An Open letter to President Barack Obama by Teodros Kdiros PH.D)
Dear President Barack Obama;
No condition is permanent is a famous African statement that captures the Human condition. Indeed, all human actions, particularly the ones, which are in our sphere of control, do not remain forever. Everything we do is subject to time, and time is not a permanent category. I point out this to you Mr. Obama, because your historic campaign anchored itself on the idea of change, and the world was rightly taken in by your eloquent speech that sent messages to tyrants across the world that the theme of change applies most poignantly to those regimes which are terrorizing their citizens with the threat that if they challenge the policies imposed on them by force, they would rot in prison. The current Ethiopian regime is doing precisely that, and I know you and your principled advisers are keeping an eye on the reins of terror and the abuses of human rights in the historic nation of Ethiopia.
I am confident that your informed mind is also aware that the current Ethiopian Prime Minister, who also fooled the Ethiopian people with the promise of change eighteen years ago, has now given his back on the emancipatory theme of change and is busily imprisoning the icons of change and the architects of a future Ethiopia guided by the organizing principle of Classical Ethiopianity, ready and willing to overthrow Fascistic Ethnocentricity.
Dear President Obama, the Ethiopian people whom you charmed with your eloquence, and your deep hate of racism, are counting on you to help them get rid of leaders who are imprisoning our national singers, and our potential leaders, such as the heroic Judge Birtukan Mideksa, who is currently confined to an Ethiopian prison cell.
I appeal to you to send your experts to visit Ethiopia and examine the condition of the population that is burning in the crucible of poverty, while previous revolutionaries are legally looting the wealth of the country and planning their retirement at European capitals and international institutions seeking prominent positions.
Dear President Obama, the Ethiopian people want regime change now. They are now determined to resort to armed struggle to bring about that change. Please speak sense to the current leaders to get out of the way peacefully, and allow the people who know the most to map out a new Ethiopia. Do not let your phenomenal moral intelligence be distracted by the belief that only the current regime could curtail terrorism. That is a simply a lie. A new regime by the people and for the people can and will also work as an ally of the new American regime and join forces to contain genuine terrorism side by side with you.
Be the first American president to be the champion of human rights and take the lead of removing tyrants who mercilessly kill their own children.
I appeal to you to take this letter seriously and reconcile your dream of �we can� by empowering the Ethiopian people to also say � we can� and bring a new Ethiopian regime committed to humanity first, Ethiopianity second, and respect of languages, third.