Note to Ethiopian Writers
Teodros Kiros (Ph.D)
such as me are enormously grateful to the Ethiopian writers who are
pouring good ink on all the major websites. A blend of scholarly essays,
creative renuminations, historical notes and polemical articles aiming at
the ruling clique rocking the boat in contemporary Ethiopia, are flooding
the websites. The efforts are commendable.
These multi colored writings are a sheer of
delight. I wrap myself with them.
As enjoyable as they are, they are
propelled by the same wind of venom, polemics, redundancy and hate of the
existing regime. I understand the justification for the hate, but I do not
understand the misuse of talent on a moribund regime, that is on its way
Readers deserve to read articles that
educate the public on matters of life and death of the average Ethiopian.
Editors of websites should not specialize in singling out very able
writers, who insist on attacking the regime every singly week, when the
precious time of the reader should be spent more on writing short, sharp
and readable articles on the Ethiopian crisis that goes beyond the
politics of the current leadership, and focus on famine, poverty, freedom,
social movements and much more, reflecting the depth of the Ethiopian
crisis and the hidden pains of the alienated Ethiopian public.
Articles addressing these themes should be
short, objective, educational and non-academic. They ought to be written
in a journalistic style that economizes words and which respect the
reader. Longer academic pieces ought to have a different venue; and if and
when possible, they should be translated into Amharic by able writers, if
the original pieces are written in English.
We should all write for the Ethiopian
public and not merely for the academic readership.
I particularly modestly advise Editors not
to use their websites as a forum in which writers are published only if
the pieces are infused with the prejudices of the Editor. This is bad
journalism and a disservice to the reading public. The Editor has the
right to use his powers to publish his own columns. That is the Editors
prerogative. Beyond that, the Editor must choose articles based on the
quality of the writing, the sincerity of the writer, and the educational
value of the arguments.
I write these words with an absolute
sincerity and respect of our prolific writers.
Teodros Kiros (Ph.D)