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By Tseggai Mebrahtu*



One of the various overt attempts by both internal and external forces to give a semblance of legality to the illegal cession of Ethiopian territories and maritime outlet to Eritrea is the recourse to the discourse on the observance of the rule of law. Thus, despite the current misleading legal trial of strength between the Security council, the Eritrean regime on the one hand and the Trojan Horse government in Ethiopia on the other, there is no doubt that they have made common cause to use and misuse the law to promote Eritrean Lebensraum at the expense of Ethiopia. In this regard, the discourse on the rule of law is intended to help them sail under false colours. The discourse on rule of law is indeed very appealing to any disinterested person or group for it implies that justice has been done in an impartial and correct manner. And who dares to say in public they are against justice? The problem is that the same discourse can be used to legitimate the most horrible crimes and all sorts of shenanigans. It was in the name of rule of law that the League of Nations imposed arms embargo against Ethiopia while the barbarous Italian fascists were bombing Ethiopians with poison gas. It was also in the name of rule of law that the United States Government imposed an embargo against Ethiopia even if she was a victim of Eritrean regime�s devastating invasion in 1998. As if that was not enough, the United States Government has been of late trying to take economic sanctions against Ethiopia in the name of the rue of law. It was also in the name of the rule of law that such inhuman regimes as Nazism in Germany, Stalinism in the former Soviet Union and the Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia committed genocide against humanity. This shows that the rule of law can be misused as a certificate of respectability even by the bloodiest dictators to justify their monstrous actions.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to bear in mind that every law is not a rule of law. Rule of law is diametrically opposed to jungle law which is the characteristic feature of all dictators. In contemporary politico-legal parlance, the rule of law is inseparable from democratic rule and the respect of the fundamental rights and liberties of citizens. It requires that the people have the right to vote in and vote out of office freely their leaders when they don�t rule in a manner as to promote only the national interest. Seen against this background, it is a public knowledge that democracy does not exist in Ethiopia. Neither are the fundamental human rights of each and every Ethiopian respected.

Despite that, commitment to rule of law has become the hobby horse of the Eritrean prime minister ruling Ethiopia since the day the Ethiopian people have rejected categorically the Algiers conspiracy and the botch up decision of The Hague based arbitration tribunal. The idea behind such a new campaign is to intimidate the Ethiopian people into accepting the cession of their territories to Eritrea. To this end internal and external forces have left no stone unturned to pressurize the Ethiopian people to comply with the decision to violate their country�s territorial sovereignty. Nonetheless, the Ethiopian people are opposed to this deceit as reported recently by the Ethiopian private written mass media. The inhabitants of Afar, Gulo-makeda, Badme and of Irob have in particular expressed their determination to stay in their land and to be opposed, if necessary, to any attempt to dislocate them from it in the name of the �rule of law�. At first blush, this patriotic defiance can be construed to imply that they are not law abiding citizens. However, on a closer inspection, that statement shows the total incomprehension and helplessness of those Ethiopians in the face of the collusion of internal and external forces to displace them from their land. It is impossible for them to believe the possibility of the existence of anyone who can have an overriding right against them on Badme, Gulo-makeda, Irob and on the Afar region. For those innocent and helpless Ethiopians, EPRDF�s diktat that �law� prevails over the well-being of Ethiopians is impossible to fathom. Those Ethiopians may think that they are ignorant about law. However, they are posing the greatest legal and political right based challenge to anyone who has a rudimentary sense of legality and justice. Their legal and political based right has been enshrined in the United Nations Charter, in various international legal instruments and endorsed even by EPRDF�s constitution and ideology. That right is the right of self determination. We have time and again urged EPRDF strongman not to use a double standard against Ethiopians. We have said that although anti Ethiopian, EPRDF�s ideology that any people by virtue of being people have the right to self determination militates against dislocation of Ethiopians from their ancestral homes.

Our intention here is not, however, to dilate on the principle of the right of self determination. Our aim is to demonstrate in detail the phony nature of EPRDF strong man�s recent argument that Ethiopia has fought for the �rule of law� and not for the respect of her sovereignty on this or that piece of land. Once this done, we hope it will be very clear to the uninitiated reader why the false accusation by the UN Security Council, by the Eritrean regime and by The Hague based Border Commission that peace in the Horn of Africa is threatened by Ethiopia�s refusal to abide by �international law� is based on a deliberately distorted and partial (Eritrea friendly) interpretation of international law. This will help us to demonstrate why, contrary to the official propaganda in Ethiopia, the blatant interference of British and American governments in Ethiopian internal affairs is aimed at helping out their beleaguered and inglorious client regime so that the cession of Ethiopian territories to Eritrea can take place without endangering EPRDF strongman�s grip on power. Finally, we will try to forward, by way of conclusion, some suggestions as to what should be done to pull the country out of the political and economic quagmire in which it finds itself now on top of the war of Armageddon that Ethiopians have been waging against the internal and external forces bent on violating Ethiopia�s territorial sovereignty by high jacking international law.


The current misleading legal trial of strength between the Eritrean �Prime Minister� ruling Ethiopia and The Hague based Border Commission might at first glance give the impression that the former is genuine in his opposition to the Border Commission�s ruling on Badme. However one is entitled to ask why so much obsession only on Badme while the regime�s over all policy is at variance with Ethiopia�s territorial integrity as is enshrined by the UN and the AU Charters. The regime�s answer to this is that it is not Badme, a �godforsaken village� or a piece of land here and there as such which is at stake but the �respect of international rule of law�. Ethiopians may then wonder why the regime has sacrificed tens of thousands of soldiers and spent billions of dollars if the main and only aim was not to defend each and every piece of Ethiopian land including what the regime disrespectfully and imitating some of the Western media and intellectuals calls the �godforsaken village� of Badme?

There are many people who admire very much the Eritrean Prime Minister�s mental sharpness to find ready-made answers to any question. Nonetheless, none of his ready made-answers on Ethiopia�s territorial sovereignty and national interest can stand up even to a cursor scrutiny. Because either they are completely false or very contradictory. The contradiction becomes blatant when he pleads for Eritrea or works for his personal sovereignty against Ethiopia�s national sovereignty. Recall that he preached a lot about Eritreans� right to self determination; but he is opposed to the application of this same principle to the Afars and other ethnic groups who have been annexed against their will to Eritrea. As if that was not enough, he has been moving heaven and earth to prevent the application of that same principle to Ethiopians living in Badme, Gulo-makeda, Irob and Afar. To verify this, one can read the provisions of the Algiers Conspiracy which stipulate among other things that the UN should do everything possible to make sure that population transfer caused by the demarcation take place with less suffering to those concerned by such a transfer. �Unaware� that for Ethiopians, Ethiopia�s land is priceless, American and British governments have been shamelessly saying that they would construct another Alitiena, another Badme and that they would send money to displaced Ethiopians. But Ethiopians have never asked for Americano-British charity to build another Badme or another Alitiena. This clearly shows that the lot of Ethiopians is to be displaced within Ethiopia while their land will be abandoned to new Eritrean colonial settlers. The contradiction is also blatant when EPRDF high priest feels that his absolute power is challenged. For example, he speaks about the rule of law but we know how Siye Abraha, who deserves to be decorated as a national hero for deflating EPLF�s self deceiving image of invincibility, was illegally thrown into jail and has since been deprived of his fundamental constitutional right to be released on bail.

One can cite other examples to show why EPRDF strongman�s new found commitment to the rule of law is a window dressing intended to violate Ethiopian sovereignty. However, it would not be proper to forget that what appears to Ethiopians false and contradictory does not in reality matter for him. He is never concerned about his personal integrity and trustworthiness in the eyes of the Ethiopian people. After all, he has accepted Ethiopia�s destruction by promulgating the �right of secession�. It is therefore essential to bear in mind that the most important thing for him is not the well-being of Ethiopia but the realisation of his life�s only raison d��tre. Namely the independence and well-being of Eritrea at the expense of Ethiopia. This is the very reason why we Ethiopians cannot understand his disastrous decisions and policies because in our heart of hearts and unconsciously we tend to believe that he has to work only for our well-being. Alas, this has never been the case as the experience of the last twelve years shows. Consequently, for him all political, legal and economic mental acrobatics are good as long as they help to further realise that raison d��tre. On the other hand, logic, coherence and legality must be sacrificed as long as they are obstacles to the realization of that raison d��tre. That is why the letter and spirit of international law is interpreted out of context of the time and place in order to violate Ethiopia�s territorial sovereignty in a manner without precedent in the history of international settlement of territorial disputes.

Keeping the above in mind, it is not difficult to uncover the secret behind the new found commitment to the �rule of law�. To that end, we can begin our discussion by asking what and whose law EPRDF�s strongman is talking about when he �argues� that rule of law should prevail over the well-being of Ethiopians.

1.1. Jungle law masqueraded as rule of law

In the Western legal thought, the definition of law is of course a moot point among legal pundits. But in Ethiopia, any peasant knows what law means from their life experience, religious belief, et cetera. They have fought against Eritrean expansionism as their ancestors had fought against Turkish, Egyptian and Italian colonialism. If past and present generations of Ethiopians have fought for the territorial sovereignty of the mother land, it is because they believe that the land is theirs and that no one can have the right to take it away from them. It is a clear demonstration of a callous disregard by the regime to the right of the Ethiopian people to say that the life sacrifices made by them to ensure their individual and collective rights on their land is not important in comparison to the �rule of law�. If the rule of law to which he refers is one that enables him to cede Ethiopian territories to Eritrea, he is in fact telling us that Ethiopians should not have fought against Eritrean expansionism. The truth however is Ethiopians have fought for a rule of law which ensures their absolute right on their land. But it is also a fact that the sacrifices of Ethiopians have been nullified to enable Eritrea to get in Algiers and in The Hague what it lost on the battle field.

Ethiopia, like any other country, is a sovereign nation and has an inviolable sovereign right on her territory. This is the underlying principle of international law. Any act which violates such a fundamental principle of international law upon which is based the current international system of states is illegal and a threat to peace in the region and therefore should be combated legally and militarily.

From this point of view, it should not be doubted even for a second that EPRDF strong man is not referring to international law which recognizes Ethiopia�s sovereign right when he talks about his commitment to the rule of law. His view of �international law� is the falsehood invented by Eritrean nationalists who love to believe that Eritrea was sired by Italian colonialists. As a result, the so-called �colonial treaties� of 1900, 1902 and of 1908 are considered to be the basis of the birth of what is called the �Eritrean nation�. That Ethiopian territory is supposed to have become Italian ownership by the mere presence of Italians. But the Eritrean prime minister goes further than other Eritrean nationalists when it comes to Ethiopia. Because for him, the Ethiopian nation too was born when King Menelik had concluded those treaties with Italian, French and British colonialists. According to Eritreanised weyane (hi)-story of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian nation is not older than the �Eritrean nation�. Because of this political and historical distortion, Ethiopia�s claim on what is today called Eritrea is considered by Eritreanised woyane leaders and intellectuals to be chauvinistic, �historically false� and above all �expansionist�, therefore �illegal� because it goes against Italian �colonial right�. TPLF leaders in general and their ideological and political guru in particular do not want to listen that Ethiopians had fought against Turks, Egyptians and Italians in this part of northern tip of Ethiopia, that today�s Eritrea was Ethiopian from the Axumite period to the arrival of the Turks in Mitsiwa�e towards the beginning of the 16th century and since the 16th century to the end of the 19th century Ethiopians had fought against foreign aggression in this part of Ethiopia. For the Eritreanised weyane and their leader, this is not history but a �story� concocted by what they impudently call �Amhara court minstrels�. By making a clean sweep of Ethiopian history, EPRDF�s strong man and his minions consider colonial treaties to be the alpha and omega of their mantra regarding Eritrea. Their �legal� and political mind is conditioned by such a distorted historical and legal conception of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Any argument which contradicts their ideology is supposed to be the work of the chauvinist proponents of greater Ethiopia, which the weyane guru and his sycophants, consider to be non-persons to plead for the respect of the right of their nation.

In other words, they expect Ethiopians to deny and forget their history and their right on this (Eritrea) part of Ethiopia in favor of the history and the �right� of Italian colonialists. Behind the Algiers Conspiracy exists such a historical and legal distortion of the history and the identity of Ethiopia. The acceptance of the Algiers conspiracy implies that Ethiopians accept that their country�s history is hundred years old and that Ethiopia like any African country is, though indirectly, the creation of colonialism; that Ethiopia, while itself being a creation of colonialism, has colonised another creation of colonialism, namely Eritrea. Hence the �rule of law� to which the Eritrean prime minister alludes to is the European colonial law which had allowed Europeans to create new European territorial possessions in Africa.

In this regard, the law which EPRDF�s strong man considers to be so sacrosanct as to override the sovereign territorial right of Ethiopia is based on colonial rules spelt out in the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 which had endorsed the �right� of Europeans to share out the African continent among them. That European colonial public law had considered mother Africa as an unoccupied and unclaimed continent. According to that European law, countries like Ethiopia did not have, �legally� speaking, any right against Europeans. The European colonial law was supposed to prevent war among Europeans. To that end, it stipulated that European powers could conclude with local chiefs or kings� treaties�. However the so-called treaties were in reality title deeds which could serve as a proof when the African territorial possession of one European colonial power was challenged by another European colonial power. The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 had devised mechanisms and procedures destined to solve litigation between Europeans. What is however funny is that African chiefs or kings could not invoke those �treaties� to defend their right against colonialists. Per contra, a third party European colonialist could invoke a treaty signed with an African local chief to challenge the legality of the acts of another colonialist against Africans. This means that European states could challenge Italy�s invasion of Ethiopia in 1896; but Ethiopia could not have for example invoked the Wuchal� unequal colonial treaty because its destiny as an �unoccupied and unclaimed� land was to be owned by Europeans and that in accordance with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.

In other words, Africans were not considered by colonialists as human beings or if they were human beings, they could not have a right that could be invoked against Europeans. It is true that on the morrow of the Adwa victory, Europeans had been obliged to say that Ethiopians were �black whites � and their religion, albeit ancient, was nonetheless a part of Christianity. Theoretically, this was indeed in marked contrast to their conception of Ethiopia before the shining victory of Adwa. Before Adwa, they used to say that Ethiopians were �barbarous� and their Orthodox faith was a �heresy� because of its Alexandrian influences. Because of this Ethiopians had to be converted by Europeans to the �true� Christianity. One can therefore see that before 1896, European civilization and European Christianity were the yardsticks to measure the �civilised� or the �barbaric� nature of Ethiopians. However, despite the lip service recognition that Europeans had paid to Ethiopian sovereignty by sending their ambassadors to the Ethiopian capital city after the victory of Adwa, they had never really accepted Ethiopian sovereignty and the equality of Ethiopian black Orthodox Christianity with Western European Christianity. Because of this, the conversion of Ethiopians into the self righteous European Christianity has always been high on the agenda. Pope Pius XI�s blessing of Benito Mussolini�s tanks and poison gas to break Ethiopians resistance, and as a result of which were exterminated more than seven hundred thousand Ethiopians, was considered to be a good opportunity for the Catholic Church to realize its age-old dream of romancing Ethiopia. The current very aggressive European Christian crusade to eliminate Tewahido orthodoxy from Ethiopia is nothing but a continuation of that logic of Europeanising Ethiopian Christianity.

On the diplomatic level, the repeated Anglo-Italian conspiracies of 1891, 1894, 1902, 1906, 1915, 1925 to share out Ethiopia between them can be cited as examples to show that the so-called colonial treaties were not at all treaties in strict legal sense of the word. Because, number one, there was no reason why Ethiopia should abandon its population and territory to a European colonialist after having fought against Turks, Egyptians and Italians during the reign of king Yohannis. From this point of view the three Italian colonial treaties were, to use a legal jargon, pactus leoninus (meaning treaties entered into for the sole benefit of one party. Note this expression was used by M. Garriston to describe the 1902 Anglo-Ethiopian treaty which deprived Ethiopia of its sovereign right to construct dam on the lake Tana. source: proceedings of the American society of International Law, 1960). For any reasonable man, such kind of �treaties� cannot be legal because they were vitiated by duress. But even from the colonial point of view European territorial possessions in Africa were the result of colonialism which was based on racism and barbarism.

The other point which shows that the so-called colonial treaties were not treaties in the legal sense of the word is that they were not intended to be binding on colonialists. If they had been legally binding, then Europeans colonialists could not have repeatedly conspired to share Ethiopia between them. If they had been binding, they should have prevented colonialists from invading Ethiopia. The unequal colonial treaties signed by King Menelik under the threat of invading the whole Ethiopia were therefore void ab initio and not binding on Ethiopia as they were not binding on Italy and Great Britain.

We believe that this should be the principal argument of Ethiopians. Ethiopians are better advised not fasten on the decision of the Border Commission. All Ethiopian intellectuals should invest their intellectual capital on showing the legal and historical impossibility of exhuming still-born colonial treaties to delimit a new border between Ethiopia and her former province of Eritrea. It is only when we convince the world that the weyane policy of Eritrea is based on utter lying and legal and historical distortion that we can succeed in getting the renegotiation of the respective territorial rights between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Ethiopians� aim should therefore be the total rejection of the weyane theory that Ethiopia colonised Eritrea. Because the weyane theory goes against the established international law and international public opinion that the banditry in Eritrea was an internal Ethiopian affair. Because of this, the recourse to colonial treaty is a clear violation of the various UN resolutions on the inviolability of the territorial integrity of Ethiopia. But more importantly, it is totally unacceptable for Ethiopia to exhume the still-born colonial treaties after having sacrificed more than seven hundred thousand Ethiopians in fighting courageously against Italian fascist barbarism and robbery.

The Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, despite the 1928 Kelogg-Briand Pact, which made illegal any recourse to war as an instrument of national policy, showed that not only Italy had never intended to abide by those still-born treaties but that these treaties were extinguished. Some EPRDF diplomats try to confuse Ethiopians by confusing treaties concluded freely and colonial treaties imposed on Ethiopia by colonialists who came from afar to enslave the Ethiopian people and to take their land. They argued that they did not know of any rule of international law which said that treaties could be extinguished by war. It is a fact that war does not necessarily extinguish treaties unless the main aim of the war is to bring to an end a treaty in question. This is to say, it all depends on the nature of the treaty. Assuming that the void colonial treaties were legal, then the fascist invasion of Ethiopia had extinguished them. Because the main aim of the fascist invasion was to destroy the colonial treaty boundary which restricted Italy to stay in Eritrea. In other words, the violation of that restriction by the fascist invasion brought to an end the theoretical raison d��tre of colonial treaties of 1900, 1902 and 1908.

In a patriotic bid to defend Ethiopia�s cause, some Ethiopians argued that the �annexation� of Ethiopia by Italy had brought Ethiopia�s existence to an end at least temporarily and that colonial treaties could not be invoked to delimit the border between Ethiopia and her former province Eritrea. This is statement need to be qualified because although the moribund League of Nations had erased Ethiopia from world map, Ethiopians were fighting and the Italians had never completely controlled Ethiopia. In fact two third of Ethiopia territory was under the control of Ethiopian patriots. If that had not been the case, it would have been very difficult to defeat Italy in 1941. So, unlike the case of some European countries under Nazi occupation, Ethiopia�s existence had never come to an end although it is perfectly possible to argue that until 1945 Ethiopian sovereignty did not exist in the eyes of European international law because colonial law did not recognise the legal personality of Africans. Africa was there to be occupied by Europeans. So even if we are totally opposed to the racist and Eurocentric conception of international law (because before the arrival of colonialists in Africa, Ethiopia�s relationship with the Western world had been based on mutual patronage and fealty) , one can argue that as far as the Europeans were concerned, Ethiopian sovereignty did not exist.

The acceptance of the fascist invasion of Ethiopia by the British government despite the 1902 agreement between Ethiopia and Great Britain which delimited the border between the British colony of the Sudan and Ethiopia and which also obliged Ethiopia not to construct dams on lake Tana is a proof of the non-recognition of Ethiopia by European international law. The British tacit approval of Ethiopia�s invasion and their official acceptance of Ethiopia�s partial occupation by Italian fascists had equally brought to an end the obligation prohibiting Ethiopia from constructing dam on Lake Tana . This prohibition which was a great restriction on Ethiopia�s sovereignty and which made dependant the construction of a dam by Ethiopia on getting a prior authorisation from the Sudan showed the British governments� traditional anti Ethiopia position. To demonstrate this point, it suffices to look at how the British conducted themselves when they were invited by King Haile Selassie to Ethiopia. That said, if one insists that Ethiopia was truly recognised as an sovereign state by Europeans, the League of Nations� decision to accept Ethiopia�s partial occupation as a fait accompli was illegal because it went against the 1928 Kelogg-Briand pact. The League wanted to legalise an illegal act, viz. war as instrument of national policy by fascist Italy. The irony of history is that the United states, which because of its isolationist policy, was not at the moment a member of the League of Nations, was one of the two countries which was opposed to the fascist invasion of Ethiopia.

The same EPRDF diplomats wondered how the boundary could be delimited if the colonial treaties did not exist. The answer is that there would be no boundaries. The country would be as it had been before the arrival of colonialists. That is what happened when the UN, after listening to Eritreans� desire for reunification, approved the reunification in the form of federation. If that was not the case, those who would like to remain Ethiopians would remain Ethiopians and those who would like to have a new state would have their own state. And this process can done by democratic means.

One can also forward the argument that had it not been for the impossibility to defend all Ethiopia against all European colonialists on the Northern, Eastern and Southern fronts of Ethiopia, King Menelik could not have signed a treaty willingly to cede his own territory to an enemy. Didn�t the sovereign send a letter to European powers informing them that if God gave Him the strength, He would do all he could to reconstitute Ethiopia�s historical territory? While accepting this, one may say that by allowing Italians to stay in Eritrea, the sovereign had nonetheless aimed to weaken his rivals from the Tigray. But if the aim had been to weaken Tigray, the best way for King Menelik to disembarrass himself from any rivalry coming from Tigray would have been to leave the whole Tigray to Italian colonialists as they had insistently demanded before the war of 1896. However, if we put aside the issue of rivalry between Shewa and Tigray (which by the way was an internal problem which cannot be invoked to justify the validity of a treaty with a European colonialist), this argument itself shows that the present day Eritrea is an integral part of Ethiopia. In other words, if Eritrea had not been Ethiopian, there was no need for Italians to conclude a treaty with King Menelik of Ethiopia. But it did not happen like that. Italians had fought against Ethiopians many times between 1882 and 1896 in what is today called Eritrea and they were defeated each time. Therefore, it follows logically, not to mention the other killing historical evidences in favour of Ethiopia, that present day Eritrea is historically Ethiopian. This is an incontrovertible fact, although the politically motivated Border Commission of The Hague has lied by saying that Eritrea was under Turkish and Egyptian rule before its colonisation by Italy. By lying so barefacedly, it wanted to nullify the sacrifices paid by our ancestors against Turks, Egyptians and Italians from the 15th century to the 19t century. The Commission also wanted to disregard the historical, ethnic, cultural, religious, linguistic and geographical common Ethiopian origin of Eritreans that the United Nations mentioned among other things as the main reason why it decided in 1952 to federate Eritrea with Ethiopia.

That being said, just like other Eritrean nationalists, EPRDF strong man also preaches that Eritrea should have automatically obtained its independence in 1952. By saying so, he �repeals� a decision made by the United Nations. He also retrospectively �repeals� all Ethiopian laws which considered Eritrea as an integral part of Ethiopia. What legal basis does he have to do that? No legal basis except his jungle law.1.2. EPRDF Jungle law versus Ethiopia�s territorial integrity as recognised by international law.

Nothing brings out more the lawlessness of EPRDF�s strongman than his desire to retroactively repeal the United Nations decision to reunify Eritrea with its mother land after having listened to the majority of Eritreans desire to be reunited with Ethiopia. Whatever might be his personal opinion regarding the way the United Nations approved the reunification, he does not and can not have any legal basis to repeal international law. It is impossible to imagine that he can make a law in the name of Ethiopia against Ethiopia. But just like other Eritrean nationalists, he wants Ethiopians to accept his self serving argument that the colonial treaties of 1900, 1902 and of 1908 are �sacrosanct�. For him, that they were void ab initio, that they were intended to serve only as a title deed for Italy, that they were extinguished by Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, and that they were nullified by the UN decisions to federate Eritrea with Ethiopia, that they were repealed by King Haile Selassie are anti Eritrea arguments by Ethiopians to defend their country�s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We repeat that, for him, colonial treaties are the alpha and Omega of his Eritrea�s existential breviaries. As such they must override over Ethiopia�s vital national interest.

The reader should remember that for EPRDF�s strongman colonial treaties are �sacrosanct� only as far as they help to violate Ethiopia�s sovereignty. No matter if colonial treaties were violated by others or were not even recognised by others. For example, before the UN finally decided the reunification of Eritrea with Ethiopia in the form of a federation in 1952, and desirous of annexing part of Eritrea to its colony of the Sudan, the British government had repeatedly argued that Eritrea could not be a viable state and that Eastern Eritrea had to be given to Ethiopia and Western Eritrea to the Sudan. This means that as far as the British government was concerned, EPRDF strong man�s sacrosanct colonial treaties of 1900, 1902 and of 1908 were non-existent. What is more, the decision by the members of the UN Security Council and the members of the UN General Assembly after 1947 that Ethiopia had imperatively to regain its natural access to the sea what ever might be the final destiny of Eritrea can be taken as an evidence to show the non �existence of the so-called colonial treaties. In the eyes EPRDF strongman, all that cannot anyway be used in favor of Ethiopia. Because, it goes against the teachings of the EPLF.

.EPRDF strong man�s argument in favor of Eritrea is not confined to this. When Ethiopian intellectuals argue that colonial treaties are void, he inexpertly says this very argument can be returned against Ethiopia. Don�t ask me why he is always bent on dismissing every argument and every evidence which aims to defend Ethiopian interest. No doubt that when he says Ethiopians� argument about the invalidity of colonial treaties can be returned against their country, he is referring to the border between Ethiopia and Somalia in particular and between Ethiopia and Kenya and the Sudan in general. What he forgets is that the present Ethio-Somalia border is not based on colonial treaties. It is based on what Ethiopia believes is her historical territory. By concluding treaties with colonialists, Ethiopia succeeded in stopping Italians and the British from encroaching on her territory on the southern and western parts whereas it failed on the Northern Ethiopia. All the same, this Ethiopian conception of her territory had never been recognised by the new state of Somalia. Because of this, Somalia had never officially accepted the so-called Cairo resolution of 1964 which requires that Somalia accept the territory it had at the time it got its independence. It wanted to create Greater Somalia, a dream which had at the beginning the imprimatur of British imperial colonialism. This was demonstrated by the British government�s desire not to return to Ethiopia the Ogaden until 1948 and the Haud until 1954. This is also another proof that colonial treaties were non existent as far as the Europeans were concerned. If that had not been the case, the British would not have hesitated to return to Ethiopia the Ogaden until 1948 and the Haud until 1954. To make greater Somalia a reality, Somalia waged two devastating wars against Ethiopia. This is a clear evidence that there is no border based on colonial treaty between Ethiopia and Somalia. Ethiopia made every military effort to defend not colonial treaties but what she considers is her historical territory. In other words, Somalis were forced to recognize Ethiopia�s own conception of her territorial sovereignty based on history. They also admitted that unlike them whose illegal claim was based only on the mere presence of Somali speaking Ethiopians in the area, Ethiopia�s territorial sovereignty is a historical one.

There are sufficient historical evidences which show that Somali Ethiopians used to pay taxes to the Ethiopian central government as far back as the 15th century. This is to say that, the 1964 Cairo Resolution according to which colonial boundaries inherited at the time of independence should be respected can never be applicable to Ethiopia. Ethiopia exists since several thousands of years although its present territorial morphology is the result of the Herculean efforts exerted by central and peripheral authorities during of thousands of years. Ethiopia is not like Somalia, Kenya or any other country in Africa south of the Sahara. Therefore, the deceitful reference to the 1964 Cairo Resolution in the Algiers conspiracy by EPRDF strong man is the result of his distorted conception of Ethiopia that it came into existence in the year 1900s. But even in that case, the EPRDF high priest does not respect the territorial integrity of Ethiopia. The proof is that he has never hidden his desire that some Ethiopians can separate from Ethiopia. If you ask him why, the answer is that they have the �right to self determination�. If you argue that besides the insuperable difficulties in defining the word �self�, self determination cannot be exercised against the right of the Ethiopian nation to her territorial integrity as enshrined by the UN and AU charters, the impudent answer he gives is such a �chauvinistic� conception of Ethiopia had resulted in �thirty years of war�. So, here still, there is no law but the diktat of the Eritrean prime minister. The diktat of the Eritrean prime minister is therefore totally anti Ethiopian and pro Eritrean. Nothing highlights this anti-Ethiopia diktat than his position regarding Somalia�s right to be reunited and his repeated statements in favor of the disintegration of Ethiopia. He doesn�t want to recognize Somali-Land but he recognizes the independence of Eritrea and even the right of secession for some Ethiopian ethnics. Many foreigners including former Kenyan dictator Daniel Arap Moi, wrongly accuse the present Trojan Horse regime in Ethiopia of being opposed to the reunification of Somalia. In our view this amounts to saying that Eritrea and Egypt are opposed to the reunification of Somalia or that they love to see a strong united Ethiopia.

As a result of this historical and legal distortion and glaring contradiction on the part of the Eritrean prime minister, the Algiers Conspiracy stipulates that the Border Commission will delimit the Border between Ethiopia and Eritrea as if Eritrea got its independence in 1908. The EPRDF strong man has always rejected that the Eritrean independence is the result of secession. He �argues� shamelessly that Ethiopia colonised Eritrea. Under international law, there is a great difference between independence obtained as a result of secession and independence as a result of national liberation from colonial rule. In the case of secession, it is admitted that Eritrea was legally part and parcel of Ethiopia. In the case of desalinization, Eritrea would have been annexed by Ethiopia. EPRDF�s strong man wants us to accept that Eritrea decolonised itself from Ethiopian colonial rule.

What could have happened if, for example, Western Eritrea had been given to British colony of the Sudan and Eastern Eritrea to Ethiopia according to the British proposal of the 1950s and assuming that Eastern Eritrea got its independence from Ethiopia in 1991? Could the Italian Eritrea of 1908 be reordered in such a way that Western Eritrea would be taken back from the Sudan and be reincorporated to Eastern Eritrea to reconstitute Eritrea when it was in the days of Italian colonialism or would EPRDF strong man be limited to recognising Eastern Eritrea as it would exist during its independence from Ethiopia in 1991? We are obliged to present such hypothetical questions to show that the Algiers conspiracy is based neither on law, on history nor on logic. Despite that, the Algiers conspiracy is to be implemented through violence not because it is legal but because it is the raison d��tre of EPRDF�s strong man. He believes that his desire is �law� because it is a �gospel�s truth�. He doesn�t say it clearly. But there is no doubt he believes �he is the state� as King Louis XIV of France is reported to have once said. From the foregoing, it is perfectly logical to give him the pertinent title of �the Eritrean Prime Minister ruling Ethiopia�. For us, his maternal or paternal ethnicity does not mean anything. What counts most as far as we are concerned is not his primordial identity although a false but an idealised primordial ethnic identity is at the heart of TPLF�s anti-Ethiopia political philosophy. What matters for us is his conviction, his words and deeds which show beyond any shadow of doubt that he has made a deliberate choice to be Eritrean and not Ethiopian even if he is at the head of the Ethiopian state and even if he gets millions of dollars per annum as an emolument for working against the vital national interest of Ethiopia while the Ethiopian people suffer from recurrent famine. Therefore, no misunderstanding should be allowed to exist on his point. Look at what he does and ask what he believes in and don�t ask who his parents are. For us any one, leave alone an Eritrean, is a good Ethiopian as long as they are devoted to work only for the well-being of the Ethiopian nation and to fight for the respect of her territorial integrity as recognised by international law.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the new found commitment to �international rule of law� is not a reference either to Ethiopian laws or to international law. It is a personal desire intended to reward Eritrea at the expense of Ethiopia. The big problem of Ethiopia is that this personal wish, albeit its glaring anti Ethiopianness cannot be judicially reviewed to ensure that it is in accordance with Ethiopian legal system as it existed before EPRDF�s taking of power and as Ethiopians believe it should be. It is a personal wish against which no law or popular sovereignty can be transcendentally invoked. We saw how Californians were able to exercise their sovereign right to revoke an incompetent governor and to vote in office Arnold Schwarzenegger in his place. We heard also the British prime minister has been subjected to judicial enquiry for having tempered with intelligence report in a bid to justify Britain�s going to war against Iraq. Recently the Bolivian president was obliged to resign because Bolivians were opposed to his decision to sell Bolivian natural gas at knock-down. In comparison to what has been happening in Ethiopia during the disastrous reign of EPRDF, the fault of the former Californian governor, that of the British prime minister and of the former Bolivian president is nothing. Alas, Ethiopians are supposed to applaud to the unprecedented crimes committed against their country. While this the case, it is surprising to hear foreign governments and international law specialists saying that the decision of the Border Commission is in conformity with international law and that Ethiopia should be abided by it. Tseggai Mebrahtu

Copyright � 2003 by Tseggai Mebrahtu

Next: Part II. In part II of this article, we will try to discuss in detail the negative role of foreign governments and lawyers against Ethiopia.