�The ultimate concern is that if runaway global warming occurred, temperatures could spiral out of control and make our planet uninhabitable.... this is the first time that a species has been at risk of generating its own demise.� The dinosaurs dominated the earth for 160 million years. We are in danger of putting our future at risk after a mere quarter of a million years.� Michael Meacher, UK Minister for the Environment 1997-2003, The Guardian, 14 February 2003.

By Tecola W. Hagos-
After all, it is a fact
that the United States is behind the land locking of Ethiopia, the
alienation of its territory in the guise of creating an �Eritrea� out
of Ethiopian historic territory, and it is also currently harboring ONLF
leaders and supporters here in the United States or is blind to the
terrorist attack of the ONLF on Ethiopia�s military forces and citizens
living in the Ogadeen area. The history of the relationship between the
United States and Ethiopia of the last one hundred years shows clearly the
fact that the United States Government, at all crucial moments in the life
of Ethiopia except in the case of the 1977-78 invasion of Somalia, has
worked without fail against the interest of Ethiopia. Simply put, the
United States Government is not the friend Ethiopians think it is, but
rather has been acting as if it is the number one enemy of Ethiopia.,.....
Fekadu Bekele
to Eros and Revolution.
Teodros Kiros (Ph.D)-Eros and Revolution
is bound to be the manifesto of all those voices of freedom who
are fighting for a new world as the old world is slowly dying, and
the new world is struggling to emerge......

of President Robert Mugabe's speech at 62nd
of UN General Assembly
Excellency, President of the 62ndSession of the
Nations General Assembly, Mr. Srgjan Kerim,

not called for a Nuremberg trial against the white world which committed
heinous crimes against its own
It has not hunted perpetrators of this genocide, many of whom live to this
day, nor has it
reparations from those who offended against it. Instead it is Africa which
is in the dock, facing
from the same world that persecuted it for centuries.
conclusion, let me stress once more that the strength of the United
Nations lies in its
and impartiality as it implements its mandate to promote peace and
security, economic and
development, human rights and international law as outlined in the
Congratulations Vice President Al Gore!
We believe in your great work. We are greatly indebted to you for courageously reminding us that we are at risk of losing our extremely fragile world�a world the great artist and poet Gebre Kristos Desta of Ethiopia described in one of his poems as �dew suspended in space��that we share. You fought for all
humankind, for our
habitat, for life itself. Your foresight and courage is exemplary. You taught us by your words and actions to be a citizen of the world, for we all are in it. You pleaded with us to stop polluting and defiling our only home risking extinction, which advice often fell on deaf ears specially those of the greedy industrialists and financiers whose only interest is to make money at all cost. In this award, we commend the Nobel Committee for bestowing the Nobel for Peace Award on you who truly deserved the recognition and applause. Thank you, AL Gore, for all your work and congratulations.
Tecola W. Hagos , Editor
- A Historical Puzzle
Paul B. Henze-
Reading my record of this meeting more than 14 years later.
I find it hard to understand why this man proceeded to fan
tensions with Sudan, Yemen and Djibouti during the years 1994-1197
and then finally to invade Ethiopia in 1998.
Since Ethiopia defeated his armies in 2000 he has pursued a
program of implacable hostility.
Instead of welcoming aid for developing Eritrea, he has
harassed and finally forbidden most international agencies and
private organizations from operating in Eritrea.,.....
Reorienting a fellow Ethiopian: A reply to �The Irrelevance of the Millennium�
10, 2008
By Dan Bahta-f you look back at our history, it is all about dignity we never demeaned ourselves. Neither do we recognize anything as better than us. We celebrate what is uniquely ours. And we celebrate passionately, not superficially. We are reasonable; we celebrate because we have defended as well as preserved our
honor, integrity; our cultures and social values, for thousands of years. Why couldn�t you see that Ethiopia is a land of struggle and survival as well as pride? Not enough for a cause to celebrate?

Statement on the passage of �H.R.2003� by the Institute on
Religion and Public Policy.
October 7, 2008
President Joseph K. Grieboski of the Institute on Religion and Public Policy (Washington, D.C.) released the following statement on the passage of �H.R.2003, Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007� by the House of
Representatives: The House of Representatives does nothing to advance human rights and democracy by imposing H.R. 2003's restrictions on aid to Ethiopia. Such limits serve to hinder Ethiopia's ongoing battle with religious extremism in the Horn of Africa and to deter Ethiopia's capacity to continue the ongoing assistance and support it has provided both directly and indirectly in the global fight against terrorism.,.....
Tecola W. Hagos PART
5, 2008
written presentations of October 2, 2007 by Judge Bertukan Mideksa
and Dr. Berhanu Nega, at the Subcommittee on Africa and Global
Health hearing chaired by Congressman Donald Payne, were carefully
crafted documents avoiding any support of H.R. 2003 by name or by
inference. What they both did was recount the fact-based numerous
violations of human rights and democratic rights of Ethiopians by
the Government of Meles Zenawi. I do not find any reason to hold
them criminally accountable for their statements as a violation of
any Ethiopian criminal law. I may consider their appearance at
that hearing, however, a lapse of politically sound judgment,
which fact may disqualify them in the eyes of many Ethiopians at
home from being leaders for they have breached the single most
sacred duty of all Ethiopians�to keep Ethiopia in freedom and
independence. It is very troubling to me to watch or hear any
political leader compromising the honor and sovereignty of
Ethiopia either directly by his or her actions or by his or her
Opposing H. R. 2003
[1] October
1, 2008
Tecola W. Hagos-Just
because one nation is poor or lean or starving
and the other rich and bloated or overstuffed, does not mean one
has to suffer through some disrespectful relationship. It is
simply unacceptable. After all it is the people of Ethiopia who
are suffering, thus how is it legal or moral for the Congress of
the United States to behave as if Ethiopia is some Ghetto within
United States that they end up drafting such insulting resolution
and legislation. Wealth neither undermines nor exaggerates the
humanity of an individual anywhere. Just because your belly is
full, it does not mean that you can go around pushing and
insulting poor people in Ethiopia or elsewhere in the World. I
challenge the Congress of the United States to withdraw this
insulting draft bill, HR 2003, from its list and apologize to the
people of Ethiopia.....
The Opposition Pentecostals" & Road Ahead
Mitiku Adisu-
How dare
[DEKI ALULA] THE IRRELEVANCE OF THE MILLENNIUM - by Teodros Kiros (Ph.D) desecrates my heritage?
Dr Belai Habte-Jesus, MD, MPH September 20, 2007
Why should Ethiopia carry the placenta of such geniuses who do not produce any vision nor any strategy to share their creativity except curse every one.
The Irrelevance of the
Millennium September 17, 2007
by Teodros Kiros (Ph.D)
is it that Ethiopia just celebrated? Celebration must have a
cause. What is our cause? Reasonable people celebrate because they have achieved a
dream, realized a goal, and exacted a plan. Ethiopia has not achieved any of these, since the days of Axum
and Lalibela, pillars of classical Ethiopian history.....
and Human Rights Violation in Tigray - TPLF dissident supporters
face assassination attempts and arrests
Editorial September 14, 2007
The Government of Meles Zenawi is trying to intimidate all
would-be members, the leaders, and those active supporters of the
new party of the former TPLF officials and their supporters. For
example, last month an assassination attempt had been perpetrated
on Gebre Medhin Gebre Yohannes, one of Gebru Asrat�s previous
bodyguards, who was actively engaged in collecting signatures for
the formation the new party. It was at 11:00am in the morning that
the assassination was attempted. The unidentified individuals who
fired at Gebre Medhin while he was entering his home, which is
located in the center of Maichew town, may be a separate group of
death squad than the Police. It was miraculous that he was not
murdered, for the roof of his home was badly damaged by several
astray bullets targeting him.
I would rather celebrate �Ethiopia�
by Myself
By Tecola W. Hagos-
The whole program is manipulated and distorted by the
same obnoxious group of people and their gullible followers, who
have for decades usurped our Ethiopian legacy and drove our
country into the hands of brutal leaders such as Mengistu and
Meles. Starting from the very top of the program, where they have
deliberately tried to promote the interest of a particular ethnic
group, what I see in the Celebration program are Mahel Sefaris and their spawns, with distorted and corrosive
revisionist �history� of Ethiopia, promoting the limited
particular ethnic interest or cultural connection......
The Love of Ethiopia Heals Us All
11, 2007
Tecola W. Hagos- People of
my generation, let alone those of the generation of my seniors,
ought to shelf any political ambition we might have. And we ought
to look at our current political and economic situation with clear
eyes. We need new blood infusion of new leaders. Is there some
magic formula that we can use to alleviate the suffering of our
people? There is no single ideology that will solve all of our
problems, but there is starting foundational bedrock that we can
all stand on to start the reconstruction of our country. There is
no need to cast the difference in approach to solve such political
problem as some kind of a feud, and even more so as a conflict
between the young and the old. The Aristotelian �laws of
contradictions� will not work either in our circumstances. We
have to deal with so many twists and turns that we hardly could
see any clear picture of our political situation. It is very
difficult under such current Ethiopian political processes to deal
with categorical syllogisms........
Teodros Kiros (PhD)-Change under the tutelage of a just leader, or better still organized by a social movement, must be tenacious, resolute and populated by numbers. Consider the following example. In the Ethiopian condition, millions of people live in tin houses, millions go without food and clothing, and yet 1% of the population dances away and eats away at fancy hotels. By the standards of MATT�s comportment, this pre-political condition is so unacceptable that it must be protested against by the people in revolt...........
A Brief Response: "Anatomy is Destiny" August
3, 2007
W. Hagos-There is this one
pathological disease that defenders of Meles suffer from, which I
have identified as �ye
qomatta bet birqe ttat syndrom,� which syndrome is a real
block against any enlightened discourse. From morning to sunset,
what I see and hear Meles Zenawi doing is being involved in
twisted conspiratorial activities either to marginalize his equals
in his party leadership, or undermining the interest of Ethiopia
and selling off our legacy to Sudan and other hostile nations
around the area. There
is nothing mysterious or profound about the fact that Meles Zenawi
survived by out foxing so many courageous individuals, most of
whom a better of him ten fold, to get where he is now. The people
who helped him to this level and stage of prominence are all cut
from the same type of cloth whose characteristic is marked with
deceit, deceptiveness, conspiracy, treason, egotism, and short
3, 2007
An interview in Amharic conducted by Dr. Fekadu Bekele with Woizero Zenebech, an Ethiopian lady who spent a couple of months visiting Ethiopia. Woizero Zenebech has made some penetrating observations of the political and economic situation in our beloved country. Dr. Fekadu's questions and comments are to the point, informative, and educational.
march of Genuine Democracy. July 25, 2007
Kiros, PhD- We must stop
producing self-perpetuating rulers with morally disorganized
selves. All our leaders now are morally dysfunctional and must be
fully medicated by MAAT. Where they pretend to be moral educators
they merely throw at us meaningless slogans about democracy,
Neither the regime in power, nor CUD, not even the emerging new
parties has linked the struggle for genuine democracy with the
foundational cement of organizing principles.
Hastily erected five year plans, ten year plans, or badly
written empty manifestos organized by the principles of ethnic
dirt and hate are no substitutes for carefully thought out,
plainly written principles, which can be digested by a literate
citizenry and serve as the public reason of the citizens. The
latter require the use of moral intelligence, the language of the
human heart, as the seat of thinking..........
Which way Ethiopia?
July 24, 2007
Kiros (PhD)-I suggest once again that all those who are flooding the
airwaves take the notion of MATT seriously, translate the concept in to
our native languages and let the people choose their future leaders not by
their ethnic garbs but by the depth of their thoughts and their infusion
of MAAT in their character and soul structure. I challenge all those who
are writing in the air waves to respond to the calls of MAAT, Africa�s
ancient language of moral intelligence.........
Amno Yewotal Ye Sembelett Mama�
CUD/Kinijit Opposition Leaders: Life Sentence/Pardon
July 23, 2007
Tecola W. Hagos- I am glad the political prisoners are free. However, let us not forget the fact that the process of having an extra legal procedure is never a democratic process. The wanton disregard of law and order, the blatant abuse of power, the violation of fundament human rights, murder and mayhem et cetera is still the hallmark of Meles Zenawi and his system of government. Tens of thousands of Ethiopians are in detention, and some of them imprisoned for over a decade. Centuries of brutal elimination of the best and the courageous has resulted in a community that could be characterized as a community of opportunists, subservient, and cowardly individuals creating thereby a society lacking those qualities that makes up a great community............
July 14, 2007-By
Tecola W. Hagos-There is no question that Seye Abraha was a victim of
Meles Zenawi and the Mahel Sefaris. The Mahel Sefaris who
are now Meles Zenawi's "elfign askelkies," effectively
demonized Seye Abraha and other truly national heroes starting in 1991 in
collaboration with a small band of double agents by labeling such heroes
as narrow ethnicists accusing them of working for the supremacy of a
narrowly defined Tygrei nation. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Seye fought for Ethiopia at great sacrifice to his family (father executed
by Mengistu's thugs, brothers dying fighting for freedom). It is not
without reason that Berhanu Nega, the leader of the Opposition held him
with such high regard.....
Illegitimate advocates and illegitimate regimes
(In response to Dr. Solomon Terfa�s �solution� of handing over Badme to Eritrea)
July 4, 2007
By Laeke Gebresadik- Ethnic extremists think all Ethiopian institutions benefit the Weyane and do everything to deny it the benefits. They make these institutions their main targets, including social and economic infrastructures to further their ethnic political agendas. They affix the term �Weyane� to the name of any of these institutions. They call the Ethiopian army the �Weyane army�, giving the wrong impression that it is composed of mainly Tigreans.
There are some tenets held by the ethnic extremists as the foundation for their hate politics against the Tigray ethnic group. These tenets largely explain the profanity of their ethnic politics. They portray the TPLF and the people of Tigray as one and the same for political expediency, hence an ethnic minority group ruling over the rest of Ethiopia.....
THE POLITICAL OPPOSITION: On the Conviction of CUD Leaders June
25, 2007
W. Hagos-When
an individual becomes a public figure, the personal life is held at bay.
One must think of one�s actions in terms of the impact it may have on
the public, and because of that, one may have to sacrifice the private
life and all self-interests. It is easy to prescribe different course of
actions than the one taken by an individual who is immersed, body and
soul, in a struggle, for someone from the comfort of one�s own home. As
the saying goes, �Letekematch
semai qrbu.�....
EDITORIAL: Part Two: On the
Interview of Sebhat Nega
Dumping the Decision of the Boundary Arbitration
Commission June
10, 2007
Tecola W. Hagos-I
have not even began to discuss the disastrous regional turmoil that would
affect the United States Government�s presence and influence in the
Middle East during this period of upsurge of Arab nationalism and Islamic
fundamentalism. Ethiopia is the only reliable ally of the United States
in the region. Eritrea will be swallowed up by the creeping presence of
Islamic fundamentalists within and on its borders. It is highly
irresponsible and juvenile for anybody to advocate the imposition on
Ethiopia an illegal and fraudulent decision and thereby weaken, even
destroy, Ethiopia in this time of conflict and tremendous resentment for
the United States in that part of the World. The argument and attention of
statesmen should focus on empowering and stabilizing Ethiopia. Such wise
statesman-like approach must include throwing the decision of the
Commission of 2002 and the Algiers Agreement of 2000 into the �dust bin
of history.� ..
EDITORIAL: Part One: On the Interview Given by Sebhat Nega
By Tecola W. Hagos-The
responses of Sebhat Nega of May 28,
2007 to questions asked by a friendly interviewer are against the
territorial integrity of Ethiopia in the extreme, which would send any
patriotic red-blooded Ethiopian into uncontrollable rage. When Sebhat was
asked how far the TPLF was involved in promoting the independence
movements of Eritrea, he answered with arrogance that the TPLF even more
than any Eritrean political organization had put tremendous effort and
resources within Ethiopia and outside of Ethiopia in order to effect the
breakup and independence of Eritrea from Ethiopia, even going against the
desire of the EPLF to reach a negotiated settlement with Mengistu and his
Speaks for Ethiopia and Why? May 30, 2007
Mitiku Adisu-Let me first make a few observations. I do not think
anyone disagrees that diversity of thought is a necessary right; in fact,
any restrictions on thought are bound to under-nourish public
conversation. None of us has the final word on procedures or how they turn
out; time has a way of shedding light on matters that conspire to leave us
in the dark. Finally, it must be stated that people generally understand
what works for them if and when the terms are clearly presented........
Tecola W. Hagos-In
a political rear-view mirror, things that appear to be near, profound, and
honorable may be in reality remote, ordinary, and even corrupt. When
speaking or writing about social justice or injustice and the development
of civil society, one must restrain oneself from going blindly overboard,
in praising or condemning any one individual or any one particular event,
especially when one is being carried on the crest of populist political
wave. This is easier said than done, for I too in the past have written
essays overlooking some of the virtues of Ethiopian leaders I severely
criticized. Ours is a period of great disappointment and as a result a
time of self-examination and of genuine reevaluation of all events that we
have held sacrosanct for some time now. The quotation above seems to
indicate that Immanuel Kant the greatest philosopher of moral certitude is
having second thought about our human moral condition. Thus, it is only
commonsensical for me to revisit one of our current controversies�the
concept of forgiveness. .......

Fekadu Bekele
Structural Adjustment to WTO membership! Squaring poverty!!
Fekadu Bekele-The
introduction of the free market policy and especially the program of the
structural adjustment in Ethiopia in 1993 is a historical turning point in
the socio-economic conditions of our country. With the introduction of the
SAP, it was from the outset clear that such kind of a wide range policy
will create new social conditions and social relationships that our
country has never experienced before. By creating new conditions, and
formulating new laws, and practicing new policy that are totally different
from the policy of the previous government, the policy makers were
convinced that Ethiopia and its people will march on the road of market
economy that brings prosperity and eradicate poverty once-for-all.........
of Factional/Fractional Politics in Ethiopia and the Imperative for
Consensus and Convergence
Endeshaw, London, England- February
24, 2007-
serious question that needs to be tackled today consequently is whether
there are any political forces with a sufficient depth of grasp of, and
firm commitment to, democratic values that can single-handedly or in
cooperation take hold of the state and transform it into a democracy? It
may come as no surprise to the reader that we do not find even a single
force that qualifies currently for such a historical task....
Role of Religion in the Political Life of Ethiopia:
Ethiopian Orthodox Church �Synod in Exile�
18, 2007-Tecola W. Hagos-In
Ethiopian politics of struggle for power, there are not just two or three
sides to a story, but several layered more bizarre dimensions than can be
imagined. The tragedy is that this breakup of the Church was not
necessary. And the victims in all these recrimination and fracture are the
faithful people of Ethiopia who have no voice in the matter. At any rate,
I would not have been that much concerned if the breakup was due to
ideology or on points of reformation. The Ethiopian Church is in need of
serious reformation starting with the election of Patriarchs and the
investiture of Abunas (Bishops)...
12, 2007-Tecola W. Hagos-I challenge anyone to show me how
diversified the current Diaspora Opposition leadership is. What I am
observing is the aggregation of �birds of the same feather� closely
bunched and allowing no space to the larger community of Ethiopians from
outside of Addis Ababa and vicinity, and not reflective of the diversity
of religion and ethnic background of Ethiopians. This is a very serious
setback that must be reversed if one wants to avoid horrendous bloodshed
in the future...
Hanna Yohannes-
order for peace, democracy and economic growth to permanently settle in
Ethiopia, the Ethiopian government should do all it can to ensure that law
and order prevail in the country and its neighborhood.
The Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) did tremendous damage to the
Ethiopian state and its people by challenging Ethiopia, its territorial
integrity and the authority of the Ethiopian government among other
things. Most direct, the UIC
declared war on Ethiopia. But
even more menacing were its constant pokes to drag Ethiopia down to the
chaotic level of Somalia. ....
and the Somali Crises
5, 2007
Tecola W. Hagos-The true essence of Kinijit
Press Release is its hunger and blind greed for power. Here we have a
situation that is a threat to the very survival of the state of Ethiopia,
and this opposition group is lamenting its loss of the election of 2005.
It is unbelievable to see such blind hunger for power by individuals who
had such terrible sense of timing and no political savvy. No matter how
the election of 2005 was lost, the continuation of a struggle based on
such loss in disregard of the current Somali crises is in itself poor
political judgment not to mention its damage to the security of the
Ethiopian State. The danger of the Islamic Courts must be appraised as a
danger to Ethiopia not to Meles Zenawi and his government. ....
to the Editor
wish you a happy new year first. It was with keen interest that I read
your article dealing with the Somali crisis in which you pointed out the
dangers facing Ethiopia. While appreciating your efforts to analyze
the situation in terms of your own perspective, I wholly disagree
with your calls to rally behind the vehemently anti Ethiopian regime
of Meles Zenawi......
Execution of Saddam Hussein: A Lesson We Never Learn, But Should.
Tecola W. Hagos- This brief essay is not a
eulogy or a requiem to a brutal tyrant, but a sad observation of life in
its specificity and in its generality too�as Unamuno would put it, �a
tragic sense of life.� I cry for all of us, for all human kind, what a
sorry figure we cut even in times of our greatest triumphs. What all these
condense to is that one group of people are dancing in their streets after
hanging their former President, while another group of people in another
part of the world are giving a dignified send-off, a State Funeral, to
their former President who lived to the ripe old age of ninety three years
pampered and indulged...
of war and the imperative to mobilize our good senses
Adisu- December 28, 2006
note- Even
though it is overtaken by recent developments on the ground, we have
posted Mitiku Adisu�s article on the current Somali Crises in this
Website because the views expressed are different than the views held by
the Editor of this Website on the Somali crises....
December 28, 2006-
Michael Seifu-If
we let Ethiopia continue to be a common pool resource and if we do not
stop believing that the Ethiopian entity is not beyond a simple sum of its
individual parts then our tragedy ends in a failed state.....
December 26, 2006
Tecola W. Hagos- I need not
remind my fellow Ethiopians, that
the current crises in and war with the Jihadist Islamic Courts is the
beginning of a well organized attack by Ethiopia�s historic enemies and
newly minted ones to destroy Ethiopia completely.
has every right to defend itself from Jihadist attacks no matter who
started the conflict. We must separate the two issues dealing with the
leadership of Meles Zenawi and the defense of the territorial integrity
and sovereignty of Ethiopia, in order for us to reach a decision that will
preserve our national interest.
Ethiopia is being choked by its historic enemies on all
sides with no outlet to the outside world except through Kenya. The Port
of Djibouti is now in the hands of Dubai and Qatar, two utterly obnoxious
enemies of Ethiopia ever tightening the noose of destruction around