It has always been my
hope that people who had/have special access to certain facts on the
inside workings of political parties or movements, whose archives are
not easily accessible by the general public, will be writing books and
articles to teach us all the secrets of the �Temple� and to save us
from rumor-mongering. To some extent, my wish seems to be fulfilled in
the book under review. However, my general supportive statement is not a
blanket endorsement of the book by Abyssinian Heritage Development
( hereafter
Tagaie Siye Abraha or Tagaie),
but simply a generic expression of my desire to see more works written
by individuals who have had unique experiences in political movements
share with Ethiopians their knowledge, aspirations, hopes, and
disappointments. Such timely participation would elevate to new heights
our discourse on Ethiopia.
Now, on another question
of endorsement, I am completely supportive of all demands to help free
Siye Abraha and all other political prisoners (now forgotten), including
Tamrat Lyne. It is unfathomable irony to me to see that ex-officials and
collaborators of Mengistu Hailemariam, the brutal murderer of tens of
thousands of Ethiopians, are back in office glowing in the sunlight of
their success as devoted servants of a treasonous leader, while the
great heroes of the liberation of Ethiopia are unjustly condemned under
made-up crimes and rotting in prison. Euripides or Sophocles would not
have written a greater Greek Tragedy than what Meles Zenawi has done to
his former comrades-in-arms. Meles Zenawi with his ersatz understanding
of real-politick blundered in a major way by prosecuting and imprisoning
such freedom fighters thereby lowering his own worth and cheapening the
sacrifices of all other freedom fighters and liberators of Ethiopia from
the clutches of the worst dictator in Ethiopian history. The Aradas
and the Mehale Sefaris are laughing their heads off watching this cheap
drama of self mutilation.
The book Tagaie Siye
Abraha is written in Amharic, which undertaking is commendable in
itself. It is not a voluminous book, but rather on the short side
considering the weight of its subject matter. Siye Abraha, the main
protagonist in the book, is the mercurial but tragic figure in the
unfolding history of the TPLF and its aborted mission of liberation and
vision of socialism. One could easily identify the life history of Siye
Abraha the individual, who is now illegally incarcerated, as an uncanny
mirror-like reflection of the breath taking rise and tragic fall of the
TPLF organization itself�an organization that was completely betrayed
and gutted from the inside by embedded agents of Eritrean liberation
movements of all kinds, specially by individuals such as Sebhate Nega,
Meles Zenawi, et cetera, and from the outside by the leadership of the
EPDM and its successor organization ANDM
- Amhara National Democratic Movement. I am not white-washing any
of the atrocities and treasonous acts committed by the TPLF as an
organization in its rise to power now that it has been vivisected and
its innards exposed for all to see and contemplate. One aspect of
TPLF�s disservice to Ethiopia was in allowing a handful of its
leaders, who are still in power now transformed as part of the new
Sefaris� power recovery structure, to blind-side the people�s
movement of the original freedom fighters into a secessionist movement
promoting the interest of �Eritrea� by overriding the interest and
the national unity of Ethiopia.
This book Tagaie Siye
Abraha has many constructive qualities. It shows us how the last
minute action and counter-action took place that resulted in the
expulsion of twelve Members, almost half of the Central Committee of the
TPLF (hereafter referred to as Dissenters or Dissidents). However, the
Book lacks certain degree of specificity in terms of proper dates of
events and specificity of circumstances. This may be due to the extreme
secretive nature of the TPLF and facts filtering out in piece-meals
rather than as coherent whole from that organization. For example, I
would be interested to know who Meles used as his go-between when he
mobilized the forces against the Twelve Dissidents. Who were the
individuals who handled this delicate operation? What was going on with
Tsadikan and his group of insiders? What was the incentive for making
such individuals take up such a lost cause of Meles Zenawi and turn it
around into a resounding victory? What was the role of Kinfe
Gebremedhin, the Security Chief, in all this? Was he killed by Meles or
his group in order to silence him from disgorging damaging information
about Meles and the corrupt Tigray Development Association (TDA) and the
people involved? The Authors have attached as an Appendix a very
valuable document, the decision of the TPLF Audit Committee on the
petition of the expelled Central Committee Members, the Dissidents,
which is quite illuminating concerning the procedural labyrinth one has
to deal within the TPLF administrative structure.
In Part One and Two of Tagaie
Siye Abraha, a kind of biographical sketch of Siye Abraha is
attempted, which falls far short of what I would have liked to read.
This was one place where the myth or the truth of the rumor that Siye
Abraha and eight or nine of the other Dissenters were in fact supporters
of Meles Zenawi, and a few of them including Siye Abraha were fellow
conspirators with Meles Zenawi against Aregawi Berhe and later Sebehat
Nega and helped Meles Zenawi to become the leader of the TPLF. What
exactly was the relationship of Siye and Meles? It is an accepted fact
that Siye Abraha was not on good relationship with most of the Twelve
Dissenters, and because of that when Siye was thrown out of the
Government in 1992, it was based on general consensus of both the
Politburo and Members of the Central Committee of the TPLF not just the
decision of Meles Zenawi. How is it possible to reconcile this obviously
contradictory situation with the idea that the TPLF leadership worked
through consensus? The book
should have helped us resolve those issues and others, but it did not to
my great expectation. It left us with more questions in our mind on
those specific questions.
The book Tagaie Siye
Abraha at some length has expounded upon the critical problems
between the Dissenters and Meles Zenawi and his supporters. The Authors
have concluded that there was genuine difference of opinion, both
strategic and tactical in regard to the future role of the TPLF and the
political and economic life of Ethiopia in general. The Authors are
suggesting that Meles and his supporters did not want to participate in
the second General Assembly in ten years to critically review the
performance of the organization and that of the leadership. Of course,
what Meles wanted to hide is his treasonous activities by staling and
sabotaging the efforts of Ethiopians and the Ethiopian Army from
countering the aggression of Issaias Afeworki who started the conflict
by bombing civilians and school-children in Tygrei. Although there is
some reference to the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea on the issue
of the boundary that led to a vicious war, there is very little
background material as to the relationship of the TPLF and EPLF or other
Eritrean movements. Some discussion of the role played by Siye and the
other Dissidents in the interaction between the TPLF and such other
movements would have helped readers understand the core reason for the
boundary conflict. May be that issue needs a book of its own in the
In late 1991 and 1992, I
wrote a controversial policy paper that warned the TPLF leadership among
other things the subtle �Mehale
Sefaris and Ex-Mengistu Officials� spearheaded manipulative scheme
using the cover of EPDM to create division in between members of the
leadership of the TPLF. I did not get any support from any of the
Dissenters, and I left with disgust the Ethiopian government at the end
of 1992 because I realized what was happening. Even in my 1994 book, Democratization?...,
which I wrote through 1993 while I was in exile, I discussed precisely
what was going to happen with the TPLF, its coming disintegration, and
the ascendance of power by the �the Mehale
Sefaris� in the guise of the EPDM (ANDM
- Amhara National Democratic Movement). I even predicted the
technique that was adopted by Addisu Leggese and company that included
first the promotion and championing of Meles Zenawi as a great
democratic leader respectful of the interest of the Mehale
Sefaris against the other members of the TPLF such as Siye Abraha
who were vilified with lies as narrow nationalists. My anticipation did
happen; Meles Zenawi is now the new Menilik the Third, till his demise
in the future complete takeover of power by the Mehale
Sefaris. So much for the sacrifices of tens of thousands of
patriotic Ethiopians, mostly Children of Tygrei fighting against the
murderous Mengistu�s army.
The most interesting and
illuminating part of the Book is Part Three. In Part Three, Chapter Two
of Tagaie Siye Abraha, there is substantial material exposing how
the leadership of the former EPDM (ANDM
- Amhara National Democratic Movement) lead by Addisu Leggese
conspired with all kinds of shady characters Mehale
Sefaris, Mengistu�s ex-officials, people in the Diaspora et cetera
and promoted the political ambition of Meles Zenawi at the cost of the
long term political and economic developmental interest of the people of
Ethiopia. This Chapter is one of the best chapters with first class
analysis and precise identification of the forces and individual
ambitions that molded, created, and revived the chauvinistic narrow
�Shoa-Amhara� destructive political power that had caused so much
suffering in Ethiopia since the time of Menilik II.
To their great credit
the Authors of Tagaie Siye Abraha have gone to great length to
distinguish the heroic acts of several members of OPDO and their leader
the former President of Ethiopia, Negasso Gidada, from the opportunism
of the leaders and members of the former EPDM (ANDM
- Amhara National Democratic Movement) organization. The contrast
is quite disconcerting. Negasso Gidada deservedly is appreciated and
duly credited for his wisdom and statesmanship in trying to bring some
order and democratic processes under circumstances that easily would
have deteriorated into chaos. The Book precisely documented the reasons
for the conflict between Meles Zenawi and the former President, and how
Meles attempted without success to intimidate or corrupt that upright
man. In the long-term history of Ethiopia, Negasso Giddada is the
winner, and history will be much kinder in treating him with approval
for his moral strength and democratic vision than it will treat Meles
Zenawi and his treasonous associates.
Maybe because of their
magnanimity, the Authors of Tagaie Siye Abraha did not focus on
disruptive elements in the Ethiopian communities both in Ethiopia and
around the world. It seems that the Authors have overlooked the
concerted activity of some Ethiopians other than the leaders and members
of EPDM and its successor organization ANDM
- Amhara National Democratic Movement within the country such as Kassu
Illala and his handful of Wollita and Gurage cronies who mobilized their
constitutive ethnic members in support of Meles Zenawi. It is a fact
that a number of Gurage businessmen are doing what they had done for
Mengistu Hailemariam�s regime through their mercantile participation
of slightly modified �ayer bayer� corrupt exploitative system of
business. This is not to blame all Wollita and Gurage people, but to
indicate the problem paused by a few who have had unusually high degree
of involvement with the corrupt Ethiopian leadership.
It would have been also a good balanced criticism of the corruption of the
regime of Meles Zenawi had the Authors included the economic corruption
unleashed on Ethiopia by Tigray Development Association (TDA),
Relief Society of Tigray (REST), Mega et cetera with their octopus like
tendrils reaching every aspect of the Ethiopian economy. Another missing part is a discussion on the role played by individuals in
the Diaspora, mainly Mehale
Sefaris in Washington DC, around the Radio voice of AndeEthiopia,
who coordinated and orchestrated the propaganda against the Twelve
Dissenters and Siye Abraha in particular labeling those heroic figures
including the late hero Hayelom as narrow ethnic nationalist. These Mehale
Sefaris in the Diaspora have been coordinating their effort with
that of Meles Zenawi and the EPDM and its successor organization ANDM
- Amhara National Democratic Movement, long before the war with
Eritrea. I consider this lack of discussion about those individuals and
groups in the Diaspora, the collaborators of Meles Zenawi and his Mehale Sefari supporters, with their ex-officials of Mengistu
collaborators, as a major oversight in the book.
Some Tygreans in the
Diaspora, after realizing the double dealings and treasonous activities
of Meles Zenawi, launched the Tygrean Solidarity movement in order to
counter the vicious propaganda and accusations of narrow nationalism
waged against them by the �Shoa Amhara� supremacists, the
Mehale Sefaris, and
ex-officials of Mengistu in
the Diaspora. It is to be recalled that those groups of people had just
lost their entrenched Ambassadorships, Ministerial posts et cetera and
other appointments by the Government of Mengistu Hailemariam, and were
trying to recover the political power they lost by inserting such
emotionally inflammatory wedges of ethnicity between the people of
Ethiopia and one of its constituent groups, the Tygrean people, just
after the TPLF fighters overrun the remnant of the Government of
Mengistu Hailemariam in 1991. The citadel of dissent and harassment was
Washington DC, with rabid Radio Stations as their mouth pieces, against
the newly formed government lead by the TPLF.
However, the Tygrean
Solidarity movement seems to have failed to see the tactical pitfalls in
the in-fighting that is still going on within its leadership and that is
eating away at the core of Solidarity. The organization is being thorn
to pieces and destroyed by agents of Meles Zenawi, Issaias Afeworki,
�Shoa-Amhara� supremacists and Mehale
Sefaris, and foreign nations. This is a serious problem that may
require special attention and full devotion. Most of us had anticipated
that the Solidarity movement is only a stepping phase leading to a far
wider and more focused political movement. The
fracturing of the TPLF was a good opportunity for Tygreans overall to
start fresh on another liberation journey. The process is still
The other important
issue in Tagaie Siye Abraha is its minimal treatment of the
efforts or activities of the Twelve Dissenters after they lost power,
especially their effort if any to infiltrate or openly use the Tygrean
�Solidarity� movements around the world. It would have been helpful
to readers if the Authors had devoted few pages on that issue. As far as
I can surmise the immediate activities of some of the Twelve Dissidents
was not helpful to the Solidarity movement. In fact, it created a
disruptive atmosphere which resulted in much fracture of the Tygrean
community. It was also an embarrassment to the Dissidents to be rejected
outright by the leadership of almost all of the �Solidarity�
movements around the world even though there were a few sympathetic
groups to the plight of the Dissenters. Just to recap, I am of the
opinion that the response of the Tygrean Solidarity movement in general
would not have been as negative as it turned out to be toward the
Dissenters had Solidarity been approached by the Dissenters with a
degree of political savvy.
Judging from the
behavior of at least one of the Twelve Dissenters, especially
considering some elements in his speeches, the Dissenters seemed to have
assumed mistakenly that the mere fact that they were in collision with
Meles Zenawi would simply wipe out reservations and downright grudges
for previous misdeeds/atrocities committed on Tygreans in Tygrei during
the seventeen years of struggle by the TPLF and its leaders, which
includes the Twelve Dissenters as well, and that they will be embraced
by every member of the Tygrean Community in the Diaspora, forgetting the
fact that a number of Tygreans in the Diaspora (wrongly at times) think
of themselves as victims of some kind in the hands of the TPLF. In
short, the Twelve Dissenters should have humbled themselves and admitted
their mistakes and allowed new leadership to emerge in the Solidarity
movement rather than try to use the movement to promote their ambitions
or to get back at Meles Zenawi. The Dissenters should have realized that
they were already spent bullets. Thus, the result of such short-sighted
approach against truly formidable group of enemies is the fact that we
are still barking at Meles Zenawi with no bite even to his heels. Had we
been a little less egotistical and willing to see qualities of
leadership and intellect in others who were wedging tremendous
individual fight against the enemies of Ethiopia and helped them in
their efforts, we would have covered much political ground and removed
Meles Zenawi and his cronies by now.
Contrary to the
propaganda and lies perpetuated by the Mehale
Sefaris, the Book has pointed to readers how destructive Meles has
been to the People of Tygrei. The people of Tygrei have rejected Meles
completely as a leader. I wish the Book has provided us some statistical
data on such important facts of persecution and oppression going on in
Tygrei. It would have helped us to understand the degree of severity of
the political suppression that is imposed on Tygreans drastically
curtailing their movements, their livelihood, and their fundamental
human rights far worse than anywhere else in Ethiopia. Tygreans are now
faced with a puzzling new political reality as can be deduced from the
narration and analysis of the book. With the �Mehale Sefaris� back in power with Meles Zenawi as their
puppet-king, a crowning achievement for a group of people who got us
into the colonial equation in the first place. There is an uncanny
resemblance to the situation created by Menilik II at the beginning of
the Twentieth Century with what is going on in Ethiopia with Meles
Zenawi as figure-head and the Mehale
Sefaris and ex-Mengistu officials running the show. Emperor Menilik
created dissention among the warlords of Tygrei, fueling old rivalries
between members of the Sebagadis clan and that of the Mirach family that
in turn were further divided up into smaller groups some supporting
Yohannes�s son and others supporting other members of the family. [For
example, Empress Titu, Menilik�s Empress, was in favor of Mengesha
Yohannes whom she preferred over any other descendants of Sahle Selassie
(for Menilik had no son at the time) and was hoping some day Mengesha
will be Emperor with her sister as Empress.] The bottom-line was the
fact that Menilik effectively had marginalized all legitimate claims to
the Ethiopian Throne that he had usurped from the rightful Heir of
Yohannes IV. The legacy of that illegitimacy, later passed down through
deceit to Haile Selassie, is one of the reasons that our history has
been dragged through the mud down to the dictatorship of Mengistu
Hailemariam and subsequently to Meles Zenawi, an individual who does not
even pretend to be proud of Ethiopia as his nation.
The shameful legacy of
some of our leaders in the past who sold out our patrimony for political
advantage is being repeated now. I have no confidence in the leadership
of any Mehale Sefari or anyone
who is a puppet of the Mehale
Sefaris. We Ethiopians have suffered enough by their deceit, greed,
betrayal, and treason. It is absolutely necessary now to change the
political game and start fresh without the trickery played on the people
of Ethiopia by such people for so long. We have to stop them from
destroying us completely by marginalizing our growth and development as
a people by using us as their tools simply to protect their political
and economic strong-hold of the City of Addis Ababa. Even those who were
frothing from their mouths with hate when Ambassador Berhane was here in
Washington DC because they could not stomach to see anyone outside of
their group in place of power or honor, are now purring contentedly as
pussy-cats once they succeeded in having their Mehale
Sefari Ambassador in place. Who wants to count such individuals as
comrades in the struggle to liberate the people of Ethiopia from
generation after generation of abuse and oppression? Those of us who see
in Ethiopia not only our great heritage but also the last true
civilization of our race have to form new alliances among ourselves, and
even consider forming some kind of rearrangement with all the people of
the area including those in �Eritrea� to start our new liberation
movement from the dominance of the new Mehale
Sefaris now in power with Meles Zenawi as their puppet-king.
Existing demographic and physical layout of Ethiopia is not the only
configuration possible, for we are more than capable to restructure or
recreate Ethiopia in our own image. Addis Ababa is the symbol of this
cancerous growth on Ethiopia that we have to remove with all that it
symbolizes such as greed, corruption, filth, prostitution, human
degradation, et cetera if we are to save Ethiopia from destruction. We
have to free ourselves from the downward pull of this sinkhole of a
place that has sucked our wealth, dignity, and humanity dry. It is the
vortex of all that is wrong about Ethiopia for the last one hundred
It is not in vain that
our brothers and sisters fought and suffered decades of hardship only to
win battles for treasonous leaders who turned on them, and lose the war
by giving up their hard-won victories to the children of Ethiopia�s
worst enemies: the Mehale Sefaris.
No more manipulation and abuse; this is where we draw the line. If we
cannot have a free democratic Ethiopia because of the manipulation and
deceit of the Mehale Sefaris, then the Mehale
Sefaris will not have either an Ethiopia that they can freely
exploit at their leisure as their parents have done for generations. No
more silent tears of disappointment of millions of Ethiopian families
watching the plight and hopelessness of their growing children, while a
handful of Mehale Sefaris educate their over feed and spoilt children in
foreign lands. No more suffering of Ethiopians with hunger and famine,
while the Mehale Sefaris are
stuffing themselves with Brendo and Kitfo. No more
homelessness of millions of Ethiopians, while heartless Mehale
Sefaris are living in luxurious villas and mansions. No more
dirt-poor Ethiopian grandmothers pulling themselves down streets into
Addis Ababa twice bent over under the weight of humongous bundles of dry
branches and leaves on their bleeding backs, while Mehale
Sefaris zip by them in their luxury limousines and expensive
Mercedes and Volvos.
Even if we say that the
book Tagaie Siye Abraha has simply scratched the surface of our
problems, nevertheless, we must consider it as a great contribution to our
understanding of the deceit and manipulation that has taken place behind
closed doors in the last thirteen years in Meles Zenawi�s EPRDF and
Government. I realize that I may be expecting far too much from the
current Ethiopian political leaders, after all how much generosity and
nobility of judgment can one expects from tiny men who were simply pushed
to the forefront of history by circumstance and chance. Maybe that is one
reason why the Authors of Tagaie Siye Abraha
did not find it worthwhile to investigate deeper and incorporate their
findings about the political spider-web that Meles Zenawi has worked hard
to stretch all over Ethiopia. This is not to say that the authors have not
provided us with an overall picture of the grave situation Ethiopians are
confronted with in the Government of Meles Zenawi.
The fact that the Authors
of Tagaie Siye Abraha did not find it necessary to identify
themselves by name has puzzled me to some extent. Has this diminished the
value of this very interesting book? Not at all, but it may have added
some degree of doubt as to its purpose it being perceived as a propaganda
piece by the Dissenters in order to regroup themselves. Of course, that
can only be perception, for the Dissenters are as much at odds with each
other as they are with the government of Meles Zenawi. On that score, this
book may have suffered more because of form rather than because of some
substantive hidden agenda. Moreover, the whole incident is like a Chinese
doll within a doll. What really happened is far more complex than the
version that was sold to the public by the Government and accepted by the
Dissenters. I will not offer
an alternative narrative. All in all, the book Tagaie Siye Abraha
is worth reading, and I commend the authors for taking this initiative to
share their views with us. By overriding the interest and the national
unity of Ethiopia, The land locking of Ethiopia by Meles Zenawi and
supporters, unnecessarily and willingly losing all of our historic and
legal rights to our Coastal Territories of Afar and our territorial waters
of the Red sea, is the worst treason committed by against Ethiopians
and Ethiopia by any leader in the Twentieth Century
Tecola W. Hagos
May 2004