Teodros Kiros (PhD)
In a recent article,
Ethiopiawinet (Abugida, Ethiomedia, and Tecola Hagos), I had attempted to
articulate the idea of Ethiopiawinet. By Ethiopiwinet, I understand the
contributions of a mosaic of world historical civilizations within
Ethiopia, to the formation of the modern nation of Ethiopia. The
civilizations are those of Axum, Lalibela, Great Oromo land, and the
Southern parts of Ethiopia. The contributions of the South have yet to be
carefully documented, but there is no doubt that they are there ready and
waiting to be brought to sun light. I myself remain curiously engaged to
witness the disclosure of these momentous civilizations- so that I can add
them on to the extant list of the more known Ethiopian civilizations-Axum
and Lalibela.
Furthermore, Ethiopiawinet,
I argue, is a synthesis of varied civilizations within Ethiopia, which
have yet to be synthesized compellingly. I have not done that job to my
satisfaction, as it is research in progress. That the civilizations are
within Ethiopia is not enough, some of my intelligent readers have argued,
to compellingly convince Ethiopians that these varied civilizations which
have been contaminated by NE to experience Ethiopiawinet as a living
moment of a untied people. My readers are right, the lacunae has to be
filled, and in due time, I will meet their objections.
The hurt and the divisions
are so deep that only time can heal us all, so that we can all willingly
live as a united people of a historic nation- drinking from the fountains
of Ethiopiawinet mediated by ANDENET. So understood ANDENET for now is
only an ideal, but once the wounds of NE are healed, ANDENET can be a
realizable idea. Ethiopiawinet, as I understand it, would have to be
grounded on Andenet, for the idea to function as a vital force that can
unite the Ethiopian people, who remain profoundly divided by negative
I had argued in Dekialula
[Website], Nov 14, 2006, that �The recent explosion of the politics of
ethnicity in modern Ethiopia calls for a re-theorizing of the idea of
ethnicity itself. The situation is so grave that it compels a
philosophical intervention. I would like to argue that ethnicity could be
viewed as positive and negative, which I would call positive ethnicity
(PE) and negative ethnicity (NE). We need to salvage the positive merits
of ethnicity, and avoid the strong temptation of divesting individuals and
groups of the psychological and historically necessary need of investing
in ethnicity as a way of defending the differences that mean so much to
those who believe in them. The unnecessary contamination of ethnicity
neither need nor force us to throw the baby with the bathwater. The
essential core of PE is the idea of diversity. The attributes of diversity
are distinctness of experience expressed in language, customs, traditions
and ways of seeing and doing things; individuality; dissimilarity of
experience; constructive articulations of unique ways of experiencing the
world; and openness�. Those words retain their relevance, as I seek to
explore their relevance in the ongoing discussions of Ethiopiawinet, which
I recently called Ethiopianity.
Thusly understood, ANDENET
can be mediated by PE. Indeed, PE is the appropriate mood that united
Ethiopians can bring to the palaver of Ethiopiawinet as they seek to
proudly and positively share their customs, habits, languages and ways of
life, as Ethiopians lovingly do at parties, when they are dancing away,
unhampered by NE. When Ethiopiawinet insinuates itself with our veins, it
readily stimulates our peaceful comportment and puts us in the mood for
ANDENET, or so I hope, in my attempts at a philosophical intervention
through the tools of journalism.
Teodros Kiros (PhD)
February 20, 2008