1991, Somalia has been an ungoverned, lawless state. In recent weeks,
things have gotten worse as the al-Qaeda-allied group al-Shabaab (�The
Youth�) tightens its grip on the country. Earlier this week the
cabinet of �president� Sheikh Sherif Ahmed endorsed a plan to institute
Sharia law in areas it controls. In a
Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Defense Intelligence
Agency Director Lt. Gen. Michael Maples testified that analysts expect
that al-Shabaab will officially merge
with al-Qaeda in the very near future.
Events in Somalia are not so distant. Since this
past summer, as many as 40 Somali-American men have left the U.S. to join
up with al-Shabaab and train in their
terrorist camps in Somalia. And one of those men, Shirwa
Ahmed, a graduate of the University of
Minnesota, launched
a suicide attack in northern Somalia on
October 28 that killed at least 30 civilians � the first recorded case
of an American suicide bomber.
And earlier this week it was reported that a federal
grand jury has been impaneled to
investigate the escalating issue of Somali-American jihadists and Somali
terrorist groups operating in the Minneapolis area, which adds to the
list of ongoing
investigations in Columbus, OH;
Washington, DC; San Diego, CA; Boston, MA; Atlanta, GA; Seattle, WA; and
Portland, ME. The problem has concerned investigators to the point that
high schools in some of these areas have been briefed by law enforcement
to watch out for signs of radicalization among their Somali male
But you wouldn�t have gotten even the slightest
sense of urgency or alarm if you had listened to the testimony of two
government officials testifying
on the matter before the Senate
Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee on Wednesday, chaired
by Senator Joe Lieberman. Instead, what you would have heard about from
the testimony of FBI Associate Executive Assistant Director J. Philip
Mudd and National Counterterrorism Center Deputy Director Andrew M.
Liepman is government inter-agency initiatives and outreach programs to
selected Somali community leaders � in some cases the very individuals
responsible for the radicalization and recruiting to al-Shabaab�s
The primary narrative spun by these two top
homeland security officials and the other three panelists is of poor
Somalis deprived of any opportunities and victimized by racist America,
who have no alternative but to turn to gangs and jihadists to vent their
rage at American foreign policy. These officials also sanitized their
reports of any politically incorrect facts. For instance, in his published
testimony Mudd assured the committee
that there is no widespread support for violence and terrorism within
the American Muslim community, citing a 2007 Pew poll in support. What
Mudd forgot to mention was that same Pew poll, the most comprehensive
survey ever of the American Muslim community, found that an astounding
26 percent of 18-to-30-year-old Muslim males � the very group being
targeted by jihadist recruiters � supported
suicide attacks.
The true causes of the Somali jihadists, however,
are much more obvious than these officials cared to let on to the Senate
committee. In December 2007, months before the Somali men began
disappearing from Minneapolis, I reported exclusively here at Pajamas
Media about a jihadist
fundraiser in the Twin Cities area
attended by hundreds of local Somalis. The event featured top jihadist
organizer Zakaria Mahmoud Haji-Abdi, the deputy chairman of the Alliance
for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS) and now second in command to
Somali �president� Sheikh Sherif Ahmed.
In that instance, homeland security officials
failed to prevent Abdi from entering the country and conducting a series
of fundraisers here in the U.S., where he encouraged recruitment to the
jihad and financial support from the Somali community for their cause.
As the story of the missing Somali men began to unfold late last year, I
that some of those same homeland security officials have now admitted
privately that the fundraiser the year before had been the �tipping
point� for radicalization in the Minneapolis area. That
notwithstanding, another ARS official was recently allowed to enter into
the U.S. to conduct even more jihadist fundraisers. (Stay tuned to
Pajamas Media for more on that report.)
And it is no big secret what the common
denominator is to all of the missing men � all attended the Abubakar
as-Siddique Mosque in south Minneapolis, led by extremist imam Sheikh
Abdirahman Ahmed, the largest mosque in the area. Seeing as this link
between the mosque and the missing men has been the focus of recent
articles in the Los
Angeles Times and Newsweek,
it is hard to believe that this has escaped homeland security�s
notice, especially since the mosque�s imam and youth director have
been placed on the agency�s �no-fly� list and were prevented from leaving
the country back in November.
Some of the families of the missing men have been
much more forthright in placing blame � publicly accusing the mosque
and its leaders for the disappearance of their kin. And yet there was
not a single mention of the mosque or the imam�s connection in either
Mudd�s or Liepman�s published testimony. Even more shocking is the
revelation from a Fox News article
on Tuesday that FBI officials had yet to meet with mosque officials (a
meeting was scheduled for this Thursday).
For several years, many leaders in the Somali
community have complained about radical elements in their community who
actively support terrorism. Included in this group is Abdirahman Warsame,
who runs the Terror Free Somalia Foundation and tracks these issues on
the group�s website.
Last year Mr. Warsame published an article
detailing how the taxpayer-financed Voice of America Somali Service was
dominated by supporters of al-Shabaab and the Islamic Courts Union.
They have also complained that many of the leaders
the U.S. government relies upon for direction and advice are in some
cases the same individuals responsible for radicalization. One group
that the Department of Homeland Security has turned to in this crisis is
the North American Council of Somali Imams, which includes as one of its
top leaders none other than Abubakar as-Siddique imam Abdirahman Ahmed.
Another regular complaint made is that government programs and offices
supposed to serve the Somali community get involved in clan and
inter-tribal politics. Many of these programs, most of which receive
public funds, are run by the dominant Hawiye clan, and services intended
to help Somalis integrate are frequently denied or deliberately
obstructed to those of other clans.
Even more troubling was an April 2007 report
by Nashville NBC affiliate WSMV, which discovered that a Somali center
operating on federal grant money still received $500,000 despite the
fact that the center�s director was under investigation for
obstructing a terror investigation. (See also my Pajamas Media expos�
on the Ohio charter schools targeting Somali children operated by
terrorist front group CAIR, which are among the worst performing schools
in the state.)
Thus, perhaps the reason why none of these issues
was raised by FBI Assistant Director Mudd and NCTC Deputy Director
Liepman during Wednesday�s Senate hearing is that any answers they
could have provided the senators would only expose their agencies to
even more difficult questions about what they are doing and who they are
doing it with. So it was best for them and their agencies not to get
into too many specifics.
Anyone following this issue closely in recent
months knows the potential danger Somali jihadists carrying American
passports pose to our national security, but you wouldn�t get that
impression listening to Wednesday�s hearing. If Senator Lieberman and
his Homeland Security Committee colleagues want to avoid a potential
homegrown 9/11, they�re going to have to circumvent the official
channels and the politically correct agency propaganda to get an
accurate assessment of how serious the threat is and how rapidly it is
Positioning, Africa, Homeland Security, US News, World News,
13 March 2009