.13: In considering claims, the Commission shall apply relevant
rules of international law. The Commission shall not have the
power to make decisions ex aequo et bono.�
The Algiers Agreement goes out of it way to point out that any
boundary dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea will not be resolved
ex aequo et bono. Blacks Law Dictionary
defines the term to mean �according to what is right and
good� For example, Paragraph 2 of Article 38 of the Statute
International Court of Justice provides that paragraph 1 of that
Article "shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide
a case ex aequo et bono, if the parties agree
thereto." What
that means is that �by consent of the States parties, the Court
may proceed to settle a dispute without strict regard for the
existing rules of international law, but in the light of the
justice and merits of the case. In the absence of the consent of
the contesting States, the Court cannot follow this course, but
must apply the law, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph
1 of Article 38. The decision of a case ex aequo et bono
must be distinguished from: (a) the application of the general
principles of law; and (b) the application of equitable
principles. In both the latter instances (a) and (b), the Court is
of necessity bound to keep within the limits of the existing law,
whereas in the case of an exercise of its ex aequo et bono
power with the consent of the parties, the Court may disregard the
strict requirements of the law, and may even set them aside. The
distinction has frequently been mentioned by the Court itself in
its decisions (e.g., North Sea Continental Shelf, Continental
Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta)). Nevertheless, the
exercise of the ex aequo et bono power with such consent is
subject to certain limits. Firstly, the Court remains under a duty
to act judicially, and, secondly, the Court would, in the absence
of special circumstances, be careful not to infringe the standards
of justice or other accepted norms of equity and reasonableness
prevailing in the international community.� []
principle of ex aequo et bono is meant precisely to take
care of situations like the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea
where you have treaties that are invalid, or half fulfilled, or
where the situation on the ground has changed so much it would
make any decision based on treaties alone absurd. �A good
illustration of this option is the ICC case n� 6503 of 1990,
where the arbitral tribunal have pointed out that a strict
application of the contract and the lex contractus (the Suiss Law)
would have ended up in a �deeply unfair and shocking outcome.�
Therefore, on the �power of amiable compositeur� and
�ex aequo et bono� basis (according to the arbitration
agreement), the arbitral tribunal decided that the �gap of the
contract should be filled�." 2nd ICC Africa Regional
Meeting, Accra, Ghana, 25-26 October 2001 Working together for
investment policies and actions in Africa Roland Amoussou-Gu�nou,
�The Impact Strategy for Arbitration as a driver for investment
and development�
Membership in the United Nations
am very much disappointed about the activities that are being
carried out in the name of the United Nations. The idea of having
a community of nations helping and supporting each other in common
brotherhood was very appealing to me. I supported the United
Nations in papers and discussions. Because of recent developments
with regard to Ethiopia and its dismemberment, and now being
choked to death, I have completely changed my mind about the
United Nations and Ethiopia�s membership in that organization. I
do not see the point in continuing to be a member of an
organization that is part of a conspiracy to destroy an ancient
civilization and a proud people. What did we get out of our
membership that we would not have gotten if we were not members?
are wasting our money, time, and human resources for some
questionable relationship. I
believe we need to think about such possibility seriously.
Do not be alarmed with my suggestion, remember that the United
Nations is only fifty years old, and we are considerably older
than that. We survived without such an entity. May be it is a good
time to focus our attention on non-European nations.
The Boundary Commission at Hague is deciding supposedly a case
involving the demarcation of boundary between Ethiopia and
Eritrea. In point of fact, what the Commission is doing goes far
beyond what one would call boundary demarcation. Its decision will
deprive millions of people their citizenship, their land, and
their lives. It involves a breach on the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of a founding member of the United Nations
itself. It is absolutely the wrong forum for the type of
international principles it is invited/hired to decide on directly
or indirectly. There
is no precedent in the fifty-year history of the United Nations
that such deceitful and fraudulent procedure had ever been put in
place. Even for the United Nations that is a record. If the
Commissioners have any sense of dignity they all ought to resign
from the Commission rather than be used as an instrument of deceit
and fraud by governments. History is unforgiving. I am sure when
the dust settles down, these jurists will be written up as the
worst international jurists who had ever sat on such a commission.
is not enough to condemn some of our past leaders for their
numerous mistakes. We need to have a vision of our own what
Ethiopia would be like for us and our children. We must be
realistic and base our vision on what is uniquely ours, and what
is beneficial to our growth and development. Ultimately, the
decision is for all Ethiopians to make. We, as members of the
Ethiopian Community,
could only have our say as individuals in a forum open to all.
Thus, here is my individual vision of Ethiopia that I would like
to share with you all.
Ethiopia of my dreams is a prosperous, democratic, compassionate,
strong, and peaceful nation. Political power belongs to the people
of Ethiopia as a unite, and that power is exercised by individual
Ethiopians. There is no room for ethnic, language, religion, or
race based political organizations. Each Ethiopian has equal
rights and shared duties. Political organizations could only be
organized on the basis of ideology and economic programs open to
all without regard to ethnic identity, race, religion, gender, or
social status. Our relationship is based on fundamental principles
equally applicable to all throughout Ethiopia. There is no room
for privileged enclaves within Ethiopia. We all share in the
bounty of Ethiopia. We all share in the adversities and
difficulties facing a nation struggling to develop its economy,
legal system, and institutionalized democratic principles. There
are no stepsons or stepdaughters for Ethiopia. We are valued
the Ethiopia of my dreams, there is no position of privilege for
turncoats, Mehal Sefaries, and carpetbaggers. Those who serve
Ethiopia, those who fought for Ethiopia, those who sacrificed
their youth fighting for the good of society are the people who
would be accorded the privilege and the responsibility as
government officials, professionals, and leaders to be part of the
Executive, the Legislative, and Judiciary. Merit before
sycophantic intrigue and personal relationship would count as the
only standard of appointment to government positions.
New Ethiopia honors its soldiers, its heroes, its freedom fighters
who respected and served Ethiopia and its children. The New
Ethiopia takes care of the mothers, fathers, wives, and children
of those who died in battlefields, who are detained or
incarcerated as prisoners of war in foreign countries, serving
their people. There is no greater sacrifice than the sacrifice of
heroes who fall in battlefields, or suffer in prison camps of the
enemies of Ethiopia.
the new Ethiopians are not afraid to face the truth in their past
or recent history. The new Ethiopians do not worship any one,
instead they respect and honor their fellow Ethiopians because
each individual has human dignity worthy of respect.
honored me by inviting me to share with you my outrage, my
disappointment, and my concern for my fellow Ethiopians and our
beloved Ethiopia. Believe me when I say this is a singular honor.
Thus, fully appreciating your trust, I am going to be very honest
with you too. In the last six months I had the privilege of
addressing thousands of Ethiopians in conference halls, and tens
of thousands more through the Internet. What I experienced during
those conferences even more confirmed my belief that Ethiopians
are truly a great people, but facing a temporary setback.
sisters and brothers, these are not empty words. I lived in
foreign land for a long time that gave me a chance to compare and
contrast our society and others. We may be poor, technologically
behind most communities around the world, but our humanity and
decency is intact. Our social strength is obvious, and our
spirituality even more powerful. We are survivors, and in all
probability we will end up carrying the human spirit into the
future better than anybody else in the world.
Mehale Sefaries and others
said that, let me point out to you some of the negative
undercurrent that is undermining this great upsurge and wave of
the new Ethiopian nationalism. The issue to me personally is never
that of gaining political power, but an extremely crucial time of
service in defense of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of
Ethiopia. The issue of who is going to acquire political power is
to be determined by the people of Ethiopia not by anybody else,
least of all by the Mehale Sefaris lurking behind the shadow of
Ethiopian Churches mostly in Washington DC area with conspirators
around the United States. Here we are fighting for our national
survival, but right under our nose, with no sense of shame, we see
old hands trying to use our effort to promote an exclusive
political power base for their anticipated ascendance to the
Throne. It is only to avoid headlong division that I am not naming
equally insidious development is the rush of at least two groups
to get credit for the signing of the Petition to the United
Nations almost scratching their eyes out. One such group has
veered off on its own with a couple of tag-ons to start public
demonstration, and high-profile meetings with officials of
international organizations and foreign governments, thereby
undermining the full impact of our effort to save Ethiopia from
destruction. Rather than working towards greater involvement of
more groups and individuals in the new Ethiopian nationalism, I
observed some groups and individuals trying to promote their
individual political ambition or make money from such struggle. I
am sad to report to you that you have no leaders out there. It is
time that you create your own leader right here among those who
struggle along with you. I suggest that your future leader is
sitting right next to you.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church
I witnessed at one point great possibilities in the involvement of
our Church fathers in a recent Vigil, that too was thorn apart by
the personal ambitions of few individuals who will not stop at
anything to get political power. I am for separation of state and
religion. I do not believe that under normal circumstances that we
should involve our spiritual fathers in earthly activities of
politics and agitation. However, we are faced with extraordinary
event that requires extraordinary effort on our part
in order to have a good handle of our problems. Thus, more
than ever this is the time we need our religious leaders to stand
close to us in our struggle for survival as a people and a nation.
must make a clean break with Patriarch Paulos, he neither deserves
to be our spiritual father nor head of our Church. He repeatedly
failed to act as the spiritual father of his Congregation. The
Patriarch has been acting as a political agent and instrument of
the dictatorial government of Meles Zenawi and associates. His
latest sophomoric staged meeting with the �Patriarch� of the
Eritrean Church is a good example of his participation in the
grand scheme of Meles Zenawi to create confusion and division
among Ethiopians. Even if some of our Church leaders may be
accused of close association with the previous military government
of Mengistu Hailemariam, for the sake of our common future, we
need to influence all of our Church leaders where ever they maybe
so that they will come together as one Ethiopian Orthodox Church
and help us in our struggle against forces that are trying to
dismember and destroy us.
Exemplary Organizations
We all
should acknowledge how we were inspired by the patriotic zeal of
H.E. Ato Belai Abbai who worked very hard to bring us all
together in order to fight against those who are trying to
dismember Ethiopia. One ought to learn a great lesson also from
the Group that organized the 12 January 2002 open forum on the
problem of the boundary delimitation between Ethiopia and
�Eritrea� that truly started this wave of a new Ethiopian
nationalism. How many of you know who are the members or the
leaders of the Tigrean International Solidarity for Democracy and
Justice? Observe how hard they tried to work with other groups
even to the point of completely foregoing any credit or
acknowledgment for their exemplary deeds. Let me make it
absolutely clear that neither of us at this panel is a member of
that group. How many of you know the people who made it possible
for us to exchange views through the Internet, those for example
who are carrying my writing? These phenomenally successful sites
average over four thousand hits coming from all over the world
every single day for months on end. For Ethiopians living under
the nightmarish government of Meles Zenawi and associates, these
Internet sites are the only access they have for true information
and exchange of ideas with concerned fellow Ethiopians elsewhere
in the World. These people are your heroes and my heroes who
remain unrecognized, not applauded et cetera, but with tremendous
service to us all.
Individual Commitment and Pledge
us pledge here today a testament to Ethiopia that we serve without
seeking glory, applause, or political power. Let us pledge our
honor that we will defend the new wave of Ethiopian nationalism
from getting highjacked by mehal sefaries, a handful of
intellectuals, or exclusive political groups to be used as a
political power base. Let us pledge that we are in the struggle
for Ethiopia�s territorial integrity and Sovereignty and not for
the acquisition of political power. Let us pledge further that we
acknowledge and respect the people of Ethiopia as the only
legitimate source of all political power.
was perceived by Menilik (historians followed suit) as a Christian
island in a sea of Islamic nations.
We have now a vision more in tune with the diversity of our
community. Moreover, even before Christianity, Ethiopia was a
singular, well organized, and dominant regional power. Since over
85% of the Nile water that finally reached the Mediterranean Sea
originated from the highlands of Ethiopia, Egypt has always tried
to control or destroy
Ethiopia in order to ensure that nothing happens to the free flow
of the bounty of the Blue Nile, the life blood of Egypt and the
Sudan. One manner of control Egypt exercised over Ethiopia was
through the appointment of Abunas, the head of the Orthodox
Ethiopian Church.
most significant historical modern period for both Ethiopia and
the people of the region is the reign of Emperor Menilik II.
Menilik pursued two
important politically significant programs: 1) the expansion of
the Ethiopian territory by annexing and assimilating
hither to independent or semi-independent people in the
South, and 2) a heightened international relations with European
governments and states. We hold that Emperor Menilik�s expansion
was not a European type colonial subjugation of people, but
assimilatory, and a process of nation building. There are
fundamental differences between colonialism and Menilik�s
expansionism. Liberation movements such as the
Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), et cetera who are claiming
that their constituencies are colonies of the Ethiopian Empire are
misapplying or misusing the fact of assimilation as proof of
colonial occupation.
the influence of the Mehale Sefaries, Ethiopian politics entered a
chaotic unpredictable state leading to social breakup and the rise
of bureaucratic corruption and societal moral decay.
This monumental transfer of the power base, and as a result
the very heroic and chivalrous traditional base of the society
that was manifestly in its aristocratic refinement was gone. We
inherited instead mediocrity, poverty, small time tyranny et
cetera, from the end of the 17th Century down to our own time.
Thus, the shift from kingmakers composed of vassal-peers of the
Emperor and the aristocracy who used to choose the next emperor,
to conspiratorial household retainers and the Mehale Sefaries,
lowered the quality and the legitimacy of such Emperors who came
to power through conspiratorial groups. Mengistu, and now Meles
are all a product of the conspiratorial secretive Mehale Sefaries
of lowered expectations and questionable legitimacy.
is no doubt that Ethiopian ancient and medieval history is rich in
monumental events and achievements, and has contributed greatly to
the history of Africa and the world in general. Such Ethiopian
history without a shadow of doubt shows the intimate relationship
of the land and people that comprise of the present Eritrea with
the people and Empire of Ethiopia. It is extremely important to
remember that the 19th Century history of Ethiopia represents only
a small fragment of the long history of a nation and a people
whose political, cultural, and economic lives have been forged and
molded over thousands of years.
of the dispute among Ethiopians (�Eritreans,� Oromos, Sidamas,
Somalis et cetera) at the present time revolves around the issue
of the type of relationships that might have existed
throughout history between the Ethiopian central government
(power) and the diverse ethnic groups that constituted Ethiopia.
Those who want to pursue independence have asserted that the
relationship that existed between the Ethiopian Central Government
and such groups of people was loose and did not involve more than
the payment of tribute, and that the Ethiopian Central Government
has nothing to do with the political, social, or cultural lives of
most of the groups of people who were paying tribute. On the other
hand individuals who want to keep the integrity of modern Ethiopia
see in the same history an Ethiopian central government very
intimately involved with the political, social, and cultural lives
of the diverse people that constitute Ethiopia. They see Ethiopia
as a mosaic of cultures, languages et cetera but with one single
modern Ethiopian identity.
suggestion of a new beginning for all Ethiopian people is not some
form of whitewashing a bloody often cruel history of the suffering
of innocent and peaceful people as a group mostly in the Southern
parts of Ethiopia. [Henry Darley, (1926) Slaves and Ivory: A
Record of Adventure and Exploration in the Unknown Sudan, and
Among the Abyssinian Slave‑Raiders, Northbrook IL: Metro
Books, Inc., 1972.] This book describes a horrifying scene where
�Abyssinian� slavers totally destroyed a small peaceful
village in the South near the Kenyan boarder, but in general most
Ethiopians suffered under oppressive social structures and
despotic leaders through out Ethiopia.
of the unsavory activities of the aristocracy and the nobles of
Ethiopia is surfacing in a radio program from Washington DC. The
program is educational and reveling how far Ethiopians were
betrayed by some members of the ruling class during the five years
of patriotic resistance war waged against the Italian colonial
army and administrative structure. The recent revelation was on
the role played by the Kasha brothers trying to undermine
Ethiopian patriots from pursuing their heroic battle for freedom.
Such reveled truth is redeeming, and not destructive. As a people
it makes us realize who are our enemies, and makes us depend on
each other rather than on hereditary leadership.
have criticized the governments of Britain and the United States,
and several bureaucrats involved in the international deceit to
dismember Ethiopia. However, by no means this will not absolve Meles
Zenawi and associates from the treasonable act they have committed
against the people of Ethiopia. Meles, Sebhat Nega, and close
associates are criminals who had violated the human and political
rights of Ethiopians. They have established a system of government
that has brought division and conflict in between the people of
Ethiopia. They have committed numerous crimes against the national
security and territorial integrity of Ethiopia. I urge you, all
Ethiopians from all over, to demand the arrest and prosecution of
these criminals who are behaving no better than Mafia dons.
this historic moment, the Ethiopian Army is at crossroads with its
destiny, either it has to choose the defense and wellbeing of the
Mother Country, or forever be lost if it sides with traitors and
criminals. No Ethiopian soldier should defend Meles Zenawi and
fellow conspirators who have effectively usurped State power, and
hoodwinked the members of the now defunct TPLF serving the interest
of Eritrea. The current monopoly of Ethiopia�s governmental power
by Eritreans and Eritrean agents must be corrected without delay by
arresting these criminal groups headed by Meles Zenawi and Sebhat
Nega. The day of judgment is fast approaching; thus, all those who
are serving Meles Zenawi and associates in the military, the civil
service, the diplomatic missions this have one last chance to
vindicate and correct the mistakes they have made by serving a group
of individuals who are bent on destroying Ethiopia. This is a
crucial time for all of us, and particularly to those who have been
misguided. I urge you to join the struggle for our freedom and the
preservation of the Sovereignty and territorial integrity of
the present time, who governed whom at any particular time in
history should not be a source of conflict and violence. After all,
when we closely examine our history of endless battles and wars, it
turned out to be the history of the ruling class [in every group]
that exploited and manipulated the general population for its own
selfish goals and glory. As such, this is not aimed as criticism of
the people of the region, but at the government leaders, the
government structures in place, liberation movements, and meddlers
small and big from around the world. I am hoping to bring forth to
your attention through this particular international incident, most
of the problems caused by unending conflicts in the region that has
caused so much destruction and suffering in the last one hundred
years. At this point, we are fighting for our survival as a nation.
That fact alone must be the focus of our attention. I urge you to
extend your hands in friendship and unity to your brothers and
sisters on the other side of the Rubicon of political life. As far
as I am concerned, here is my hand. Thus, let me remind you that we
all must show up for the 24 March 2002 demonstration in New York
City. Thank you all. Long live Ethiopia.
Tecola W. Hagos
March 2002