Dear Professor Tecola
I wish you a happy new year first. It was
with keen interest that I read your article dealing with the Somali
crisis in which you pointed out the dangers facing Ethiopia. While
appreciating your efforts to analyze the situation in terms of your
own perspective, I wholly disagree with your calls to rally
behind the vehemently anti Ethiopian regime of Meles Zenawi.
Ethiopia is sandwiched between two enemies.
The internal enemies led by Meles Zenawi and the external ones including
those mentioned by you. You know that Meles Zenawi is madly against
Ethiopia and its interests and will do everything he can to harm
Ethiopians were led to a suicidal mission
when they marched to fight against the EPLF under the command of
the traitor Meles Zenawi. Then, many country loving Ethiopians warned
against rising to fight the EPLF under the command of Meles Zenawi
since it will end up being suicidal mission on a grand scale. And
as expected Meles fed thousands of Ethiopians to the guns of his boss
and mentor, Issayas Afewerki. Thousands perished in vain and Meles took
the liberty and joy of destroying Ethiopian lives and rewarding the
The defeat Meles suffered in the May 2005
elections have made him more vengeful against Ethiopians and he has been
looking for the means or guise to destroy as many Ethiopian lives as he
can. This time he seems to have selectively picked up some linguistic
groups he considers as his enemies and to be fed to the guns of Somali Islamist.
It means he has plotted together with some of our enemies you have
mentioned to prepare another grand scale suicidal mission under the
guise of averting a threat posed by Islamist. He is doing all this to
take revenge on Ethiopians who say no to his brute ethnocratic rule
after voting him out of office. We have now an illegitimate and anti
Ethiopian enemy regime which should be removed if the security and
national interest of the country is to be insured. Ethiopians as in the
past are also in dilemma now and we can not rally behind the non
Ethiopian regime led by the anti Ethiopian element. The reasoning is
simple and that is we can not rally behind the enemy to fight the enemy. The
priority is to destroy the internal enemy, TPLF Meles and stand strong
in the face of any external threat. An internal enemy that attacks from
the rear is more deadly than the external one we can fight face to face.
It is encouraging that Ethiopians are now
aware of the manipulations and death traps of Meles Zenawi and can
not volunteer to be led to another grand suicidal mission. Dear professor
do not waste your energy and time to rally us behind our foremost
enemy, Meles Zenawi who always seized every opportunity to kill
Ethiopians in large scale.
Mengistu Hailemariam devoured people or Ethiopians
and Meles Zenawi is plotting to devour the entire country, Ethiopia. We
say no to another suicidal mission. Long live Ethiopia and down with its
enemy Meles Zenawi of the EPLF.
With regards,
Temam Ahmed.