part one of this Article, we concluded by saying that despite the
discourse on rule of law and on popular sovereignty, there was no
political possibility in Ethiopia to review the constitutionality of the
acts of parliament and of the executive. The EPRDF constitution for
example provides that the parliament cannot make treaties which don�t
promote Ethiopia�s national interest. That the
Algiers conspiracy is against Ethiopia�s
national interest is also screamingly obvious. However, before we can say
that the Algiers conspiracy is unconstitutional, we need to be sure the
EPRDF dominated rubber-stamp parliament has ratified the conspiracy
according to article 55 paragraph 12 of the constitution, which reads �
it (the House of Representatives) shall ratify international agreements
concluded by the executive�. Ratification
means that any treaty must be promulgated in the Negarit Gazetta so that
it becomes an integral part of the legal system. Until such time that it
is published in the Negarit Gazetta, one cannot say that a particular
legislation has a legal existence. And as long as it does not exist
officially, it would be impossible for concerned body entrusted with
judicial review of legislation to take judicial notice of it. In other
words, our argument about the unconstitutionality of the Algiers
conspiracy was not at first sight correct because it was based on the
assumption that the conspiracy was published in the Negarit Gazetta.
However, to our great surprise we read in Ethio-Zena (Amharic news) an
argument by an Ethiopian that there was no proc�s-verbal
which showed that the parliament had discussed the Algiers Conspiracy. If
this information is correct, then it is possible that the parliament was
informed orally of the signature of the Algiers conspiracy by denying it
at the same time of its power to discuss the signed conspiracy in detail,
vote it article by article and finally promulgate it in the Negarit
Gazetta. The observation of this legislative procedure is indispensable
because under international law, the signature of a treaty is a necessary
condition but not sufficient for a treaty to be a treaty. The treaty will
become a treaty sensu stricto only when it is duly ratified by a
national parliament. We call upon Ethiopians to let know the Ethiopian
people if the Algiers Conspiracy has been published in the Negarit Gazetta
or not. Needless to say, that doesn�t change
much as to the respect of Ethiopia�s vital
national interest. But if it is really proved (I repeat if it is really
proved) that the Algiers conspiracy has not been published in the Negarit
Gazetta before the constitution of The Hague based Border Commission, one
can thank EPRDF�s legal advisors for having
done a small legal service for Ethiopia.
that as it may, the recourse by the UN in general and some lawyers and
governments in particular to an abstract reasoning according to which
Ethiopia agreed that the decision by the Commission should be final and
binding and that it should respect its promise is a function of their
perception of Ethiopia as a non-person. Among governments which defend
such a skewed view of international law, one can cite American and British
governments. The president of the Border Commission and an American
professor who serves as an attorney to the Eritrean government are among
individuals who espouse such a distorted conception of international law.
We know that British and American governments have a big interest in the
Horn of Africa although they are unfortunately unable to see that the
advent of a democratic and patriotic government in Ethiopia which has the
full backing of the Ethiopian people is of paramount importance for
Ethiopians, for the Horn of Africa and for the West. Because of this
myopia, they are bent on imposing their imperialist ukase on Ethiopia. But
this should not be a surprise to anyone. It is in fact part and parcel of
the well orchestrated international deceit to make the international
community believe that the border decision is made by an impartial
international body in accordance with international law. It is based on
the wrong idea that a decision given by the Commission, despite its
illegality should be respected, because of EPRDF strong man�s
promise that the decision should be implemented as binding and final even
if it is completely illegal. Is it not illegal and immoral to enable the
Eritrean regime and its creation the TPLF to be the beneficiaries of their
illegal activity against a sovereign and law-abiding nation?
this regard, the statement by the Border Commission�s
president that his decision is in accordance with international law is
ridiculous, to say the least. Isn�t it written
in no uncertain terms in the decision wherein the arbitrators say that
they awarded Tserona and Fort Cadorna to Eritrea not because what they
consider to be �international law�
says so, but because the EPRDF strong man�s
attorneys were instructed to plead for Eritrea? The same is true with
regard to the Eastern Sector. Namely, according to the colonial treaty the
frontier line should be 60 km parallel to the coastline; and Ethiopia is
said to have believed in 1908 that the coastline included the coastline of
the islands. As the arbitrators make it clear in their decision, EPRDF
attorneys argued that the coastline did not include the coastline of
islands but the coast line of the continent itself. In other words,
Ethiopia�s 1908 conception of the coastline
was modified in 2002 by the EPRDF leader. If that were not the case, then
the 60 km from the coastline would be delineated from the islands. This
means that the border would be very close to the Red sea both on the
northern, central and eastern sectors of the Afar region of Ethiopia.
focusing on Badme (following the regime and its acolytes�
propaganda of divide and rule), by talking rarely about Irob (and that
thanks exclusively to the tireless efforts of the Reverend Tesfamariam
Baraki) and without saying anything at all about Gulo-makeda, Ethiopians
seem to completely forget the huge territorial loss inflicted on Ethiopia
on the eastern sector as a result of EPRDF�s
leaders decision to abandon the Ethiopian conception of coastline in favor of Eritrea. So when the president of the Commission said that his
decision was in accordance with international law, he was being very
economical with the truth. Assuming that the Algiers conspiracy was legal,
one would not need to be a law genius to figure out that Ethiopia lost not
on substantive laws issues but on procedural fraud. In other words, what
was not said by the unequal colonial treaties of 1900, 1902 and 1908 has
been said by the Commission and EPRDF in The Hague. The inescapable
conclusion is that it is the pro-Eritrea pleading of the EPRDF which the
commissioners are saying is �international law�.
is strange that renowned lawyers, in total violation of their professional
ethics, decide to lie and to make us believe that international legality
has been respected. In a similar vein, the Commission has also
deliberately acted beyond its power when it decided to interpret
extensively the phrase �applicable
international law� provided for under article
4 of the Algiers conspiracy which reads that the border demarcation shall
be made in accordance with �pertinent colonial
treaties and applicable international law.� It
is true that on this point, the lawyers of the Eritrean prime minister
argued that the Commission should interpret the expression �applicable
international law� as meaning one that should
be resorted to only when there is a loophole in the so-called pertinent
colonial treaties or where the latter are found to be ambiguous. However �forgetful�
of the fact that its mandate was to interpret the intention of the �parties�
as to the determination of the meaning of applicable law, the Commission
decided cavalierly that it would extensively interpret the expression �applicable
international law� as referring to such
principles as possidetis de facto even when the so-called treaties
of 1900, 1902 and 1908 are not ambiguous or are without loopholes. That is
why it resorted to the criteria of effective administration, display of
continued sovereignty, etcetera. But why resort to such a practice when
its restricted mandate is to determine the boundary as it might have
existed in 1900, 1902 and 1908? The principle of interpretation requires
that the body entrusted with interpreting a treaty restrict itself to find
out only what was the intention of the parties at the time of the
conclusion of the treaty. What is bizarre in the case of the so-called
Border Commission is that the commission said it knew the intention of the
Eritrean prime minister more than himself whereas the Eritrean prime
minister�s lawyers argued that the intention
of their employer was very restrictive.
the Commission�s refusal to confine its
interpretation to its restrictively defined terms of reference led it to
use Italian maps (prepared unilaterally by Italy for Italy against
Ethiopia ) to enter its decision against Ethiopia. On what grounds can
Italian maps be used against Ethiopia? By paraphrasing Dr. Hailemariam
Larebo, one can argue that there are at least two Italian maps made
unilaterally. Namely, �the pre-1928 map, which
shows Eritrean territories before Italian Eritrean administrator Zolli�s
forceful annexation of lands that were under effective Ethiopian
administration; and the pre-1935, before Italy's aggression against
Ethiopia� (for the details see Dr. Hailemariam
Larebo�s excellent article on
Commission�s decision to act beyond its
restrictively defined terms of reference led it to use both the pre-1928
and the pre-1935 maps and that in violation of what is clearly said by the
so-called colonial treaties. The Commission also tried to make analogies
with the decisions of the international court of justice whereas, as an
arbitration tribunal, its terms of reference were restrictively
defined. While this is the case, the president of the Commission has
arrantly lied by saying that the tribunal made the decision not on the
basis of who administered Badme in recent years but according to the
colonial treaties.
the Commission has made it clear in its March 21 , 2003 ruling that Badme
was given to Eritrea because the map presented by Ethiopia showed that
Badme indeed was in Eritrean territory. While this is the fact, why does
the EPRDF strongman looks for a �trial of
strength� with the Commission by accusing it
of having committed a miscarriage of justice? Isn�t
he the very person who is the principal cause of the miscarriage of
justice for which he is now shading crocodile tears? Aren�t
he and his top lieutenants who barefacedly speak of Ethiopian colonialism
contra mundum?
the Commission says that Badme is Eritrean and that based on the evidence
presented by the Eritrean prime minister�s
lawyers and representatives, one should not forget that it is referring to
the legal principle that the evidence produced by a party can serve as
proof in favour of the other party. So the statement by the president of
the Commission that made a legal decision and therefore any terminal
crisis would vanish if Ethiopia complied with the decision is an arrogant
mockery on his part on the right of Ethiopians to fight for the respect of
their territorial sovereignty. The Commission decided in accordance with
the wishes of EPRDF and not in accordance with international law. That is
what is clearly written in the decision of the April 2002 decision.
was also flabbergasted by the statements of an American law professor,
advocate of Eritrea in The Hague. With the intention of defaming Ethiopia,
he said that he had studied all arbitration decisions since the mid of the
19th century and added that it was, in his knowledge, Ethiopia which for the
first time in the history of arbitration, refused to abide by an
arbitration decision. This is not true. There are many countries which
refused to be abided by an arbitration decision. Two examples can be given
for the sake proving that the American lawyer did not tell the truth.
Argentina�s refusal in the arbitration
decision with Chile, and that of Nigeria�s
refusal versus Cameroon. On the contrary, should we remind the American
professor that he is the first lawyer in the history of international
arbitration to have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing
nothing in favor of Eritrea? I say he did nothing because the main job of
Eritrea was done by the so-called Ethiopian government. Even the
Commission did not have to toil as the �Ethiopian
government� did the pleading for Eritrea. It
took two years for the Commission to hear the so-called pleadings and
counter pleadings and to write the one hundred and thirty five pages
decision which , one should know, is not devoted to examining the case in
detail but to interpreting colonial treaties, which as we showed above are
null and void. The real decision is written in two pages.
we are unable to understand is that how these international lawyers could
deem relevant the application of general international law principles of
interpretation to non-existent and void colonial treaties. They made it
clear in the preamble to their decision that they would not enquire into
the validity /invalidity of colonial treaties because they did not have
jurisdiction to do so. But by applying general international law
principles of interpretation to colonial treaties which are not valid in
the eyes of international law, they recognized indirectly that those
colonial treaties were valid. This is begging the question. One cannot
apply to colonial treaties the principles of interpretation which can only
apply to valid treaties.
this, it follows that the only justification for America and British
governments for insisting that Ethiopia should abide by The Hague based
arbitrator�s decision is that the EPRDF
strongman has agreed that the decision would be final and binding and that
Ethiopia should now abide even though the decision is not based on
international legality. What we are saying is that the Eritrean prime
minister is not the territorial personification of Ethiopia unless
American and British leaders espouse the undemocratic argument that he is
the Ethiopian state as King Louis XIV is reported to have said that he was
the French state. But we are in the 21st century and not in 17th
century. Even then, it is very wrong to compare the incomparable because
the great 17th century European state builder cannot be compared with the
great 21st century nemesis of the Ethiopian state. From this point of
view, no doubt that the members of the Commission have committed a
shocking travesty of justice against Ethiopia. The American and British
governments know that full well. The problem is that these governments
refuse, for imperialistic reasons, to carry the torch of international
rule of law against which they should have measured the legality of the
weyane policy
of Eritrea and of the Border Commission�s
decision. If that was not the case, they cannot have accepted the weyane
leader�s propaganda that Ethiopia colonized
Eritrea. Wasn�t it the British administration
which transferred Eritrea to Ethiopian sovereignty according to the
resolution of the UN General Assembly? If they want to forget history and
law, it is their problem. But it is unethical and illegal to ask
Ethiopians to forget their history and to ignore their sovereign right.
should one wonder if they insist on defending the commission that it
decided according to �international law�?
But all this sophistry is not coincidence. There are indications which
lead us to think that the Ethiopian national debacle is in fact was
orchestrated. In this regard, the choice of the members of the Commission
seems to have been made in such a way as to give a semblance of legality
to such unprecedented criminal activity against a sovereign and
international law abiding nation.
on the appointment of arbitrators and attorneys
is essential to know that the decision to go to arbitration, the
determination of the terms of reference of the arbitration tribunal and
the appointment of the members of that tribunal is a well thought
political decision. As such the decision serves some ulterior motives
destined to promote one�s own national
interest. This rationale in its negative aspect is not either absent in
Ethiopia-Eritrea case. It can be figured out a posteriori from the
Algiers conspiracy and from the April 13 decision that that logic was well
thought and prepared in such a way as to promote fully Eritrea�s
territorial aggrandizement by ceding Ethiopian territories in the name of
international law. In order to ease the poverty of Italy provoked by
population increase, Italian colonialists thought that there was a need
for additional land for colonial settlers in Eritrea; and to do that they
had to take more and more land from the rest of Ethiopia. Now the same
logic pervades over the policy of Eritrean leaders and their few faithful
servants from Tigray province. They are perfectly aware that Eritrea can
not be a viable state in this era of globalization where, leave alone
midget states like Eritrea, even relatively big countries like Ethiopia
have many difficulties which they cannot solve alone. So the best way to
do is to take Ethiopian territories with the help of their agents in
Ethiopia, foreign governments, the United Nations and the seemingly
independent border Commission. We have shown above how the Border
Commission made its decision against Ethiopia by saying that if EPRDF said
this or that it would follow it even if it was against the terms of
reference restrictively defined.
domestic litigation when a judge observes that a party has a problem in
defending its cause, the judge orders that the party be given legal
assistance. The reason is to avoid injustice. Moreover, when a judge
observes that an advocate has failed to defend properly his client, the
judge can order that the interested party hire another advocate. This is
also to avoid injustice. Thus, if one accepts the truth that legality
should be respected whether in international or domestic disputes, then it
goes without saying that justice can not be said to have been done in the
case under consideration ;because the Commission was interested only in
the outcome of its decision irrespective of how that outcome is arrived
at. The Commission knows that its decision impacts greatly on seventy
million people. It knows also that the Ethiopian people, after sacrificing
their sons, would certainly not say that Tserona, Fort Cadorna were
Eritrean. They would not certainly produce evidence which show that Badme
and a part of the Afar region, Gulo-mekeda , and a part of Irob belong to
Eritrea. They would not certainly say that the 60 km distance from the
coast should be defined as meaning a coastline of the continent.
instead of making an ex-parte decision in favor of Eritrea, the members of
the Commission should have tendered, in the name of ethics and respect for
legality, their resignation when they discovered that they were made to
commit injustice against a sovereign country under the pretext that a
dictatorial regime pleads for a country which it says officially is its
enemy. Instead what they have done is the exact opposite. They say that
their illegal decision is legal because that is what the so-called
Ethiopian government wants. But who are these lawyers who don�t
care a straw about international ethics and rule of law? We know nothing
about them save about some of them by their writings. Why were they chosen
and why not others? It is very difficult to answer this question with
precision. Nonetheless, we know the practice of states in international
settlement disputes. Before making their choice public, states enquire
into the nationality of the lawyer. This enables them to know his
conception of international law. All countries don�t
have the same conception of international law because of the divergence in
their national interests. A British international lawyer is, as a rule,
made to study the international law conception and practice of British
governments. Even if the lawyer can have his own independent judgment, it
is also a fact that a student cannot be completely outside the legal
culture in which he has been trained. So the knowledge of the nationality
of a would be arbitration judge helps to have a general view of his
conception of international law and to have an idea of how he would
dispose of the particular case. One can also enquire into the scientific
writings of the would be arbitration judge, that is, his doctoral
dissertation, his books, his articles published in international law
journals if there are any, his pleadings if he has ever defended another
country�s case, his concurring or dissenting
opinions if he sat as a member of the international court of justice or of
some other arbitration court et cetera. And finally, one can enquire into
the would be judge�s and his government�s
position toward the parties to the conflict. There can be lawyers who, for
personal or national reasons, can have a bias in favor or against one of
the parties. This is to say that all these elements are taken into
consideration before a country chooses a lawyer to represent it, or before
it agrees for a judge to be a member of an arbitration to which it is a
my hypothesis (I repeat it is a mere hypothesis) is that the members of
the Commission might have been appointed by taking the above mentioned
points into consideration. And this hypothesis explains perhaps better the
secret of the zero-sum game in favor of Eritrea. The same can be said
about the so-called Ethiopian diplomats and lawyers. There are patriotic
diplomats and lawyers who do everything possible to defend their country�s
cause. There are also those who seek their personal career advancement and
who, to this end, don�t hesitate to sell their
soul to the devil. We know that in present day Ethiopia any Ethiopian who
promotes primarily the well-being of the nation is in EPRDF�s
bad graces. In other words, EPRDF can only appoint some one who are more
interested in their personal financial well-being and who as a result are
ready to sell the country. In view of this, the behaviour of the Ethiopian
diplomats and lawyers in The Hague and after it can be the subject of
different interpretation. One can say that they have deliberately hurt the
country as some Ethiopians seem to argue. As far as the lawyers are
concerned, one can also say that they had no choice but to respect the
instruction they were given. In that case, shouldn�t
have they tendered their resignation rather than being used as an
instrument of injustice against the country which pays them a handsome
the unpatriotic arguments of the Ethiopian lawyers a direct consequence of
their incompetence? For us the answer is definitely no. Those individuals
are not incompetent. The case is not either very difficult. It requires
only a true commitment to defend the country�s
sovereignty although it is absolutely impossible to defend Ethiopia�s
right on the basis of the Algiers conspiracy. It gives unduly more
importance to Eritrea�s sixty years of history
under foreign rule than to two thousand years of its Ethiopianness and
flouts international law by indirectly considering Ethiopia as the last
colonial power in Eritrea. But, above all, the Ethiopian lawyers had an
army of foreign international law advocates and cartographers as their
question that Ethiopians pose is why are the American, British governments
and the UN Security Council intimidating Ethiopia that she would face a
punishment if she doesn�t accept passively the
unprecedented injustice meted out to her by internal and external forces?
Isn�t the decision of some American
Congressmen to adopt a bill that aims to punish Ethiopians if they insist
on demanding the unconditional respect of their sovereignty a blatant
interference in the internal affairs of Ethiopia and that in total
violation of international law which has set up non-interference in the
internal affairs of sovereign states as one of the bedrock principles of
international law? Why does the American Government want to impose on
Ethiopia two immoral sanctions in a space of five years as if the
Ethiopian people have ever acted against American interests? Why are they
so interested and so involved in the demarcation process against Ethiopia?
Why don�t they adopt a neutral position?
America does not have any leg to stand on for imposing sanctions against
Ethiopia unless it wants to help Eritrea illegally. America is really
hypocritical to champion human rights and democracy and at the same time
to be a proper-up and a paymaster of dictators. If America were really
interested in the respect of democracy and human rights, it could use its
influence to prod its client regime in Ethiopia to be respectful of human
rights and democracy.
should not however forget that the American government�s
illegal and unfriendly behaviour towards Ethiopia is a function of EPRDF�s
decision to make Ethiopia a satellite of the American government. Every
body knows that Ethiopia�s rulers legitimacy
is based not on the will of the Ethiopian people but on the support they
get from some members of the CIA and the American administration. That is
why EPRDF strong man says shamelessly that if Ethiopia does this or that,
if Ethiopia doesn�t do this or that, America
will be angry. Although the economic and political dependence of the
so-called Third world countries on the Western states is a well-trodden
subject by both proponents of dependency and world-system theories,
Ethiopia�s dependence on America and on
America dominated international financial institutions is very different
in comparison to other countries because in Ethiopia there is a deliberate
policy to make Ethiopia completely dependent on America. Very allergic to
Ethiopian patriotism, EPRDF strongman has said good-bye to Ethiopian
sovereignty. Arguably, he wants to raise the bogeyman of American economic
sanction to intimidate Ethiopians into accepting his exceedingly Eritrea
friendly policies without demur.
The deliberate neglect of Ethiopian sovereignty
the downfall of the Dergue, Ethiopia has become completely dependent on
Western economic aid to finance its military and civil bureaucracy and to
feed its population. In other words, Ethiopia at present cannot rely on
her own resources although there is no doubting that she has the potential
to be the granary of at least half of the African continent. As a result,
Robert Jackson�s quasi-state paradigm can be
mutatis mutandis applicable to Ethiopia in as much as the present regime
prefers banking on foreign aid to mobilizing the nation�s
human and material resources with view to the developing the country�s
productive forces. According to the above mentioned writer, a quasi state
is not a sovereign state as long as it does not have the economic,
political and military resources that enable it to fully enjoy all the
attributes of state sovereignty (Robert H. Jackson: Quasi states:
sovereignty, international relations and the third World, New York,
Cambridge University Press). Although Jackson�s
conclusions are totally untenable (because he advocates that the Western
nations exercise political and economic tutorship on quasi-states ), there
is no doubt that Ethiopia�s sovereignty even
nominally has been abandoned by EPRDF strongman�s
decision to make Ethiopia a satellite of America in exchange for America�s
uncritical protection. The blatant interference of the American, British
and Canadian governments on Ethiopia�s
internal affairs and their audacity to present themselves as supra
national legislators on Ethiopia ought to lead us, we Ethiopians, to ask
ourselves if these countries are not sensitive to the arguments of Robert
Jackson and to make Ethiopia their first experiment for their neo-imperial
domination. Because they seem to be saying that Ethiopians should swallow
their national pride and sovereignty as long as Western taxpayers continue
pay for the economic and political bills of the regime in Ethiopia.
to say, Ethiopians believe sincerely that they are proud and independent
people. It is impossible for them to accept the idea that a foreign
European/American governments can dare give orders to them. Because of
this, some foreign scholars tend to believe that unlike many governments
in Anglophone and Francophone Africa, Ethiopian governments don�t
seek or accept orders from the West in a servile manner; but that unlike
other African countries, Ethiopian governments manipulate the policies of
Western governments to promote their individual interest or their stay in
power. This analysis seems to be more or less plausible all the more so
the American government�s decision to adopt a
law which aims to impose economic sanctions against Ethiopia seems to have
been lobbied by Ethiopia�s internal and
external enemies.
demonstrates more the veracity of the deliberate neglect of Ethiopian
sovereignty than the repeated warning by the regime that American will be
angry if we do this or that, the IMF(the World Bank included ) will
withhold loans for developmental projects if we do this or that ; Western
donors will refuse to send food to famine stricken compatriots if we do
this or that. Arguably, the neglect of Ethiopian sovereignty is intended
to weaken the Ethiopian culture of self reliance and resilience. It is a
fact that a nation which does not rely on its own human resources, on its
capacity to solve its problems be it economical, political or military by
itself and by its own limited means is sooner or later doomed to
extinction or to be enslaved by others.
the reason why EPRDF strong man has decided to make Ethiopia deliberately
dependent on America and America dominated international financial backers
is that he is very unhappy about the pride of Ethiopians on their
Ethiopianness and history. The arrant lying that Ethiopia is hundred years
old, the denigration that the Ethiopian flag is a simple piece of rag, the
defamation that Ethiopian kings were war mongering and that they are
responsible for the present wide spread famine is part and parcel of the
policy of weakening Ethiopian patriotism. That said, the absence of a wise
American foreign policy towards Ethiopia during a long time has no doubt
favored such a neglect of Ethiopia�s
sovereignty. Nonetheless, given that the Ethiopian people are the most
devoted friends of the American people, it is difficult to understand why
American governments have been committing such diplomatic aggression
against a friendly people who sent their sons to ensure American national
interest in Korea. The possible answer to this might be that the
incumbents in Washington don�t have a good
grasp of international and regional politics or that they are completely
insensitive to international law and ethics. They want to fight against
terrorism in the Horn of Africa but one cannot say that they don�t
know that Saudi wahabism has posed a great threat to Ethiopia�s
peace and stability. American and British governments should be made to
understand that the advent of a strong, patriotic and democratic
government which has the full backing of the Ethiopian people is in their
long term interest and in the interest even of the Eritrean people.
sum, EPRDF strong man�s hobby horse that law
prevails over Ethiopians is as usual the other way of saying that Eritrea�s
interest prevails over that of Ethiopia. It is a fact that the rule of law
is deeply ingrained in Ethiopian tradition. Arnaud d�Abbadie
wrote in 1868: �Ethiopians have a great
faculty of critical analysis and a deep legal knowledge; injustice is
their worst enemy.� Because of this, no one
can be impressed by the present trial of strength with The Hague based
commission. The Commission has done what its political patrons expected it
to do. But if the Commission now serves as a scapegoat, it is because the
regime is afraid of the hostile public reaction against its high treason.
Power should be kept by any means. That is why when the phony discourse on
the observance of the rule of law has been rejected by Ethiopians,
political negotiation to solve the �deadlock�
has become the mantra du jour of the regime and its imperialist
patrons in a bid to facilitate the cession of Ethiopian territories step
by step so that any popular opposition can be curbed. That reminds us the
adage �chi va piano, va sano�.
Otherwise, if the process of demarcation were to be implemented as it was
intended at the outset, the regimes in Ethiopia and Eritrea and their
imperialist patrons know fully well that there will be no guarantee that
Eritrea in general and Eritrean colonial settlers in particular can live
peacefully in Ethiopian land while Ethiopians suffer from illegal
dislocation. We fear lest the implementation of the illegal Algiers
conspiracy spell a situation where Ethiopians, obliged by the
unprecedented injustice imposed on them, are led to say �everybody
will have peace or no one will have it.� That
is why the Algiers Conspiracy is a divine visitation on the region. The
international community should know that if EPRDF ignores and violates all
international and Ethiopian laws which respect Ethiopia�s
territorial sovereignty and its adequate access to the Red sea (the
expression �adequate access to the Red sea�
was used for the first time by the United Nations General Assembly in its
Resolution 390 (V), then EPRDF and the UN are setting a very perilous
precedent. No Ethiopian government after EPRDF will be bound by illegal
acts of the EPRDF. Legally speaking, no amount of foreign support can make
legal EPRDF�s illegal acts. Ethiopian
sovereign right and its access to the sea is supra constitutional and can
never be violated by the Algiers Conspiracy. So we cannot see the wisdom
of the fuss by British and American governments to give a semblance of
legality to an illegal act. If leaders of America and Great Britain are
ready to respect the rule of law, we ask them to judge the so-called
Ethiopian government according to the constitutional practices of their
countries. In other words, they must work for the respect of democracy and
rule of law in their international relations too.
having demonstrated in detail the phony nature of the argument that
Ethiopia fought for the respect of the rule of law and not to keep
villages like the �godforsaken village�
of Badme, we believe that the building of rule of law is the only means to
save the country from political and economic quagmire. Part III (which is
the last part of this series ) will be dedicated to a brief discussion of
this issue.
2, 2003