I would rather celebrate �Ethiopia� by Myself
Tecola W. Hagos
would rather celebrate the Millennium of my
great Ethiopia by myself than celebrate such a great country with any
group that has among its �honored� guests Red Terror participants,
Mengistu�s brutal government ex-officials, and opportunist
intellectuals. I celebrate Ethiopia�s enduring legacy by myself, and I
have every right to do so since Ethiopia is, after all, the creation of
the labor and courage of my ancestors. Unlike most of the celebrants (by
examining their program), the reality of Ethiopia to me is not an academic
issue or a vehicle to express my �opposition� agenda or some kind of
scheme for the acquisition of power, but an existential fact of
recognizing and honoring the courage and foresight of my ancestors for
maintaining Ethiopia for these thousands of years of independence and
freedom. [For the record, I would like to note here that our Ethiopian
intellectuals in the Diaspora, with the exception of a few, spent their
entire lives in pursuit of their own selfish careers out in the West, and
they seem to have suddenly discovered their Ethiopian patriotism now in
the shadow of the Opposition.]
is now billed as the Ethiopian Millennium Celebration at Howard University
and later at the DC Armory is not a celebration of Ethiopia at all, but an
orgy of self congratulatory aggregation of individuals blinded by hate and
moved by narrow ethnicism. I find it to be an insult to the true sons and
daughters of Ethiopia that once again we are being manipulated by hate
filled narrow ethnicists, who are going insane with unbridled ambition for
the acquisition of political power. At the center of all this hollow
posturing, I find the same old hand of manipulation and deceit of the Mahel
Sefaris who are mostly from Addis Ababa and vicinity and their few
gullible (almost stupid) provincial supporters hailing from the rest of
Ethiopia (the Provinces). Some of the Provincials believe wrongly
solidarity with such Mahel Sefaris will promote the interest of Ethiopia. What we have
here is quite a large number of Ethiopians, who are mostly confused, and
not knowing how they are being herded into a situation by ambitious
individuals with no scruple in using and abusing people. Even putting it
generously, such people are mostly a bunch of spineless refugees who left
Ethiopia as refugees from Mengistu�s Government seeking protection
rather than fighting for their people and their own rights when that
government started collapsing.
seems to me that the celebrants, at �Millennium Celebration� organized
in Washington DC, do not seem to have any clear idea what they are
celebrating. I read the program and studied the individuals who are
supposed to moderate and present papers. It is quite tragic to see such
motley characterless group at a podium of significance. I must admit that
I was shocked to read the names of known Red Terror participants such as
Negede Gobeze, notorious ex-officials of the brutal Mengistu along with
the names of individuals whom I respect and admire greatly. I say shame on
you all for defiling an otherwise great moment in our history and for
dragging the great name of Ethiopia and its great heroes into the mud of
your short-sighted little political game.
�Millennium Celebration� organized in Washington DC is a reactionary
program, and it is certainly a counterpoint to the Ethiopian
Government�s celebration program. On the other hand, I cannot imagine
how Meles Zenawi and his Government would organize such a monumental
celebration, when, as a matter of recorded fact that Meles Zenawi is
responsible for land locking Ethiopia. He is personally responsible for
leading Ethiopia into ethnicism of the worst kind; he is responsible for
fracturing a social system whose end is going to be catastrophic. The
degree of economic decline resulting in famine and hunger, and the
relentless human rights abuse et cetera are all Meles Zenawi�s doing. I
even question the patriotism of Meles Zenawi and such group, let alone I
joining in the celebration organized by such individuals. The entire
�Celebration� phenomenon, from what ever source, whether in Washington
DC or in Meles Zenawi�s backyard is questionable, and I believe the
motives for celebrating Ethiopia by such groups is a reflection of hate
rather than love or pride in Ethiopia. And I do not want anything to do
with it.
whole program is manipulated and distorted by the same obnoxious group of
people and their gullible followers, who have for decades usurped our
Ethiopian legacy and drove our country into the hands of brutal leaders
such as Mengistu and Meles. Starting from the very top of the program,
where they have deliberately tried to promote the interest of a particular
ethnic group, what I see in the Celebration program are Mahel
Sefaris and their spawns, with distorted and corrosive revisionist
�history� of Ethiopia, promoting the limited particular ethnic
interest or cultural connection. This �Celebration� should have been
aimed to bring the Ethiopian people together; however, what it ended up
doing is further polarize our multilayered problems by reintroducing
rotten and corrupt individuals and grafting them onto our new
Millennium�a mixing of old wine with new wine, thereby despoiling all.
a tragedy to witness the fact that even a legitimate hero like Birtukan
Medeksa could be listed along with Red Terror Participants, and is not
spared from being used by such unscrupulous individuals. Once again, shame
on you all for destroying the great vision and hope for Ethiopia that
would have helped us come together and rebuilt our nation. Looking at the
list of the invited guests and taking into account the whole feel of the
celebration of the Millennium in Washington DC, I chose to celebrate
Ethiopia on my own, by myself, than be among such a group of Ethiopians
among whom lurk the worst human beings in any people�s history. Ω
W. Hagos
6, 2007