By Tecola Hagos
We condemn the barbaric execution of six Somalis by the government of
Saudi Arabia under its primitive legal system. The six Somalis were
executed because they allegedly robbed a handful of taxi drivers. A human
life is worth more than all the taxis driven in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi
Government is one of the most corrupt and human rights violators in the
World. It is a shame to all nations that such a government of is tolerated
and accepted as a member of the United Nations. After all, the Saudi
Government is not much more of a family-holding than a responsible
government as part of the community of nations of the world. The types of
international crimes committed by the Government of Saudi Arabia against
millions of people in Africa and in the Arab World are immeasurable. The
Saudi Government made it possible for the Government of the United States
to attack and destroy Iraq hurting and killing millions of Iraqis
unnecessarily; whereas, there would have been a better way to solve the
danger paused by another brutal and savage government of Saddam Hussein.
The Saudi Government sustained Western economies by manipulating
the price of oil. The Saudi �Royal� Family and their associates have
deposits of billions of dollars or equivalent in Western banks and
billions in treasury bonds of Western governments, ever financing the
economies of Great Britain, France, United States et cetera at the cost of
the well being of Arabs and non-Western nations in Africa.
During the oil embargo, after the 1967 Israel-Arab conflict, the Saudi
Government extracted from poor African nations, nations that supported the
Arab cause, billions of dollars due to predatory pricing of oil, without
any consideration of the many problems facing such poor countries. The
Saudi Government, although rich with oil wealth, did not assist starving
African nations in times of their greatest suffering. The Saudi Government
is not a friend of African nations or people. Despite the fact that Saudis
are a result of centuries of admixture of African �slaves,� which
admixture includes some members of the Saudi Royal Family, the Saudi
Government has now executed six Somalis, who are after all distant blood
ancestors, because they allegedly robbed a handful of taxi drivers. I can
imagine the type of torture inflicted on those poor Somalis by the
notorious security and police forces of the Saudi Government. If the crime
of misappropriation or theft is the type of crime that is being punished
by the Saudi Government, maybe they should have started such brutal
execution with those who have stashed billions of dollars in foreign banks
than murdering poor people on alleged robbery. How about the �Royal�
Saudi families who have been diverting billions of dollars or equivalent
into their own private bank accounts through self-serving schemes of so
called business contract awards. The �Royal� families have amassed
incredible fortune that truly belongs to the Arabs and the World at large.
Here is a legitimate case ripe for investigation and possible criminal
charges against numerous members of the �Royal� Family!
People of the African Continent and the Arab world must recognize the
treachery and betrayal of the Saudi Government, at least for the period
after the Second World War. They have strangled Islam from its natural
development into a compassionate and peaceful religion. [A fair reading of
the Qur�an suggests such enlightened development.] Instead, through
Wahabism, they have led the faithful in the path of barbarism and
brutality where women are completely oppressed, where the most basic
individual human rights are violated every single day, and where brutal
and savage punishments are delivered on alleged criminals under the most
corrupted legal process where torture is routinely used to extract
confessions from alleged criminals. In addition, in front of the world
community, they have dishonored all Arabs because of their groveling in
front of Western powers, by prostrating themselves in a most undignified
manner through their �spokesmen� on television and other media
outlets. In a most dishonorable turnabout, the Saudi Government has
executed, in the most brutal and barbaric manner, non-Westerners including
Moslems for robbery and other crimes. There is no question that the Saudi
Government is a black blot on the conscience of humanity everywhere. The
Saudi Government must be stopped from continuing its brutality and
savagery against fellow Africans and others. We
call on all Africans and the people of the World to condemn the Government
of Saudi Arabia for its acts of savagery and brutality against Somali
Tecola W. Hagos
April 18, 2008