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The Blackmailing of Ethiopia: Phase Two

Professor Tecola W. Hagos Responds

September 10, 2003

I. General Introduction

Much has been written on my article �Attempted Blackmail of Ethiopia by United States Congress� that was posted a couple of weeks ago in a couple of sites. The article dealt with the ersatzic meddling of some United States Congress Representatives in the affairs of the sovereign nation of Ethiopia. It was a brief, intimate response to a bill (H.R. 2760) introduced by Rep. Tom Lantos (for himself and Pep Donald Payne) in the House of Representatives, which bill unduly and unjustly interfered with a very important national interest and questions of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia. The �truth� is bitter to swallow in an age of Teflon personalities and limitless greed. Thus, a number of people went epileptic in a frenzy of anger against my ideas and my person. I simply shook off such pathetic nuisance or effort of individuals who have no sense of history and a distorted view of their otherwise insignificant role in the larger scheme of things. I have also my supporters here, but mostly in Ethiopia that literally goes into the millions. It is inconceivable to deprive Ethiopia its historic Coastal Territories of Afar and the Red Sea. It won�t happen, America or no America. The West in pursuit of its own security and economic agenda is simply feeding a few Eritreans a pipe dream. The very independence of Eritrea is an illegal activity carried out by two individuals and their supporters with no consideration of the future of millions of people. Even if there is a negotiated settlement on the independence of �Eritrea� that has to be seen in the context of bringing back both groups of people into a single state structure once this craziness has blown over. 

It is a fact that the people of both regions are suffering. In �Eritrea� over one third of the entire population, about a million people, live in desperate situation as refugees and immigrants throughout the Middle East, Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Australia. Ethiopians have started a similar pattern of migration because of economic reasons caused by political oppression and debilitating economic policy. If anyone believes that the Arab world is going to benefit �Eritreans,� such a person is in a dream world. The oil wealth of the Arabs has already been siphoned off by corrupt government leaders and their descendants where they have removed such great amount of wealth into Western Europe and America, there is no wealth left for the people of the region. How are people going to recover such wealth in the future? They won�t; it is a lost cause. Due to such abuse of the wealth of nations, life is going to be even more unbearable for anyone from Africa living in the Middle East. When there is a revolution and social upheavals, the first people who will be targets of atrocities are Christian �Eritreans� and Ethiopians. And soon after all Africans living in the Area whether they are Moslems or not will be the next victims. There is already gruesome evidence of such violence against Black people where both �Eritreans� and Ethiopians were victims of brutality. The sad fact is that there is enough room for all in our ancient nation that would satisfy and accommodate all of us. There is no need for any of us to be refugees in places where we are abused. We have great expanse of land, great rivers, freshwater et cetera, the envy of most. We can create paradise on Earth by our united effort rather than fight like cats and dogs on bones thrown to us by the Europeans and their progeny. The West had always worked to dismantle, disunite, and destroy us throughout our history. What do you think is the Algiers Agreement supposed to achieve? And the 1900, 1902, and 1908 alleged agreements are supposed to do? What was Italy or Britain or America doing in Africa or in our neck of the wood? You tell me? These colonial forced agreements, annexes, and instruments are now turned around and are thrown at us as bones-of-conflicts so that we end up fighting each other like wild beasts rather than cooperating and pulling together for our posterity and insure the continued existence of our children.

I am not saying that the West has never done great things especially in the field of technology (industrial economy) and in political structure and human rights for itself, but in achieving such industrial advancement and wealth, it has caused also tremendous destructions. Do I need to remind anyone about the millions that perished in the Atlantic slave trade, the millions of native people exterminated in the Americas, the slaughter of the innocents every where et cetera. The great wealth (gold, precious metal, all kinds of mineral wealth, and the denudation of the great forests) of the West was produced from looted wealth of the Peoples of the World. In the period starting with the First World War to date the West (that includes Soviet Union) has caused the death of over one hundred million people in horrendous wars and battles around the World. Nazi Germany alone had almost completely destroyed European Jews, no less than seven million human beings. This tabulation of the destruction of human life is not my own fantasy, but a very conservative estimate from documentation available in books and articles that anyone can check. Thus, one should put things in perspective and not completely buy the idea of Western economic development as the measurement of ones humanity.

This article is a very short response to articles and chat statements posted by two groups of people in connection with my previous article. The first group�s representative writing is that of Sophia Tesfamariam. [I have no reason to doubt that Sophia Tesfamariam is a real individual�s name and not a pseudo name.] And the second group consists of individuals who use pseudo names and pen-names, who claim to be patriotic Ethiopians, but display none of the courage and tenacity of Ethiopians. Such cowardice such as writing hiding behind anonymity is best illustrated by the chat postings of �Fenjiregach.� Here we go back to our squabble and fracas. II. Sophia Tesfamariam:

1. Misrepresentation and avoidance of serious issues Most of the postings of this first group reflect the �Eritrean� government propaganda lines (pieces) trying to confuse and misinform people. At times their effort is very clumsy and amateurish. For example, the allegation that I am Meles�s secret agent, is such a ridicules statement one starts doubting the sanity of the writer. I am not anybody�s agent, secret or otherwise. I have consistently advocated the removal of Meles by any means and charging him and his associates with treason and crime against humanity. Thus, it is a laughable attempt to state that I was hibernating for ten years and suddenly popped out into the scene working for Meles Zenawi. In the last ten years, I have been very visible through three books I wrote, and numerous articles I posted in the web, and the thousands of Ethiopians I addressed in huge assemblies in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands. Maybe Sophia was living in another Planet or on the Space Lab that she ended up writing a ridicules piece accusing me of being �secret agent of the Tigrayan Clique in Addis� who popped out or have been activated only recently. Sophia in her article did not refute any of my serious statements. Her article was a simple harangue and a series of argumentum ad hominem culminating in an insult that has no place in any journal, newspaper, or web site. By way of recouping the essential points of my previous article, I restate here and completely reaffirm the veracity of my previous statements on the background of Lantos and Payne, on the invalidity of all international instruments between Ethiopia and Italy of 1900, 1902 Annex, and 1908 Draft that was never signed or implemented, and the fraudulent activities of several governments and their leaders. One must never overlook the fact that Italy by signing the Peace Treaty of Paris in 1947 had effectively nullified any legal rights it might have that third parties or succeeding states would have claimed through the principle of the right of succession. The position of the Border Commission as to the invalidity of those international instruments is in their opinions.

The one item that may have been a source of some kind of a serious contention would have been the Algiers Agreement if it had been signed by competent authorities; however, the collusion and fraudulent activities surrounding the Algiers Agreement is public knowledge, and one can find all over the communications and statements made by Meles and Issaias and their government spokespersons treasonous activities that renders such agreement null and void. We have also eyewitness accounts and affidavits of individuals and copies of documents that the TPLF and EPLF leaders agreed upon to divide up the sovereign nation of Ethiopia while they were still in the bush as so called �liberation� fronts. Of course, if there is collusion, fraud, and undisclosed secret arrangement in between agents of sovereign nations et cetera no agreement signed by such agents is valid, and it can be challenged. In the last couple of years there has been an increase in the name calling and attack on each other by the leadership of the governments of both �Eritrea� and Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa and Asmara. Government officials and official government controlled Newspapers have stated repeatedly acrimonious statements. This is one more fraud perpetrated by the leadership in Addis and Asmara on the people of Ethiopia and the world community at large to give the semblance of legitimacy that there is no collusion, or secret agreement, or back-door illegal deal to defraud the people of Ethiopia of their national sovereignty and territorial integrity. I emphasis here the fraudulent participation of the Border Commission in matters far beyond the competency of arbitration tribunals. The members of the Tribunal, as scholars and jurists, should have known the fraudulent nature of the basic international document, the Algiers Agreement, which they used as their source of power or authority. If that document is shown to be fraudulent and invalid the whole arbitration construction collapses. And as such even on a cursory examination of the surrounding facts, and the process of setting up the arbitration tribunal should have clearly indicated to any of the members of the Tribunal that the Tribunal is being set up with an illegal objective of resurrecting of long dead and defunct international instrument only for the sole purpose of giving a total advantage to one party preempting the legally rights of the other. Some of the Commission members had already arbitrated on issues that raised similar legal issues or issues that required an affirmation of some foundational facts common to the current Border arbitration in the Hanish Islands/Yemen case. This is a clear violation of conflict of interest and the age old principle against decisions prior to processes and deliberations.

Moreover, the Arbitration Commission, no matter what, cannot claim unto itself powers that even the Security Council does not have--the power to deny the long established rights of citizenship and sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation state that was in existence long before the creation of the United Nations itself. The international law principle of Jus Cogens is sacrosanct and inviolable by anybody, and list of all, by a lowly arbitration tribunal like the Border Arbitration Tribunal. In fact, I consider the activities of the Members of the Arbitration Tribunal bordering criminality, thus open to criminal charges or indictment and arrest for treason and/or endangerment of the security of a sovereign nation under its laws.

2. Argumentum Ad hominem

Sophia found it necessary to attack my person, not just my ideas. She insulted me by calling me �tokla� a �wolf� in sheep skin. I have never insulted her personally. In fact, I never insulted anyone personally. I have identified certain individuals as traitors, dictators, tyrants et cetera because that is who they are. I have identified or judged some ideas, activities, or opinions of certain individuals to be idiotic, moronic, silly et cetera because such ideas, activities, and opinions deserve to be called that because they lack rationality, coherence, and factual bases. However, I have never insulted the personhood of anyone. Insulting people is cheap. Although I am tempted to identify Sophia Tesfamariam by a domestic animal, I will not do so. I will not lower myself to her pathetic self. I would not live at peace with myself having degraded another human being and a �sister� at that even though a revolting one, by identifying her with an animal. It is one reason why we should not attack the personhood of anyone no matter how disagreeable such a person maybe by degrading him/her to a status of animals. However, by way of completing the education of Sophia Tesfamariam, I must indicate to her and others like her that the �wolf� she identified me with is the most courageous, community oriented, and loyal animal, which would take on much larger and ferocious enemies in defense of its group and family. Let me remind you all that ancient civilizations such as Pharonic Kemet held the wolf with great respect as one of their gods, and both ancient Europeans and North American natives saw the wolf as a great �spirit.� For such early people to belong to the �wolf clan� was the pinnacle of achievement. The wolf is a much revered symbol of the Romans and their eternal city of Rome. I am sure you know the story of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, who were saved from certain death and suckled by a wolf. With the advent of Christianity, the wolf lost some prestige in the Christian world and was portrayed as a vicious animal for some time. Now, present day zoologists and animal conservationists see the wolf in its old glory as an animal of great courage and loyalty, and not as aggressive to human beings as once thought. Sophia seems to be using my part Tygreian birth right as some form of a limiting factor or a fact that would cast suspicion to my activities defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia. Far from that, I am proud to belong to the cradle of Ethiopian civilization, to a people great with courage and with overflowing generosity. I am proud of my ancestors who help build our Ethiopia that included the present day �Eritrea� as well; they were great warriors, scholars, farmers, merchants et cetera. It is also a sophomoric attempt to create a division between people where there is none by simply identifying me with one ethnic source because my birth right includes a lot more. I am as much Hamassen, Afar, Shoa Amhara, Gojjame, Wollega Oromo, Borena, Gurage, Issa, Wollaita, Adere, Wolloie Amhara, Dinka et cetera as much Tygre. In short I am an Ethiopian, the greatest people that have given birth to all of mankind and its civilizations. III. The Faceless Group Some of you may think that it is easy for me to say harsh words criticizing any Ethiopian (my reference to Ethiopia includes Eritrea). The fact of the matter is that every time I write a statement criticizing or castigating a fellow Ethiopian, I feel that I am piercing my own heart with all the excruciating pain that one can suffer under such infliction. But certain things cannot be glossed over or passed in silence for they are harmful to the larger body politic or community of Ethiopians. Thus, I write; I criticize, and I infuriate some and please others. As a consequence I suffer in private. That is nothing compared to the type of life my fellow Ethiopians under successive brutal governments had to endure.

Even if it has no substantive merit, Sophia Tesfamariam wrote her piece not hiding behind some made-up name. She has the singular courage to stand up for what she believed in. I respect that. On the other hand there is this second group of individuals, who claim to be �patriotic Ethiopians� with strange and childish pseudo names such as �Fenjiregach�, trying to imply great courage, who should really call him/herself �arr-regach� or something else, writing idiotic statements undermining legitimate causes. Some have been attacking me for bringing out in no uncertain terms the destructive role being played out by some Congressional Members and the Executive Branch of the United States Government. The �patriotism� those Ethiopians showed, hiding behind pseudo names, defending the United States destructive effort to blackmail Ethiopia into accepting a situation absolutely against the interest of Ethiopia and the impact of which is catastrophic marginalization for generations, is a situation absolutely despicable and treasonous. Abatun saiawke be ayatu yimlal. Is the United States in such dire circumstance that it is in need of defense by individuals who do not even have the courage to write statements under their own names? This is particularly laughable coming from people from the fringes of American politics and life. The first step in the pursuit of freedom is to liberate oneself from fear. The Stoics held the view that the worst evil is �fear.� How true it is affirmed every day when I read faceless, nameless individuals writing under assumed names or pseudo names attacking me for defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia. I wonder how such individuals perceive their places in society. Do they really think governments of countries would spend their scarce resources tracking down such individuals and in some way affecting their pathetic lives? Are they afraid of me? Such presumption is nothing less than a sickness of the mind. 

There are few lessons that all so called �patriotic Ethiopians� who have been throwing poisoned darts at me from behind pseudo names, should learn from the likes of Sophia Tesfamariam who did not hide behind some fictitious name in order to attack me. Stand by your convictions, do not hid behind curtains and throw insults at people. No one has forced you to write anything that even remotely opens your lives to some form of danger. But if you have the urge to be involved, which is fine, do get involved by all means. Show some courage and do not hide behind pseudo names. We all make choices in our lives. We all weigh relative danger to our actions before we make a decision to act in certain manner. No one can force anyone to be brave or courageous; thus, if you do show courage, then stand behind your beliefs, there is no need to hide behind ridicules pseudo names. There is no glory in throwing poison laden darts from shadowy corners hidden or camouflaged, on some one who is walking in broad daylight in full public-view as I do. Individuals the likes of �Fenjiregach� (whom I have renamed as �arr-regachi�), hiding behind pseudo names are throwing poisoned questions at my integrity, my courage, and my loyalty. On the other hand such individuals hardly ever take any initiative to protect and promote the interests of the Ethiopian people. They are involved eternally in conspiracy on how to acquire political power. They hardly ever try to improve their understanding or knowledge. They are vegetative and despondent when it comes to self-improvement. If they are incapable of even improving themselves how do they expect people will entrust them with improving their lives? There is no amount of money or honor that could tempt me to shut up from telling the truth as I see it. I already have the greatest wealth that I ever wanted--the path of righteousness, not harming my fellow man, and the love and admiration of my family and friends and even people I do not know. My fight for Ethiopia is simply my way of living the righteous life. Fighting for the rights and dignity of the most incredible people with the most fabulous history is a great privilege for me.



Addendum to �Blackmailing... Phase Two�

By Tecola W. Hagos
September 21, 2003

Because I was focused on the fundamental issue of the Sovereignty and Territorial integrity of Ethiopia that was being challenged, I let slip a shameful lie of Sophia Tesfamariam about my background uncorrected specifically. Sophia had stated that I �was a member of the communist party under the brutal Mengistu regime.� [See Article in Shaebia, August 31, 2003] This is an absolute and shameful lie. I invite anyone to check official documents at the United States Department of State and the Immigration and Naturalization Services for my record. I left Ethiopia in 1976 (one thousand nine hundred seventy six) and applied for political asylum the same year, and was granted my request on my showing of past persecution and well founded fear of future persecution by the Military Regime. I was in the United States living as a political refugee when Mengistu Hailemariam established his Workers Party (communist) in 1977/78 and unleashed his Red Terror. Thus, I was not a member of any communist party under Mengistu or anybody else. I am not some super being who can be at two different places thousands of miles apart at the same time.[It is to be recalled that seventeen members of the committee for democratic governance from the Ministry of Finance and I as their chairman were in detention in 1974 at the Alem-Bekagn Prison in Addis Ababa for opposing the establishment of the Provisional Military Government of Ethiopia. We were the first organized group to confront the Derg Military leaders demanding for civilian leadership and participation in the transition. As a matter of fact, I was in the same prison compound where the Sixty Ethiopian High Governmental Officials including two Prime Ministers were murdered by firing squads. It was by mere chance and the influence of a couple of progressive members of the Derg ruling council (who were later murdered on allegation that they were EPRP members) that our lives were spared, but that is another story for another time. Our superb Ethiopian defense Lawyer who defended us courageously at our trial is now living in the United States who could easily verify my statements. We were released from prison with two years probation. However, some of my colleagues were later murdered during the Red Terror; my fate would have been no different had I been in Ethiopia during the Red Terror or during the Regime of Menghistu.]

The first time I traveled back to Ethiopia, since I left the country in 1976, was with the EPRDF/TPLF change of government in late 1991. I helped in the structuring of the new transitional government of EPRDF. However, due to conflict of vision for the future of Ethiopia with the new leaders, I chose to leave Ethiopia in late 1992 and have been living in the United States ever since with a short stop over in Europe.

I have never been a member of any communist party any where in the World. I have never been a member of any communist organization in Ethiopia. I left Ethiopia in 1976 long before any Communist or socialist party was established by Mengistu. I have my sympathy to this day for all people who fight oppression and economic exploitation every where. Maybe Sophia should inquire of her boss about communism, some one who received his subversive training in China. Or even better, maybe she should ask Menghistu�s ex-political advisor who is now the senior most official and advisor of her leader about communism, or Mengistu and his collaborators. I have no political skeletons in my closet unlike many of Sophia�s associates and bosses. Tecola W. Hagos

September 20, 2003


Tecola W. Hagos

Washington DC

September 2003