Wardoffa Banti
we hear nowadays are tales of the astounding and uncontrollably yawning
economic gap amongst Ethiopians. That is between the too little
"haves" and all the rest "have-nots".
As all nations pass through a change of economic and social
transformation, there would naturally emerge classes of people who would
be identified with levels of economic and wealth prowess. All societies
have gone and would go through this economic building and transformation
although the government and the political force that wields power (known
as the "regulator of the economic field".)
The basic underpinnings of free market economics lies in the
"Invisible Hand" of market forces as bringing balance and the
government's role as the regulator of the economic and financial sectors.
In an ideal free market system (which seems a dreamland for the TPLF and
its cohorts), the State (or the government) is given by its citizens (or
in the case of Ethiopia, by its "subjects") the mandate or
authority to "regulate" the economic regime by leveling the
playing field in order that all independent players would play by set
standards and rules of the game of economic activities. The basic purpose
of any government requires the task to collect tax revenues to furnish
taxpayers with the goods, services, and infrastructures that facilitates
and guards their activities, wellbeing, interests, and security. Free
market's (Liaise faire) underlying dynamics is that of the market's
"wisdom" to self-regulate itself. This idea is embodied in the
concept of the market as having an "invisible hand" that would
guide its course with its inbuilt mechanisms and dynamism of basic
principles such as demand-and-supply.
the free market models appeared in myriad forms, the experiences of
governments have proved that regulation is a necessity to avert monopolies
and unfair practices by strong economic players. That is an unbridled and
unregulated free market would be self-defeating given the innate human
drives of insatiable greed to monopolize and the necessity to control some
business entities and variables that are needed for the stable sailing of
the economy (for example, the needs to manage and regulate interest rates,
interstate and foreign trades, corporations and partnerships that veiled
the individual merchant.) This function of the government presupposes that
the people would be guaranteed with a leveled playing economic field where
all players (individuals or business entities) would enjoy a fair,
non-discriminatory, and healthy competition without any interference by
the government or other forces. This government regulatory function stands
out as the cornerstone of modern market economies with the view to do away
with unfair competition, favoritism, and cronyism by the few over the
this reshaping and crystallization of this modern free market principle,
what has invariably evolved is the fundamental duty of the State to
refrain itself from being involved as a businessperson itself. In basic
terms, this economic and political obligation and mandate given to the
State gears towards establishing a fair system that is fundamentally
constituted to serve the people rather than to be served by the system by
abusing its mandate. (We equate this economic relationship between the
State, as a regulator of the leveled and fair economic field on the one
hand and the empowerment of citizens as rule-abiding players, on the
other, as a football game where the referee regulates and implements the
rules of the game being a neutral and fair judge.) It is under this
original backdrop of the function of a State that we forward the following
analysis demonstrating that the economic policy and direction in
present-day Ethiopia under the TPLF is submerged in the sea of distorted
irregularity and aberration of free market economics that is manifestly
resulting in inequitable, discriminatory, and unhealthy system infested
with exploitation, domination and abuse.
free market economy presupposes the economic and financial sectors to be
free from the involvement of the State in the economic activity of
citizens and businesspersons. The role of the State is to collect tax and
provide the people with security, infrastructures, and regulatory
functions to enable citizens to play by the rules. The reality in
under PM Meles Zenawi, however, is another story. Meles's government knows
no distinction between its regulatory functions as a government and its
unhealthy submergence into the economy with its overly large and visible
hand that works as a business entity in contradiction to free market
economics. The case of
is unique because the ruling party that controls the State (supposedly the
regulator or referee of the playing field) is, in fact, also a business
entity or a player itself.
is because, the TPLF/EPRDF is SIMULTANEOUSLY a "political party"
at the helm of State power (with all the powers of the state to use and
abuse) AND a merchant or business conglomerate (having its own giant
businesses, companies, and "endowments"). Under the TPLF, the
football referee that takes the ball into its own hands and scores goals
for its illegal advantages while at the same time sanctioning other
players to sit outside the field using its authority as the government.
This is the fabric of a sick system where the economic interests of the
citizens are compromised by absolute power of the TPLF, which is used for
its narrow interests of accumulation of capital through corrupt
mechanisms. That is why the TPLF government is said to suffer from
systemic ailment as the economic system is shakily built on a wrong,
unjust, corrupt and volatile base.
this regards, there is this underlying "conflict of interest" in
TPLF's confused and mixed-up role being a political party AND a business
company. Ideally, the State power is vested with the duty to collect tax
from citizens and corporations. The State is expected to present itself by
promising to collect as little tax from its citizens as possible but to
provide the best service to the people. In this dynamics, it is an evident
business and economic reality that people best prefer a government that
would provide them with the maximum possible qualitative and quantitative
service by paying the lowest tax, so that they would use what is left of
the taxation for their various needs. The State is, however, vested with
discretionary authority to keep watch of the payment of taxes by citizens
even if individuals and businesses inherently prefer, given government
waste, to pay taxes as little as possible.
However, in the case of TPLF � that wears two hats as the taxpayer AND
the tax collector as a business entity - who is to supervise, control and
regulate whether as a business, TPLF had paid taxes? Could a person be a
football player and a referee at the same time? Who is auditing the books
of TPLF/EPRDF's companies? Did TPLF/EPRDF obtain the capital for its
business from sources outside of
or Ethiopians? The TPLF has abrogated this fundamental duty of
safeguarding the economic interests of the people and the country by being
a "taxpayer" and a "tax collector" at one and the same
time. This is the best manifestation of the conflict of interests that the
TPLF is wallowing in and decaying with. The TPLF/EPRDF should have chosen
either one of these roles because it is illegal as political parties
cannot engage in business; it is unethical because the responsibility of
the mandate to govern requires the respect of one's duty either as a
political or an economic entity; and, it is dangerous as a country where
there is systemic corruption would not have sustainable stability or
rhythmic peace as exploitation and subjugation would bunker the TPLF to be
left with no other choice than monopolizing political and all the powers
of the State in order to
protect the fruits of its unfair advantage and
blind plunders of underserved economic gains.
protruded dictatorship of Meles Zenawi is the natural consequence of
warding off
others from political power as they would be checks and bottlenecks to
continuity of this unjust system. The "fight" of the symptoms of
corruption by the TPLF government is proving barren and cosmetic because a
system that is built on corruption could not be propped up as it is torn
between accumulation of capital as a business generating "unfair
advantage" to be guarded by division and guns pulling in one
direction and a semblance of order by acting as a government in the other.
That is why we see the "supporters of the TPLF" having no moral
ground or the reasons to back their positions as an underserved advantage
knows no rationality but blind denial and/or feigned (insincere) support
to the TPLF.
is a natural motive of a human being to promote and protect the interest
of its individual self, then its sex, then its race and finally of
mankind. I do not remember an instance where I had been a fan of the
football team of a different Kebele than mine. Hence in a country where
the system of governance is tailored along fragmented ethnic entities, it
is not surprising for an individual or members of a group to promote and
protect their interests. When the TPLF began with the motive of upholding
the interests of its constituency whether it be by secession of Tigray or
through other formula of togetherness with others, this ingrained motive
would linger unless that individual/group is lying or unrealistically in
denial. (We all know what TPLF would have been had Isayas's miscalculation
stopped the TPLF to a screeching halt and confused soul searching, i.e.
from a north-ward utopia with Eritrea, that eventually seems to have led
to South-ward thinking.)
TPLF, professing to be the vanguard of its constituency, does not conceal
(deny) the fact that it is promoting the interests of its group. In spite
of this natural and inherent motive, however, the TPLF, being the real
power behind the Ethiopian state, desires to lead us to believe that it is
saintly working for
and all Ethiopians with equality and justice. This would be a travesty of
nature and reality. Especially, with TPLF gaining state power after an
arduous guerrilla war that unfortunately caused unimaginable misery and
suffering on its constituency, it would be natural to reduce its motive to
compensate and avenge the unfortunate consequences of the civil war.
TPLF's interpretation of history, the realities that evolved through
dynamism of the years of the civil war and the nature and individual
perceptions and takings by its leaders whose capacities are limited for
the mere fact of being individual human beings, would factor in the
formation and implementation of policy and direction frantically and
narrowly devised by such leadership.
's TPLF government had been in euphoric state of affairs after it
militarily seized power, which turned out to be demagoguery in pitting the
ethnic groups against each other in the meantime consolidating its
monopoly on power. With the passing of each day and when resorting to
brute and excessive force to silence the people became the more so
successful, economic and social policies became intertwined with the goal
of perpetuating the actual control of power.
over-reliance on divisive tactics and guns in turn translated into a lack
of accountability and opaque transparency, as the TPLF immersed into a
cultish height of invincibility and omnipotent arrogance that have us hear
the words of its officials who declared that the "TPLF could not only
win a battle, but knows how to make/fabricate wars or controversies".
As Meles put it rightly, the May 2005 election was not a
"contest" to be conceded but a "calculated risk"
(thanks to guns and repression!) for political and international PR
consumptions. When Meles said (Is it the British who call people who
confuse too much information with "knowledge" as suffering from
oral diarrhea?) that the people falsely believed that they were free
citizens to exercise their basic rights and freedoms, while in fact they
forget that they are in a big prison where "they are tied with a long
rope like a chicken", the arrogance was impeccable. It is under this
political background that the "makers of battles"
single-handedly devise and implement economic policies that would put the
advantageous few to a state of exploitation at the cost of the
disadvantaged majority.
In this regards, as it professes, the idea of "revolutionary
democracy" of the TPLF/EPRDF is to devolve political, economic,
social and cultural powers from the hands of past beneficiaries (by
definition the Amhara and by default Gurages and the rest of non-TPLF
constituencies) back to the rest of the people. This idea, understood in
terms of the economic dimension by the TPLF's agenda, would be fostered by
making an accelerated, radical and propelled change or devolution of power
(revolution) by using State power to divest past beneficiaries of their
power in a just and fair (democratic) manner. Given the economic realities
on the ground, what we see is the TPLF's historic and unparalleled
accumulation of economic power in its own hands as has never been
witnessed in Ethiopian history. Considering the realities of the corrupt
economic policies and practices of the TPLF/EPRDF, we cannot understand
"revolutionary democracy" as none other than state sponsored
"reversal of fortune" using power.
today's Ethiopia, we hear and
witness many stories of corrupt and unfair distribution of wealth, which
is reserved to those who have political power; those who are connected and
enter into a subtle and mutual game of corrupt practice with those in
power in splitting public funds; those who do not hesitate to plunder
public wealth as those in political power do not have the moral high
ground to resist or curb the corruption; and those who loot public wealth
while the government looks the other way as those corrupt officials and
their partners are necessary political entities that need to indulge in
corruption in order to blackmail them into political servitude; giving
some "cut" to political lackeys who would serve as a go-between
the TPLF and other "nations and nationalities" - for instance,
Dinsho (OPDO), Wondi (SEDM) -in order to lock the lackeys with corrupt
addiction thereby making them slaves of the whims of the TPLF. The
policies of the TPLF are devised on narrowly constituted ground (but with
a grandiose self-esteem that shrills the sound of "who is there
better than us") that leaves out the majority of the people in the
cold with their genuine political representation muted, silenced or
sidelined. The highest echelon of those with actual power within the TPLF
government is held by a narrow group that is insulated to input from other
sections of the society who have stakes in the affairs of their country.
Under Meles's government, principle is compromised for loyalty and
grab-your-share mentality. The scheme of economic policy is dictated and
steered by Meles Zenawi or other TPLF interest cheerleaders like Neway
Gebreab, Bereket Semon, Abay Tsehaye. (TPLF tone of governance, is that of
the "my way or the highway" or "put up or shut up" -
after all, they believe, who are the people to question the conquerors?)
It is understandable that the TPLF would come to this state of
organizational mind setting considering its bunkered guerrilla warfare
calculus and mentality of the ONLY solution to a given problem is to
"neutralize or eliminate" the other differing side or the
"enemy that tends to cross the field with the red line engraved for
citizens by the TPLF with its arbitrary mines".
This condescending perception by the TPLF of the state machinery as
being the "property" of those who conquered their
"enemies" or a "perpetual entitlement" for the victors
is no different than aristocratic monarchies or Marxist-Leninist
dictatorship of the proletariat. As such this sentiment of entitlement
that the TPLF portrays (as opposed to realizing that the struggle was for
the people not for its fighters) is diametrically in conflict with the
concept of representative democracy that upholds the interests and the
will of the people.
TPLF has proven for itself that sharing power and accommodating differing
views would block the smooth flow of undeserved advantage it is
accumulating. (Remember the post-May 2005 express legislation in
parliament to deny discussion of finance issues by the House of
Representatives? It is a typical example of reserving money issues not to
be questioned and scrutinized by opponents so that the public would not
know the covered up budgetary and finance corruption and favoritism of the
TPLF.) Growingly, the irresistible sweetness of power and wealth is
blinding the TPLF to a level of arrogance that is typical of dictatorships
that died and are dying. There is the need to seek political change and
influence by exposing the corrupt practices of the TPLF government to
inform the people and the world.
is also necessary to continue equipping the political, social, and
pressure groups that have a stake in our country to hold rational and
reasoned policy and political positions that would challenge the political
leaders into realizing the ideals of fairness, justice and equality that
would lay the foundations for a sustainable nation. It would be a matter
of time before the (outwardly strong but decaying) TPLF to acknowledge
that there is more to equitable and democratic governance than political
expediency of consolidating political tyranny insulated from the
interests, will and participation of its subjects. The
growing brainstorming and crystallization of the foundations and
mechanisms of the TPLF's driving rolled TPLF to crack because of internal
rust, its paralysis to change and absence of rational and reasoned agenda
and backing. The accumulated injustices committed by the TPLF would not
draw any sane minded person to support a government that is infested with
systemic and systematic corruption, which have historically been the
recipes for a stagnating and dying regime.
Wardoffa Banti
22, 2008