Support of Ethiopian Unity Diaspora Forum
Teodros Kiros (Ph.D)
a time in which the new Ethiopia is yet to be born and the old Ethiopia has
not died, Ethiopians of all
ranks are unnecessarily divided by ethnicity, suspicion,
jealousy and plain ignorance. At this perilous time, what our beloved
nation desperately needs and rightly deserves is our unity, our solidarity,
and our objective commitment to a common goal, which will eventually lead us
to bring about the new genuinely democratic
that we all want.
at home wait for us to serve as examples of indivisible unity under the
self-governing vision of one
, for all Ethiopians and by all Ethiopians.
regime in power is relentlessly exploiting the disunity of Ethiopians in
Diaspora. We must outwit the regime in power by a united front of Ethiopians
from all walks of life, from different classes and language groups. Once the
regime in power sees this unity, it will think twice, before cavalierly
imprisoning our leaders, shaming our icons, and shortening our lives because
of grief and shattered dreams.
recent historic meeting of Ethiopian Unity Diaspora Forum on February 28th,
is committed to an Ethiopianity guided by Andenent (Unity). It is a shining
example of the people in concert guided by seasoned scholars and mature
Ethiopians-ready and willing to die for the motherland.
Forum is morally and strategically smart, and it needs your support and
mine. Its manifesto declares that youth, women, scholars and ordinary lovers
of the Ethiopian nation are being asked to join in and lead a principled
fight to preserve Ethiopian territory and resolve Ethiopian border wars by
dialogue with the appropriate people at the right time, in the right way and
for the right reason.
appeal to all Ethiopians to make the Forum�s vision your very own, and
bring your best selves and industriously prepare for a rendezvous with
victory in 2010, united under the people�s party
with an alternative platform for the new democratic Ethiopia, about
which we are dreaming. The time to unite is now. This is our moment.
This is the time for change. Together we can, disorganized and divided, we
Kiros (Ph.D)
19, 2009