By Tecola W. Hagos
I am
absolutely flabbergasted by the activities of some Members of the
Parliament of Canada in their latest campaign to landlock and
destroy Ethiopia by demanding that Ethiopia accept the decision of a
corrupted Boundary Commission. In the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session a
report (11th Report) [attached herewith at the end of this article]
from the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International
Trade from its November 6 �03 57th meeting, a course of action
against the Sovereign Nation of Ethiopia is recommended in order to
force Ethiopia accept the decision of Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary
Commission pursuant to an illegal, fraudulent, and collusive Algiers
Agreement between Meles Zenawi, who had acted as an agent of the
�Eritrean� government, and the Government of �Eritrea�. The
action of the Canadian Parliament seems to be part of the conspiracy
in line with the introduction by some members of the Congress of the
United States of a draft Bill [see Draft Bill, H.R. 2760]. All these
effort to force Ethiopia to accept such corrupt decision of a
corrupt arbitration tribunal is aimed to destroy Ethiopia. At the
same time, Western countries are harboring ethnic based movements
giving them sanctuary and sustenance in the hope that they will lead
the final act of totally dismantling Ethiopia into mini nations.
Canadian government is not a new comer to such types of underhanded
and behind the scene manipulation. In 1990 it helped the brutal
Mengistu Hailemariam to relocate to Zimbabwe, and there by made it
possible for Mengistu to escape prosecution for genocide and crime
against humanity, treason, corruption, and murder charges. The
Canadian government seems to think that it is acting in a
peace-broker role to promote peace by meddling in the affaires of so
called �Third World� nations. What Canada does is something far
from helping the people of Ethiopia, but is giving support and
comfort to Ethiopia�s enemies to strangle and destroy the people
of Ethiopia by depriving us of our historic and natural access to
the Red Sea, and force Ethiopian Citizens of the Afar Coastal Region
to accept a foreign and alien citizenship or face massive forced
relocation. All this is contrary to accepted customary and treaty
based international law principles. The neutral peace loving edifice
that Canada is projecting into the World arena is far from the
reality of its use of double standards, hasty decisions, and
hostility to our Ethiopian interest. Let us call on Canada to
account for its rash and silly, and unprovoked attack on all
First of
all, before the Canadian government starts meddling in the affaires
of other nations, it ought to free itself from the humiliating
bondage and servitude to the Queen of England in whose name every
official governmental act of Canada is undertaken. The government of
Canada has no right whatsoever to dictate to Ethiopians terms and
conditions that would deprive Ethiopian citizens their rights of
citizenship, territorial integrity, and their ancestral homes that
predate not only the date of Canada�s coming into existence but
also the history of Canada�s settlers and �conquistador�
population that used brute force and extreme violence against
indigenous people to colonize great expanse of territory. It is sad
to observe that in a land where not so long ago the great visionary Pierre
Elliott Trudeau presided, we have now Lilliputian Canadian
Parliamentarians in the corridors of power dispensing ridicules
measures against the ancient and friendly people of Ethiopia in
favor of �Eritreans� who just came into existence less than a
decade ago carved out of Ethiopia through intrigue, treason, and
Canada is
not a real nation in the true sense of the word, but an outpost of a
fighting ground, away
from the
home bases of two contending European colonial forces (England and
France). Need I remind readers about the ongoing effort of French Qu�b�cois
to gain their own independence from what they consider an
Anglo-Saxon domination in Canada. In order to subdue that
independence movement, the Canadian Government did not leave any
stone unturned in an effort to maintain the status quo as one
territory. The Canadian Parliament went to great length to establish
the illegality of any dismantling of Quebec from the rest of Canada.
The Canadian Government even hired an international law expert,
James Crawford, in order to augment the case for Canada�s
territorial integrity with legal jargon. That same James Crawford is
now part of the Eritrean team in the boundary dispute between
Ethiopia and its breakaway territory of �Eritrea.� James
Crawford, contrary to his written views on the independence of
�Eritrea,� he is now supporting the land locking of Ethiopia
based on defunct and long dead international instruments. The fact
that the same individual who is advising the �Eritrean�
government in its illegal grabbing of Ethiopian territory was also
an advisor to the Canadian government caste long shadow of double
dealing and corrupt practice by the Parliament of Canada.
A clear
example of the double standard used by the Canadian Parliament is to
be observed in the recent activities of its Standing Committee on
Foreign Affairs and International Trade that had prepared in a
report to be adopted by the Canadian Parliament a resolution
instructing the Canadian executive body to put pressure on Ethiopia
to accept the illegal decision of the so called �Boundary�
Commission. When the citizens of Quebec wanted to become
independent, the Government of Canada used all conceivable means,
short of brut violence, to impede that struggle. The Canadian
government commissioned several times legal scholars to help it
thwart the ambition of Qu�b�cois for independence. As stated
above, James Crawford had produced for the Government of Canada a
document that outlined the legal rights of Canada against any
independence seeking movement in Canada. Crawford prepared his ideas
and advice on the ongoing unilateral secession attempt by Quebec
from the rest of Canada in a report that was often quoted by members
of Parliament and the Executive body to justify their opposition to
the breaking up of Canada. [See Crawford, REPORT TO GOVERNMENT OF
As an
aside, let me mention that Crawford had written in that Report to
the Government of Canada that there is no �recognition of a
unilateral right to secede based on a majority vote of the
population of a sub-division or territory, whether or not that
population constitutes one or more �peoples� in the ordinary
sense of the word. In international law, self-determination for
peoples or groups within an independent state is achieved by
participation in the political system of the state, on the basis of
respect for its territorial integrity.� [See Crawford, REPORT TO
February 1997.] The principle thus expounded by Crawford even
challenges the legality of the very independence of �Eritrea�
let alone the legitimacy of any claim subordinated to that status of
independence. Crawford further had asserted that �[s]ince 1945 no
state which has been created by unilateral secession has been
admitted to the United Nations against the declared wishes of the
government of the predecessor state.� [See Crawford, Report, 9]
For example, Somaliland is stuck in its predicament as a victim of
the continued perverse manipulation of the United States and Russia.
Such lopsided treatment of people/nations with identical questions
is also to a great extent the result of the fact that the United
Nations itself in the person of its then Secretary General, Boutros
Ghali, was involved in an illegal and corrupt recognition of a
belligerent territory of Ethiopia as independent because of the
manipulation of Arab States and the acquiescence of the Super Powers
in collaboration with treasonous liberation movements such as the
TPLF/EPLF and in particular Meles Zenawi as the leader of TPLF/EPRDF.
Like all
predatory animals, whether it is Canada and the United States
governments, or the governments of Arab States, Ethiopia�s
historic enemies, they all are ready to bounce on Ethiopia because
they perceive Ethiopia as wounded and easy prey ready for the
picking. Here is where those nations that are trying to intimidate
Ethiopians are making their monumental mistakes. Ethiopians will
never give up their birth rights, their historic territories, their
citizenship, and their demographic outlays, and historic territorial
waters of the Red Sea, and their islands. Lest we forget, let me
remind everybody that Ethiopia is the only Black civilization that
stood alone courageously against the violent and brutal colonialism
of the West and those of the Ottoman Empire, and to date the assault
of Arab governments in the Middle East. We know the independence
movement of �Eritrea� was based on fallacious assumptions, and
divisive manipulation of Arab states whose main goal has always been
the destruction of Ethiopia in order to control the flow of the life
giving waters of Ethiopia�s highland great rivers like the Blue
Nile, Tekeze, et cetera and to overrun the only great civilization
that has practiced and maintained religious tolerance between two
religious traditions, where Christians and Moslems have lived in
peace under the great leadership of Ethiopia�s Christian Emperors
and Kings, and the moral guidance of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
for nearly one thousand and five hundred years.
contrast, the destruction unleashed on Ethiopia by Gragn Mohammed in
the 14th Century is a good example to illustrate how some Ethiopian
Moslems in the pay of foreign Islamic expansionist nations, such as
the Ottoman Turks of Gragn Mohammad�s time, could be destructive
and intolerant of Christians even if they acquire power for a short
period as was the case with Gragn. [Here, I am only citing past
experiences in our national history, and I am not advocating
religious war or animosity between Ethiopians based on religion. In
fact, I adhere by the great principle erected by Emperor Haile
Selassie: �Religion is private, but our Nation belongs equally to
all of us.�] In short, what we can observe both in our past
history and current affairs in the Middle East, is the fact that
Arab leaders have been the least tolerant of other religions and
different people than themselves. The history of the Middle East of
Islamic leaders is just one long history of nightmarish persecution
and intolerance of Christians. Observe how Copts are treated in
Egypt, and how other Christians are marginalized in Syria, Iraq, et
cetera. The situation in Saudi Arabia is even worse where there is
not a single Church of any kind, and where even private worship by
Christians is a crime punished severely. One must never forget the
fact that Ethiopian Emperors maintained relative peace and order
through out history in that part of the present day �Eritrea�
fighting off scavengers, and other marauding nomadic tribes financed
and encouraged by their Arab masters coming out of the area now in
the Sudan pillaging and destroying Orthodox Churches and settled
vigilance and sacrifice of Ethiopian Emperors in defense of
Christianity and their dispensation of justice to all is stuff out
of which great legends are made of. One Ethiopian Emperor, Kaleb, in
fact, went to the extent of waging the first Crusade because
Christians were being persecuted, their Churches being burned down,
and their wives and children being sold into slavery across from
Ethiopia in the present day Saudi Arabia and Yemen, long before
Europe sent its first Crusaders at the end of the first Millennium.
There are no comparable Emperors anywhere else in the World who
could be likened to some of Ethiopia�s great emperors such as
Emperor Amede Tsion or Emperor Serste Dingle who spent no less than
thirty years each on horsebacks on campaigns fighting and
maintaining law and order, and building a great nation in freedom
and sovereignty the breadth and length of Ethiopia from northern
area of the present day �Eritrea� to Borana, from Illubabur to
the Ogaden. In fact, I say shame on all those governments who are at
the present time trying to blackmail such a great people and their
nation. Ethiopians have always impeccable record of historically
verifiable facts of generosity, protection of the weak, the
tolerance of many religious practices within their communities, and
the justice of their Emperors and Kings administered to all of their
people without discrimination. Thus, the coercion of Western nations
of Ethiopians to accept a decision of a corrupt boundary commission
is a prelude to Ethiopia�s destruction no different than was
attempted by Gragn Mohammed many centuries ago.
There is
also this ignoramus effort both by Western governments and by some
of their intellectuals, as well as Ethiopian ethnic based liberation
movement leaders, to portray Ethiopian Emperors and leaders as
colonizers. Nothing is further from the truth; Ethiopian leaders
were never colonizers in like images of the brutal Western
governments during the era of colonialism. The enemies of Ethiopia
are trying to draw a parallel between European colonialism unleashed
on Africans, Asians and the Americas with that of Ethiopia�s
nation building. Where in Europe can anyone name to me generals or
subordinate officers of British Armies, French Armies, or Belgian
Armies who were recruited from the colonies of Western Colonizers?
In case of Ethiopia the situation was drastically different. If we
just take the period of Menilik�s reign alone, the one Emperor
most hated by liberation front leaders, the greatest commanders of
his Army, his most trusted senior advisors et cetera were from areas
that he had reassimilated into the Ethiopia that outlived the
scramble for Africa. All Ethiopians are proud of such military
leaders such as Ras Gobena, or skilful advisors such as Fitawrari
Habtegiorgis, all from re-assimilated areas of Ethiopia. Above
everything else, Ethiopian leaders saw themselves as �servants�
of God and as such entrusted by God to look after His �herd� and
not as individuals engaged in activities for individual glory. Even
their names reflect their faith and service to God. It is not
without reason our very ancient compatriots, the Greeks, referred to
us as the �blameless� Ethiopians.
Ethiopian in his right mind will accept the draconian decision of
the Boundary Commission, or be intimidated by any of the support
coming from the Security Council of the United Nations to such a
decision, or the blackmailing effort of Western governments or their
organs such as the Congress of the United States and the Parliament
of Canada. There is no international precedent, customary
international law, or any concept of justice that can be used as
authoritative in order to deprive over seventy million Ethiopians
their historic and natural coastal territories and their territorial
sea on the Red Sea and islands thereof. One must not lose sight of
the fact that both the creation of �Eritrea� and its claim of
the Ethiopian Afar Coastal Territories, territorial waters, and
islands is based on illegal events such colonialism and subversive
activities supported by Ethiopia�s historic enemies of Arab
nations and Egypt and the Sudan. Whereas, Ethiopia�s rights of
territorial integrity and sovereignty is based on well established
historical facts of statehood, continuity of Sovereign power, and
natural law, customary international law, and principles of rights
based on demography and geography.
What I
find particularly insulting in the abrasive and caustic statements
and demands contained in both the drafts and reports of the Canadian
Parliamentarians and in the draft Bill of the Members of the United
States Congress is the dangling of their wealth in our faces
promising economic assistance, as an initiative to make us forgo our
historic territories and abandon our fellow citizens to the vultures
surrounding us waiting to tear us apart. There is no worse
immorality than the coercion of a starving person into doing
something absolutely against his or her long-term interest because
of temporary poverty. The great sages of the Talmud admonished their
people never ever to take advantage of a person in need, neither to
sell to nor buy from a person in need, but rather to restore him
first and to help him recover himself or herself. This is specially
so between friends as both Canada and the United States claim to be
of Ethiopia.
Tecola W. Hagos
November 22, 2003
Washington DC
37th Parliament, 2nd Session
The Standing Committee on Foreign
Affairs and International Trade has the honour to present its ELEVENTH
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), your Committee has considered the
issue of Tension Along the Eritrea-Ethiopian Border and has agreed
to report the following:
Concerned about the ongoing tensions along the Eritrea-Ethiopian
Border which jeopardize the tenuous peace reached with the signing
of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on December 12, 2000 in
Welcoming the recommendations of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary
Commission, created by Article 4.2 of the Algiers Agreement, to
demarcate the disputed border between the two countries;
Mindful that following Article 4.5 of the Algiers Agreement, the
recommendations of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission are
binding on both parties of the conflict and are final;
Accepting the April 13, 2002 decision of the Eritrea-Ethiopia
Boundary Commission to grant the disputed town of Badme to Eritrea;
Aware of the controversial nature of the Badme decision and the
catalyst role of this settlement in the initiation of hostilities
between Ethiopia and Eritrea;
Alarmed over Ethiopian failure to fully comply with, and accept, the
Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission's recommendations, especially
with regards to the town of Badme;
Troubled by the findings of the United Nations Secretary-General on
Ethiopia and Eritrea, in the September 4, 2003 Progress Report, that
the number of border incidents in Sector Centre is increasing,
including the growth in the numbers of Ethiopian herdsmen and
livestock present in the Zone on the daily basis;
Disturbed by the September 5, 2003 report of the United Nations
Secretary-General with regards to the pointing of weapons by
Ethiopian militia at United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea
(UNMEE) patrols on August 5 and the violation of the Agreement on
Cessation of Hostilities in the Drum Drum Stream area of the Zone by
102 personnel from the Ethiopian Armed Forces on August 9-11, who
refused to leave the area despite UNMEE protests;
Appreciative of the leadership role that Canada has played in the
United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE), including
the deployment of 450 Canadian peacekeepers to the region at the
cessation of hostilities;
Calls on the Government of Canada to increase the pressure on the
Government of Ethiopia to accept, in full, the recommendations of
the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, including the decision on
the town of Badme;
Proposes that the Government of Canada forcefully indicate to the
Government of Ethiopia that our future cooperation would heavily
depend on Ethiopia's acquiescence to the recommendations of the
Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission;
Suggests that the Government of Canada offer incentives, in terms of
developmental aid or/and other assistance to the Governments of
Ethiopia and Eritrea, if they live up to their obligations under the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in Algiers, especially with
regards to the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission provisions.
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings Meeting No 57 is
tabled.Respectfully submitted,
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